Connect With Rodney Cundiff

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 98:09:45
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CONNECT with Rodney Cundiff is a free audio broadcast from the Sunday Talks delivered by Lead Pastor, Rodney Cundiff at the weekly gatherings of New Vision Church in San Antonio, Texas.Our vision is to CONNECT you to a GROWING RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.We hope this teaching resource equips and empowers you to fulfill the plan God has for your life.


  • RECEIVE THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT - pt1 - Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit

    29/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    In “Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit” Rodney shares that Pentecost to both unbelievers and believers is often misunderstood. They hear Pentecost and all sorts of images run through their mind, much of it inaccurate, unfortunately. For believers, Pentecost is celebrated as the Day the believers were first baptized in the Holy Spirit, and was the birth of the Church. In this message we explain that the scriptures speak of three different baptisms. When we talk about the baptism in the Holy Spirit we are talking about a second baptism experience that is post conversion, and available for all believers. The Apostle Peter speaking the words of the Prophet Joel reminds us, “This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” If God had a gift for you to receive, why would you not want to receive it? Get rid of your preconceived ideas or expectations on what it will look, or feel like. You receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit the same way you

  • HEY JUDE - pt1 - Hey Jude

    21/05/2023 Duración: 59min

    In “Hey Jude”, Rodney shares that the New Testament book written by Jude was extremely relevant for the Christians living in the first hundred years of the churches birth, but Jude’s words and message speaks a clear and concisely to our generation. Jude is telling the true believers to be alert and keep themselves free from these teachings and lifestyles that would cause them to stumble in their faith journey. False teachers - heretics don’t announce, “Hey we’re here to lead you away from the gospel of Christ.” When the church and a Christian become drowsy spiritually, false teachers subtly worm their way into the church and our lives. Initial appearances make them appear to be Christian, but they are intentionally deceitful, and lead others to sin. Jude challenges us to maintain our faith and the teachings of Christ that were first delivered to his disciples. While false teachers are more prevalent than ever, and our access to the doctrines of devils is more today than anytime in history, God is able to keep

  • THINK BIGGER - pt1 - Think Bigger

    16/05/2023 Duración: 53min

    In “Think Bigger”, Rodney shares that on this Mother’s Day, Jesus wants you to know you are more than your past, your current situation, or what you think your future may be. Jesus see’s you, he hears you, and loves you. You aren’t overlooked. You are a part of God’s intentional divine plan. You are a continuation of Jesus’ divine mission. God’s purposes for you are greater than any dream you have ever had. “Think Bigger”! On this Mother’s Day you need to know, in your case, meeting Jesus is not luck, or a coincident. Jesus chose you, and is choosing you right now. Jesus’ meeting and connection with you is about more than you. It is about reaching a family, a generation, and a city. Don’t underestimate the value and importance of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Your relationship will be the catalyst to someone else connecting to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. You are a continuation of Jesus’ divine mission. His path and steps are purposeful. It was not a mistake or simp

  • SEEK FIRST - pt1 - Seek First

    02/05/2023 Duración: 49min

    In “Seek First”, Rodney shares that besides focus, another key factor in your success this year is can you learn to focus on what is essential, and prioritize what is most important. Your attempt to organize your life is a Godly thing. Something deeply spiritual can happen in your life when you begin to get your life in order. In fact, the more organized a person is the greater potential of them being more productive, and what is produced will be of greater significance. Learning to master and organize your life will lead you to getting more done for the kingdom, and your family. We have been called to seek the kingdom of God above all else, for when we do the rest of our life falls into its right place, and our needs are met. The greatest activity you can do to accomplish God’s will for your life is to have a regular, daily time alone seeking God. Prioritizing your life today, may be God’s top priority for your life today. Only you can make your life a priority. Seek first God’s presence, and his wi

  • DIVINE URGENCY - pt1 - Divine Urgency

    24/04/2023 Duración: 50min

    In “Divine Urgency” Rodney shares that many of us have family or close friends who have never accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord. As well as, many of us have family or friends who at one time served the Lord, or at least professed to having a growing relationship with Jesus, but have since walked away from the church, their relationship with Jesus, or the Christian faith altogether. This message is a wake-up call - a wake-up call not just to those who are lost, or have fallen in their spiritual walk, but a wake-up call for the church. This is the moment to stir within you a divine urgency for our family and friends who are distant from a growing relationship with Jesus. Have we grown comfortable with following Jesus, but forgotten the urgency of the hour and task to reach those closest to us with the message of Jesus? Divine urgency only happens when we have personally met and seen Jesus for ourselves. If we lack divine urgency it is time to relook and refresh in our heart, and mind the image of th

  • JESUS THE MESSIAH - pt3 - He Will Return

    17/04/2023 Duración: 55min

    In “He Will Return”, Rodney shares that Luke, a ministry partner with the Apostle Paul, painstakingly investigated the evidence about Jesus, and wanted to ensure there was a proper accounting of the life of Jesus, and subsequent events that could be passed on, that was trusted as a reliable source of truth. Luke briefly writes about an event known as, the Ascension of Jesus, which took place 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The Ascension marks the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and the beginning of the churches ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. It marked the return to His glory in Heaven, and exaltation to the right hand of God. It indicated the beginning of His work as High Priest. It allowed Him to prepare a place for us. Lastly, it set up the pattern of His return. Jesus is the Messiah, and He Will Return!

  • JESUS THE MESSIAH - pt2 - The Preponderance Of Evidence

    10/04/2023 Duración: 58min

    In “The Preponderance Of Evidence”, Rodney shares that The entire Christian faith rises or collapses on the resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith. Simply, if there is no resurrection – there is no promise of eternal life, all the promises of Jesus and God are empty, and Jesus would not be the Messiah. If fact, Jesus foretold how you can validate who Jesus claimed to be, Son of God, and Messiah. In other words, Jesus foretells publically, the sign to look for will be when Jesus dies, three days later he will come back to life. The resurrection authenticates and proves his ministry, and His claims of being the Son of God, Messiah, Savior, and Lord. JESUS the MESSIAH – He is our Firm Foundation!

  • JESUS THE MESSIAH - pt1 - It's Okay, Come Back To God

    03/04/2023 Duración: 49min

    In “It’s Okay, Come Back To God” Rodney shares that The people of Israel were looking for a military leader to drive their enemies away, and once again establish Israel's independence and a royal dynasty. Could Jesus be the Messiah? Jesus would free them and establish a kingdom. But, it would be unlike any other before or since. It is God’s Kingdom. The revolution would start with a death, not a military victory. This would be a different kind of kingdom. As we prepare for the Easter Celebration, how do we know we are right with God? Is it really okay? Yes, Jesus is the Messiah. It’s okay, “Come back to God!” The work of Jesus Christ on the cross is sufficient to pay for our sin debt. The wrath of God was appeased, and can be reconciled to God. No longer are our sins being counted against us; rather, God made Jesus who never sinned take our place, and punishment. Jesus exchanged his cloak of righteous for our sin, and we exchanged our cloak of sin and shame for His righteous. Now, we stand before God justifie

  • EPHESIANS - pt11 - The Whole Armor Of God

    26/03/2023 Duración: 59min

    In “The Whole Armor Of God”, Rodney shares that that apostle Paul challenges Christians to put on the whole armor of God. When we fail to put on all the armor of God we leave ourselves vulnerable to spiritual injury, defeat, and death. God has fully equipped you for any and every task you are called to, or enemy you face. Whether you know it or not, you are in the middle of a raging war between good and evil. You can’t avoid it. You must be armed and ready. Are you ready for war? In Christ you have power over the enemy! “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”

  • EPHESIANS - pt10 - Spirit-Guided Relationships

    22/03/2023 Duración: 01h01s

    In, “Spirit-Guided Relationships” Rodney shares that the apostle Paul details how Spirit-filled Christians should relate to each other in the family of God. Many of us recoil from the word submit. We wish it weren’t in the Bible. It seems to go against human nature. Yet, without it life can devolve into chaos. Yet, mutual submission is a fundamental of Christian relationships. Submission seems to be a weakness, but it is far from it. Our spiritual walk is one of humility, mutual submission, and service to each other, recognizing each others value. The implications of Ephesians 5:21, and the passages that follow, are far reaching. Imagine if every Christian willfully acted in full mutual submission to one another and those in authority. It would create a revolution and the ripple effects would be felt globally. Spirit-Guided relationships call us to mutual submission. Spirit-Guided relationships require us to treat one another with respect, love, honor, and humility, “as to the Lord.” Spirit-Guided Relationshi

  • EPHESIANS - pt9 - Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

    13/03/2023 Duración: 50min

    In “Be Filled With The Holy Spirit” Rodney shares followers of Jesus are instructed by the apostle Paul to be careful to look intentionally, and strictly examine their lives to avoid unwise behaviors that are detrimental to their spiritual walk, and influence with others. In fact, we are to make the most of every opportunity to share the light of Christ because the world is filled with all kinds of evil. So rather than act thoughtlessly, and with inconsideration, we should actively seek to understand what God’s will is, and what he wants us to do. In order to hear God’s voice, Christians should avoid drunkenness in private or public, because it will ruin and waste your life. The Bible is full of times when people celebrated. Society promotes a very care free attitude regarding drunkenness. But, drunkenness is never to be celebrated by Christians. Nothing good comes from being intoxicated with alcohol, or under the influence drugs that alter our ability to think rationally, feel emotions, or respond phy

  • EPHESIANS - pt8 - Imitators Of God

    07/03/2023 Duración: 01h00s

    In “Imitators Of God”, Rodney shares that it has been said, “imitation is the sincerity form of flattery.” In light of all that God has done for us, we should be imitate God in how we live and practice our faith. As “Imitators of God”, believers should demonstrate that type of self-sacrificial love, holiness, and forgiveness we have witnessed and experienced in Christ. To imitate God means to live like Jesus. It means agreeing with what the scriptures reveal, and God has declared as immorality, impurity, and greed. Once we were consumed by spiritual darkness, but now we the light of Christ shines in our hearts. So, illuminate the world with how you live. Arise, and shine for God’s glory is resting on you.

  • EPHESIANS - pt7 - Living As Children Of The Light

    28/02/2023 Duración: 59min

    In “Living As Children Of The Light”, Rodney shares that in the fourth chapter of Ephesians, the apostle Paul contrasts the difference between how Gentiles, and Christ-followers should live. The life of a believer, in Christ, should be distinctly different than those living apart from Christ. Because the Unbelievers are not “in Christ” their minds are not in the process of transformation. Therefore, they do not think or understand truth, nor can they act in truth or righteously. They are hopelessly confused. Therefore, they make unwise life choices. They never make the connection between their sin, behavior, and the consequences, and the right solution or answer. We live in a world and culture that tells us to avoid calling things shameful. Yet, apart from Christ we ALL are shameful. Our tendency is to lessen the absolute grossness of sin. Our sin is putrid, poisonous, and deadly. But, as a Christian, as Paul said, we “throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust an

  • EPHESIANS - pt6 - Walk In Unity

    14/02/2023 Duración: 54min

    In “Ephesians – Walk In Unity”, Rodney shares that Christians should lead lives worthy of their calling to walk in Christ and unity with one another. Our lives should be identified by the character traits of humility, gentleness, and patience. These were model by Christ for us as an example of how to live and behave. Everyone who is a part of the church should strive to protect and preserve unity. So that the church will grow to be fully healthy and mature, Christ has given to the church gifts. These gifts build up the entire church body so that it is equipped to serve and fulfill the mission of Christ. Amazingly, God has included your uniqueness into his plan, and is prepared to use you to glorify His name, build up the church, and serve others.

  • EPHESIANS - pt5 - A Prayer Of Reflection And Realization

    06/02/2023 Duración: 56min

    In “A Prayer Of Reflection And Realization”, Rodney shares that when we think about the goodness of God, and every spiritual gift He provides, and the special responsibility we have in sharing the truths of God’s grace and the church. It was God’s plan to invite all peoples into experiencing life in Christ and sharing equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. It is a privilege to be a servant of God and carry this wonderful message which has been revealed through Christ Jesus. “Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence” (Eph 3:12). Reflecting on all this drives us to our knees in prayer. We pray to be empowered with inner strength, have the power to understand the love of Christ, and personally experience the reality of the love of Christ. May you experience the power of Christ working in you, to accomplish more than you can imagine.

  • EPHESIANS - pt4 - We Are The Church

    31/01/2023 Duración: 49min

    In "We Are The Church", Rodney shares that it would do all believers well to never forget our faith journey. The apostle Paul contrasts our past nature, apart from Christ, with our present position in Christ Jesus. We formerly lived apart from Christ, and were excluded from the blessings of God, and without hope. But now, we are one in Christ. The work of Jesus has united both Jewish and Gentile believers who have had their hearts transformed by his blood. Also, we now have peace in Christ. We experience peace with God, and one another. The wall of hostility that separated Jew and Gentile, slave and slave, male and female has been removed by Christ. The wall of hostility removed, Jesus is building His church in its place. We, both Jew and Gentile, all who call and confess Jesus, Lord - We Are The Church! Together we are his house. We have been intentionally placed with care into the church he is building, where Jesus Christ is the foundation, and Chief Cornerstone.

  • EPHESIANS - pt3 - Saved By Grace, Seated With Christ

    26/01/2023 Duración: 53min

    In "Saved By Grace, Seated With Christ", Rodney shares that the same Spirit that was working on and through Jesus Christ now makes us alive "in Christ". Without Jesus Christ we are spiritually dead and lost. That means we are utterly lifeless, powerless, helpless, and unable to change our condition or any other circumstances or environment. Living the Christian life is impossible without living "in Christ". Living as a Christian, without Jesus only leads to frustration. Just because you don't feel like you did anything wrong, intended to sin, or know you sinned doesn't mean you haven't sinned. All of us have sinned. But GOD! In Christ, God loved us, gave us, raised us, and has seated us with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. "God saved you by his grace when we believed... It a free gift from God." So, we have been created anew "in Christ." We are SAVED by GRACE and SEATED with CHRIST.

  • EPHESIANS - pt2 - A Prayer To Understand

    16/01/2023 Duración: 55min

    In “A Prayer To Understand”, Rodney shares that the apostle Paul was thankful the Ephesians believers, and inspired to continue offering unceasing prayer for them. His desire was for them to understand the hope they have in Christ. They had experienced the exceeding greatness of God’s power. May you receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus. May the eyes of your understanding be opened; to the hope of his return and the blessings that accompany Him. Finally, may you personally experience the greatness of God’s power and might, in Christ, and the unmatched majesty of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

  • EPHESIANS - pt1 - Praise God For Every Spiritual Blessing

    09/01/2023 Duración: 58min

    In “Praise God For Every Spiritual Blessing”, Rodney shares that the apostle Paul writes in the letter of Ephesians about the position and practices of the Christian who is living in Christ. In Christ, every believer has received every spiritual blessing from God. Knowing this, we ought to praise the Father for choosing us. God has a chosen people, the church, in Christ. The plan of salvation was made before the creation of Adam, not in response to the fall, and sin of Adam. God’s predestined plan of salvation includes His initiation to save us, and our response to His truth. In addition, we should praise the Son for redeeming us. The shedding of Jesus’ blood purchased our freedom from sin and death. Now that we are united with Christ, we praise the Holy Spirit for sealing us. In Christ, we have been identified and sealed by the Holy Spirit as belonging to God. The inner and outer work of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee that God purchased us. Therefore, we praise God for all the spiritual blessing

  • FOCUS - pt1 - Focus

    04/01/2023 Duración: 54min

    In “FOCUS”, Rodney shares that a failure to FOCUS can derail you from reaching your goals. FOCUS brings clarity, and helps you eliminate non-essentials. FOCUS is essential to achieving ultimate success. If you are going to FOCUS on your goals you must commit to continually PRESS ON, even when faced with tough circumstances, or feel like giving up. A deep commitment to FOCUS will help you FORGET YOUR PAST, and FOCUS FORWARD. There will come a pivotal time, this next year, when you must recommit to FOCUS, or you may miss the opportunity to achieve your dreams and goals. Yesterday can’t be changed or repeated. FOCUS FORWARD. A runner can’t run full speed looking behind him, and you won’t reach your full potential constantly looking behind you. So FOCUS FORWARD and REACH for the PRIZE that God has set for you this year. God has an amazing race for you to run this year, and at the end of it is a heavenly reward. So, run! Run with FOCUS!

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