Jon Rognerud Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 27:25:09
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Jon Rognerud describes failures and successes in his tech & digital journey, from technical software developer to entrepreneur, online marketer, author and publisher.


  • Attracting Million Dollar Clients: Here's The REAL Secret - #084

    16/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    Are you in the professional services business? Do you want to attract the BIG FISH into your growing EMPIRE? Then follow this straight-forward framework. It's really this as SIMPLE as this model: - Traffic (Ads) - Registration Page - Webinar / webcast / classroom video, etc. - Calendar - Application Form  How many ways do you think you could screen out the ones you don't want, and only let in the quality firms you really want? (and can TRULY serve?) Plus, once it's dialed in (profitable returns on ads and services), you can scale this to the stratosphere! -- If you need assistance, just reach out at We'll be happy to take you through the model in more details - and with case studies to help. It's go time! :-)

  • How To Write A Twitter Bio That Stands Apart - #083

    15/05/2019 Duración: 11min

    We see solid searches and traffic for posts on creating twitter bios. While Twitter traffic has seen a decline, it can work well for those who invest in it. Clearly, the current President of the United States is a happy 'client' :-) Today, I wanted to share best practices for creating killer Twitter profiles/bios that engages and show uniqueness in the market. Here are 5 ways to create a solid bio in Twitter: 1 – Be Original 2 – Be Direct 3 – Be Witty (But Only If You’re Witty) 4 – Don’t Sell 5 – Be Genuine If you need help or assistance reach out at We run ads, build content and help build sales funnels through search, social and paid ads. P.S. Remember: Consistency of your graphics brand and messages. If you build it out for Twitter, don't create a different message on LinkedIn and with a different graphic header, etc.  Stay within the same guidelines across all platforms.

  • How To Script Your Video (So You Can Sell More Now!) - #082

    14/05/2019 Duración: 14min

    VSL = Video Sales Letter. Did you know that they have been around for years? More importantly, are you aware that they work really well to sell your products, services ... FAST? But... Only if you use a formula that's been proven. This is from Jim Edwards, and you owe it to yourself to test this approach, right in your videos.  (You can even use these inside Facebook, YouTube, etc - but typically works better for a "warm" audience, but should be tested! Here is the top 10 VSL copywriter's checklist: Open with a shocking statement. State the problem and why it’s a big deal. Agitate the problem. Push the agitation even further, taking it to a deep emotional level. Introduce the solution. Highlight your credibility so people know why they should listen to you. Prove that what you’re saying is true. List out the biggest things they’ll get, including features and benefits. Specific reasons not to procrastinate but rather to act now. Close by asking for the purchase and reinforcing benefits. Download the presenta

  • The 4 Essential Steps To Results-Driven SEO Keyword Research - #081 (

    13/05/2019 Duración: 17min

    Happy Monday! Keywords (keyword terms & phrases) are central to the SEO game. And, of course .. keywords are what you use to search online. Your project work can be spent on optimizing websites and online assets for natural search, but also for paid media (example: Google Ads). From a Google input box search, you'll get listings back from both paid and organic results. And, depending on the search query, a lot more (shopping, for example). For natural listing results (non-paid), we talk about the "SERPs". So, ...we're all familiar with how "Google search" works, whether used on a desktop or mobile device. It's pretty simple.  But, how about finding those keywords that drive traffic and conversions? Today, I wanted to break down the 4 steps to Keyword research for SEO. Let me know what you think! As always, I appreciate you - and thanks for liking and subscribing. --

  • How To Solve The Attribution Puzzle (Where Did Your Marketing Dollars Go?) - #080

    10/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    Who is John Wanamaker and why is he important to today's presentation? John Wanamaker was an American merchant and religious, civic and political figure, considered by some to be a proponent of advertising and a "pioneer in marketing". Here's what he said about advertising: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half. You'll learn about a powerful platform and toolset that you can use in your online marketing - that without it - you are literally flying blind! Here's what you can learn: Find out when or where your marketing is working. Scale what works, save money on waste and re-invest. Learn the simple attribution models. Find out What sells? What repels? Do you know the attribution from first click? How about opt-ins? Re-Optins? What actual touch (click) brought the sale? Was it an email?  Find out and go to -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here:

  • 7 Ways To Protect And Repair Your Online Reputation - #079

    09/05/2019 Duración: 13min

    Warren Buffet says, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently." As you can understand, your online reputation is a very fragile thing to deal with. The good news is that as long as you maintain a level of common sense, you should be able to do it fairly easily. However, it's essential to start and monitor the progress, starting today! Note: For more complex reputation cases, it will take many months and sometimes years. Here Are Top Ways To Begin To Fix Your Reputation and Manage It For The Future: 1. Authority. 2. Have A Plan Before Fixing It. 3. Be Quick To Apologize To Customer Complaints. 4. Control The Conversation. 5. Understand The Complaints You Receive. 6. Limit Potential Surprises. 7. Use Testimonials. -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you l

  • David Schloss Interview: How To Fill Webinars Predictably & Consistently With Facebook Ads - #078

    07/05/2019 Duración: 52min

    Today, we're going to have some fun with Facebook ads and Webinar Funnels! I'm excited to get this ads expert extraordinaire to join me for an in-depth discussion and insightful learning about FB ads, webinar funnels, agency work and inspirational conversations about what it takes to see success with Facebook ads. That includes being an entrepreneur in this competitive space. David Schloss is the founder of Convert ROI, a highly successful digital advertising agency focusing exclusively on Facebook and Instagram ads platform. Him & his team helps businesses to succeed by taking complicated social ad plans and seamlessly turning them into easy-to-follow revenue producing campaigns. His expertise is behind the psychology of running high yielding Facebook Advertising Campaigns whether that is through his fully managed private client work, consulting, intensive training events or keynote speaking. Where can people reach you? Web: Email: FB: -- Want

  • Why Your Advertising Campaigns Are Doomed To Fail - #077

    06/05/2019 Duración: 14min

    Is it really THAT HARD to get Facebook, Google or (INSERT AD PLATFORM HERE) Advertising to work for you (getting positive returns)? Today, I'm capturing a breakdown of some of my friends in the Facebook community about the challenges of advertising and getting them profitable (i.e. "to work"). We are talking specifically about Facebook Ads today, but this discussion applies to all advertising, and especially direct response advertising. (Where a 'conversion' and direct call to action is measured for success). Are you having trouble making your ads work? Then, think more about the strategy, numbers and the sales process than a magic marketing or ad trick. If you want to learn more and possibly work with me and my team, visit: P.S. We currently have available a comprehensive Facebook Audit Review for you. Apply here: #jonrognerud #chaosmap

  • Friday Footage: How To Track & Optimize Your Marketing - #076

    03/05/2019 Duración: 14min

    Are you struggling to understand the TRUE picture of your sales funnels and your marketing online? Are things just too complex using Google Analytics? Or, perhaps you don't understand fully what you are looking at, or should be looking at? Today, in the DEMO Showtime (Friday Footage) - I share a powerful ally to use in your online marketing. It's called (and this is more than just a tool, it's an entire eco-system of services to tracking data so you can optimize and tune your marketing) Take a look at today's training - and see how simple it is to implement. If you want to learn more, just visit -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • 12 SEO "Must-Have" Building Blocks For High Google Rankings - #075

    02/05/2019 Duración: 20min

    When you're developing your business goals, marketing goals and the looking at the plethora of traffic opportunities you have available... SEO (search engine optimization) is certainly not to be missed or excluded. However, have you ever looked at all the steps or elements that go into a properly designed SEO strategy? Related Note: I wrote 3 books on SEO for Entrepreneur Press (Entrepreneur Mag), and I've been developing SEO strategies for clients for over a decade. Today, I discuss the 12 building blocks that you must have in place to ensure not only top rankings in Search Engines, but also capture and build essential market share for the long term. And, I'm talking about "White Hat" SEO (as opposed to "Black Hat" SEO) strategies you can use. Download the framework for the 12 building blocks here: I don't get into all the tactical aspects of this in interest of time, but you can see where you have gaps in your own SEO strategies right now. -- I

  • How To Sell Out Your Event With Facebook Ads - #074

    01/05/2019 Duración: 13min

    Are you struggling with filling seats for your events? Today, I'll share the next version of the Facebook Ads blueprint for events. It will help you scale up your event marketing with ads. It doesn't matter if you are selling tickets for business workshops, seminars, concerts, nightclubs, wine-tasting tours, cruises or conferences ... the framework remains the same. You can get the entire blueprint and FREE TRAINING at Look at the case studies, download the new framework, see what mistakes businesses make when launching ads for events, and how Facebook ads drives the right traffic that converts to ticket sales. P.S. If you decide to scale up your events, there's an opportunity to work together also on -- and the training is FREE!  

  • Ali Daniel Interview: How To Start Your Coaching Business With No Following Or Certification - #073

    30/04/2019 Duración: 35min

    Today, I'm interviewing the fun and inspiring business coach, Ali Daniel, founder of I'm talking with her about the the journey to that ONE breakthrough moment to exit from corporate life, and into entrepreneurship. Plus, how she is helping others, especially women - to do the same.  We touch on fun topics from spiritual development, mindfulness, happiness, soul-alignment, finding your purpose & pursuing your passions through entrepreneurship. Ali Daniel is a mindset coach and the blogger at Punch Drunk Soul and creator of Her Path To Freedom. She helps women monetize their passion and knowledge by creating and selling signature services. More than 2,000 women have participated in her Soul Aligned Biz Challenge and within the first year, she brought herself completely out of debt. Where to reach you, Ali? On Instagram @Punchdrunksoul or Facebook group -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales?

  • Can Business Results Really Be Guaranteed? (Yes, Under THIS Condition) - #072

    29/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    I had a talk with a prospect this week, and they asked if we could guarantee results? I said "Yes, absolutely". But only if these two things were in check + that the business "health" formula was reached. Marketing online is about math and psychology. 1) Most marketers and business owners would say that you need intelligent, engaging marketing that targets your perfect audience. (Check) 2) They would also say that they need a sales system and a process that converts people to paying customers, clients or patients. (Check) But, there is one last thing missing to guarantee business success and results that you can scale. I talk about the "CPL and AOV" in today's broadcast. It is something you should imprint on your forehead - don't forget it ... it's that important :-) -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • Friday Footage: Simple Method Of Scaling Productivity Through Email Automation - #071

    26/04/2019 Duración: 14min

    It's DEMO time: Many businesses are not set up with their CRM systems in a way that increases productivity and attracts existing visitors to do more business with you. In today's "Friday Footage" (this is where I show my screen and demo projects I'm working on), I talk about how we can do this simply through email software and a bit of logic programming. I talk specifically about and how you can set this up, based on triggers and conditions. If you are simply storing email / name info and just sending out canned responses with no plan, you're missing out! -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • How To Double Or Triple E-Commerce Sales With This ONE Strategy - #070

    25/04/2019 Duración: 18min

    Facebook Corporation reported a very strong earnings report in Q1... just released. They reached 2.38 billion monthly users, up 2.5 percent from the previous quarter, and it pulled in $15.08 billion in revenue. If you are thinking or seeing comments about Facebook not being the right platform to get new customers, clients or patients - you might have to retract a bit :-)  There still is an amazing opportunity here. And, if you are a business owner running e-commerce stores and selling directly online, there's no better time than now to improve what you are doing with inclusion of smart retargeting strategies on the Facebook platform. If you are using - then this will be easy. That's what I'll be discussing today, and you can download the e-comm retargeting framework here: -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this bro

  • Video Sequencing Framework With Facebook Ads To Attract Buying Clients - #069

    24/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    "Wow - what a cool tip, that will really help me.. thanks!" Yes, that's exactly what you want your prospects to say when they see your new video education framework on Facebook. This unique approach is what I talk about today - the ability to use videos, you (on camera, optional but highly recommended) and a series of useful, unique, helpful videos to inform, educate and inspire your audience to action. ... and yes, with a clear call to action and a sense of (not forced or fake) urgency. Download framework (PDF) here: This is a popular and proven model, but you may not have implemented it yet. So...let's get started! It's simple - and you can use multiple platforms using this model (even YouTube) - but I'm talking about Facebook Ads specifically here today. Let me know how you do: -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you lik

  • Facebook Ads: How To Get An Explosion Of Direct Dial Leads (No Cold Calling) - #068

    23/04/2019 Duración: 22min

    Getting people and businesses to call you is a favored approach to grow your organization. Cold calling and doing outbound sales calls is a less desired model. You are not in control and more stressed than you should. The old "just dial - it's a numbers game" is not a happy scenario. Plus, you are not Grant Cardone (and you don't have to be). So... Today, I'll talk about - and show you a framework that works really well for the "direct dial inbound lead gen" businesses. This is perfect for lead generation in financial industries, and really any market where your owners and sales managers want a high volume of calls that come to you - not the other way around. Your sales teams will be happy with the high influx of quality calls that come into your office daily. DISCLAIMER: Results are NOT instant. This requires investment of time and money. If you are brand new to leveraging Facebook advertising, Google, etc - it will take several months to streamline this and get to a predictable and consistent direct dial le

  • Tools For Maximum Website Performance: Where To Start - #067

    22/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Are you optimizing your website user experience for desktop and mobile? Speed is massively important in today's competitive markets. Get ready to OPTIMIZE! In today's broadcast, I talk about the tools, systems and approach you must use to get faster load times so you get more love from users and search engines alike. Here's one of the tools I talk about, and it's free: Listen and watch on YouTube to get the full picture, and to to learn what's most important to start with. -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • Friday Footage: How To Build The BEST Facebook Ad Creative - #066

    19/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    This is the first episode of a weekly educational hot tip I call 'Friday Footage' (for now). Today - I'll show you how to create the BEST (engaging) creative for the Facebook Feed that is working right now. The creative is a static image, 1x1 (dimension). We call this the "boxed" version. You may or may not know about it? So... use this to get better engagement and throughput from your top of funnel ads. (And yes, consider the 1x1 video version also). Here's how to do it: 1080x1080 (custom dimensions) Optimize image (text, contrast, etc) Save it off Upload to Facebook Ads Manager (Assets/images) Include these in your ads... done! -- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click here: If you liked this broadcast, please give it a thumbs up

  • There Is A NEW Art Of Selling (That Puts You In Control) - #065

    18/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    You've seen the "old way" and "new way" of selling - lots has been written about it. However, the old way still works but the new way has already taken foothold and developing further as we speak. Don't miss this new way of selling. So, which one should you choose? I'm obviously biased (being an online driven person) But, even though I've worked in call-centers, and doing "smile/dial for dollars" sweatshop-style selling, I know what REALLY works best. This episode talks about the two stages of the history of the selling 'process', and where we are today. It's still about targeted communication, offers, connection, rapport building, engagement - but another exciting layer added on: "Trust and authority - built through content & education". If you are in the professional services business this will ring more true for you than ever! P.S. Would you do me a favor, and provide a review of my podcast? I'd love it - and so would others - so they can easily find the podcast :-) -- Interested in getting personally

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