Harvard Chan: This Week In Health



Harvard Chan: This Week in Health brings you top health headlinesfrom wellness tips to important global health trends. You'll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts.


  • Climate change and food

    02/03/2017 Duración: 14min

    March 2, 2017 — In part three of our series on climate change and health we examine how environmental changes will affect not only the food we can grow, but how they will make what we're already growing less nutritious. Listen to part one and part two of our series on climate change and health. Watch the full recording of the Climate & Health Meeting. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Empathy and the environment

    23/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    February 23, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In part two of our series on climate change and health we explore ways to communicate effectively about the issue. What can be done to convince skeptics? And we'll explain why empathy might be the key to shifting the conversation. Listen to part one of our series on climate change and health You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Climate change and health (Part 1)

    16/02/2017 Duración: 14min

    February 16, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: Part one of our multi-part series looking at the links between climate change and health. In part one, we share an in-depth conversation about the effects of climate change and the steps we can take to reduce the damage. Visit our page on climate change and health to learn more. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Boosting childhood development

    09/02/2017 Duración: 13min

    February 9, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: Researchers say they've identified ways to boost the cognitive development of children in low- and middle-income countries, plus the challenge of funding basic science research. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Travel restrictions and refugees

    02/02/2017 Duración: 15min

    February 2, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: The effects of new restrictions in the United States on refugees and immigrants. We take a closer look at President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration and the impact it could have on millions of refugees around the world—as well as immigration policy at home and abroad. Learn about our upcoming Facebook Live on the global refugee and migrant crisis. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Guns and background checks

    26/01/2017 Duración: 09min

    January 26, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: Public health and President Trump, plus a survey that's shedding new light on gun ownership in America. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • The health effects of marijuana

    20/01/2017 Duración: 16min

    January 19, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: A new report is calling for more research into both the positive and negative health effects of marijuana. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Lack of conclusive evidence on marijuana’s health effects poses public health risk

  • The future of the Affordable Care Act

    12/01/2017 Duración: 26min

    January 12, 2017 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: We examine efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and explore how dismantling the law would affect the health of Americans who rely on it for insurance. Learn more about our upcoming Facebook Live Q&A on the ACA. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • The psychology behind charitable giving

    22/12/2016 Duración: 13min

    December 22, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: The psychology behind charitable giving. We take a look at the mistakes we often make when considering where to donate our money. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • The power of positive thinking

    15/12/2016 Duración: 12min

    December 15, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: In this week’s episode: The health benefits of optimism, plus strategies to improve your psychological wellbeing. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Can volunteering lead to better health?

  • Genetics and disease risk

    08/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    December 8, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: The link between our genes and disease risk. A new study is shedding light on how genetic mutations may increase our risk of a range of diseases—from cancer to heart conditions. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Marijuana and public health

    01/12/2016 Duración: 12min

    December 1, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: As more states legalize recreational use of marijuana, we examine the potential public health benefits and concerns, plus the growing body of evidence about the negative health effects of synthetic chemicals known as phthalates. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Q&A: The future of public health under President Trump

  • The science of Thanksgiving

    21/11/2016 Duración: 26min

    November 20, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: The science of Thanksgiving. Guy Crosby, adjunct associate professor in the Department of Nutrition, explains how you can use food science to cook the perfect holiday meal, plus he shares recipes for simple, delicious, and healthy side dishes. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more The Science of Flavor: How to perfectly roast Brussels sprouts (Nutrition Source) A complete guide to the benefits of Brussels sprouts (Nutrition Source)  

  • A sustainable Thanksgiving

    17/11/2016 Duración: 09min

    [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/293470122" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] November 17, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: It may be hard to have a truly healthy Thanksgiving, but we have some tips to make your holiday feast more environmentally friendly. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

  • Your phone knows how you feel

    10/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    November 10, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week's episode: How Donald Trump's victory will likely affect health care in America, plus how researchers are mining smartphone data to improve health. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Visit the Onnela Lab's website Watch the Forum webcast on health care and the presidential election

  • Coping with election stress

    03/11/2016 Duración: 10min

    November 3, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: Tips on dealing with stress from the presidential campaign, plus the new study raising questions about the benefits of so-called "good" cholesterol. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness

  • A guide to Obamacare

    27/10/2016 Duración: 20min

    October 27, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: A health care expert offers her advice for people buying insurance through Obamacare. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Take a quiz on the impact of extended Medicaid coverage Use this tool see if you're eligible for a health insurance premium subsidy

  • Changing the language of addiction

    20/10/2016 Duración: 12min

    October 20, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week's episode: How stigmatizing language affects the ability of people wrestling with addiction to receive the treatment they need, and the new push to change that, plus the new concerns about the psychiatric care that veterans may be receiving, and what Twitter can tell us about nutritional health disparities. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Words matter when describing addiction (Harvard Chan School news) An urgent call for a national surveillance system for inpatient psychiatric facilities (Health Affairs)

  • Is any care good care?

    05/10/2016 Duración: 10min

    [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/286174393" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] October 6, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: Researchers are taking a critical look at some health care practices in low- and middle-income countries. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes. Learn more Many births in Africa taking place at low-quality health facilities (Harvard Chan School news) Training And Supervision Did Not Meaningfully Improve Quality Of Care For Pregnant Wom

  • Antibiotic resistance, eating disorders, kidney stones and roller coasters

    29/09/2016 Duración: 10min

    September 29, 2016 — In our new podcast series, Harvard Chan: This Week in Health, we’ll bring you top health headlines—from wellness tips to important global health trends. You’ll also hear insight from Harvard Chan experts. In this week’s episode: The "fundamental threat" of antibiotic resistance, why anti-obesity efforts may backfire in some cases, and scientists identify a dizzying treatment for kidney stones. Listen to our recent interview with Yonatan Grad, who is conducting research to preserve the power of antibiotics. You can subscribe to this podcast by visiting iTunes, listen to it by following us on Soundcloud, and stream it on the Stitcher app. Visit our archive page to listen to all of our past episodes.

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