Hints And Guesses



Conversations about Spirituality, Religion, Doubt, Sacred Texts, Nature, Soul, Love, Death and all the Good Stuff


  • Disconnect from the Machine

    03/07/2020 Duración: 48min

    Crisis means "turning point," an opportunity, as much as a struggle.  This week I discuss practical ways of unplugging from the machine, finding some deeper source, which is needed now more than ever.  "What if you gain the whole world and forfeit your soul?" How do we return to what matters in an age that is deciding for us, what to think, what to buy, what to protest, what to post, what to care about, what to promote, what flag we should fly, and who we should be.  Time for a Sabbath from all this nonsense.    

  • Time to Hear the Caged Bird

    02/06/2020 Duración: 43min

    Feeling heartbroken and troubled, now is the time to listen, to the caged bird, to voices from the edge.  I hope you hear some hints and guesses.  

  • New Batteries, the Marlboro Man, and the Messiah Complex

    07/05/2020 Duración: 50min

    What are the fantasies we'd like to maintain so our worldview doesn't have to change?  Plus, change your batteries!  Thanks for listening.  Stay safe, stay smart, be courageous.  

  • What Really Matters?

    17/04/2020 Duración: 46min

    Just holding the question, "what really matters," seems to be more important right now than quick answers.   This week is about that question, as well as the gifts of silence, severance and solitude.  I also turn to some voices of wisdom, Merton, Berry and Rilke, who have lived through a few things, and still their words ring true. This time period is nothing short of a global invitation to change, but how and when and at what cost all seem to be unanswered.  I hope you hear a few hints and guesses which inspire and challenge.  Stay safe, stay smart, be courageous.  

  • Beauty and Terror...Just Keep Going

    18/03/2020 Duración: 54min

    Collision of opposites, Corona, survival dance, sacred dance, abandonment, overwhelm, extrovert, introvert and the possibilities of a greater consciousness.  What a world we live in!  Stay safe and smart and courageous.  

  • The Vulnerability Hangover

    24/02/2020 Duración: 46min

    Let's talk about vulnerability, over-sharing, wounds and the fundamental nature of being.  I Hope these hints and guesses are helpful.  Enjoy!

  • The Hidden Gifts of Anger

    28/01/2020 Duración: 01h18min

    Does anger have anything to teach us in a world with so much violence and suffering?  Join me this week for an exploration around anger.  I'll weave threads from David Whyte, Bill Plotkin and Joanna Macy, plus share a few personal stories about my own relationship with anger.  Enjoy!  Or get pissed off.  

  • I Believe in the Night

    18/12/2019 Duración: 49min

    A podcast on advent, incarnation, the womb, Rilke, holiday parties, the mall, and the pregnant possibility of sweet darkness.  Happy holidays my friends.  Enjoy!

  • The Earth is Flat

    03/12/2019 Duración: 55min

    This week is about conspiracy theories, fantasies and our strategies for avoiding impermanence and the abyss. Enjoy!

  • How Not To Be A Narcissist

    13/11/2019 Duración: 55min

    Sick of the news?  Let's talk about Echo and Narcissus, a David Whyte poem, flannel shirts, and Gandhi's well know imperative, "be the change you want to see in the world."  Enjoy!     

  • Stuff that Helps! 5 The Magical Other

    21/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    "You complete me!" Not really.  As a follow up to the last episode on the Shadow, I'm diving into the image of the Magical Other.  Let's talk about projections and fantasies in intimate, long-term relationships.  And how to grow up.  This episode is in my series Stuff that Helps!, where I popularize stuff I've found helpful.  This week will be about the work of James Hollis, a Jungian Analyst and author who coined the phrase the Magical Other.  According to Hollis the fantasy of the Magical Other is one of the chief sources of suffering in long-term relationships, not to mention a kind of false god in the Western world.  Enjoy!

  • A Little Podcast on the Shadow

    09/10/2019 Duración: 01h15min

    With so much finger pointing and blame right now, let's talk about the shadow and projection.  Ken Wilber calls shadow work the great gift of psychology in the 21st century.  So what is it?  How do we get close to the possibilities and invitations hidden beneath our conscious awareness?  Enjoy! 

  • We've Lost the Plot 7: It's the End of the World (As We Know it)

    11/09/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    We've lost the plot again!  Let's talk about The Apocalypse, which really means "to reveal." With so much anxiety and fear, is there a reason to be hopeful?  What does the destruction and renewal symbol have to teach us right now?  "No one ought ever love their suffering/but no one ever loves without its pain/as we die we come to wondering/if there was something we could not yet see/that winged Thing that merges with Earth's suffering/to make us what we would otherwise never be." (Rilke)

  • Step Away From the Enneagram Part 2

    19/08/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    The last podcast created some controversy, so let's go further.  In this episode, I bring in some other voices on the subject of "know thyself" - I discuss the early adolescent tensions of authenticity and social acceptance from the work of Bill Plotkin, the traps of identification according to Cynthia Bourgeault, radical consciousness from Ken Wilber, and the Cosmic Dance of Thomas Merton.  Enjoy! 

  • Step Away From the Enneagram Part 1

    17/07/2019 Duración: 58min

    Know thyself! The gifts and limits of the enneagram, from my experience. Enjoy.

  • Co-creation and the Feminine Imagination

    02/07/2019 Duración: 53min

    This week, woman's soccer, Exodus, liberation, co-creating a better world and the gift of the sacred feminine imagination.  Enjoy!

  • We've Lost the Plot 6: Being Worked by Parables

    25/06/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Through the analogy of dreams and how they work on the ego, I argue that parables, because they're archetypal and symbolic, are meant to disrupt, disrobe and dismantle the ego - who we think we are in the world. This week, in my ongoing series on the Bible, I explore how parables can work on us.  They're not just clever stories with moral lessons that need to be deciphered or interpreted correctly.  Listening on this deeper level does not mean you need to believe the stories, or hold certain views about the Bible, or even believe in God.  It's more like we're being invited to open up to the characters, the emotions, the landscape, and images of a parable (or any mythic story for that matter).  This way of listening helps reveal the hidden contours of our own psyche - where we need to grow, where we're stuck, the leading edge of change for us.  Being worked by parables feels like, "Surprise!  You're not who you say you are, or who you think you are.  Change your life!"  Enjoy! 

  • I Don't Recall (Memory and Imagination)

    29/05/2019 Duración: 55min

    Stuff I've been pondering - the soul's code and her aims, raising kids, our post truth culture, the underworld pool of memory, "what to remember when waking" (David Whyte), the un-lived life, "concealment of Being" (Heidegger), and the relationship between the past and a new imagination for the future.  Enjoy!

  • We've Lost the Plot 5: Magdalene and the Meaning of Resurrection

    25/04/2019 Duración: 01h25min

    Episode 5 in losing the plot, my Biblical series.  I'm following the last podcast on Holy Week with a few musings on resurrection.  Did Jesus really resurrect?  What's the meaning intended by such a radical and complex image? Reflecting on the experiences of Paul and Mary Magdalene, some important patterns emerge that take us beyond the debates about belief and history.  Enjoy!

  • We've Lost the Plot 4: Holy Week (Sell Your Cloak, Buy a Sword)

    16/04/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Back with another musing on the Biblical stories.  This episode is about Holy Week, the last week of Jesus life, the Sacred Fool, eating the Divine, and one of the more troubling and enigmatic teachings of Jesus to buy a sword.  Plus, Peter needs to eat his shadow in order to grow up.  Enjoy! 

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