12 Monkeys Uncaged



12 Monkeys Uncaged is a podcast dedicated to the Syfy science fiction mystery drama series, 12 Monkeys. Hosted by Cory Metcalfe and Mike Ahr, they discuss each weeks episode, theorize on what might happen next, and share listener feedback out each episode.


  • TM40 – S3E9 – Thief


    Athan Cole certainly does not seem to be amenable to the future laid out before him, and in the 12 Monkeys episode, Thief, we see his avoidance strategy. Told brilliantly through Cole's and Cassie's reading of his journals, a love story unfolds that explains it all, including why someone might want to pursue the eternal now promised by the Red Forest. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Thief, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about the incredibly insightful Cassie and Cole flashbacks, the vision of the three Jennifers and where it leads Ms. Goines, the inevitable fate of Eliza (the mysterious "Beloved E"), and the desperation of Jones in her desire to know more, even to the point of trusting Olivia. Read more... The post TM40 – S3E9 – Thief appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM39 – S3E8 – Masks


    The team is splintered in an entirely different way in the episode of 12 Monkeys entitled Masks. Is the fissure between Team Jones and Team Witness too wide to ever bridge again? Will Cole and Cassie finally rekindle the life they lost in the 1950's here in 1899? Is their mission to save their son from his fate doomed to fail, or is it the only hope for success? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for EP NAME, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about Cassie learning to pick pockets and Cole learning to dance, the amazing masquerade costumes and masks in black and red, the wonderful Rupert Graves as the elder Sebastian, and the questionable wisdom of bringing Olivia into the grand plan. Read more... The post TM39 – S3E8 – Masks appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM38 – S3E7 – Nurture


    The 12 Monkeys writers fit a LOT of story into this episode entitled Nurture both in the form of Cassie's solo visit to the past and the mission to attack the Guardians' stronghold. With a last minute change of heart, it appears the Cassie and Cole are on their own now! How will the team survive this divide among their numbers? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for EP NAME, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about Kathryn Railly's amazing insights into her grandson, Sebastian's protection of the boy in his charge, Deacon's suspicions about secrets being held, Jones' investigation of what happened between Cole and Ramse, and the future status of Jennifer in the long game. Read more... The post TM38 – S3E7 – Nurture appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM37 – S3E6 – Nature


    Going beyond fate versus free will is the idea of nature versus nurture in the rearing of a child in the 12 Monkeys episode entitled Nature. In this Christmas episode of sorts, we see the early Army of the 12 Monkeys led by Pallid Man's father (Christopher Lloyd) and the Messenger known as Mantis (Scottie Thompson), and Cole and Cassie see what their son is capable of. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Nature, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about the return of Agent Gale, the strange ritual of selecting the twelfth, the mystery of Project Charon, the absence of Deacon on the Word of the Witness, and much more. Read more... The post TM37 – S3E6 – Nature appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM36 – S3E5 – Causality


    Night 2 of 12 Monkeys season 3 gets off to a raring start with a trip to the 1980s in this very Ocean's-11-like episode entitled Causality. Secrets abound in this heist to get the Word of the Witness, but with Cole and Cassie gaining a surprising ally, things are about to get really interesting! Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Causality, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about the triumphant return of Leland Goines, the wonderful Impractical Jokers cameo, the seemingly easy change in Olivia's history, the natural acting ability of Deacon, and the possible reason behind Hannah's desire to evacuate. Read more... The post TM36 – S3E5 – Causality appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM35 – Night 1 Debrief with Terry Matalas


    We got 12 Monkeys showrunner Terry Matalas on the phone to talk about the brilliance of Night 1 of the season 3 linear binge. He's got plenty to share about the first four episodes of season 3 including exclusive insight on Ramse's story arc. He also teases what's to come in the remaining installments. Join us all weekend for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Nights 2 and 3, and our special set visit interview clips! Terry and I talk about each of the characters and how they start the night and where they end up by the fourth episode. Terry will be back at the end of season 3 to debrief the rest of the episodes. Read more... The post TM35 – Night 1 Debrief with Terry Matalas appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM34 – S3E4 – Brothers


    The tough choice is made as the brothers, Cole and Ramse, go head-to-head in the latest 12 Monkeys episode appropriately titled Brothers. Is it hypocritical of Cole to protect one person over billions when he criticized Ramse for doing the same? Or is Ramse in the wrong for deceiving Cole in a fake play against the Witness? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Brothers, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about Jennifer's troubling vision, Cassie's inadvertent snubbing of Deacon, the shocking discovery one year in the facility's future, and Olivia's prescient - but not Primary - powers. Read more... The post TM34 – S3E4 – Brothers appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM33 – S3E3 – Enemy


    With Olivia caged and Deacon imprisoned, the 12 Monkeys episode title Enemy takes on several meanings. How do you get your supposed enemy to do or say what you want? And who among your friends is really an enemy themselves? These seem to be the prevailing questions in this third episode of the season. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Enemy, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about Hannah's influence on Jones, Cole's creative use of the machine, Deacon's coping mechanism during confinement, Mallick's hidden motivations, and Jennifer's fear of Olivia. Read more... The post TM33 – S3E3 – Enemy appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM32 – S3E2 – Guardians


    We're going down some dark paths in the second episode of 12 Monkeys' third season entitled Guardians! The team seems very fractured, and the mission has barely even started yet! Fortunately, Jennifer is back in play and appears to at least have an inkling of what's going on, but with Ramse showing up on Raritan's doorstep with Olivia, what could possibly be coming next? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Guardians, and our special set visit interview clip! This week we talk about Jennifer's hurt feelings, Ramse's unbelievable sacrifice, Cole's lack of sensitivity, Jones' classy time travel attire, and the true intentions of this Mallick character. Read more... The post TM32 – S3E2 – Guardians appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM31 – S3E1 – Mother


    Looks like we're picking up right where we left off in the 12 Monkeys season 3 premiere, Mother. Right away, we're learning a lot about Titan and what everyone has been doing for the past few months: a whole lot of nothing! But things get weird, too, with Jennifer's experience in France and Cole talking to himself, and not in the traditional way. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Mother, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Cole's desperation, Jones' indulgence, Hannah's volatility, Cassie's rebellion, and the role of those in Titan charged with the Mother's care. Read more... The post TM31 – S3E1 – Mother appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM30 – BONUS – Season 2 Listener Feedback


    Time for a 12 Monkeys season 2 debrief with our bonus listener feedback episode! Together with an enlightening interview with eminent writer, Sean Tretta, and a surprise call-in from showrunner Terry Matalas and Jennifer Goines herself, Emily Hampshire, this feedback episode begins with a bang! Join us for the fun in analyzing all of the listener feedback that came in! In this episode we hear from over 30 different contributors, each with their own theories and reactions, but a common theme begins to emerge as the podcast progresses concerning the motivations of the witness and the idea of the sons of Ramse and Cole possibly being at odds. Read more... The post TM30 – BONUS – Season 2 Listener Feedback appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM29 – S2E13 – Memory of Tomorrow


    Like a classical piece with its cadenza, the 12 Monkeys season 2 finale, Memory of Tomorrow, was the perfect cap to a season full of non-stop thrills. Some of our predictions came to fruition, but the manner in which they were fulfilled was unexpected in the extreme! With some mysteries solved, others present themselves as fodder for a third season that we're left wishing we could splinter to see. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Memory of Tomorrow, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Cole leaving Cassie out of his decision to undo his mistake, Madeleine Stowe's wonderful portrayal of Lillian who guided Cole to a solution, Jones' transformation during the year she had to wait, the possible fate of the noble Deacon, and of course the all-important identity and circumstance of the Witness. Read more... The post TM29 – S2E13 – Memory of Tomorrow appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM28 – S2E12 – Blood Washed Away


    Utter failure permeates this week's 12 Monkeys episode entitled Blood Washed Away, but at least we got our "Casserole" moment! With all the narrative time leaps, the story took on an epic scale and the deaths were worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy. It almost felt like a season finale! Thankfully, though, it isn't, and the ending should be spectacular. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for EP NAME, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about the investigation at Maxwell Rigfield, the tension between Cassie and Cole, the leadership problems of young Jennifer Goines, the mystery surrounding the there-but-not-there Titan, and the shocking juxtaposition of passion and death at the end of the episode. Read more... The post TM28 – S2E12 – Blood Washed Away appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM27 – S2E11 – Resurrection


    The fissure that has grown between members of the group splits wide open in the latest 12 Monkeys episode, Resurrection, and death results. Now we can only hope that Cole is successful in his mission so that much of the damage is undone. But with a year budgeted for both missions, the repairs will take a long time to complete with no guarantee of success. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Resurrection, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Deacon's spitefulness, Jennifer's acceptance of fate, Cassie's awakening to her fear, Cole's willingness to sacrifice for his mission, Jones' going down with the ship, and much more! Read more... The post TM27 – S2E11 – Resurrection appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM26 – S2E10 – Fatherland


    Causal loops abound, and betrayal is everywhere in the latest episode of 12 Monkeys entitled Fatherland. Will the break in the group lead to a split in the mission as well? Will Olivia's fateful decision also cause a crack in the armor for the Army of the 12 Monkeys? Plenty of set-up as we head into the "three-part finale," as Terry Matalas puts it. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Fatherland, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Cassie's possible regret, Olivia's backstory and transformation, Cole's and Jones' manner of dealing with deception, Gale's noble sacrifice, and the location of Titan! Read more... The post TM26 – S2E10 – Fatherland appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM25 – S2E9 – Hyena


    The origin story of the Daughters doesn't turn out the way we expected in this week's 12 Monkeys episode, Hyena, nor does the investigation into Titan and the Witness in 2044. With several clues being doled out for time periods that could be explored, where will the travelers head next? And how will Pallid Man involve himself with Titan? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Hyena, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Dr. Jones' endearing patience with Hannah, the Cassie and Ramse team-up and why they hate each other, Jennifer's guerilla tactics which backfire tragically, Olivia's humility and blasphemy towards the Witness, and Cole's circular advice about the right ending. Read more... The post TM25 – S2E9 – Hyena appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM24 – S2E8 – Lullaby


    The most emotional episode of 12 Monkeys ever comes this week in Lullaby, and we're still drying the tears. Terry Matalas and company weren't exaggerating when they called this the best episode of the series to date! We had a lot of fun heaping praise onto this amazing episode, and our listeners had a lot to say as well. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for EP NAME, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Cassie's single-minded focus on the mission, Cole's uncanny ability to understand the complexities of time travel, Jennifer's cryptic mode of communication, Jones' poetic eulogy and voiceover, and the wonderful guest spots form Xander Berkeley and Brooke Williams. Read more... The post TM24 – S2E8 – Lullaby appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM23 – S2E7 – Meltdown


    With a distinct horror vibe, Meltdown takes 12 Monkeys down the Witness' rabbit hole, and not everyone comes out alive! Amazingly, this bottle episode manages to further the story with a wholly unfamiliar style, and yet it fits the mythology perfectly! Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Meltdown, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Eckland's noble gesture, Jones' accumulating guilt, Sam's suddenly increased importance, Ramse's never-ending grief, Cassie's insight into the Witness, and Cole's unwavering understanding of Cassie. Read more... The post TM23 – S2E7 – Meltdown appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM22 – S2E6 – Immortal


    It's the buddy cop episode as 12 Monkeys heads to 1975 in Immortal! Besides the obvious mending of the friendship between Cole and Ramse and the "saving" of another Primary (depending on how you look at it), this episode left us with a shocker dealing with the consequences of Cassie's red tea indoctrination. What exactly is going on there? Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for Immortal, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Cole's leap-no-look attitude, Kyle Slade's supposed mission to conquer the Witness, the changing of history in saving Victoria, Ramse's tough love with both Cole and Victoria, and the possible future in store for both Cassie and Jennifer. Read more... The post TM22 – S2E6 – Immortal appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

  • TM21 – S2E5 – Bodies of Water


    Was the Witness' identity revealed in the latest episode of 12 Monkeys, Bodies of Water? Certainly his method of communication was made clear as the 12 Monkeys fought their internal battles. Meanwhile, both the ladies in the past and the guys in the future seem to have come to a mutual understanding in very different ways. Join us for 12 Monkeys news, commentary and analysis for EP NAME, and our listener feedback segment! This week we talk about Deacon's idea of respect, Jennifer's thin grasp on sanity, Cassie's increasing compassion, Eckland's wonderful irreverence, Olivia's possible paralysis, and Pallid Man's rise to power. Read more... The post TM21 – S2E5 – Bodies of Water appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

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