Greenford HSM is the high school ministry of Greenford Christian Church outside of Youngstown, Ohio.
121717 | Keith Parker | I AM The Good Shepherd
17/12/2017 Duración: 28minIn John 10, Jesus claims to be "The Good Shepherd." In this analogy, we are the sheep, and without the Good Shepherd, we are dumb, directionless, and defenseless.
121017 | Keith Parker | I AM the True Vine
10/12/2017 Duración: 32minIn John 15, Jesus claims to be the "True Vine." Explore what that means and how we can abide and stay connected to the Vine. And how does our connection to the Vine affect our other relationships?
112617 | Keith Parker | I AM the Light of the World
26/11/2017 Duración: 28minJesus proclaims in John 8 that He is the Light of the World. Listen as we explore what Jesus meant and how the Light conquers the darkness.
111917 | Keith Parker | I AM the Bread of Life
19/11/2017 Duración: 30minIn John 6, Jesus says, "I AM the Bread of Life," claiming to be eternal, from the Father, and even greater than the manna in the desert. Listen as we explore what that means for us today.
102217 | Keith Parker | Gods At War - The God of Me
23/10/2017 Duración: 30minThe god of ME is one we all fight. How can we remove ourselves from the center of our lives so God can work in us and through us?
101517 | Keith Parker | Gods At War - the god of power
15/10/2017 Duración: 20minWe all desire power and influence, but allowing our desire for influence to feed our egos will turn it into an idol.
100117 | Keith Parker | Gods At War - The god of pleasure
01/10/2017 Duración: 34minListen as Keith shares about the dangerous gods of pleasure and entertainment. Learn how comfort is never the goal of Christianity, and how loving God changes our entertainment.
092417 | Keith Parker | Gods At War - Introduction
24/09/2017 Duración: 32minListen as Keith shares about Exodus 32, a golden calf, and the gods we allow to have a place in our lives.
091717 | Keith Parker | Jesus is Better
17/09/2017 Duración: 30minListen as Keith describes how God is power, and God is active, and how Jesus is always better.
091017 | Billy Hartwig | There is No One Like Our God
12/09/2017 Duración: 29minGod stands alone. No one and no thing can possibly compare.
You Got A Bullseye On Your Back | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
20/08/2017 Duración: 37minIn our Awake O Sleeper series, we dig into the book of Ephesians and discuss the how one of Paul's great letters impacts our Christian walk.
Children Of The Father | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
13/08/2017 Duración: 27minIn our Awake O Sleeper series, we dig into the book of Ephesians and discuss the how one of Paul's great letters impacts our Christian walk.
Walk In Love | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
06/08/2017 Duración: 32minIn our Awake O Sleeper series, we dig into the book of Ephesians and discuss the how one of Paul's great letters impacts our Christian walk.
We Are One | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
30/07/2017 Duración: 29minIn our Awake O Sleeper series, we dig into the book of Ephesians and discuss the how one of Paul's great letters impacts our Christian walk.
Unending Grace | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
23/07/2017 Duración: 27minIn our Awake O Sleeper series, we dig into the book of Ephesians and discuss the how one of Paul's great letters impacts our Christian walk.
church Is Community | Noah Miner | Greenford HSM
25/06/2017 Duración: 28minToday one of our graduating seniors shared a message about the importance of community in not only our lives but the church.
Don't Stop On Six | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
11/06/2017 Duración: 37minThis morning we look at Joshua 6 and story of the Israelites and Jerhico. This message will challenge you to press into God's process and embrace the unknown with abundant faith.
Wonder | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
04/06/2017 Duración: 28minThis week we dug into Psalm 40, observing the wonder and glory of God. Inspired by the song Wonder by Hillsong United we were challenged to observe and celebrate the wonder of who God is in our lives and all that he continues to do in our lives.
Be Fruitful | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
28/05/2017 Duración: 33minIn our GCC Values series, we are talking about our churches (Greenford Christian Church) values and mission. Over the four weeks, we will be looking at what makes a disciple and our call to make disciples.
Shares Everything | Brent Lutz | Greenford HSM
21/05/2017 Duración: 32minIn our GCC Values series, we are talking about our churches (Greenford Christian Church) values and mission. Over the four weeks, we will be looking at what makes a disciple and our call to make disciples.