Agent 251 is an entertaining and informative real-world real estate podcast that looks at the home buying and selling process through the lens of our work, experiences, training and culture at JWRE - Jason Will Real Estate. Jason Will - Agent 251 - investigates and spills the beans on all his case-closing clues and industry secrets for motivating agents and brokers, as well as helping home buyers & sellers to create a win-win experience from the kitchen table to the closing table! JWRE- Jason Will Real Estate is Mobile & Baldwin County's most innovative real estate team.
Ep.46 - Real and Raw with Trey Willard
15/01/2019 Duración: 44minLeveling up to be the Real Estate Agent you want to be is not an easy road. The Real Estate business is not an easy road despite what Bravo Network and reality shows show us weekly. Setting and hitting those lofty but reachable sales and life goals is a real possibility, but we all need help, training, inspiration, and accountability to get to where we want to be. Plus, being willing to embrace new technology, establishing new systems, learning new sales approaches, and recommitting to basic sales fundamentals is a big step into becoming an elite Real Estate player. In this first episode of the IMPACT Agent Podcast (formerly the Agent 251 Podcast), Jason Will speaks with Trey Willard. Trey is a team leader of The W Group of Berkshire Hathaway United Properties in Baton Rouge, La. He has seen a lot on the real estate business from personal assistant to a buyer's agent to a lead agent or a solo agent to a team leader and now a team leader and a real estate coach with Tom Ferry. Trey’s shares his insights into
Ep.45 - Reaching Beyond with Lou Vickery
19/12/2018 Duración: 41minIn this episode, Jason Will sits down and talks with heavy hitter Lou Vickery and his insights on the training, mindset, and what it takes to become the pro salesperson you want to become. Lou is a former professional baseball player and coach. After his sports career, he moved into training and development contract work for national organizations and companies. In his 30 year second career Lou has worked with over 2,800 companies in 44 states and two foreign countries. When not on the radio as a talk show he has written over 12 books, including his newest book, Reach Beyond: How to Jump Over Hurdles and Land on Success. Get your notebooks out and start taking notes, Lou is throwing some heat in this episode, and you do not want to swing and miss this one. Key Takeaways: 1. Seek positivity and protect yourselves from negativity. 2. Be organized and highly prepared. 3. Be willing to take a risk. Ask for the sell. 4. Avoid the rut of your job, develop controlled excitement. 5. Learn from failure, don
Ep.44 - From Victim to Victory: The Billy Brown Story
05/12/2018 Duración: 52minPrepare yourself for one powerful story in this episode. Jason interviews the author, and Tony Robins Trained Motivational Speaker, Billy Brown. Billy is a survivor of a car accident at the age of two. Burned on over 70% of his body and having 100s of surgeries, Billy with the help of his loving mother refused to be a victim of his circumstance and developed and lived every day by his mantra of "I am love, and I live with purpose." From school, football fields, real estate career, prosperity, bankruptcy, and redemption nothing stands in his way. After a chance meeting with the world-famous Tony Robbins, Billy has found his true calling as a motivational speaker that is living proof that anyone can overcome adversity and move on in life to be the best that you can be. Billy's book title sums of his life perfectly, "Rise From the Ashes." Jason says this is a "shut up and listen show," trust us, you will agree. Key Takeaways: > There are no victims in this life, only volunteers. > Adversity is not meant to pun
Ep.43 - Sharran Srivatsaa: Getting Results and Revenue Generating Machinery
28/11/2018 Duración: 41minIn this episode, Jason Will talks with the incomparable Sharran Srivatsaa, the CEO of Kingston Lane, a push-button technology execution platform for real estate. He's a serial entrepreneur, rock star keynote speaker, and a thought-leadership resource for publications such as the Wall Street Journal, SUCCESS magazine, Huffington Post and Forbes. Recorded on a short break at Craig Ballantyne's One-Day Perfect Life Workshop, Sharran talks about the origin of his company, his path of turning goals and plans into results, the pros and cons of Business of Improvement Offers, the power of automation and systems, and some pro tips on content creation and sales lead generation. Plus, learn what an "Intelligent Growth Enhancing Robot" looks like and how it can change your business. Turn up the volume on this show and listen close, it is packed full of mind-blowing insights, innovative technology tips, and career-boosting ideas. Key Takeaways > How Sharran turns goals and plans into results. > Whats's revenue-generati
Ep.42 - Glennda Baker: Cake, Superpowers and Articulating Your Value
15/11/2018 Duración: 53minAgent 251 speaks with Atlanta real estate agent, agency owner and Tom Ferry Coach Glennda Baker at the Perfect Life Retreat. Glennda shares her 26 years of real estate insights, innovative marketing styles, superpowers, her secrets to thriving in the business, and the power of a cake. Hear Glennda’s specific networking skills to making those all-important personal connections that convert into new business and more closings. Plus, when you need to be seen and heard, and when not to. Glennda loves her career and her life; we hope her wisdom, inspiration, and energy adds some value to you. Enjoy the Glennda show and never stop learning. Sponsor: Momentum University Conference 2019 - Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents. New Orleans, La - April 11 - 12, 2019 BUY TICKETS HERE Key Takeaways > Treat real estate as a business. It’s not optional and casual. Commit to the demands, the marketing, the follow-ups and the strategic goals. Real estate is not a part-time gig. > Use social media to connect
EP41- Property Investing and Section 8 Rentals
08/11/2018 Duración: 46minSection 8 properties and rental property investment are super hot topics in the real estate industry. Jason Will talks with two local real estate investment experts in the Mobile County market, Jared Irby (Irby Home Buyers) and Joey Brashears (Yellowhammer Homes) and they share their business journies and insights into this specific world of real estate investing. What is Section 8 rental investment? How can this investment be advantageous to owners and investors? Why is this government program model better than flipping? How do you get started? What to look for in an ideal Section 8 property? Sit back and hear how this type of investment works, how Jared and Joey maximize their opportunities, minimize their risks, and why you be looking into real estate. Key Takeaways > Always been looking for real estate opportunities, good investment properties and be able to act quickly. > Negotiating a low initial price and cash flow are the most significant factors in success in Section 8 investment properties. > Main
Ep.40 - Matthew Bizzaro: Hyper-Local Expert and Real Community Impact
01/11/2018 Duración: 24minPlay Now | Learn More In this episode, Jason Will talks with self-proclaimed "hyper-local sales expert", Matthew Bizzarro, and the correlation of this sales mindset and improving your business and serving your customers at a higher level. Matthew founded The Bizzarro Agency; a boutique firm focused in Uptown Manhattan (more specifically 110th North and the Bronx) on his extensive experience and knowledge of real estate and business ethics. He has transformed the market with his cutting edge and honest approach to real estate and lifestyle marketing. Mathew shares his insights on the power of "knowing" your market more than anyone else, injecting yourself in your local community, and creating a real business and civic impact by giving back. Key Takeaways > Investing and injecting yourself in the communities you serve can grow your business, strengthen your sales numbers, and connect you to your market. > Don't just sell real estate in a market. Inject yourself, live in, support, and become a true ambassad
Ep.39 - Ann Rudd: Inside Sales Assistants and Lead Conversions
24/10/2018 Duración: 26minIn this episode, Jason Will interviews Tim Ferry coach, Coldwell Banker Residential Broker, and outsourcing expert Ann Rudd of the Ann Rudd Group at The Tim Ferry 2018 Success Summit. Ann has just recently opened up an Inside Sales company, Real Assist Pros, and graciously shares her perspective on the use of third-party lead generation sources and models for supporting high producing agents and real estate teams. Learn about some of the newest ISA models that agents are using across the country to increase overall sales conversation rates and close the common gaps in which our industry loses those all-important and expensive leads. What’s better, inbound or outboard, or some kind of hybrid? Do you hire an oversees virtual assistant or hire someone in-house to make these sales phone calls? Ann deep dives and explains the costs, pay structures, processes, staffing ideas, training and all the big questions concerning the ISA model and if it's right for you and your team. Key Takeaways > Third party Inside Sal
Ep.38 - Colin Krieger: The Good For Business Realtor
18/10/2018 Duración: 01h10minIs this episode, Agent 251 sits down and talks with Colin Krieger, RE/MAX Partners Realtor and real estate blogger in the Golden Triangle area of Northern Mississippi. Recorded in the JWRE basement hours before Hurricane Michael, Colin shares his career story and reveals his insights and experience to help you become the sales machine and realtor you want to be. Plus, Jason and Colin discuss the importance of big and small leads, prospecting, and understanding the mindset of the gap between what an agent "wants" and what they are doing to get "it." Resources: Colin Krieger Good For Business Blog Colin Krieger - Facebook ////////////////////////////////// Sponsor: Momentum University Conference 2019 - Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents. New Orleans, La - April 11 - 12, 2019 BUY TICKETS HERE We would like to know what you think about the Agent 251 podcast, especially this episode. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Do you disagree with any? Let us know by contactin
Ep.37 - Doug Edrington: Team Building and Leadership
11/10/2018 Duración: 20minToday, "Team building" is one of the hottest topics in the industry. In this episode, Agent 251 sits down and talks with Doug Edrington (Real Estate Brokerage owner and team leader in Chattanooga, Tennessee) during Tom Ferry's Success Summit in Anaheim, Ca. Doug shares his career journey, insights on the ups and downs of building (and rebuilding) his team, developing mindsets and process to reach your goals, and the importance of leadership and structuring your team members to maximize their success and your company's growth. Key Takeaways: > Starting your own team is not for everyone > Think big. It's the best way to reach that next level in your business. > Just because you are a rockstar salesperson it doesn't mean you are a natural leader, teacher, or mentor. > Learn to become a strong leader in your ownership, management, actions, and example. > Invest in your team instead of focusing on what a team, or team member, can return. > Recognize, hire and develop impact makers to become leaders. > Be able to
Ep.36 - Ron and Amy Cuny: New Home Construction
25/09/2018 Duración: 44minNew construction is accounting for nearly 25% of all closed deals in Baldwin County, Alabama. 25% puts this county in the top 5 markets for new construction in the state of Alabama. In this episode, Jason Will thought it was the right opportunity to talk with Ron Cuny from ARK Builders and Amy Cuny Realtor, two bonafide experts to educate us on the new home building process. Find out what to look for when choosing a custom home builder. What does it take to protect your budget and minimizing overages? Learn what are the biggest mistakes buyers and agents make in the home building and sales process. Also, Amy talks about the upcoming annual Parade of Homes event and why it's a benefit for sellers and buyers. Key Takeaways: > Ron and Amy Cuny's business journey in the new home construction business and real estate. > Working with a custom home builder and an experienced real estate agent as a team is beneficial for the new home building and sale process. > The pros and cons of choosing builders that work on a
Ep.34 - Airbnb: Worth It Or Not?
13/09/2018 Duración: 31minAgent 251 has been investigating the beach and vacation home ownership investment and rental market all summer. In this episode, we will be discussing one of the hottest topics in the real estate business, Airbnb. Jason interrogates (nicely, and politely) a Ms. Liz Geigh (Superhost of Beachhouse on the Lake in Cullman, Alabama) to uncover all the pros and cons of Airbnb and see if all the buzz is legit or not. Is this online rental service helping vacation rental investment owners just covering expenses, or really creating a revenue stream? What are the real pros and cons of the service? What is an Airbnb Superhost? Ms. Liz shares her Superhost insights into how much involvement, cost, and time it takes to make Airbnb successful for your property. So, Sit back, relax, grab a fruity vacation cocktail and get ready to find out. We hope you get as much out of this show as we did. Key Takeaways: 1. Airbnb is worth looking to offset costs for beach and vacation property owners but you need to look at the additio
Ep.33 - Christopher Coleman: The 180 Effect
29/08/2018 Duración: 42minAt 22 years, Christopher Coleman found himself depressed, lost in life and eventually homeless. Realizing he needed to do something to turn around his life, he decided to commit to a long-term plan of personal development, improved health and wellness, and acquiring new life and business skills. In this episode, Agent 251 talks with Christopher, entrepreneur, health & wellness instructor, author and motivational speaker about the importance of healthy diet, exercise, self-motivation, and skilling up. Plus, he shares his continuous life growth program and book, The 180 Effect, and how you can incorporate his experiences, knowledge, and philosophy into your business and personal life. If you're looking for an inspirational podcast that will give you clear action steps to changing your life; you have found the right one! Buy Christoper's Book Here Health Is Wealth Nation The 180 Effect Tour Key Takeaways: > Health is wealth. If you don't take care of your self with proper nutrition and exercise you won
Ep.32 - Jason Will On Jason Will
15/08/2018 Duración: 47minOn this episode, financial adviser Josh Null interviews Agent 251 host Jason Will about the ups and downs of his business journey and the maturity needed to succeed. Jason discusses the winding path he took to get where he is today, what he learned along the way, and how some of his greatest pitfalls ended up making him a better man and a better entrepreneur. Josh agrees that maturity in business comes through experience and that what we learn through our mistakes is far more important than what we learn through our successes. {Editor's Notes: This interview was recorded for Josh Null's Youtube Channel. Thanks, Josh for the use of the audio from your show} KEY TAKEAWAYS: > Success often takes years. Be patient and flexible. > Many people have early business success through beginner’s luck. If they are not able to weather a downturn, they are not likely to be successful in the long run. > Maturity comes through age and experience. We must always be growing through our business dealings. QUOTES: “Recruiting
Ep.31 - Bama Beach Property Investment and Management
06/08/2018 Duración: 30minIn this episode of Agent 251, Jason speaks to Hunter Harrelson of Beachball Properties about investment in rental properties on Alabama’s beautiful white sand beaches. Hunter points out that prudent investment in rental properties comes down to the proper application of mathematics. Jason and Hunter discuss the pitfalls of owner management and the benefits to be gained from allowing professionals to eliminate the headaches associated with management of rental properties. Hunter claims that rental property investment can rival and surpass the returns of any of the more common investment schemes that we regularly hear about. Hunter talks about the importance of giving his customers a fair deal. He prefers not to nickel and dime. He talks about the principles of good business dealings, and how they pay off for provider and client alike, in the long run. Get to know Hunter >>>> Key Takeaways: > A six to eight percent return on investment is a routine product of beach property rental. > Hunter can evaluate whi
Ep.30 - Jill Biggs: Agent Ability, Availability, and Accountability
26/07/2018 Duración: 53minAgent 251 has been scouring the country in a search for the best real estate rock stars to share their insights, experience, and knowledge that pulls back the industry curtain to inspire and launch you to be the successful new or veteran agent you want to be. One of these gurus that Jason Will wanted to talk with was Jill Biggs. Jill Biggs is a Tom Ferry Coach and founder of The Jill Biggs Group in Hoboken, New Jersey. Her team has been recognized as one of the nation's top real estate sales teams in the U.S. by REAL Trends. Luckily for us, Jill graciously gave an hour of her valuable time to share culture and team building, sales tactics that work, systems and scheduling processes, and new agent training wisdom nuggets. This heavyweight real estate conversation is truly the real Jill Biggs - brilliant, blunt, and gripping. Enjoy! Key Take-Aways: 1. Building and maintaining a real estate team with little to no turnover. 2. How to transform from a warm and fuzzy management style into a highly effective and p
Ep.29 - Brandi Payne: New To A Real Estate Team
19/07/2018 Duración: 48minIn this episode, Jason talks to Brandi Payne. Brandi is new to the real estate industry, after having gained extensive experience in other fields. Jason and Brandi discuss techniques for real estate agents who are just starting out. They discuss how whether one is new to an industry, or a seasoned veteran, one must never stop learning or serving customers. They discuss some of the perceptions and realities of the real estate industry, and Brandi offers fresh insights that may be overlooked or forgotten by those who’ve spent years in the industry. Takeaways: 1. Newcomers to an industry can offer fresh insights. 2. Make every interaction to make a connection and a relationship, not a sale. 3. Helping your fellow man is more important in the long run than making a sale. 4. You get out of what you put into the real estate industry. 5. On social media, showcase your struggle, rather than showing how great everything is. 6. EDDIE formula for Facebook: Educate, Document, Demonstrate, Inspire, and Entertain
Ep.28 - Jon David Lenard: Join A Team or Start A Team?
12/07/2018 Duración: 27minIn this episode, Agent 251 talks with Jon David Lenard of The Lenard Real Estate Team of Long Island, NY. Jon walks Jason through his company's journey from a family business to a more modern, scalable and sustainable team approach. Building on what his father has created, Jon wants to maximize his profitability and still maintain a healthy work/life balance."Team" seems to be the buzzword in the real estate industry, but is it right for you? Can building a team, or joining one, get you to be the agent you want to be? Can it help with minimizing job burnout and stress? Can it improve your agents’ ability to consistently bring value to the customer? Find out what systems and philosophies Team Lenard has implemented into their business and company culture to improve sales, accountability, and job performance. Takeaways: 1. Consider whether you are coming from a perspective of scarcity or a perspective of abundance. If you come from a perspective of abundance, there is always room for more people to provide gr
Ep.27 - Insurance Guys Question Agent 251
05/07/2018 Duración: 35minOn this special Deep Fried Studios “crossover” podcast mashup, Scott Howell and Bradley Flowers turn the table on Jason Will, founder of JWRE and the host of this Agent251 Podcast, interviewing him for their The Insurance Guys Podcast. Jason talks about his agency’s growth from 0 to 125 agents, his mindset of putting the Agent before the brokerage, and his tips and tactics for content and social media marketing. This show was too good for just one show. Enjoy! About The Insurance Guys The Insurance Guys Podcast is made and dedicated to agents by agents. Scott Howell and Bradley Flowers discuss all aspects of becoming an insurance agent and give real-life examples of their experiences in all aspects of hiring, sales and the day-to-day reality of running your own successful insurance agency. Please subscribe, review and rate our show on iTunes, SoundCloud, IheartRadio App, Spotify & Overcast.
Ep.25 - Chance Newman: Focus, Motivation and The Grind
21/06/2018 Duración: 38minOn this episode of Agent 251, Jason speaks with Chance Newman, graduate and star quarterback of Daphne High School who is headed to VMI to play college football. Jason and Chance talk about what it takes to maintain focus and remain motivated in spite of the many distractions that face young people today. Listeners of all ages will recognize life’s challenges in Chance’s words, and be inspired to stay on course, no matter what! Check Out Chance's Football Highlights KEY TAKEAWAYS: 1. The challenges and temptations that face a successful high school star quarterback, are analogous to those that face seasoned real estate agents. 2. Set-backs can be blessings in disguise if we learn to appreciate them, get back up, and get back into the game. 3. We have to work every day. The process is as important as the goals. By following the process and living right, we can weather adversity. 4. No matter what happens, our lives are a small part of God’s plan. QUOTES: “The love of the game. I love the grind. I love worki