Un canal de crecimiento y desarrollo interior. Programas de Christian Ortiz Velarde. Sanación, Terapias , neopaganismo, espiritualidad de la Diosa, perspectiva de género, desarrollo humano y psicoterapia.
La Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 31minLa Diosa Oscura – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Goddess & Goddesses Across Time & Cultures. – Selena Fox [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 39minGoddess & Goddesses Across Time & Cultures. – Selena Fox [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Astrología desde la Diosa - Mónica Gobbin [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 33minLa Astrología desde la Diosa como herramienta de Empoderamiento Espiritual - Mónica Gobbin [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
The Great Mother, Light and Dark -Yeshe Matthews [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 33minThe Great Mother, Light and Dark -Yeshe Matthews [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Diosa en las mujeres y en los hombres – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 16minLa Diosa en las mujeres y en los hombres – Christian Ortiz [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Lo sagrado Femenino – Mónica Salas [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 41minLo sagrado Femenino – Lo Sagrado Femenino [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Diosa Viva - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 34minLa Diosa Viva. - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
El camino de la rosa – Mónica Glusman [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 36minEl camino de la rosa – Mónica Glusman [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
GODDESS of the LIMINAL Spaces: SHADOW WORK and the WITCH, and the EMPOWERING MEDICINE of the DARK Feminine Principle of
30/08/2017 Duración: 12minGODDESS of the LIMINAL Spaces: SHADOW WORK and the WITCH, and the EMPOWERING MEDICINE of the DARK Feminine Principle of the UNIVERSE – Rosemary Stehlikn[World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
SULIS AND COVENTINA: Guardians of the Sacred Healing Waters – Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 12minSULIS AND COVENTINA: Guardians of the Sacred Healing Waters – Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
The Goddess alive - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 19minThe Goddess alive - Tarwe Hrossdottir [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
El espíritu de las aguas calmas - Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 22minEl espíritu de las aguas calmas - Ness Bosch [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La bendición de la Diosa Isis – Jorge Gradilla [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 04minLa bendición de la Diosa Isis – Jorge Gradilla [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
The Aztec Goddess of Death – Laura González [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 09minThe Aztec Goddess of Death – Laura González [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La Diosa Azteca de la Muerte – Laura González [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 09minLa Diosa Azteca de la Muerte – Laura González [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Los regalos de la Diosa – Nuria Anami [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 39minLos regalos de la Diosa – Nuria Anami [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La religión de la Diosa – Claudiney Prieto [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 22minLa religión de la Diosa – Claudiney Prieto [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
Wisdom of Mother Earth – Phyllis Curott [World Goddess Day Symposium]
30/08/2017 Duración: 35minWisdom of Mother Earth – Phyllis Curott [World Goddess Day Symposium] The International Goddess Spirituality Seminar (GODDESS SEMINARY) is pleased to invite you to the ON - LINE World Goddess Day Symposium, which will be held on September 3, 2017. More info ON-LINE SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION The International Symposium on Spirituality of the Goddess is a meeting space where voices and hearts unite to celebrate and reflect on the great Mother, in Her many faces, religious and cultural representations.
La sabiduría de Sidharta Gautama Buda. Christian Ortiz
14/08/2017 Duración: 25minLa sabiduría de Sidharta Gautama Buda. Christian Ortiz Material basado en los sutras de Sidharta Gautama Buda. Los Sutras son frases, afirmaciones esenciales, que llevan implícita o explícita una verdad que debe ser develada a través de la reflexión. No son frases para recordar, son ideas y conceptos para desarrollar e internalizar, y adaptar al comportamiento diario. En su tiempo, 500 c., fueron una herramienta de transmisión de las verdades que los iluminados deseaban dejar a sus adeptos o descendientes. En esos tiempos no existían ni la imprenta ni los libros, y por lo tanto todo traspaso de cultura dependía de la trasmisión oral. Esto exigía que las afirmaciones, los Sutras, fueran cortos, concisos, y sobretodo genéricos. Gautama Budha dejó 53 Sutras en su obra Dhammapada, los que en conjunto constituyen toda su doctrina. Cada Sutra debe ser cuidadosamente leído y se debe reflexionar sobre su contenido. Casi todos son crípticos, las verdades contenidas no están
Síndrome de Peter Pan y Síndrome de Wendy: Patrones neuróticos complementarios. Christian Ortiz.
08/08/2017 Duración: 27minSíndrome de Peter Pan y Síndrome de Wendy: Patrones neuróticos complementarios. Christian Ortiz. FACEBOOK Blog psicoterapia presencial y a distancia en “Las hadas tienen que ser una cosa o la otra, porque al ser tan pequeñas desgraciadamente sólo tienen sitio para un sentimiento por vez.” – J. M. Barrie. El Síndrome de Peter Pan hace referencia a los adultos que continúan comportándose como niños o adolescentes, sin ser capaces de tomar la responsabilidad de sus actos y la vida adulta. Se niegan a crecer y tienen una marcada inmadurez emocional, inseguridad y temor a no ser queridos y aceptados por lo demás.