Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish



LIVE MONS 1 PM ET/12CT/11amMT/10PT It seems Ive officially lost my mind. I think my kids ran away with it. Parents, do you ever feel like this? Are you tired of trying to meet other peoples expectations of you as a parent? Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in todays world. She also knows that the world will be a much better place when family life focuses on empowering parents and kids to be the unique caring beings they are meant to be.  Mary provides simple strategies and techniques that allow each family to raise children that feel confident stepping into their unique gifts and talents to offer to the world.  She utilizes her teaching experience along with her natural talents for getting to the root of what is causing distress, discord and dis-ease in family living.


  • The After Market Add-On ~ Guest Aideen Finnola


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish When we are born, we are our own form of perfection. We are not prone to judge others, do bad things or need to prove our existence. Along the way, we receive an after-market add-on, an inner critic that can get out of control and become our inner terrorist. How many times have you heard your inner critic tell you all the things that you don’t do right? How often do you feel that you are constantly under attack? Being a parent is just one more role that your inner critic can barrage you with disabling thoughts and ideas. Don’t think for a second that you kids do not become affected in one way or another by your reaction to your inner critic. Our guest for this show, Aideen Finnola, knows the plight of living under the rule of the inner critic/terrorist and will share with us steps to effectively identify and remove the inner terrorist within. Aideen T. Finnola is an empowerment coach, author, speaker, and radio show host, In Pursuit of Truth on Inspired Choices Networ

  • End the Cycle of Limiting Beliefs ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Have you ever considered how many different beliefs you have running through your subconscious? The number can be staggering! And many of these beliefs were projected onto you without you even knowing it. As an empowered parent, you can end the cycle of projecting beliefs onto your kids that dis-empower them and keep them from becoming that which they are here to become. And you can also begin to remove your own limiting beliefs that will set you free to choose what you do know to be true and to live a fuller life that fits you. Mary’s Book: Empowered Parents Empowering Kids Purchase on Barnes&Noble   Access Shop ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parent

  • 3 Mistakes Parents Make Talking to Teens ~ Guest Sierra Frost


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish While there is a lot of talk these days about mental health, many parents are confused about what to look for and how to talk to their teens about mental health. There are ways to talk to with your kids that will empower them and you. Learn what you need to know about mental health; what it is and why it matters, as well as what to say and what not to say to empower and educate your teen and you. My guest, Sierra Frost, knows about mental/emotional health personally, professionally, and passionately. Sierra Frost works with adolescent and adult individuals through coaching and workshops, as well as speaking events with organizations to understand topics such as trauma, mental health, and human development. Sierra specializes in coaching people to recover from childhood adversity or long-term patterns caused by trauma. Her mission is to revolutionize mental health in America by empowering everyday communities with accessible support and recovery skills. She is thrilled

  • Response-able Parenting~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Many parents feel a deep need to be responsible for every aspect of their child’s life. What if the key was focusing on how to respond to your child in ways that empower them to own their own life and the choices they make. Come along as we journey through the possibilities for creating empowering responses that empower both parent and child. Mary’s Book: Empowered Parents Empowering Kids Purchase on Barnes&Noble   Access Shop ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising

  • Does Your Music Do This? ~ Guest Bill Protzmann


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Music can be experienced in a variety of ways. Within one family there can be many “instruments” all playing a different tune. At times this can create chaos. What if you could come together as a family, and allow music to take chaos and turn it into harmony, celebration and deeper connection? My guest for this episode is Bill Protzmann, Practical Heart Skills Advisor at Music Care Inc who will share with us the "power" of music - sound and rhythm - and how it works on human beings physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in family settings. Be ready to learn "Practical heart skills," such as respect, compassion, civility, or empathy, and how these create a cooperative edge individually and within your family. Bill Protzmann is an entrepreneur, musician, husband, father, and proud member of the human race. He's the founder of Music Care Inc, the first for-profit business established to teach you how to give y

  • Parent Re-Programming ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Re-programming is needed when we are using old programs to create new results. When a parent keeps trying to do the same thing, hoping that someday they will get the result that they want from their kids, and that day just never seems to come, re-programming is needed. Trying to use old programming only brings more frustration and confusion for both parent and child. Come along with us in this episode of Be You Parenting as we explore ways to re-program parent skills and mindsets to benefit both child and adult. Mary’s Book: Empowered Parents Empowering Kids Purchase on Barnes&Noble   Access Shop ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will cre

  • Parenting with Courage ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parenting in today’s world takes courage, courage to be different, to get out of the box of expectations that many parents face. It takes courage to make parenting an adventure like no one else’s, for no one else knows you and your kids like you do. Come along and join Mary as she shares with you the path of the courageous parent.   Mary’s Book: Empowered Parents Empowering Kids Purchase on Barnes&Noble   Access Shop ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchild

  • Animal Teachings ~ Guest Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish We can learn much about living a full and conscious life from animals. If we are observant and know what to look for, there are animal teachings to show us how to be more present in the world and with our kids. Animals can guide us in raising our young. What a delight to have Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly, DVM on this episode to share with us animal teachings and how they apply to family living. Whether you have a pet or not, this show will offer insights for greater connection and appreciation for our animal friends. Dr. Joanne Lefebvre Connolly is a veterinarian promoting intuitive medicine. She guides families in tuning in with their pets, themselves, Nature & the Universe to make better medical decisions. Dr. Joanne grew up in Canada and graduated from veterinary school at the University of Montreal in 2001. During her senior year of veterinary school, she completed several externships in highly reputable schools such as Cornell University, Tufts, Colorado and Ohio

  • Vital-Care for Parents ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish It is easy to become so focused on the needs of everyday life when raising kids, that a parent can forget to take care of oneself. And yet, if a parent is to be effective in -caring and nurturing a child, it is vital that the parent make sure to do their own self-care. How does a parent take the time and effort to make the vital choice to care for self in a way that makes family life richer? Come along in this episode and discover how vital self-care is and how it can actually make parenting easier. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raisi

  • Best Parent Practices ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do you wonder if you are being and doing the best you can as a parent? A key component to achieving the best is practice. Being better for ourselves and our kids, requires new skills, tools and techniques that may not come naturally to you. It may also mean re-programming to eliminate old patterns and habits that are affecting how you parent. This will all take practice, which can be fun and exciting. Mary will give you tips for improving your practice and what you can be easily doing to make practicing more fun. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as gran

  • What’s a Parent to Do? ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parents often feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn for support, advice, encouragement. In this day of technology, a parent can have access to lots of information that can sometimes be confusing. How does a parent know what to do and which direction to take? Mary offers suggestions that will guide parents to resources and assistance and when to use them. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in today’s world. Sh

  • Speaking TO & About Dads ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish This show is dedicated to all dads. Mary, the Parent Whisperer, has a special message for dads in this episode of Be You Parenting. Dads need and want to be empowered too, and that may look different than for moms. What if dads could be acknowledge and appreciated for being who they truly be? ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in today’s world. She also knows that the world will be a much better place when family lif

  • Words to Parent By ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Let’s face it, parents will inevitably say things that they wish they hadn't. But have you ever stopped to consider specific words that you continue to say and use that may be keeping you from creating a stronger bond with your children? What message do you give your kids with some of the words that you consistently use? Come along in this episode of Be You Parenting and explore words, their meanings and their energies and see what may be a different possibility for parents in how you express yourself through your choice of words. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gende

  • Parenting Though Life’s Big Changes ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Life presents many changes that can affect us and our children in BIG ways. Changes like moving, ending and starting relationships, growing a family, and even starting school. Knowing ways to support yourself and your child as these big changes occur will create more resilience and ease through the change. Learn some tips that will prepare you and your child to be able to handle future changes with less fear and worry. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, familie

  • Make Time Your Friend ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do you get frazzled because there isn’t enough time to do everything that being a parent asks of you, including time for yourself? Does time become an issue that adds more stress to your day? What if you could learn how to make time your friend and discover ways you can parent without the added stress of time? Mary will share with you tips and strategies that will allow you to make Time your friend. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be hap

  • First Aid for Families ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Many families prepare for minor injuries by having a first aid kit on hand. But what about a first aid kit that will address those emotional ow-ies that show up? Like when your child can’t sleep because they are anxious, or you are losing sleep because you are worried about your child. Emotional ow-ies, like sadness, anger, guilt, shame, fear, and anxiety can often be handled first at home if you have an emotional first aide kit full of simple and practical tools. Bring your notebook or tablet to take notes on the items to place in your emotional First Aid kit, and be prepared the next time an emotional upset occurs. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are n

  • Parenting Tweens ~ Guest Milica Jelenic


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Parenting in the tween years can be a challenging for both parent and child. A child in the teens, ages 8-10, begins to notice changes in their body, friend issues become more significant, and they are experimenting with increased independence. If you are a parenting a tween or will be in the near future, be sure to tune in as Mary and our guest Milica Jelenic, mother of a tween daughter, discuss insights and strategies for moving through the tween years with more ease, while empowering your tween to enter the teens with more confidence and awareness. Milica Jelenic host of “The Pleasure Zone” has a BA and works in the Alternative medicine field.  Milica is also a Mitzvah Technique Teacher, Access Bars® Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, Radio Show Host and has facilitated greater ease and health in bodies for over 15 years. Milica Jelenic is an advocate for possibilities.  In her private practice she invites clients to receive who they truly be and to continue

  • Problem-Free Parenting ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish What if problems didn’t exist for you as a parent? Impossible? Would you be willing to discover how to eliminate problems and parent from a different space of possibility? During this episode, Mary delves into how to make parenting problem-free. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents of the same gender, as well as grandparents raising grandchildren. Mary knows that regardless of the structure of a family, families can thrive, be happy and successful in today’s world. She also knows that the world will be a much better place when family life focuses on empowering parents and kids to be t

  • The Diligent Parent ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Have you done your “Due Diligence” as a parent? How does being a diligent parent apply to raising today’s kids when so much change is going on? Have we been misled about where we have applied diligence that hasn’t worked for us or for our kids? Where does diligence enhance and empower the parent experience. Tune in to discover what diligence truly is and how you can apply it to how you parent your kids. You can join Mary's Empowered Living Group in Facebook, that she mentions in today's show, here - ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families today are not just traditional families; they now include single parents, parents

  • Turn On Your Parent Power ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish


    Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do you ever feel that you are dominated by the demands of parenting, the expectations of what it means to be a parent, and the overwhelm of meeting the needs of your family? It may feel as if your power source is depleted or even turned off, leaving you full of doubt, confusion and maybe even isolated. Your energy level is not what you would like it to be. Parent power isn’t about controlling your child or life’s situations. It is about being able to be empowered to weather any storm with confidence, joy, energy and assurance? This week we will explore how to activate your parent power and get turned on to Being more of you. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~ Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, challenges, questions and possibilities of parenting that will create more ease and confidence. Families tod

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