We discuss what marketing data matters, what doesnt matter, and how to know the difference. Spoiler alert: its all about business goals (and often not the kinds of marketing KPIs that are typically measured).
The power of combining seemingly unrelated data sets
12/11/2018 Duración: 20minOftentimes, the data that’s right in front of you is more useful than you think, though not necessarily on its own. In this podcast, we explain how to think creatively with your data, and where to find combinations that can make all the difference.
Mr. Smith goes to conferences – and explains VR and other tech and social innovations
22/10/2018 Duración: 18minCallahan’s Director of Social and Emerging Media, Ben Smith, recently attended several tech conferences and took a Callahan client on a tour of the Facebook HQ. Today, he shares his thoughts on where consumer technology is headed, what that means for brands and marketers, and how they can leverage early adoption opportunities in meaningful ways.
Five marketing analytics myths debunked
08/10/2018 Duración: 19minSome marketing analytics myths are so common, they get asked and answered without much consideration as to whether or not they’re the right kinds of things to be asking. In this podcast, we bust five recurring myths that every marketing leader has heard.
How to make Facebook data work harder for your marketing
24/09/2018 Duración: 19minEver struggled to get your social media ROI to mean more than likes, shares and comments? Callahan’s Ben Smith explains the importance of having a thorough data strategy when it comes to marketing on Facebook – and how to move well beyond just boosting your posts.
What do Facebook's data privacy problems mean for marketers?
13/09/2018 Duración: 18minWhere others see challenges surrounding the use of data on Facebook, Callahan’s Ben Smith sees opportunity for marketers.
How media planning with front-end analytics is better
15/08/2018 Duración: 16minAnyone involved with media planning has an appreciation for data. In this episode we discuss how a greater volume and depth of data can be applied and integrated better than ever before, which can lead to an increasingly positive impact on business results.
How to build an analytics team
30/07/2018 Duración: 19minTo make decisions with data, you need an analytics team to manage and analyze it all. But what kind of people - and positions - do you need? Because no two businesses are alike, here are the kinds of questions to ask, and personality traits to look for, when hiring for data and analytics-based roles.
Not every store is created equal (why and what to do about it)
16/07/2018 Duración: 17minIf you've got 500 or 1,000 locations spread across all or part of the country, it's reasonable to assume that there are different types of locations in that ecosystem. But marketing plans and media support are often uniform, as if they are all the same. That’s a major disconnect - and a major opportunity.
How to select marketing analytics technology
02/07/2018 Duración: 21minWe've talked previously about tech stacks that can assist in analytics. This episode, we're talking about if you're interested in building your own, what are the types of things that you would need to build, and why technology alone is not the key to success.
Making sense of messy data
18/06/2018 Duración: 16minIn marketing, we have a real problem with messy data. There are thousands of systems, and nothing talks to each other. We explain how to deal with it.
Attribution Modeling is Bullsh*t
04/06/2018 Duración: 19minIf you've ever worked with an attribution model, or are considering investing in an attribution model, we have some bold opinions and practical advice you should hear.
Has Data Privacy Replaced Data Security As the New Topic of Concern?
28/05/2018 Duración: 17minIt seems like data privacy has replaced data security as the big topic around data. Maybe it's just Facebook getting in the news more often these days?
Data That Matters
01/05/2018 Duración: 18minIn this edition of the podcast, we're talking about marketing data that matters: The metrics that influence business results. That could be anything. From a clickthrough to a paid search budget allocation, we help you identify effective KPIs.