An Audio Show About Pop-Culture
Special: AFI’s Top Ten Science Fiction - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
29/10/2014 Duración: 24minThe AFI has arranged movies ion a list without cocking it up. Not even a little. Jim and Scott still find a thing (eh? eh?) or two to pick on for a half hour.
Episode 101: Q&A&Beer - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
22/10/2014 Duración: 02h11minAudience interaction runs so much better with some social lubrication. We review beer and answer questions. Hosts: Jim, Sam and Scott Sh’notes: Extra Life Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Gundam Build Fighters Try Star Wars Tales Creemore Oktoberfest Episode 18 Attack...Read more
Episode 100: Like Tears in the Rain – Blade Runner - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
08/10/2014 Duración: 01h02minWe celebrate our 100th episode and 4th anniversary by discussing one of the greatest genre films of all time and granddaddy of an entire genre: Blade Runner – in all incarnations. Hosts: Jeff, Jim, Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Extra Life...Read more
Special: AFI’s Top Ten Gangster - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
01/10/2014 Duración: 17minJim and Scott, in a shocking twist, agree with the AFI on their taste in gangster movies.
Episode 99: Full House for Movie Reviews – Marvel Phase 2 - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
24/09/2014 Duración: 01h24minWe look back over the second stage of Disney’s Marvel saga Hosts: Dan, Jeff, Jim, Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Extra Life Justin Fearless Challenge Starship Troopers Adventures in the Screen Trade Destiny RE/100 Nightingale Silicon Valley Iron Man 3 Thor:...Read more
Episode 98: Blatant Hypocrisy - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
10/09/2014 Duración: 47minWe debate the nature of online debate and call out some bullshit. Hosts: Jim, Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Extra Life Justin Fights Cancer D&D 5e Relic Tim Hortons Goku vs Superman – Epic Rap Battles of History MAHQ Intro: The Re-Stoned...Read more
Special: AFI’s Top Ten Fantasy - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
03/09/2014 Duración: 21minThe AFI generates a list based on a failure of diction, Jim And Scott give them hell for it.
Special: AFI’s Top Ten Animation - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
27/08/2014 Duración: 29minJim and Scott return to a favourite whipping boy The AFI with their Top Ten of ten genres TV special, starting with animated features.
Bonus: Cutting Room Floor 5 - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
13/08/2014 Duración: 59minHosts: Dan, Jeff, Jim Justin, and Scott Rounding out our summer content with a small heap of pre- and post-show banter and madness. Be forewarned: this is barely edited content. Make of that what you will. Intro: The Re-Stoned Outro: et_...Read more
Episode 97:Let them Fight in the Middle Distance – Godzilla (2014) - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
30/07/2014 Duración: 01h07minNew Godzilla is mostly good, older Godzilla is mostly bad, tangential material is entirely tangential. Hosts: Dan, Jim, Justin and Scott Sh’notes: War for Cybertron Fall of Cybertron Mandatory Fun Marvels Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Godzilla (2014) Fangoria Godzilla (1998) Intro: The...Read more
Episode 96: American Mecha - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
16/07/2014 Duración: 01h23minJapan isn’t it the only nation that produces giant robot entertainment, but even then it cast a long shadow over the proceedings. These are our thoughts on the mecha of the western world. Hosts: Jim, Jeff and Scott Sh’notes: Mighty...Read more
Episode 95: Defying Expectations and Kicking Producers to the Curb – Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
02/07/2014 Duración: 01h17minOnce upon a time, giant robot shows were crazy awesome. This anime is the result of a creative team trying to remind us all of that. It is AMAZING. Hosts: David and Scott Sh’notes: Pack the Pack Atomic Robo...Read more
Episode 94: Gundam Origin and Unicorn - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
18/06/2014 Duración: 01h29minThe Begining and the End of the Universal Century (metaphorically at least) of Gundam. In print and on video. Hosts: Jeff, Jim and Scott Sh’notes: Bayonetta 2 Nintendo at E3 Rogue Legacy Dragonball Z Abridged: Return of Cooler 2 –...Read more
Episode 93: Build Friends – Gundam Build Fighters - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
04/06/2014 Duración: 01h17minDownload Audio For the 35th anniversary of Gundam, Bandai decided to do something special. Give us a series that apologizes for the mess that was AGE and renewed. Hosts: Jeff, Jim and Scott Sh’notes: Gundam Unicorn 7 Skin Game Saint’s...Read more
Episode 92: Pull List with the Bitter Guy - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
21/05/2014It turns out the both of are reading the same comics without recommending anything to eachother, so let’s call that an episode, yeah. Hosts: Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Archer The Kinks has DC comics done something stupid Avengers Arena Runaways...Read more
Episode 91: Super-ranting - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
07/05/2014A series of almost connected rants about the comic book movies of yore. Hosts: Daniel, Jeff, Jim and Scott Shn’otes: Spoilers on social media Rob Ford’s new video Runaways Chili Intro: The Re-Stoned Outro: et_ Email Facebook Twitter Google Plus Stitcher (use...Read more
Episode 90: I’m the Avatar, You Gotta Deal with it – Legend of Korra - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
23/04/2014Airbenders are back after a whole lot of years and it is pretty darned good. Hosts: Alastair, Daniel, Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Captain America 2 Sex Criminals War of the Worlds: Goliath FTL Legend of Korra Intro: The Re-Stoned Outro: et_EmailFacebookTwitterGoogle PlusStitcher (use...Read more
RPG Backtrack: Episode 111 – After the Apocalypse - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
16/04/2014 Duración: 01h47minThe world would have been a different place had World War III happened, and the early Fallout titles showed a number of ways that the radiation could have changed things. The level of realism is subject to debate, but the...Read more
Episode 89: Joker, Always Joker – Batman: Arkham - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
09/04/2014The inmates are running the asylum in the DC Universe. Hosts: Jeff, Jim and Scott Shn’otes: Burger love Sherlock Gundam Build Fighters Arkham Asylum Arkham City Arkham Origins Blackgate Intro: The Re-Stoned Outro: et_EmailFacebookTwitterGoogle PlusStitcher (use the code ITTSBOTO)
Episode 88: Curse your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal – Firefly - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
26/03/2014It has been twelve years since the series aired, I guess the world is ready for us to say nice things about it. Hosts: Daniel, Justin, Scott and Tony Shn’otes: Kraken! (one of the many hydra heads that rose from ADV’s...Read more