Transforming Mission Leadercast With Tim Bias & Sara Thomas



Insights and resources you need to lead a movement of Jesus followers. Well cover faith topics that trip us up, hold us back, and guide us forwardall so you can lead people to Jesus in your local context.


  • Episode 288: The Reality of Distrust Today

    05/09/2023 Duración: 35min

    There is a trust problem in our culture. It touches every industry including the church. What can Christ centered leaders do to improve trust? Listen to this podcast conversation to explore the behaviors that can facilitate trust as well as the role of authenticity and transparency in building trust. Explore how trust is an adaptive leadership challenge and why having a coach is recommended for navigating this season.   Listen to this episode and learn more at

  • Episode 287: Missional Leadership - Defining Your Mission Field

    29/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    In Episode 287, we continue the exploration of missional leadership. This conversation revolves around the concept of defining your mission field and forging relationships that hold the potential to change lives - starting with your own. The episode begins by highlighting the seven fundamental missional questions that serve as guideposts for crafting purposeful leadership. These questions facilitate a deep understanding of the mission and purpose of the church, the assets and needs of the community, and the critical role of relationships in the transformative process. At the core of the discussion lies the notion of discerning and defining one's mission field. Unlike a mere demographic analysis, this approach emphasizes the significance of field-testing the insights and building relationships. Authentic relationships, rather than statistics, become the bedrock of missional leadership. This shift toward relational engagement is highlighted as the third aspect of missional leadership, following previous explora

  • Episode 286: The Church and Society - A Call to Missional Leadership

    22/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    In Leadercast episode 286, the focus remains on missional leadership, delving into the second aspect of this approach: the changing relationship between the church and society. Tim and Sara engage in a thoughtful discussion, reflecting on the evolving dynamics of faith, community, and engagement in the modern world. The episode starts with a recap of the previous discussion, highlighting the concept of "putting God in the driver's seat." This sets the stage for the exploration of missional leadership's second aspect, which revolves around recognizing the shifting connections between the church and the broader society. Listen at  

  • Episode 285: Then and Now - A Call to Missional Leadership

    15/08/2023 Duración: 27min

    Explore the shift in church leadership that puts God's mission at the forefront. In Leadercast episode 285, Tim and Sara reflect on changes over the past 10 years, discussing the evolving role of the church and its mission. They emphasize missional leadership, which starts with putting God's mission at the center. They contrast this with personal preferences, acknowledging that the church's mission isn't to please members or promote prosperity. Urging a shift from program-focused to people-focused, they stress engaging with the community, adapting to societal changes, and helping people become true followers of Jesus. They highlight the need to understand and embrace the local context, moving from an attractional model to celebrating what God's doing. The podcast concludes by introducing the concept of missional leadership's second aspect and inviting listeners to join the next episode for further exploration. Listen at

  • Bonus: Then and Now - a Call to Missional Leadership

    11/08/2023 Duración: 03min

    We'll be back on Tuesday with a new episode of LeaderCast where we begin to explore three aspects of missional leadership. Until then, here's a little sneak peek inside our conversation before we started recording episodes. See you Tuesday! 

  • Episode 284: The Value of...Courage

    27/06/2023 Duración: 35min

    In this final episode in the series, "The Value of..." explores courage as a value for leaders. First, be reminded of the four skill sets of courageous leaders. Then, listen as we offer six actions for courageous leaders. Examples support these actions and invite listeners to recognize the importance of adaptive leadership. “The VALUE of…” is podcast series exploring what is important to Christ-centered leaders. Values are more than things we profess. Values are the essential elements that guide a leader’s decisions and actions. They help teams make decisions and know what is important. Across the next several episodes we’ll dive into questions like: Why are values important? What does living into our values look like (and why it’s important)? What are examples of transformational ministries that can result? And what adaptive leadership challenges emerge when you’re living and leading from your values. Listen to this episode of LeaderCast at Episode 283: The Value of Compas

  • Episode 283: The Value of...Compassion

    20/06/2023 Duración: 23min

    The value of compassion is embodied on individual and community levels. Listen to explore how compassion comes to life for leaders, skills you may need to practice in leveling up your compassion, as well as the importance of systems in offering compassion to others. As you consider what it means to embody the value of compassion in your leadership, create systems of care, listen at the deepest level, and remember that God is love. It just might remind others that the church - God’s people - are the ones they can always count on for compassion.  Related Episodes  Episode 282: The Value of Capacity Building Episode 281: The Value of Community Episode 280: The Value of Collaboration Episode 279: Becoming HOPE - A Journey of Discipleship Episode 278: Habits of HOPE - Engagement Episode 277: Habits of HOPE - Practices Episode 276: Habits of HOPE - Offering Christ Episode 275: Habits of HOPE - Hospitality

  • Episode 282: The Value of...Capacity Building

    13/06/2023 Duración: 34min

    Explore the value of capacity building. Specifically, examine the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Then, turn your attention to individual or personal capacity building and community capacity building. Along the way, we offer insights, questions for reflection, and an opportunity to look at the leadership results of a fixed and growth mindset. This is the third episode in the series, The Value of... Listen at or wherever you listen to podcasts. Explore related episodes: Episode 281: The Value of Community Episode 280: The Value of Collaboration Episode 279: Becoming HOPE – A Journey of Discipleship Episode 278: Habits of HOPE – Engagement Episode 277: Habits of HOPE – Practices Episode 276: Habits of HOPE – Offering Christ Episode 275: Habits of HOPE – Hospitality  

  • Episode 281: The Value of...Community

    06/06/2023 Duración: 21min

    This week we’re looking at the value of community. First, we’ll set the stage with Acts 2:42-47, then we’ll look at the adaptive leadership challenges that can emerge when you’re focused on community. Specifically, we’ll look at how to navigate the adaptive leadership challenges. Finally, explore several questions that connect to the church’s role in disciple-making and being a community of faith. To listen to this episode, head to

  • Episode 280: The Value of...Collaboration

    29/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    Do you value collaboration? Yes, we're really asking. “The VALUE of…” is a new podcast series exploring what is important to Christ-centered leaders. Values are more than things we profess. Values are the essential elements that guide a leader's decisions and actions. They help teams make decisions and know what is important. Across the next several episodes we’ll dive into questions like: Why are values important?  What does living into our values look like (and why it’s important)?   What are examples of transformational ministries that can result?  And what adaptive leadership challenges emerge when you’re living and leading from your values. This week we start with an exploration of the value of collaboration. As a Christ-centered leader, the ministries you shepherd likely depend on collaboration. A leader’s role is to equip others for the work of ministry. And THAT requires collaboration. Collaboration isn't simply about dividing out tasks. As we explore collaboration you'll hear examples of ministry As

  • Episode 279: Becoming HOPE - A Discipleship Journey

    23/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    In episode 279, explore how HOPE comes to life in two very different ways, hear the origin of HOPE, and explore how your strengths - individually and as a congregation - can inform how you go about offering HOPE. If you’re thinking, didn’t they say last week was the final episode about HOPE? You are correct. But, we realized that having separated the four aspects of HOPE would help to bring the conversation together. Listen to this episode, explore CliftonStrengths and discipleship, and connect to the individual episodes about each aspect of this discipleship pathway at

  • Episode 278: Habits of Hope - Engagement

    16/05/2023 Duración: 24min

    The fourth episode of the miniseries, Habits of HOPE, explores how engagement models HOPE and guides people to become more like Jesus.  The “E” in HOPE stands for Engagement. Engaging in acts of justice and service is about embodying the love of God we know in Jesus. Service takes us outside the church walls to be with others in ministry. Whether it’s a compassion ministry, children’s afterschool ministry, ministry with seniors, or something different altogether, serving with others pushes us beyond our routine.  Being the hands and feet of Jesus is an embodiment of grace. Please don’t read into that statement. We’re not talking about doing something to or for others. When we talk about service, we’re specifically talking about relational ministry.  Walk with us as we guide you through serving in the local community. It starts and ends with prayer. In between, you’ll experience how each essential element of the Habits of HOPE come to life. Starting with creating an environment of hospitality, moving to offeri

  • Episode 277: Habits of Hope - Practices

    09/05/2023 Duración: 24min

    In the third episode of the miniseries, Habits of HOPE, explore the place the spiritual disciplines have in making disciples of Jesus Christ. As Christian leaders, there are at least three things we confuse we disciple-making. Listen in and reflect on how information, busyness, and disconnection are counter to forming and growing as disciples of Jesus. H: Hospitality - reaching out and receiving new people in the name of Jesus. O: Offering Christ - Offering people an opportunity to make a commitment to Christ. P: Practices - practicing the faith through the spiritual disciplines to be transformed into the image of Christ E: Engagement - engaging in acts of justice and service with others in your local community and around the world. We'll explore this in the next episode. This series includes episodes 275-279. Head to the show notes page at for links to each of the episodes

  • Episode 276: Habits of Hope - Offering Christ

    02/05/2023 Duración: 19min

    Explore the second aspect of disciple-making, Offering Christ. We offer Christ when we invite people to make a commitment to Jesus. Sometimes this happens in public professions of faith like baptism. At other times, it's a simple rhythm of life as a follower of Jesus. As you grow and deepen your relationship with Christ, new ways emerge to deepen your commitment. Listen as we share stories about how offering Christ transforms lives - including ours. In this series, we're exploring four essential elements of disciple-making using the acronym, HOPE. This episode looks at different ways we offer Christ within and beyond the local congregation. As you seek to follow Jesus, offering Christ flows out of the love we receive from Jesus. As Christ-centered leaders, how are you offering Christ to the people in your community?  Listen to this episode and find other episodes in this series at This series runs from episodes 275-279. Watch for another aspect of disciple-making next week

  • Habits of Hope - Hospitality

    25/04/2023 Duración: 30min

    Explore the four essential aspects of disciple-making across the next four episodes. Hear stories and illustrations from individual, congregational, and circuit perspectives to help you live into our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This week, we start with hospitality. Hear how welcoming others in the name of Jesus, creating spaces for people to encounter God's love, and everyday actions guide people to experience God's goodness and grace. Let's get one thing out of the way. Hospitality is NOT what you do, it's who you are. Join us for a conversation about this essential component of disciple-making. Find this episode and the following episodes in this series at

  • Episode 274: Leading Through Lent - Holy Week Hope

    04/04/2023 Duración: 24min

    When all seems lost, what do you do? When darkness surrounds your life, where do you turn? Look to Mary, Martha, Lazarus, the disciples and Jesus to explore Holy Week Hope. Walk away with practical suggestions for leading through darkness and despair. Explore three aspects of cultivating hope, and be reminded that following Jesus is the way to hope. Wishing you a faithful journey through Holy Week and a blessed Easter.  Show note: we'll be back on April 25, 2023 for the next episode of LeaderCast.

  • Episode 273: Leading Through Lent - The Antidote of Empathy

    28/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Explore the power of empathy, by looking at John 9, the story of the man born blind. Look to the role shame played in this man's life experience and how as leaders we can create an environment where empathy fuels connection. Listen to other episodes in this series at

  • Episode 272: Leading Through Lent - What's Wrong With This Picture?

    21/03/2023 Duración: 20min

    The woman at the well sets the scene for several questions. The one we raise comes from the cultural context of the day, “What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong with the picture? When we fail to view the scripture from God’s perspective and instead read into the scripture debates from our current cultural context. As we’ll come to see, Jesus shows us there is absolutely nothing wrong with the picture of Jesus, at a well, talking to a woman and asking her for a drink. Because what Jesus offers is available to everyone. Jesus reminds us the woman’s gender, social location, culture, and background didn’t matter. He offers living water and that’s all she needs to hear - an offer of new life. Read more at

  • Episode271: Leading Through Lent - It's Getting Real

    14/03/2023 Duración: 20min

    This series, “Leading Through Lent” invites you to breathe in God’s goodness and the realities of life and ministry as we look at the scriptures of the season through the lens of leadership. We begin by exploring what the “spiritual perfectionists” remind us in leadership. Learn more at    

  • Episode 270: Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted...

    07/03/2023 Duración: 17min

    "Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:10-12 As we conclude this series on the Beatitudes, we end with a tough one. If you're thinking, "How are the persecuted blessed?" Or if you think it's an invitation to find a way to be persecuted, listen in to explore the depth and breadth of this scripture. Christ-centered leaders will walk away with a reminder that your leadership does not depend upon persecution or praise. Your leadership depends upon your trust in Jesus. You'll also explore what the tension between the church and the world might mean. We invite you to consider whenever tension ceases to exist between the church and the world, one of two things has happened. Either the world has

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