Dental A Team W/ Kiera Dent And Dr Mark Costes



This podcast is to here to give all team members, in EVERY position, TACTICAL and PRACTICAL TIPS to be:Be more efficientHave more funImprove doctor and team communicationsEliminate frustrationAnd make your life easier!Jump in! They are thrilled you have decided to LEVEL UP and be part of the DENTAL A TEAM!


  • #829: Book Club: What to Take Off Your (Work) Plate

    25/04/2024 Duración: 27min

    Kiera and Britt are discussing the April book club selection, Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire by Dan Martell. They share their top takeaways about treating time valuably, how to best go about starting to delegate, where an assistant can fit in, and more. Find the full book club rundown here! Episode resources: Reach out to Britt and Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #828: Those Team Members Who Want More, More, More

    24/04/2024 Duración: 17min

    As an employer, it can definitely feel like all you do is give, and working with those team members who always want more can be a major hurdle. Kiera talks about the right way to approach giving, what to consider from the team member’s perspective, budget confines, and more. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #827: Adding an Edge To Your Practice

    23/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    If you’re looking to up your review game, it’s important that you’re in the right arena(s). In this episode, Kiera talks about why practices should showcase their best selves on social media. Specifically, she touches on the ideal number of reviews your practice should have, and why considering your social media presentation is so critical. Bonus: Ideas for social media content and a prime review resource! Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast    

  • #826: Solving the Too-Full, Not Productive Schedule Problem

    18/04/2024 Duración: 14min

    Kiera takes a close look at scheduling, and what to do when things are too full — a hot topic in offices right now. She urges listeners to change how insurance is being presented; avoid double-booking; and consider an expansion of hours. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #825: Getting Into Social Media: Putting Your Practice Out There

    17/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    It’s time for a dive into brand awareness on social media. In this episode, Tiff and Dana talk about the realities of social media marketing for practices: the what, where, why, and how, including why it’s so critical, who you’re updating for, content ideas, and more. Episode resources: Reach out to Tiff and Dana Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #824: The Art Of Hiring an A-Team

    16/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Sometimes, when it comes to hiring, you just get lucky. In this episode, Kiera talks about the art of hiring: the good, the bad, and the lessons that come from both. You’ll hear advice on… How long you should wait to know if you’ve hired the right person Why it’s important to be practical when hiring, not emotional What hiring someone complementary to your style means And more Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #823: Measure Success in a Whole New Way

    11/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    In marketing, every dollar counts. In this episode, Tiff and Dana talk about how to know if your marketing dollars are yielding the right results. They touch on why you need to know how much you’re spending on marketing; whether the ideal patient is being converted; and why your active patient count is so important. Want a spreadsheet to start tracking the important stuff? Email  Episode resources: Reach out to Tiff and Dana Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #822: Are You Respected By Your Team?

    10/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    An office reached out to the Dental A-Team with the following question: How can an office manager earn respect from a team that’s not listening? Kiera shares tips on the proper approach to being an effective office manager (or anyone, really) in the dental practice.  She explains why OMs should:  Understand your motive in the position Consider the best interests of the business Avoid empty threats And more Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Dental A Team's Virtual Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #821: It’s Not Too Late to Gain Momentum in 2024

    09/04/2024 Duración: 16min

    Can you say for certain that all of your practice’s ducks are in a row? Kiera’s here with an urgent suggestion to use momentum now to smooth out all the systems and teams in your office now to be ready for the inevitable unexpected moments. Dental A-Team’s Practice Momentum walks practices through monthly tasks to make sure everything is planned out for peace of mind. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Dental A Team's Virtual Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #820: Ramp Up Communication to Improve Relationships

    04/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    A common thread among Dental A-Team offices right now is a decrease in communication. In this episode, Kiera and Tiff talk about why this is happening so often, and how to bring that openness and trust back into your practice. They give insight on how often different positions should be meeting, the right way to approach difficult conversations, why we should look at our work relationships like the other relationships in our lives, and more. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera and Tiff Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #819: Marketing For Your New AND Established Patients

    03/04/2024 Duración: 21min

    Marketing is a hot-ticket item in dental practices, and Tiff and Dana are here to discuss how to sell your dentistry to not only new patients — but the ones you already have. They give ideas on retention and referral, the power of organic conversations, and keeping your established patients just as happy as your new ones. Episode resources: Reach out to Tiff and Dana Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #818: Hold Strong in a Tough Economy

    02/04/2024 Duración: 17min

    Are you the master of your circumstances or the creator of your life? This question guides the episode as Kiera talks about how to stay strong and positive in a challenging economy. She talks about managing emotions, communicating with patients, and intelligently considering what to keep and what to shed for your practice’s long-term benefits. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #817: Hiring: Are You a Hunter or a Fisher?

    28/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    The hiring climate has changed dramatically in recent years, and Kiera’s here to encourage listeners to embrace the challenge of finding the right people for your practice. She talks about three things to consider when approaching hiring: Establish a culture that doesn’t have turnover Assess the patterns of those who are leaving React to those trends Consider your role as you hire: are you a hunter or a fisher? Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #816: How to Truly Notice Your Team

    27/03/2024 Duración: 14min

    It’s time for another book club episode! This month’s review is on The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective by Andy Andrews. Kiera reflects on how everyone can notice the positives in each other, personally, professionally, etc. — and how this can improve the culture in your practice. Find the full book club rundown here! Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #815: Proactive Moves For Your Front Office

    26/03/2024 Duración: 23min

    Tiff and Dana focus on the front office — specifically, how offices can make sure they have exactly what they need in place to make everyone happy (patients, team members, doctor(s), etc.). They give tips on fine-tuning insurance, account balances, auditing codes, schedule-building, billing, and more. Episode resources: Reach out to Tiff and Dana:  Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #814: To Expand or Not to Expand…

    21/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    Kiera shares two office autopsies, each who considered practice expansion and went about it in different ways. When considering whether to sell to a DSO or move to a bigger building or simply stay where you are, make sure you’re not doing so for the wrong reasons. Kiera explains what the right reasons and wrong reasons would be, and how the two offices ultimately made their decisions. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #813: The Key to a Perfect Billing Department

    20/03/2024 Duración: 22min

    Tiff and Dana are back with more leveling-up tips for your practices! They focus on the billing department, specifically the key ingredient to keep everything moving smoothly: calendars. Setting up a calendar to keep things on track will keep your cadence consistent — a must-do when it comes to staying on top of all that work. Tiff and Dana walk through what to include on that calendar, the importance of cheat sheets, how to train your support team ahead of time, and more. Episode resources: Reach out to Tiff and Dana Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #812: Finding a Path Out of Burnout

    19/03/2024 Duración: 52min

    Ryan Isaac is once again on the podcast! In this episode, he and Kiera discuss how impactful burnout can be, what the signs are, and how to overcome it. Also, both the Dental A-Team and Ryan’s Dentist Advisors have summits coming up! Get the details: DAT Virtual Summit — The Prosperous Dentist: Strategies For Wealth and Wellness, Friday, April 26, 2024 Dentist Money Summit: Learn how to live your rich life, June 21-22, 2024, code DAT25 for discount Episode resources: Tune in to The Dentist Money Show Reach out to Kiera Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #811: The Blueprint Your Business Needs

    14/03/2024 Duración: 20min

    Roadmaps for all the different aspects of businesses are really difficult to create. There’s a lot of room for error along the way. It’d sure be nice to have a ready-made business success cycle, plus the experts to help you over any hurdles that appear. Kiera talks in this episode about Dental A-Team’s Practice Momentum, and how signing up will get you on the right path forward to make your practice the best it can be. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera:  Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

  • #810: A Hot Topic for Practices

    13/03/2024 Duración: 19min

    Did you know: presenting treatment plans is 80% psychology and 20% skill? In this episode, Kiera talks through the Dental A-Team tried and true method of treatment plans, both the psychology and skill aspects. Episode resources: Reach out to Kiera:  Listen to episode 133, What Drives You: Cost, Longevity, Function, or Cosmetic Practice Momentum Group Consulting Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast

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