Words Of Grace Radio - Flint River Primitive Baptist Church



Flint River Primitive Baptist Church, near Huntsville Alabama.


  • Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?


    Join us for this episode of Words of Grace, as we delve into the profound question: “Why should I believe in Sovereign Grace?” In this episode, Ben Winslett explores a biblical doctrine often overlooked in American evangelicalism — Sovereign Grace. Many Christians have never encountered this doctrine in sermons or teachings, yet it’s deeply rooted … Continue reading "Why Should I Believe in Sovereign Grace?"

  • The Blessing of Life by the Word


    Psalm 119 is a blessed portion of the Bible, specifically considering God’s word. In today’s broadcast, Ben Winslett speaks on the first three sections of this Psalm, with a focus on 1) being undefiled in the way, 2) cleansing yourself through the word, and 3) needing a guide as strangers in the world. Radio broadcast … Continue reading "The Blessing of Life by the Word"

  • Examine Yourselves


    In today’s broadcast, we share a portion of Ben Winslett’s final message from 2 Corinthians, in which he considers Paul’s exhortation for the saints in Corinth to examine themselves, whether or not they be in THE faith. Of all the issues he challenged them with over the course of two weighty letters, he leaves off … Continue reading "Examine Yourselves"

  • What is the Church?


    Sparked by the beauty of a weekend of worship, Ben Winslett shares thoughts on what a church actually is supposed to be, from the scriptures. Radio broadcast for June 2, 2024. What is the Church?

  • Willing to Spend (And be Spent)


    Paul was not appreciated by the Corinthians church the way he should have been. However, with the proper mentality, sad and hurtful as that was, he was still willing and glad to serve. Join us for this weekend’s message! Radio broadcast for May 26, 2024 Willing to Spend (And be Spent)  

  • The Heavens


    Sparked by recent star gazing, including a rare southern appearance of the “Northern Lights,” Ben Winslett speaks the subject of the heavens from scripture. Radio broadcast for May 19, 2024. The Heavens

  • Weakness and Strength


    As Americans, we value strength and shame weakness. We want a strong economy, a strong military, and a strong currency. And it is very common for men and women to frequent the gym to maintain their personal strength. But in 2 Corinthians 12, we find something else being celebrated: weakness. Why? Because as followers of … Continue reading "Weakness and Strength"

  • Finding Purpose in a Thorn


    Afflictions are a sad part of reality in this sin cursed earth. However, there are things we can learn in the midst of trials. For one, we can grow in humility, as afflictions can humble us. But also, we can experience the power of Christ, as His strength is made perfect in weakness! Join us … Continue reading "Finding Purpose in a Thorn"

  • Caught Up to the Third Heaven


    In 2 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul speaks of something mysterious and intriguing: A man caught up to the third heaven, even to the Paradise of God. Where is this place? What is it like? As we see in today’s message, the third heaven and the throne room of God are both unspeakable and not … Continue reading "Caught Up to the Third Heaven"

  • Blessed Assurance


    Recently on Words of Grace, our focus has been on suffering and afflictions. We’ve spoken to the origin of suffering, the various causes of suffering, the great difference between when God sends affliction and when Satan afflicts us, as well as many related themes like God’s sovereignty and the wiles of the Devil. In today’s … Continue reading "Blessed Assurance"

  • There’s a Lion on the Loose


    From his Pulpit series on 2 Corinthians, Pastor Winslett comes to relevant statements regarding the wiles of our enemy, the devil. Specifically, that wicked one beguiles through craftiness, but he also masquerades as an angel of light. Join us for this message, in today’s episode of Words of Grace. Radio broadcast for April 14, 2024. … Continue reading "There’s a Lion on the Loose"

  • The Fight of Faith


    While it’s true that the devil afflicts God’s people because of their identity in Christ, there’s also a deeper, more sinister goal in mind: The overturning of their faith! Radio broadcast for March 7, 2024. The Fight of Faith

  • Suffering With Christ


    While Jesus’ life was one of difficulty, His final week leading up to the crucifixion was one of extreme and intense suffering. He would be betrayed, arrested, forsaken, lied about, tried, beaten, scourged, and then crucified. And yet despite knowing all of this, He rode into Jerusalem for the joy set before Him. As we … Continue reading "Suffering With Christ"

  • Statements of God’s Sovereignty from Isaiah


    The book of Isaiah among one of the most cited sources from the Old Testament, and for good reason. While Isaiah deals with contemporary issues to Israel, he also foretold many world events as well as giving many details about the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Another theme of Isaiah, as we explore in … Continue reading "Statements of God’s Sovereignty from Isaiah"

  • As the Horsemen Ride


    Revelation chapter 6 describes a terrifying scene. As the Lamb of God opens the seals to a book, four horses with their riders begin traveling through earth, causing many afflictions for mankind. Radio broadcast for March 17, 2024. As The Horsemen Ride

  • God’s Unspeakable Gift, Part 2


    Many countless words have been written and spoken over the last several thousand years about salvation. But did you know this work of God is so great, that at the end of the day, this gift is still in a sense “unspeakable”? Join us for part 2 of this message entitled God’s Unspeakable Gift to … Continue reading "God’s Unspeakable Gift, Part 2"

  • God’s Unspeakable Gift, Part 1


    Human beings are naturally selfish creatures. Why then, do some feel a great need to give to the less fortunate, without any regards for recognition or praise? Simply put, such acts take grace in the heart! Join us for part 1 of a message entitled God’s Unspeakable Gift, in which Ben Winslett speaks to the … Continue reading "God’s Unspeakable Gift, Part 1"

  • A Cheerful Giver


    One of the most necessary subjects to address in the Bible is that of giving. Why? First, finances are an inescapable part of the church and Christian living (as well as life on Earth). But also, because it’s a subject in which many depart from the biblical model, both in terms of teaching and giving. … Continue reading "A Cheerful Giver"

  • Godly Sorrow, Part 2


    Continuing our message on the subject of Godly Sorrow, in this sermon from 2 Corinthians 7, we have the opportunity to explode the concept of godly sorrow. On today’s broadcast, our focus is verse 8, the temporary sorrow which the Corinthians felt, a sorrow that led them to repentance. Radio broadcast for February 18, 2024 … Continue reading "Godly Sorrow, Part 2"

  • Godly Sorrow, Part 1


    Over the next two weekends on Words of Grace, we’re sharing with you a message that Pastor Winslett delivered recently as a part of his ongoing pulpit series from 2 Corinthians. In this sermon from 2 Corinthians 7, we have the opportunity to explode the concept of godly sorrow. On today’s broadcast, our focus is … Continue reading "Godly Sorrow, Part 1"

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