Connecting Busy People with Jesus
Three Choices To Prepare For A Great 2018
04/01/2017 Duración: 37minYes, I know 2017 has just begun. I also know that the choices we make right now are shaping not only 2017, but they’re preparing a future for us that we will be required to embrace (like it or not). In this episode we’re exploring Hebrews 6:4-12 and I’m going to encourage you to make […] The post Three Choices To Prepare For A Great 2018 appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Christmas Special: How To Have The Perfect Christmas
21/12/2016 Duración: 43minI have some really great memories waking up early and spending Christmas Day with my kids. My kids really contribute to my idea of what a perfect Christmas Day looks like. You probably have some great memories and an idea of what the perfect Christmas Day is, too. In this episode we talk about the […] The post Christmas Special: How To Have The Perfect Christmas appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Christmas Special: Christmas Is A Promise To You
14/12/2016 Duración: 39minEvery gift wrapped under my tree is a promise to my children (and especially my wife) that something awesome awaits them on Christmas morning. My kids believe that their daddy isn’t going to let them down. Christmas is a promise. Every Believer knows that the promises that God made to us are going to be […] The post Christmas Special: Christmas Is A Promise To You appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Halloween Special: The Devil, Demons & Disciples
31/10/2016 Duración: 53minThis is a halloween special. In this episode it’s time to demystify the devil and demons. It’s time to discover their secret powers, and find out more about demon possession and how demons are cast out. You’re going to find out how they effect you and how to protect yourself (sorry, garlic and silver bullets […] The post Halloween Special: The Devil, Demons & Disciples appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 08, Is Christianity Harder Than The Work You’re Putting Into It?
26/10/2016 Duración: 25minEveryone who wants to can enter into a friendship with God purely by choosing to believe in Jesus. Easy, peasy, no effort required – it’s a total act of faith. However, after that initial choice there is absolutely some relational elbow grease needed to stay in the relationship – faith eventually comes to look […] The post HEB 08, Is Christianity Harder Than The Work You’re Putting Into It? appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 07, How To Avoid Disconnecting
19/10/2016 Duración: 32minLawnmowers and Christians have something in common. I have an electric lawnmower – the kind that requires a really long extension cord that’s never quite long enough. As I’m mowing the edge of my property I repeatedly pull the cord out of the wall. Disconnecting a plug is annoying. Similarly, I have a friendship with […] The post HEB 07, How To Avoid Disconnecting appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 06: Slay The Three Headed Monster Of Distraction
12/10/2016 Duración: 27minDistraction isn’t unusual, it’s the norm. Most people I see follow very busy routines that welcome (and even invite) distraction. Within Christianity, distraction isn’t the problem that apostasy is, but it can be just as deadly. Both distraction and apostasy can end with a broken relationship with Jesus. That’s a really big deal, and it’s […] The post HEB 06: Slay The Three Headed Monster Of Distraction appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 05: Why Only Jesus Can Reconcile You
05/10/2016 Duración: 33minHebrews can be a really scary book, or a really encouraging book. On the one hand, if you are actively pursuing Jesus as a friend, you’re sacrificing for Him, and you’re prioritizing Him, then Hebrews is awesome! However, if Jesus is one option among many, if He sometimes gets your attention and other times not, […] The post HEB 05: Why Only Jesus Can Reconcile You appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 03: Three Reasons Not To Drift
21/09/2016 Duración: 28minAs my dad and I were fishing, sitting in his homemade canoe, we allowed the gentle breeze and the current to carry us along. We may have started in a good location, but because we weren’t paying attention we ended up drifting toward the shore and beaching ourselves. On that day, the fish were […] The post HEB 03: Three Reasons Not To Drift appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 02: Why Following Jesus Is Your Best Option
14/09/2016 Duración: 27minI have heard that our generation is the most advertised to generation that has ever existed. Advertisement doesn’t only take the form of products and services, it also includes spirituality. There are many spiritual options to pursue these days, and it seems as though people are making up something new almost daily. How is one […] The post HEB 02: Why Following Jesus Is Your Best Option appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
HEB 01: Why Jesus’ Way Is Best
07/09/2016 Duración: 38minIn this awesome episode we’re beginning a new series through Hebrews! Based on your feedback (thanks for connecting!) the format is changing just a little. Rather than providing a commentary like I did through Romans, the series through Hebrews will be based on my sermon series at Hillside Community Church. So, lets jump into this new […] The post HEB 01: Why Jesus’ Way Is Best appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 47: What Mature Faith Looks Like
31/08/2016 Duración: 17minI can’t tell you how many mature people I have met who are lacking maturity. Truthfully, I’m one of those mature people lacking some maturity. In Romans 15:1-13, Paul offers a profile of a mature Christian, helping us to recognize maturity in others and inspiring us to find maturity in ourselves. In this episode we […] The post Rom 47: What Mature Faith Looks Like appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 46: Caring Into Community
25/08/2016 Duración: 38minIn this episode we look at Romans 14, the goto chapter for anyone who wants to reconcile the line between acceptance and judgement. We explore unity, condemning, diversity, arguments, what is truly essential, and how great churches are caring into community. Show Notes: • Romans 14:1 [01:10] • Romans 14:2 [03:35] • Romans 14:3 […] The post Rom 46: Caring Into Community appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 46: What Love Looks Like
17/08/2016 Duración: 15minIn this episode we summarize everything that God requires of us (namely what He wants us to do for Him and for others) as we discover what love looks like in Romans 13:8-14. With just one word, the complicated thoughts that stem from Bible discussions can become simplified and quickly actionable. Show Notes: • […] The post Rom 46: What Love Looks Like appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 45: Submitting To The Government
10/08/2016 Duración: 20minThere’s always a lot of talk about politics filling my FaceBook news feed and creeping its way into my conversations. I’ve noticed something missing in almost all of the political talk that comes my way – no one talks about the need of submitting to the government. In this episode we look at Romans 13:1-7 […] The post Rom 45: Submitting To The Government appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 44: Overcoming Evil
27/07/2016 Duración: 19minThe presence of evil in the world is undeniable. Every Believer’s call to faith and obedience makes life complicated in a world like this. What’s a Believer to do? In Romans 12:9-21 Paul gets really practical with a rubber-meets-the-road approach to Christian living, pointing toward a path to overcoming evil. Show Notes: • […] The post Rom 44: Overcoming Evil appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 43: Real Worship
20/07/2016 Duración: 19minIn this episode we explore Romans 12:1-8 and discover what worship really is. It’s not singing, although it can be a part of it. It’s not the style of church music, although it could be a part of it. Real worship is bigger. Find out why real worship often looks gritty and sweaty. Show […] The post Rom 43: Real Worship appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 042: God’s Mysterious Mercy
13/07/2016 Duración: 17minIn this episode we explore Romans 11:25-36, God’s mysterious mercy. If you think the Bible’s easy to understand, think again. There are so many mysteries that have not yet been revealed to us, and we find a couple in today’s passage. For example, how is it that God has rejected the Jews and yet we […] The post Rom 042: God’s Mysterious Mercy appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 041: Does God Get Tired Of You?
05/07/2016 Duración: 20minI’ve had some people get bored of me, get frustrated with me, stop liking me, take offence at me, and they have chosen to move on. That’s really ok, it’s their choice. But, the bigger question is, does God treat us the same way? Does God ever move on from us? Does God get tired […] The post Rom 041: Does God Get Tired Of You? appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.
Rom 040: God’s Mercy Or Rejection?
29/06/2016 Duración: 10minIn this episode we explore a question of rejection: “Does God reject people?” In Romans 11:1-10 Paul asks if God has rejected Israel, His chosen people of the Old Testament. If God has rejected people who were once accepted, then what’s to say He won’t also reject us. And, if He didn’t reject them, then […] The post Rom 040: God’s Mercy Or Rejection? appeared first on Rick Grundy Live.