Telling The Truth



Hear biblical wisdom on contemporary topics like marriage, parenting, relationships, work, faith, and so much more on Telling the Truth, a half-hour radio program by Stuart, Jill and Pete Briscoe. Inspiring, challenging, and always true to Gods Word, Telling the Truth has a heart for encouraging and teaching people to grow in faith and knowledge of Christ and His love.


  • Standing Firm When the World Shakes Back, Part 1, Shaking Up Your World

    29/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Called to unlock the door to the secrets of God's saving grace, Paul followed the footsteps of Jesus. They were principles that fueled his amazing life and made him a “world shaker.” We can own those principles, too, and shake up our world for Christ.  This message includes Jill's poem, “God Dropped By.” 

  • Setting Out to Shake the World, Shaking Up Your World

    28/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Paul had a heart as big as the world, a vision as high as the sky, and a life that marches down the stairway of time into our little lives—enlarging them forever. He was a mover and a shaker—a “world shaker.” From this point on in the narrative, Paul would be in prison and bondage until the end of his course on earth. 

  • The People and the Book, Part 2, The People and the Book

    27/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Reading about the Israelites in the Old Testament can make us feel pretty superior. After all, these people, so cherished by God, often got it wrong. God repeatedly blessed them, and in turn, they repeatedly abandoned God for things that seemed better and more appealing. They forgot His Word and His promises. Uncomfortable yet? Does this sound familiar?  Our world looks pretty much the same way today! There's a famine of hearing and knowing God's Word, both in and outside our churches. Something is missing spiritually, and it affects every other facet of our lives. In this riveting message by Stuart, he explains what we need to do, and what will lead to true life transformation. 

  • The People and the Book, Part 1, The People and the Book

    26/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Reading about the Israelites in the Old Testament can make us feel pretty superior. After all, these people, so cherished by God, often got it wrong. God repeatedly blessed them, and in turn, they repeatedly abandoned God for things that seemed better and more appealing. They forgot His Word and His promises. Uncomfortable yet? Does this sound familiar?  Our world looks pretty much the same way today! There's a famine of hearing and knowing God's Word, both in and outside our churches. Something is missing spiritually, and it affects every other facet of our lives. In this riveting message by Stuart, he explains what we need to do, and what will lead to true life transformation. 

  • Empowering the Next Generation, Part 2, Empowering the Next Generation

    23/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    How are you pouring into those younger than yourself?  What kind of legacy are you building to leave for your children?  Jill Briscoe takes us to Proverbs 31:1-9 to ponder the words King Lemuel wrote fondly about his mother and the faith she passed along to him.  Whatever age or stage we're at, God calls us to be a blessing to the next generation.  The gifts God has given us never age, and they're supposed to be used.  Jill encourages us to start loving, teaching, and praying for the younger ones coming along.  The impact will be not only on the next generation, but for eternity!

  • Empowering the Next Generation, Part 1, Empowering the Next Generation

    22/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    How are you pouring into those younger than yourself?  What kind of legacy are you building to leave for your children?  Jill Briscoe takes us to Proverbs 31:1-9 to ponder the words King Lemuel wrote fondly about his mother and the faith she passed along to him.  Whatever age or stage we're at, God calls us to be a blessing to the next generation.  The gifts God has given us never age, and they're supposed to be used.  Jill encourages us to start loving, teaching, and praying for the younger ones coming along.  The impact will be not only on the next generation, but for eternity!

  • Thinking Clearly About Authority, Part 2, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    21/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    For generations Christians have found Jesus' famous statement, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's” (Matt. 22:21) a helpful basis for understanding the relationship of the Christian to the State. But how does it apply today?

  • Thinking Clearly About Authority, Part 1, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    20/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    For generations Christians have found Jesus' famous statement, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's” (Matt. 22:21) a helpful basis for understanding the relationship of the Christian to the State. But how does it apply today?

  • Thinking Clearly About Christians & Society, Part 2, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    19/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Richard Niebuhr said, “It is helpful to remember that the question of Christianity and civilization is by no means a new one, that Christian perplexity in this area has been perennial, and that the problem has been an enduring one through all the Christian centuries.” (Christ and Culture) That being the case, it is unlikely we will solve the problem but we can do some clear thinking about it.

  • Thinking Clearly About Christians & Society, Part 1, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    16/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Richard Niebuhr said, “It is helpful to remember that the question of Christianity and civilization is by no means a new one, that Christian perplexity in this area has been perennial, and that the problem has been an enduring one through all the Christian centuries.” (Christ and Culture) That being the case, it is unlikely we will solve the problem but we can do some clear thinking about it.

  • Thinking Clearly About What's Good, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    15/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Modern culture places great emphasis on looking good and feeling good. Less concern is shown about doing good and being good. In fact “do good-ers” are often disliked and “being good” is sometimes dismissed as prudery. But Scripture says “Cling to what is good.” What is “the good” and how do we cling to it? 

  • Thinking Clearly About the Church, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    14/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Opinions differ concerning the church. Some see it as an irrelevant relic to be ignored, others regard it as a respectable institution to be tolerated, while some see it as a powerful enemy to be opposed. But the person with the renewed mind sees it is the body of Christ. But what does that mean?

  • Thinking Clearly About Myself, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    13/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    The renewed mind thinks clearly about “the self.” This is important because, as John Stott points out, “Our ‘self' is not a simple entity that is either wholly good or wholly evil, and therefore to be either totally valued or totally denied. Instead, our ‘self' is a complex entity of good and evil, glory and shame, which on that account requires that we develop more subtle attitudes to ourselves.”

  • Thinking Clearly About Our World, Thinking Clearly in a Messed-Up World

    12/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Paul told the Roman believers, “Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within” (Rom. 12:2). But what did he mean by “the world” and how does it affect our minds and what should we do about it?

  • Teach Us to Pray, Part 2, Let's Talk

    09/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    While here on earth, Jesus himself sought communion with God through prayer. His disciples were to do likewise. He gave us a pattern to follow. For those who ask, seek, and knock, God is more than willing to answer. He is even more willing than friends or an earthly father, as Jesus explains through the parables. But the Christian's prayer requests need to be in line with Jesus' model prayer.

  • Teach Us to Pray, Part 1, Let's Talk

    08/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    While here on earth, Jesus himself sought communion with God through prayer. His disciples were to do likewise. He gave us a pattern to follow. For those who ask, seek, and knock, God is more than willing to answer. He is even more willing than friends or an earthly father, as Jesus explains through the parables. But the Christian's prayer requests need to be in line with Jesus' model prayer.

  • Teach Us to Listen, Let's Talk

    07/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    One of the things that matters most to Jesus is our personal relationship with Him. This matters to Him even when it doesn't matter to us! He offers the human race an incredible invitation. He says, “Let's talk.” What does this mean? It involves listening to His Word and responding in prayer.

  • The Cutting Edge, Part 2, The Cutting Edge

    06/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Are you going through the motions with no real passion for your faith or God? Are you dull and ineffective? If so, you've lost your spiritual edge, and there's nothing that delights the devil more. Find out how to sharpen your faith again in this single message from Jill Briscoe. Teaching from the story of Elisha and a lost ax in 2 Kings 6, Jill encourages you to uncover how and where you lost your edge.  Ask yourself honestly—have you lost it to bitterness, unforgiveness, lust, materialism, willfulness, laziness, or just plain selfishness? Be encouraged that the lost ax is not the end of the story—it can be found, with God's help!

  • The Cutting Edge, Part 1, The Cutting Edge

    05/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Are you going through the motions with no real passion for your faith or God? Are you dull and ineffective? If so, you've lost your spiritual edge, and there's nothing that delights the devil more. Find out how to sharpen your faith again in this single message from Jill Briscoe. Teaching from the story of Elisha and a lost ax in 2 Kings 6, Jill encourages you to uncover how and where you lost your edge.  Ask yourself honestly—have you lost it to bitterness, unforgiveness, lust, materialism, willfulness, laziness, or just plain selfishness? Be encouraged that the lost ax is not the end of the story—it can be found, with God's help!

  • Living Above the Circumstances, Living Above the Circumstances

    02/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Does anyone ever ask, “How are you?” and you reply, “Well, under the circumstances....” The problem is that's exactly where we are living—under the circumstances! How do we rise above the adversity and sing a song of praise? From the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, Jill Briscoe shows us how Hannah, under very difficult circumstances, found the secret. 

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