Authentic You



Authentic You, a podcast brought to you by the women of Jesus Culture. This show focuses on what it means to live an authentic lifestyle, and gives women a space to fully be who God created them to be.


  • Kalley’s Story: Overcoming Insecurity | Season 1, Episode 1


    Insecurity is an invitation to go deeper in the reality of who God says we are, and to reintroduce ourselves to who God created us to be. Kalley Heiligenthal, worship leader, speaker, and writer, joins SeaJay Liebscher, Erika Myburgh, and Deborah Giles to talk about the power of proximity to God in order to live a life of confidence that is free of shame. To learn more about our Authentic You women’s community, check out our: Instagram page: Website: Interested in the Jesus Culture School of Leadership? Visit

  • Big News!


    SeaJay and Erika introduce our newest, permanent addition to the Authentic You podcast, and catch up on life with her.

  • The Keys to Walking in the Fullness of God


    Do you think you are functioning in the fullness of God? Pastor SeaJay Liebscher shares her journey of discovering the fullness of God, and how to practically push past our own limited understanding of Him. The more we get to know God, the more He has for us!

  • Who the Son Sets Free


    Disciples of Jesus are free. Becoming a Christian demands that we believe in Jesus, not just of Him. Enjoy another special episode with a message from one of our favorite female preachers, Pastor Becky Johnson! She preached a powerful word about the difference between how the world defines freedom, and how God defines freedom. We are not called to live in bondage or be a slave to anything. Is there an area in your life where you are not free?

  • Never Stop Growing


    Are there areas in my life where I need to grow? SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh are joined by our Jesus Culture Sacramento Church Events Coordinator, Dana Regules, to discuss the process of growth in our lives. When we are in relationship with Jesus, we never graduate from opportunities to continue growing physically, spiritually, and emotionally. These opportunities, coupled with our willingness and desire to grow, will lead us into deeper intimacy with God and greater spiritual maturity.

  • The Journey of Choice: How to say yes to God


    Sometimes what God asks of us is not what we expected. SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh are joined by their good friend, Deborah Giles, the new Co-Director of the Jesus Culture School of Leadership, to talk about the favor and peace that comes from saying yes to God, and trusting His timing and process in our lives. We want to live full and valuable lives, and that is guaranteed as we follow Jesus, say yes to Him, and allow community to support and speak into your life.

  • Hot Moments


    Hot, cold, sad, mad, hungry, tired, irritable….menopause brings on all the changes and emotions in a woman. SeaJay and Erika discuss how menopause is a phase in life that we can’t escape. But, in midst of this season, God invites us to navigate these changes with Him. He made our bodies, and He knows exactly what we need to hear and do to make it through!

  • Essentials for the Journey


    SeaJay and Erika introduce us to one of their favorite women, Pastor Jo Geerling, who shared with our Authentic You community at our last gathering. Pastor Jo, along with her husband, is the Senior Pastor of iSEE CHURCH in Brisbane, Australia, and shares a timely word on the significance of allowing God to qualify us in the hardest moments of our lives. We want to be women that are present in the season that God has us in. God often does His best work in the hardest seasons of our lives. If we let Him, He takes our challenges and makes them our greatest victories and testimonies.

  • In Season - A Conversation with Real Women


    Enjoy one of SeaJay and Erika’s favorite episodes from the inception of the Authentic You podcast where SeaJay interviews real women about their season and life journey.

  • Growing Up with Your Kids Pt. 3


    SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh are joined by Chloe Myburgh and Emma Pleune to continue their conversation about raising adult children, and how parents can encourage their kids along the journey into adulthood. Parents have the opportunity to dream with their children, help them pursue the things in their hearts, and teach them faithfulness and obedience to the Lord. Grace is required on both ends to walk through this season.

  • Growing Up with Your Kids Pt. 2


    As moms, we are often so hard on ourselves, especially as our children age. SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh are joined by Chloe Myburgh and Emma Pleune to have a cross generational conversation about how to build friendship with your adult children, and also honor and respect each other.

  • Growing Up with Your Kids


    This one goes out to you moms! We all want to parent and raise our kids well, but it’s hard. SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh discuss what it’s like to have older kids, how to relate to them, what it looks like to speak into their lives, and how to handle the challenges and frustrations that come with this phase of parenting.

  • Trust


    The peace of God comes from trusting Him. SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh discuss how often times we trust our thoughts and feelings about circumstances more than God’s voice and wisdom. When we have hard moments or hard conversations, we must discipline ourselves to rest in trusting God.

  • Courage


    What is courage, and how do we live courageously? Courage is not facing the scariest things we’ve ever done, trying something new, or being the loudest voice, or leading. SeaJay Liebscher teaches us that courage is following in obedience in where the Lord is leading us, and then choosing to trust Him with where He is taking us.

  • The God Who Sees


    God has a tendency to do great things through rejected women. Enjoy this special episode with a message from one of our favorites, Pastor Becky Johnson! She shared a powerful word about the story of Hagar at one of our Jesus Culture Sacramento Authentic You women’s gatherings. Enjoy!

  • Growing Pains


    As we grow older, our parents age with us, and this requires us to navigate difficult conversations, realizations, and circumstances. Join SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh as they discuss how to establish boundaries and stay close to Jesus through the process.

  • The Balance of Motherhood


    All women are called to mother and nurture. SeaJay Liebscher, Erika Myburgh, and Allie Fantozzi discuss how to balance kids, time with Jesus, and how motherhood often leads to some of the deepest healing in our lives as women. Prioritizing the voice of God in our lives will directly impact how we parent and mother the young people God has put in our lives.

  • Pregnancy, Parenting, and Motherhood Musings


    Motherhood is no joke! SeaJay Liebscher and Ericka Myburgh are joined by one of our Jesus Culture employees, Alisa Gilstrap, to talk about all things pregnancy, parenting, and how to overcome fears that are attached to becoming a mother.

  • Authentic You #56 Defeating Insecurity


    As women, battling insecurity is inevitable, but we are called to overcome it with God! SeaJay Liebscher and Erika Myburgh discuss how the root of insecurity is comparison. Insecurity stems from a lack of certainty and knowing that God did not make a mistake when he created us. We will win the battle against insecurity when we find our identity in Jesus, acknowledge that He is our source, steward gratitude by thanking God for how He made us and what He gave us, and surrounding ourselves with friends that will help us grow by reminding us of who we are.

  • Authentic You #55: Gossip- Is it ever ok?


    Often times we excuse gossip for “processing” with our friends, when we discuss things, people, or circumstances in our lives that are happening, hard, or have hurt us. Join SeaJay Liebscher, Erika, Myburgh, and our Jesus Culture Events Coordinator, Allie Fantozzi, as they unpack what gossip really is, and what the Bible says about it.

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