welcome to the krari podcast, INVIALO. this is me attempting to put something on the internet that wont turn your brain to mush. enjoy!
Ep. 07: birth control. the good, the bad, and the painful.
19/12/2018 Duración: 35minplanned parenthood. birth control, the good, bad, and the painful. thanks for tuning in! please consider donating to planned parenthood this holiday season, because all people deserve access to affordable healthcare.
Ep. 06: no makeup, “fashion”, being sad about the world
02/11/2018 Duración: 24minedit: meant to say vitamin D. anyway try and get any vitamins at all times ever. hope you enjoyed this ramble, it helped me a lot :)
Ep. 05: when the things you love suck
06/09/2018 Duración: 11minsometimes the things you love or want are hard to maintain. that sucks. but you can do it. leave me your feedback here:
Ep. 04: change, self deprecation, and living
01/08/2018 Duración: 15mintonight i talk to you about my office pity party, making the most of it, and pushing onwards. leave me feedback at:
Ep. 03: a tibit on sex and gender
25/05/2018 Duración: 11minim back! here's a quick one for ya ;) don’t forget to leave feedback, questions or rebuttals:
Ep. 02: COLLEGE!!! tips and it’s bullshittery
29/03/2018 Duración: 31mina really rushed yet long podcast about all things college and what people dont (but should) tell you.... with a special guest! leave me your responses or question in the link:
Ep. 01: deconstructing social media
16/03/2018 Duración: 18minin this episode i try to explain to you all social media.... the episode is better than this description....
Ep. 00: a rambling introduction
15/03/2018 Duración: 11minnothing important to say yet, just letting you know what is to come.