Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 65:18:46
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Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors.This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs Concerts Workshops



    03/01/2011 Duración: 56min

    Songs and Meditation from Mary to help you grow into Yourself1 Introduction*2 A Song from Mary (channeled live)3 Invocation of Sacred Space and Your Creativity*4 Remembrance - a song from Mary (channeled live)5 Your Aspect of the Divine Feminine (meditation from Mary)*6 Mystery - a song from Spirit (from a live concert - I am joined by Gordon Johnston of Ottawa Canada on harp)7 Validating Your Healing8 Releasing Sacred Space9 A little more Information*Includes 3 new sound healings.Where are the qualities of the Divine Feminine that are yours to bring forth? Where are those qualities of creativity, or of exuberant dance? Where in your life is there opportunity now to find the co-creative stance that you, as a human, are meant to bring forth?Spirit dances with us from all the dimensions. When we feel, see or sense the foundation of our reality, the Pure Energy of Nature in the First Dimension, we then gain access to all the upper dimensions as well.The Divine Feminine that is innate within you longs to arise an

  • Aquarian Age Manifestation

    20/12/2010 Duración: 01h08min

    A Series of Meditations from Norma Gentile and her guides 1. Introduction to the Chakras in the New Aquarian Age 2. Two ways of Creating3. Creating Sacred Space4. Healing in the Aquarian Age5. Meditation on the New Heart6. Creating in the 5th dimension / Empowering the throat chakra 7. Pituitary and Pineal Meditation to reflect how your soul embraces your body8. Navel Chakra and Power Meditation9. Our Two 3rd Chakras10. The 2nd Chakra11 Ancient Fears Arise in our 1st Chakra12 Releasing Sacred Space, Guides and Helpers We will cleanse, clear and recharge each of the chakras, including two newly emerging chakras, your panic tube and your navel chakra.  It is your navel chakra that supplies the basic prana for all of the other chakras in your body.   Your chakras empower your physical body. Completing this meditation allows you to have the energetic potential to engage with those energies coming into our planet in the next few years. This is the energetic right brain portion to a series of written essays (fa


    27/09/2010 Duración: 01h07min

    Prejudice -- CharityJudgment -- Self ForgivenessVanity -- Compassion for Self   1 IntroductionI believe that prejudice, judgment and vanity are very visible at this time because they are on their way out of our reality.  And so we see them departing. But because we still have a bit more to learn about these behaviors, they may not be departing as swiftly as they might.  We still have some understandings to gain around how these behaviors have served us in the past and alternative ways of behaving in our newly emerging reality. 2 Sacred Space InvocationInvoking what Nature knows as unconditional love to surround and support us.  Inviting your own  connection to Archangel Michael to step forward into your awareness. Magnifying this connection throughout all the dimensions. 3 Energizing your Body with PranaWhen you breath as if you are filling your body from your lower back and hips upward, you open your navel chakra to take in more pranic energy which stimulates and charges the body with your life force. To th

  • MANIFESTATION 101 Working with, not against, the Creative Cycle

    17/08/2010 Duración: 01h01min

    In our western culture we think of manifestation as being a linear process.  I think of something, I visualize it, I meditate on it and it appears.  We don’t often think of the creative process as being cyclical, in that it re-occurs regularly, and has various stages.  There are quiet portions to the Creative Cycle that occur before anything comes into form. These quiet portions are seldom noticed.  But it is while the energies of Spirit and Nature are gestating that we as humans can often nourish or accidentally trample upon something potentially manifesting in our lives.Here is a meditation supported by the energetic presence of Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth to help you notice and attend to projects that Spirit is already working on bringing into in your life.1 Introduction to the Manifestation portion of the Creative Cycle  2 Creating Sacred Space: Why include Nature Spirits in Your Sacred Space  3 The Quiet Motion of Spirit   4 Meditation – Allowing Spirit to Support You (even more)  5 Prioritizing Wh


    06/07/2010 Duración: 01h16min

    Healing Meditations for Ancient Consciousness from Nature and new insights from Thoth   Through a series of meditations and insights, Thoth and others point out to humanity a doorway through which an ancient consciousness of the First Creative Cycle, long asleep within the Earth as oil, might now pass onto its own healing journey.  As this happens, humanity’s relationship with oil and other “inanimate” beings changes.  This is our next step.  Here are some ideas how we might begin it. Moving into a new relationship with all of the consciousnesses with whom we share our planet means letting go of our belief that anyone of us knows how another should act, should be, or even should heal.   1. Introduction  1.:28 2. Essay: Ancient Energies Arise  10:12 3. Creating Sacred Space  9:39 4. Using Unconditional Love in Healing  5:26 5. Portals of Consciousness     8:51 6. A Meditation of Gratitude  2:30 7. Water  5:18 *8. Song: Aguas Sagradas / Sacred Waters  2:02 9. Meditation: Releasing Ancient Consciousness of

  • Connecting Consciousness - Humanity and Nature (meditation for Oil Spill in Gulf)

    27/05/2010 Duración: 01h15min

      A Meditation for the Gulf Oil Spill - Connecting Consciousness The meditation was given through me by Shesat, who is the female companion of Thoth.  He was also present, and shared some important observations.  One was that because of the attention humanity is now giving to the water, fish and environment in the Gulf, a connecting doorway has opened between our consciousness  and the consciousness of these other beings. Thoth weaves his information in between the meditations that Shesat gives. This lasts for about 50 minutes, and then there is a time of Q & A which draws out some additional information.   Some of this may be time-sensitive, so I did not edit the meditation.    Below is the original channeling from Thoth seemingly predicting the Gulf Oil Spill. It comes from my Phone Meditation/podcast "Easing, not Heaving into Transition",Oct 14, 2008. The transcription was published by Sedona Journal of Emergence December 2008. “...a crisis around energy and land is apt to move onto the world's stag

  • How Much of What You Believe is Yours to Heal is Really Yours to Heal?

    25/03/2010 Duración: 54min

      FINDING BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE: Consolidating what works, Releasing what doesn’t fit anymore by Norma Gentile   A series of Healing Meditations with Gaia, Nature and Archangel Michael to anchor the portion of your soul that is choosing to incarnate at this point in time into your body and your life.      How much of what you believe is yours to heal is actually yours to heal?    That which is not ours to heal we cannot heal.  That which is not ours to change we cannot change.  We merely hold those people, energies or situations back from their own developmental process of learning and evolutionary change when we hold onto them and insist that they heal according to our plan for them.  This is true even when we hold onto an energy or emotion in order to make someone feel safe or happy.   1 Introduction to Finding Balance 2 Creating Sacred Space with the Lower Dimensions 3 Archangel Michael Invocation 4 Meditation: Inhaling Your Soul into Your Body 5 Meditation: Connecting with Your


    13/01/2010 Duración: 01h02min

    THE FORK IN THE ROADRe-Making a Life Decision without Fear or Shame 1 Introduction   1:50 2. Invocation of Sacred Space  5:25 As we feel, sense, or see the energy of Archangel Michael existing within the Pure Energy of Nature of the 1st dimension, we automatically open our consciousness, and have access to Michael’s energy in all the dimensions of our reality.  3. A Quiet Song of Welcome    3:45 Tibetan Singing Bowl and Norma’s voice 4. The Fork in Your Path 6:10One of the greatest aspects of disconnection from Spirit is fear.  When any of us is in fear, we are not as connected to our own inner sense or inner world as we might be.  As a result we turn to the external world both for validation as well as for direction in what we should do. This includes how we should react or act, what we should value, what we should embrace and what we ought to find disdainful. As a result, the majority of humans incarnating on the planet tend to look to the external world for their motivation, rather than to their soul


    23/12/2009 Duración: 01h01min

      Heaven and Earth Meet in You How Your Soul is Loved an hour-long meditation by Norma Gentile and her guides, Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth When All-That-Is decided to learn more about itself, it divided itself into millions and billions of fragments.  One of these fragments became you.  And you represent a unique quality of All-That-Is.  No one and nothing else represents this quality.  You alone express this unique quality of All-That-Is into our shared creation.  This is your soul.  And you bring the vibration of your soul into the dimensions above as well as below the 3rd dimensional reality in which your human body resides. Here are thoughts and meditations to let you  and your body feel the genuine love that all those in form, from the stars in the night sky to the Pure Energy of Nature have for you.  Each loves you unconditionally.  Explore this unconditional love as you enter into these meditations.  1. Introduction 2  A Chant for Sacred Space 3  Creation of Sacred Space 4 How does Your Bod

  • HEALING FROM THE BOTTOM UP Meditations from Nature

    05/11/2009 Duración: 55min

      Intro to 1st and 2nd Dimensions                                                        Nature Spirit Sphere Invocation and Explanation                       Meditation: Your 2nd Dimensional Soul                        Clarifying Grounding: What it is and a Meditation to do it                        Healing as Opening a New Series of Choices in Your Life                        Communicating with Your 2nd Dimensional Soul                        Connect Anew with Your Upper Dimensional Angels                        Releasing Nature Spirit Sphere                        Q&A Some Last Thoughts              For more information                        total time: 55:44Healing Music CDs / mp3s, Articles, Newsletter and morewww.healingchants.comDonations to support this podcast are most welcome

  • LIVING WELL from Thoth and Mary

    03/09/2009 Duración: 59min

    Meditations and Teachings from the Ascended Master Thoth and Mary through Norma Gentile.  Given on Aug. 25, 2009.Purchase or download Norma's recordings of Live Sound Healings1  Introduction  (1:40)2  Living Well, an essay from Thoth  (4:30)Living well is more than just living.  Surviving is more than breathing while in physical form. Just beyond the veil or boundary of your thought are worlds that you are about to explore.  Just as sailing ships brought you in the past from one port to another, your heart and your ability to trust and know truth when it is presented to you are the vehicles for your journeys now.  Your travels will take you into these new realms, through the mists of veils now fading away.  3. Creating Sacred Space  (5:06)Staring with an invocation to Nature and  invoking your own personal connection to Archangel Michael4  Reality is in the Beholder's Eye  from Thoth (5:01)As you are in the presence of anything and everything, it is a part of your world, and it vibrates in accordance with you


    24/06/2009 Duración: 53min

    Meditations and Teachings from Archangel Michael, Mary, and the Hathor Atamira, through Norma. Given on the Summer Solstice,  June 21, 2009Donations welcomePurchase this podcast as a CD Purchase a CD of Norma's live sound healings1  Introduction    1:23Change is allowing what is already present to carry us rather than drag us.   The sensation of being carried uplifts our heart and lets us know that all is well.  The sensation of being dragged gives us the reverse impression.2  A Teaching on Grounding and Change    7:38Breaking the cycle of judging something as being wrong, or even of being right, is a large piece of being able to deal with moving through cycles of change very quickly and easily.In the New Age world of thought, it appears easy to consider our soul, or some part of us, as also existing in the upper dimensions.But what about the lower dimensions?  What if a reflection of ourselves also existed in the 2nd and 1st dimension.  What if we open our consciousness to re-connect with aspects of the 1st


    22/03/2009 Duración: 34min

    Songs and Meditations 1. Introduction 2 A Meditation Song with Tibtan Bowl from Atamira (a Hathor guide) There is a desire within each of us to find that inner tone or quality that reflects who we truly are.   We seek to find a place within ourselves that allows us to feel ultimately received. This internal space allows us to feel we are truly loved, just the way we are.3 Releasing into Spirit The quality of our expression into the outer world reflects the quality of our inner world.  This inner tone or vibration is the quality that others sense intuitively. 4 Ubi Caritas et Amor, Deus ibi Est (chant and meditation)Where Tenderness and Love abide, There is GodRevealing those qualities of tenderness and love that are in our lives reveals where God or Spirit resides in our lives.   Who we are  is a reflection of that Spirit of God which vibrates, sings and lives within each of us.  Let yourself relax and receive. Feel your feet and let the sound move through you.  When you are ready, let your Spirit sing.5 Our


    11/02/2009 Duración: 22min

    On a  winter’s eve close to the February full moon, I offered a sound healing and meditation here in my home town in Michigan.  This is an excerpt from that evening.  The second song you hear is O Rubor Sanguinis, which I dearly love and have recorded twice.  It appears on both of CDs Mediation Chants by Hildegard of Bingen (newly re-released) and my album of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit.1. A Spoke Invocation of Sacred Space2.  Sancta Maria  an improvisation to invoke the Divine Feminine healing presence into the room.3. The Spiral Path of Healing (a little talk)4. O Rubor Sanguinis, a song which invites the listeners into stillness. 5. Chispas del Amore an improvised sound healing in Spanish (some of this is without text)6. Take a step to the side - a little talkWhat is coming your way from Spirit that you aren’t expecting?7. An Unexpected Journey with Spirit (a sound healing experience)  You may notice a bit of uneasiness at some points in this sound healing.  That is intentional.  The more sure we

  • GENERATING STILLNESS: Meditations for Peace within and without

    14/01/2009 Duración: 58min

    includes a song from Norma's album MEDITATION CHANTS of Hildegard von Bingen (order CD and mp3 download)GENERATING STILLNESS:Meditations for Peacefrom Thoth, Shesat, and the Ascended Masters, through Norma Gentile1. IntroductionMy guides remind me that peace is the result of inner stillness, connection and knowing oneself. When we spend time being who we are, we generate a quality of stillness that makes peaceful actions more appealing than violence. 2. Nature’s Unconditional LoveThe Pure Energy of Nature is the most amazing tool for healing.  It is a replenishing and rejuvenating energy for our bodies, and for our entire being and life-force. Our ability to manifest into form and the ability of our soul to create our body is hinging primarily on the Pure Energy of Nature.  3. Welcoming Archangel MichaelWhen I invoke AA Michael, I ask that the aspect of his energy which reflects how he is already supporting and connecting to your soul to step forward and be magnified.  Sometimes this is also an opportunity fo


    19/11/2008 Duración: 54min

    From a spark within our Hearts comes a magnificent knowing of our own soul.  What changes are happening in your inner world to balance the recent changes in the outer world?  Here you will find a meditation to open your heart and rediscover the sacred spark that lies within it.  Information from Norma’s guides, (Thoth, Shesat and the Ascended Masters) provide a background understanding of recent events.  These include the economic re-structuring, the election of Barack Obama to the US presidency, reincarnation patterns of the Soul Group responsible for founding the US (the Founding Fathers), and Obama’s relationship to them. Two healings with multiple Tibetan Singing Bowls are also included.  Who does your Soul want you to be?1. Introduction 2:002.  Invoking the Nature Sphere and Your Heart’s Angel  6:023.  The New Clear Light Energy  9:114 We offer Healing through our interconnectedness 3:215. Meditation - A Spark within Your Heart  13:376 Weaving a Global Web 8:28        Information from Thoth, Shesat and t


    17/10/2008 Duración: 57min

    Meditations and Teachings from Mary, the Ascended Masters, Thoth and Shesat, through Norma GentileWe are learning how to be steady in the midst of chaos.  As we deepen our ability to find within ourselves a calm center, we offer that same security and connection to those around us. Beyond holding steady in moments of crisis, this let’s us also learn about our own process of ascension.This is an hour-long mp3 offered here as a podcast.   This is also available in CD format with additional written notes at under Meditations & Teachings.  It is #11 in an ongoing series of AudioClasses. 1 Introduction (3:27)2 Reflection vs. Reaction in Moments of Crisis  (11:03)3  Creating A Divine Feminine Sphere (3:45)4 Using this Nature Sphere to find Balance amid Chaos (6:55)5 Invoking Your Connection to Michael – Michaella (3:55) 6 Exhaling Chaos into Spirit - Cleansing Mediation from Mary (8:00)7 Chaos and Stability – A Teaching from Thoth, Shesat and the Ascended Masters  (9:07)8 A Centering Medit

  • FILLING THE VOID Addressing Lack in our Lives

    18/08/2008 Duración: 44min

    (Recorded during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Aug 16, 2008)All podcasts are available as CDs from In the CD version, each meditation and the accompanying information is broken down into separate tracks, and includes written notes.  This podcast contains:1 Introduction2 What is Missing in Your Life?3 Creating Sacred Space4 Finding the Void in Your Heart5 The tapestry of Humanity6 Sun Moon Earth – A Healing Meditation from Archangel Michael7 The Tree Meditation to Clear Body and Aura8 Receive a Heart Message9 A Song for Your Heart from the Hathor Atamira10 Releasing Sacred Space11 You can do this tooWhat is missing in your life? Whether it is the lack of something physical like a house or car, or a partner in your life, you have been working on this issue using all of the tools that you have.  And yet it is still an issue.Maybe its time to try using a new tool, and see if you can understand the issue in a new way, or change something that your other tools weren’t able to effectively

  • CHAOS, CREATION AND HEALING: Meditations for Your Body and Our Earth

    15/06/2008 Duración: 56min

    1 IntroductionChaos can be a step in creating a healing pattern which resolves into order2 What does Nature feel as unconditional love?An Invocation and Exploration of Unconditional Lovefrom the perspective of the Nature Spirits (2nd dimension) and Pure Energy of Nature (1st dimension)  Unconditional love, as felt by Nature Spirits, may be different than what we humans  think it is.  First, define the space you wish to make sacred. Nature spirits within a room echo our activities – from TV watching to yoga to meditation.  To create a healing space don’t invite them all. Invite only those that vibrate at what they consider to be unconditional love.  Watch – it will be different from what you think it will be, because they, not you, are doing it.3 Pure Divine Energy of NaturePerhaps this is the Divine Matrix others speak of.  The pure, Divine energy of Nature as I know it has a gentle, rich, almost thick watery quality.  This is a first dimensional energy, and is the source of all form.  It is the energy from w


    03/03/2008 Duración: 28min

    Meditation and Teaching, excerpted from Sound Shamanism Weekend Retreat. We are telepathic at every chakra, even our Navel and 2nd chakras. But we over-ride the information that they give us constantly with our minds. Over and over again we listen to external voice, rather than our own internal voice. One result is that we do what we don’t need to do, and end up with much more to do than our soul had planned for us each day. In order to complete what we believe must be done, we often call in ‘caffeine guides’. There are lower level guides that tend to be pushy, but help us do all thatt we think we must do. My point is that if we stop doing what we don’t need to do, we won’t need to call in these pushy energies, because we will only have to do what our soul planned for us to do each day. While these energies are in our bodies, it is very hard to hear what are legitimately the issues and needs of our soul. Here is a clearing meditation which allows you to release these ‘caffeine guides’ and attrac

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