This podcast by Pastor Sean Cole of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, seeks to encourage Christians in understanding our core beliefs as well as to engage skeptics with the claims of Christianity. For more information and resources visit
The Trinity Debate with Dr. Dale Tuggy
12/12/2019 Duración: 01h58minDr. Sean Cole debated/dialogued with Dr. Dale Tuggy concerning the question: Does the Bible teach that God is a Trinity? Marlon Wilson of The Gospel Truth YouTube Channel hosted the debate. You can watch the video here: Dr. Cole argued the affirmative position that God is a Trinity while Dr. Tuggy argued the negative. Tuggy considers himself an evangelical unitarian who does not believe in inerrancy. The debate consists of 10 minute opening statements, followed by a 1 hour self-moderated discussion, closing arguments, and then questions from the audience. There will be a follow up podcast where Dr. Cole gives a full presentation of all the issues he wanted to share, but did not have time.
How Can We Have HOPE this Christmas? Romans 8:17-25
02/12/2019 Duración: 46minThe first candle of Advent is the HOPE candle which anticipates the coming of Christ as prophesied in the Old Testament. How can we have hope in our present sufferings in this fallen world of pain? Romans 8:17-25 answers this question and describes true, biblical HOPE. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Wash Up! Exodus 30:17-21 The Bronze Basin
24/11/2019 Duración: 48minThe priests needed to wash up at the bronze basin every time they entered the tabernacle after offering sacrifices on the bronze altar. What does this tell us about our relationship with Jesus? In our justification, the penalty of sin was forever cancelled. In our regeneration, the power of sin was forever cancelled. In our baptism, we portrayed outwardly what God had done inwardly. In our sanctification, we still have to deal with the pollution of indwelling sin. How do we practically "wash up" and pursue holiness? Pastor Sean gives things we should regularly do in order to grow in our sanctification.
Romans 8:1-13 Set Free by the SPIRIT
22/11/2019 Duración: 01h21minIn our regeneration, the Holy Spirit has effectually set us free from sin and the law. He now indwells the believer and grants us the grace to kill sin. Paul contrasts the unregenerate person who is totally inable to come to Christ versus the regenerate person who has been set free by the Spirit. Dr. Cole spends the majority of time on Romans 8:13 discussing what it means to decisively put sin to death (mortification). Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Altar of Incense...Fragrance of Prayer EXODUS 30:1-10
22/11/2019 Duración: 41minThe altar of incense represents the prayers of God's people as a fragrant aroma to our living God. Jesus is seated in heaven now at the right hand of the Father interceding/praying for us. This is an amazing truth. This should give us the confidence to pray without ceasing, Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Romans 7 The Normal Christian Life of Struggle
14/11/2019 Duración: 01h25minRomans 7 is considered one of the most difficult and controversial chapters in Romans. Why do we still sin? Why do we still do the things we know we shouldn’t do? Why do we struggle with doing the things we should do and fail to do them? IF we have died to sin, been set free from sin, and our old man has been crucified, then should not we conclude that we will never sin again? That we can reach a plane of sinless perfection? Is Paul talking about himself and his current struggle with sin as a regenerate Christian? Or. . . is Paul describing what his life was like BEFORE his salvation. In other words, is this section describing what we normally experience as Christians who struggle with sin, or is this describing what our life was like before we got saved and were still “in Adam?” The early church fathers, Arminians like Jacob Arminius and John Wesley, for the most part, believe Paul is talking about the life BEFORE one is a Christian—the unregenerate, lost person. On the other hand, Augustine, Thomas
A Sacrifice Once for All EXODUS 27 and Hebrews 10:1-14
10/11/2019 Duración: 42minDo you often struggle with your assurance of salvation? Do you wonder if God has stopped loving you because of your sin? The bronze altar in Exodus 27 shows how Israel needed a continual burnt offering for their perpetual sins. The Old Testament animal sacrifices could NEVER completely forgive all sins. The once for all death of Christ completely forgives all sins. This truth should bring us great assurance of our salvation.
Slaves to Serve God Romans 6:15-23
07/11/2019 Duración: 01h28minPaul's description of slavery in Romans 6 is very confusing. Here’s the main point: As a Christian, you are free FROM sin, but that does not give you freedom TO sin. We are free from the binding enslavement of the Law of Moses that crushes us under its weight and makes us guilty, but we are not free to do whatever we want because now we have a new master—the living God. There is no such thing as absolute freedom to do whatever you want—for both the non-Christian and the Christian. The question is not whether you will have a master—the question is WHO is your master and which one will you serve. Will you serve sin or will you serve the Lord? Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
The Dwelling Place of God Exodus 26 and John 1:14-18
03/11/2019 Duración: 47minIn Exodus 26, we see explicit instructions on how to construct the tabernacle with was the visible reminder of God's glorious presence among the Israelites. In John 1:14-18, Jesus is the true tabernacle who became flesh and dwelt with us as the one and only Son, full of grace and truth. Jesus is God's promise to us that HE will never leave us nor forsake us. This encouraging sermon from Dr. Sean Cole gives hope to those who feel lonely, abandoned, or need reminded that we can boldly approach our great God through Jesus.
Dead or Alive ROMANS 6:1-14
01/11/2019 Duración: 01h18minBefore God saved us by grace all of us were "in Adam" as spiritually dead unregenerate sinners. By grace alone, God made us alive "in Christ" and we now have a new gospel identity. In Romans 6:1-14, Paul explains how we have definitively died to our "old unregenerate man" and have been raised to new life "in Christ." Since this transfer of kingdoms is a bona fide reality, we must now NOT continue in a lifestyle of unrepentant sin. In fact, we CANNOT because we have died to the power and penatly of sin. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Foreknowledge "Calvinized" Romans 8:28-30
31/10/2019 Duración: 55minWhat does Romans 8:28-30 teach about the doctrine of God's foreknowledge? Sean Cole responds to SBC Provisionist Leighton Flowers who lately has been attempting to "De-Calvinize" certain key texts. There have been TWO major views in church history on God's foreknowledge--(1) the early church/Arminian foreseen faith vew and (2) the Reformed sovereign view. Flowers presents a new and novel view that display two key exegetical fallacies. Listen and find out. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
The Light of the World EXODUS 25:31-40
27/10/2019 Duración: 42minWhat does the lampstand (menorah) in the tabernacle symbolize? How does this light point us to Jesus? Pastor Sean takes us on a journey from Genesis to Revelation exploring the significance of "light" as a major theme in the Bible which centers on Jesus as the Light of the world. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at amazon:
Romans 5:12-21 Original GUILT
24/10/2019 Duración: 01h28minWhat effects did Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden have on us today? There have been three major views in church history: (1) Imitation which is the Pelagian view that we are born neutral and merely followed Adam's example, (2) Corruption--this view holds that we only inherit original sin from Adam, and (3) Imputation--the Reformed view that we not only inherited original sin from Adam, but also inherited original guilt. In this passage, Paul provides FIVE key contrasts between those who are "In Adam" and those who are "in Christ." Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
The Bread of Life EXODUS 25:23-30
20/10/2019 Duración: 51minWhat did the bread of the Presence in the tabernacle symbolize for the Israelites? More importantly, how does it point us to Jesus? As the Bread of Life, Jesus alone satisfies your deepest spiritual needs. In this sermon, Pastor Sean gives three deep spiritual needs that Jesus alone can satisfy.
Romans 5:1-11 The Blessings of Justification
17/10/2019 Duración: 01h25minIn Romans 5:1-11, Paul gives FIVE blessings of our justification that should result in rejoicing in hope. This passage gives us great encouragement that God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We have also been reconciled with God and are no longer enemies under His wrath. Check out Sean's new book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Exodus 25:8-22 The Holy Box of Blood
14/10/2019 Duración: 48minWhat exactly is the Ark of the Covenant? This holy box of blood shows us two key realities: (1) It represents the holiness of God who has given His law as an absolute holy standard, and (2) God provided a way for the Israelites to be forgiven through an atonement of blood. The ark points forward to Jesus who is our propitiation in blood turning aside God's wrath against our sin. The blood of Christ is the ONLY way a holy God can forgive our failure to keep HI perfect law. Check out Sean's new book "Your Identity in the Trinity: Discovering God's Grace in the Gospel" at amazon:
Why Did You Believe in Jesus and Your Friend Did Not?
10/10/2019 Duración: 52minWhat factors determined why you placed your faith in Jesus while your friend or family did not? The Reformed answer asserts (1) Total inability and (2) Regeneration precedes faith. What do non-Calvinistic Traditional/Provisionist Southern Baptists believe is the answer? They assume (1) Libertarian free will and (2) Faith comes before regeneration. Dr. Sean Cole dives into these stark differences. Enjoy!
Romans 4:1-25 Abraham's Faith and Yours
10/10/2019 Duración: 01h16minIn Romans 4, Paul gives an extended illustration of Abraham whom God saved by grace alone through faith alone. We are not saved by works, but God justifies the ungodly through faith. What is saving faith and how did Abraham exemplify it? Dr. Sean Cole explores these themes and more in this teaching from Romans.
Exodus 24:1-11 Worship...On God's Terms Alone
07/10/2019 Duración: 42minIn Exodus 24, we see what many scholars believe to be the first public worship service in the Bible. What does this event at the base of Mount Sinai teach us about how we should worship the LORD when we gather on Sundays? Worship involves approaching God on His terms alone. From this text, we see FIVE key elements of corporate worship. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon:
Your Identity in the Father
03/10/2019 Duración: 34minDr. Sean Cole shares a chapter from his book "Your Identity in the Trinity: Discovering God's Grace in the Gospel." He reads Chapter 4 on Your Identity in the Father. You are chosen, adopted, and accepted by the Father. This chapters focuses on the doctrine of election and predestination as well as the blessing of adoption. Hope you enjoy. Here's a link to the book on Amazon: