This podcast by Pastor Sean Cole of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, seeks to encourage Christians in understanding our core beliefs as well as to engage skeptics with the claims of Christianity. For more information and resources visit
Sean's Top TEN Most Influential Theologians/Pastors
16/02/2023Dr. Sean Cole gives his top ten list of the theologians or pastors who have most influenced him in his walk with Christ. He gives two per century. These men have shaped both his theology and devotional life. He gives a brief description of each man and then shares some works or books that have had a major impact on him. 1600's: John Owen and Thomas Watson 1700's: George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards 1800's: Charles Spurgeon and J. C. Ryle 1900's: Louis Berkhof and Martyn Lloyd-Jones 2000's: R. C. Sproul and Michael Horton
The Importance of Word and Supper LUKE 24:28-35
14/02/2023In Luke's account of the road to Emmaus, we see a picture of two means of grace where Christ serves us. He first serves us through faithful expository preaching. He also serves us through the celebration of the Lord's Supper. When we gather on the Lord's Day for worship, Christ gives us His good gifts in Word and Supper. It is vital to our spiritual health to sit under sound preaching and to observe Communion. In a worship service, Christ equips us, encourages us, and empowers us to go back into the world and live for Him.
The Doctrine of ADOPTION
05/02/2023Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching on the order of salvation. Why is being adopted into God's family as a child one of the greatest privileges of our salvation? How is adoption related to justification? What are the blessings of being called a child of God? He answers these questions and more in this podcast. He also addresses Jacob's adoption of his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh in Genesis 48 as a picture of how God has adopted us.
Slow Hearts? or.. Burning Hearts? LUKE 24:13-32
05/02/2023On the road to Emmaus, Jesus does something tremendous! Instead of pointing these two followers to the empty tomb, He instead, points them to the Old Testament. Jesus proclaims and explains that the Old Testament Scriptures are all about Him! Jesus does none other than expository teaching. He takes them on a rare tour through Genesis to Malachi. Dr. Sean Cole takes us on a mini tour through Genesis, Exodus, and Isaiah to show the glories of Christ in the Old Testament. You can watch the sermons here: YouTube: Facebook:
Justification by Faith Alone (Sola Fide)
29/01/2023Pastor Sean continues the teaching series on the Order of Salvation. In this session, he explains the key doctrine of justification by faith alone. How are you right with a holy God? What is imputed righteousness? What are the benefits of knowing you are justified by faith? Listen and find out.
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
29/01/2023Dr. Sean Cole explores the resurrection of Christ from Luke 24:1-12. He first explains three historical realities from the text. Then he calls us to experience three heart-felt responses to the empty tomb. How should the resurrection of our Lord Jesus give us security, assurance, and hope? Listen and find out. You can watch the Video of the sermon here: YouTube Facebook
CONVERSION: Faith and Repentance
22/01/2023Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching on the Order of Salvation. In this session, he addresses conversion, which includes faith and Repentance. What is genuine saving faith? What is repentance? Which comes first both logically and theologically? What dangers can we face when evangelizing or preaching that may confuse the nature of saving faith? Listen and find out. You can watch this teaching online: YouTube Facebook:
The BURIAL of the Son of God
22/01/2023Dr. Sean Cole preaches on the burial of Christ from Luke 23:50-56. What are the theological implications? What are the practical applications? What do we see in Joseph of Arimathea and these faithful women? What is the overall significance of the burial of the Son of God? Listen and find out. You can watch this sermon on: YouTube: Facebook:
Is Provisionism...Eastern Orthodox?
20/01/2023Dr. Sean Cole interacts with Provisonism which denies total inability or any need for an internal, extra, supernatural grace of God on the soul to bring a sinner to faith. He provides some quotes from historical sources such as J.N.D. Kelly's Early Christian Doctrines on Pelagianism. He also quotes from Pseudo-Macarius. He references leading Eastern Orthodox theologian Timothy Ware. As he gives these quotations, he urges the listener to determine if they sound like statements from modern-day Provisionists. This little excursion through some historical sources shows how Provisionism is not Arminianism, but closer to Eastern Orthodoxy and semi-Pelagianism.
SIX Marks of a Healthy Church
12/01/2023Dr. Sean Cole challenged his church family with a "State of Emmanuel" sermon. Using Acts 2:41-47 as a template, he gives six marks of a healthy church. What should Emmanuel Baptist church BE and DO in obedience to Jesus as Lord? These biblical marks are applicable to all churches to evaluate their health and obedience. Listen and find out. You can watch the sermon video here: YouTube Facebook
Arminius, Wesley, and Spurgeon on the Problems with PROVISIONISM
03/01/2023Happy New Year 2023!! Dr. Sean Cole was snowed-in due to a blizzard that hit Northeastern Colorado. So, he recorded this podcast from his home. As a result, the audio quality is not quite as good as usual. In this podcast, he interacts with quotes from Arminius, John Wesley, and Spurgeon to show that they all agree that sinners are spiritually dead, in bondage to sin, and morally unable to repent and believe in our natural state. In contrast, Provisionism denies total inability and believes that the gospel appeal alone is sufficient to enable a positive response. Pastor Sean also with a short clip from Leighton Flowers on the role of the Holy Spirit in salvation. Provisionism is neither Arminianism nor Calvinism, but an animal all to itself. Listen and enjoy!
God's Sovereignty and our Worship in 2023
03/01/2023In this New Year's sermon, Dr. Sean Cole preaches from Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. Since God is absolutely and meticulously sovereign over all things, we should stand in awe of Him. We grow in our worship of the LORD by understanding His divine providence. Pastor Sean uses the definition of Providence from the Heidelberg Catechism as application points in the sermon. In this passage, King Solomon gives a confident declaration (vs 1), a poetic observation (vs 2-8, and a theological explanation (vs 9-15). You can watch the video of this sermon here: YouTube: Facebook:
Opening the Four Gifts of Christmas
27/12/2022Dr. Sean Cole preaches from 1 Corinthians 1:30-31. He shows what it means to be "In Christ" and how our Lord has given us four wonderful gifts this Christmas 2022. The First Gift: Jesus gives us true wisdom. The Second Gift: Jesus has saved us from the PENALTY of sin.The Third Gift: Jesus has saved us from the POLLUTION of sin.The Fourth Gift: Jesus has saved us from the POWER of sin. You can watch the video of this sermon here:
Three Miracles at the Cross LUKE 23:44-49
20/12/2022We see three miracles at the cross. The first is an ominous darkness for three hours where Jesus became a curse for us. Second, we see the temple veil torn from top to bottom signifying the end of the sacrificial system and direct access to God. Third, we see God save a pagan Gentile centurion by sovereign grace. Yet, more important that three miracles AT the cross is the miracle OF the cross. Jesus committted his spirit into the hands of Father and thus finished the work of our redemption. To watch the Facebook video: To watch the YouTube video:
Another Day in...Paradise?? LUKE 23:32-43
13/12/2022In this sermon, Dr. Sean Cole focuses on the salvation of the penitent thief on the cross. We see three things about him: First of all, he understood his sin in light of the holiness of God. Second, he humbly repented and believed in Jesus as the only One who could save him. Third, his soul went immediately to be with Jesus in heaven. His salvation brings great hope to sinners--especially this Christmas!! To watch the video of this sermon you can go to Emmanuel's Facebook page: Emmanuel's YouTube page:
09/12/2022Dr. Sean Cole interacts with a youtube clip by Leighton Flowers called "Provisionism Rightly Represented." Flowers shows how Provisionism differs from both Calvinism and Arminianism because it views the gospel appeal or outward call as the supernatural gracious work of God that is sufficient to enable a positive response to the gospel. Where did Provisionism come from? Dr. Cole shows how the historic Baptist Confessions have affirmed both an external gospel call and an effectual internal call where regeneration precedes faith. Provisionism only sees merit for an external call that is sufficient grace. An internal direct work on the heart of a lost man is unnecessary since they deny total inability. It was not until the mid-20th Century under the influence of E. Y. Mullins and other SBC theologians that the doctrine began to change. Dr. Cole also shows how Francis Turretin and other Reformed theologians argue against the Provisionist theology by addressing the theology of their own day which strikes a ve
REGENERATION precedes Faith
08/12/2022Dr. Sean Cole continues the order of salvation teaching for the Wednesday night study. How does regeneration relate to effectual calling? Does regeneration precede faith? What is regeneration? Regeneration is an instantaneous and supernatural change in our nature that affects the core of our being—the minds, will, and emotions. Regeneration is a sovereign work of God that brings inner renewal and cleansing from sin. Pastor Sean examines John 3:1-8 and other related passages that teach the new birth.
Three Wonderful Truths Luke 23:13-25
06/12/2022In an act of supreme cowardice, Pilate releases the violent criminal Barabbas and sentences Jesus to be crucified. In this great "exchange" we see three wonderful truths. First, Jesus lived the perfect life we could never live. Second, Jesus died the substitutionary death we should have died. Third, Jesus credits us with His righteousness by faith alone. In a sense, all believers in Christ can say, "I am Barabbas." You can watch the videos of this sermon on Facebook and Youtube here:
02/12/2022Dr. Sean Cole continues the study in Systematic Theology. The focus is on the order of salvation. Aftrer predestination, God effectually calls the elect to Himself. In this teaching, he distinguishes between the external and internal call. He examines some key passages that teach effectual calling. You can watch the video here:
Who is Jesus? Luke 22:63-23:12
01/12/2022After Jesus' arrest, He undergoes three trials: (1) the Sanhedrin, (2) Pilate, and (3) Herod. From this account, Pastor Sean in this sermon asks the ultimate question: Who is Jesus? We see five titles: He is the Suffering Servant, the Son of Man, the Innocent Lamb of God, Christ the King, and the Sovereign Lord. You can also access the video of this sermon on both Facebook and Youtube: