Understanding Christianity

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 377:46:06
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This podcast by Pastor Sean Cole of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, seeks to encourage Christians in understanding our core beliefs as well as to engage skeptics with the claims of Christianity. For more information and resources visit www.seancole.net


  • The Hour of Darkness, Denial, and Deliverance LUKE 22:47-62


    Judas betrays Jesus in an hour of darkness when God gives Satan a temporary time of limited success. Peter also descends into an hour of darkness in three denials. Nevertheless, Jesus gives the tremendous hope of deliverance in forgiving Peter who repented with godly tears. Judas had worldly remorse and committed suicide. Jesus forgives us freely and powerfully when we repent. His compassion is more powerful than our weakness. His grace is more amazing than our sin. www.seancole.net

  • Predestination in ROMANS 9


    Dr. Sean Cole walks verse- by-verse through Romans 9 and teaches the doctrine of unconditional election of individuals to salvation. This is part of the Wednesday night teaching on Systematic Theology. www.seancole.net

  • God's Will and the Agony of the Cross LUKE 22:35-46


    Jesus prays so intensely in the Garden of Gethseemane that He sweats drops of blood. He knows what awaits Him on the cross. He will be numbered with the transgressors (Isaiah 53:12) and will drink the cup of God's wrath. Jesus is our perfect Savior who died in our place. He is also our perfect example of how to pray--not my will, but Your's be done. www.seancole.net

  • PREDESTINATION: Questions and Objections


    Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching series at Emmanuel on Systematic Theology. This is part two of Predestination in the Order of Salvation section. He examines some of the key passages that teach predestination: Romans 8:29-30, Acts 13:48, Ephesians 1:4-5, and 2Thessalonians 2:13-14. He follows this by addressing six common objections to unconditional election. www.seancole.net

  • Predestination in the Gospel of John


    Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching on systematic theology. He introduces the Order of Salvation and dives into the Gospel of John. He shows how Jesus teaches the doctrine of predestination primarily in John 6, 10, and 17. www.seancole.net

  • Jesus Prays for You! LUKE 22:31-34


    Dr. Sean Cole examines three truths from this passage: (1) Satan attacks believers to deny their faith in Christ; (2) Jesus as our Advocate ensures we will stay faithful to the end; and (3) Don’t be lulled into self-confidence in your struggle with sin. Here’s the point of this passage: We are weak and frail and easily tempted and open prey for the devil and in ourselves, we will never make it. We should never think we are strong enough to remain faithful to Christ. Charles Spurgeon said this about himself: "If ever it should come to pass, that sheep of Christ might fall away, My fickle, feeble soul, alas! Would fall a thousand times a day!” Left to ourselves, we would fall away from Jesus a thousand times a day. But the wonderful truth is that Jesus will NOT allow that to happen. He prays for us. He sustains us. We need Jesus as our Advocate. We need Jesus to pray for us. We need His grace to sustain us and keep us faithful to the end. www.seancole.net

  • Preaching Christ in the New Testament: Gospel Indicatives and Moral Imperatives


    Dr. Sean Cole explains from the book of Ephesians how to preach Christ and the gospel. One must always root the moral imperatives in the gospel indicatives. If you only preach the commands in Scripture and do not address God's grace and our identity in Christ, this will inevitably lead to either legalism or despair. In Ephesians Chapters 1-3, Paul uses the indicative mood--how God has blessed us and who we are in Christ. In Chapters 4-6, he shifts gears to the imperative mood--specific commands for us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. We should not confuse this order, but preach the commands in light of the truths of who we are in the gospel. If you are interested in applying for the Associate Pastor of Youth and Families, send a cover letter and email to Russell Hershberger at hersh97@bresnan.net www.seancole.net

  • Preaching Christ from the OLD TESTAMENT--A Reformed redemptive-historical understanding


    What is the Reformed understanding of how to preach Christ from the Old Testament? This is called the redemptive-historical Christocentric hermeneutic. In this podcast. Dr. Sean Cole explains this topic by examining two different approaches from reputable scholars. He interacts with Sidney Gredainus's "Preaching Christ from the Old Testament" and Walt Kaiser's "The Majesty of God in the Old Testament: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching" Emmanuel Baptist Church is seeking an Associate Pastor of Youth and Families. If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to Russell Hershberger, chairman of our search team at: hersh97@bresnan.net Helpful resources: Sinclair Ferguson “Preaching Christ from the Old Testament” https://simeontrust.org/preaching-christ-from-the-old-testament/ The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach From Old Testament Narrative Texts by Dale Ralph Davis https://tinyurl.com/2p8en3jv Graem Goldsworthy, Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics https://tinyurl.com/bdcnrpv5 Dennis Jo

  • The Beauty of the LORD'S SUPPER


    In Luke 22:7-20, Jesus observes the Passover meal with His disciples. This is sometimes referred to as the Last Supper, but in reality, it is the First Supper. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. Communion involves the bread of thanksgiving and the cup of the New Covenant in blood. Dr. Sean Cole explains the Reformed Baptist view that sees the Supper as more than a mere memorial, but also the real presence of Christ as nourishment to our souls through the power of the Holy Spirit. www.seancole.net

  • Follow Up to Law-Gospel Distinction--Clarification about Repentance


    In a previous podcast on the Law-Gospel distinction, Dr. Sean Cole made some statements that could be confusing to listeners. He clarifies his views on John MacArthur and believes he is one of the most faithful Bible expositors of the last 50 years. Sean also clarifies some confusion on repentance as a fruit of faith. He in no way condones "easy-believism" or "decisionism." Faith alone or sola fide is not mere intellectual assent to the gospel but a gift from God. He also interacts with how Provisionists wrongly put faith before regeneration in opposition to the Reformed view. Sean felt like he needed to do a followup podcast to clarify some possible confusion on this topic. www.seancole.net

  • Total Depravity: The Sinfulness of Sin


    Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching on systematic theology. Tonight he focuses on the sinfulness of sin by addressing four key areas: (1) Inherited guilt from Adam (Romans 5:12-19 (2) Universal Depravity (Romans 3:9-12) (3) Spiritual Deadness (Ephesians 2:1-3) (4) Total Inability (John 6:44; Romans 8:6-9) www.seancole.net

  • The LAW-GOSPEL Distinction in Reformed Theology


    Reformed Baptists understand the distinction between Law and Gospel. Are terms like "absolute surrender" "total yielding" or "supremely treasuring" actually part of saving faith (sola fide?) Or are they extra requirements added on faith alone that modern evangelicals have used to combat "easy believism" Dr. Sean Cole interacts with two prominent and godly preachers who confuse Law and Gospel: John MacArthur and John Piper Understanding the distinction between Law and Gospel helps us in so many ways: 1) We can rightly understand the totality of the Bible and see where Law is required, and the Gospel is promised 2) It helps us understand the nature of saving faith and repentance 3) It keeps the distinction between justification and sanctification 4) It helps us in our preaching and evangelism to call people to trust in Christ instead of adding extra requirements like absolute surrender, unconditional yielding, or supreme treasuring. Helpful books on this topic: John Colquhoun: A Treatise on the Law a

  • The Satanic Greed of Betrayal JUDAS Luke 22:1-6


    In this passage, Judas agrees to betray Jesus. Dr. Sean Cole asks three questions in this sermon. (1) WHY did Judas betray Jesus? (2) Why did none of the other disciples suspect him? (3) What's the significance of this event happening during the Passover? Judas was the greatest hypocrite and faker of all time and serves as a sobering reminder that nearness to Jesus does not necessarily mean you've been saved by Jesus. www.seancole.net

  • What Does it Mean to be a REFORMED BAPTIST?


    Dr. Sean Cole provides Seven Distinguishing Marks of a Reformed Baptist: 1) Confessional 2) Covenantal 3) Redemptive-Historical Christ-Centered Hermeneutic 4) Law-Gospel Distinction 5) The Regulative Principle 6) Elder-Led Congregational Polity 7) Regenerate Church Membership He explains how Emmanuel Baptist Church practices these. He also shows how one can be Calvinistic and not necessarily Reformed. The evangelical landscape reveals churches that are marked by: Pragmatism Egalitarianism Topical Sermons Legalism Dispensationalism Revivalism Lack of Doctrinal Clarity How does a Reformed Baptist differ so much from modern evangelicalism. Listen and find out! www.seancole.net

  • Genesis 4 Cain and Abel Sin is REBELLION against God


    Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching of systematic theology. In Genesis 4, he shows how sin is rebellion against God. We see the seven sins of Cain. We also see how God's grace intervenes with the godly lineage of Seth. www.seancole.net

  • Genesis Three ORIGINAL SIN


    In Genesis 3, we see the dire impact of Adam's transgression against God. Since Adam failed to keep the Covenant of Works, he plunged not only himself, but all his posterity into sin. Dr. Sean Cole discusses original sin and original guilt. He also explains Romans 5:12-19 as Paul teaches what it means to be "in Adam" and to be "In Christ." www.seancole.net

  • Are You Ready for that Final Day? LUKE 21:29-36


    Jesus concludes His disource in the Temple concerning its destruction in A.D. 70 and His Second Coming. He drives home two final points that center on being ready for that final day. Truth ONE: Jesus’ Words can always be trusted. Truth TWO: Keep a close watch on yourself as you watch for the Return of Christ. Luke 21:36 "But be alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the Son of Man.” How can you stand before the Son of Man on that final day? The only answer is that you must have His righteousness imputed to you by faith alone. www.seancole.net

  • The FALL Part ONE Genesis 3:1-13


    Dr. Sean Cole continues his Wednesday night teaching of systematic theology. In this session, he explains the Fall. He focuses on the Temptation itself, and how Satan deceived Eve. Second, he explores the Transgression and how Adam rebelled against God. Third, he discusses the Trial where the LORD God called Adam and Eve out of hiding to account for their transgression. www.seancole.net

  • How Will You Respond to the Second Coming? LUKE 21:20-28


    Jesus continues His final public discourse before His death. He is in the temple teaching on the destruction of Jerusalem and His Second Coming. Dr. Sean Cole explains two primary truths from this text: (1) God gives people time to repent before He brings final judgment. The destruction of Jerusalem is a prototype of final judgment. (2) The return of Christ should cause us great joy, not great fear. Jesus will return and bring both salvation and judgment. Salvation for those who are His people and judgment for those who are not His people. The Second Coming is the blessed hope for believers while the Day of the Lord is wrath and vengeance for unbelievers. www.seancole.net

  • Two Dangerous Threats LUKE 21:5-19


    Jesus warns His disciples of the destruction of Jerusalem which would take place in A.D. 70. This catacylsmic event serves as a precursor or prototype of what will happen at the end of the age when Jesus comes back. From this passage, Jesus gives us two dangers threats that the church will always face: (1) We will always be attacked from INSIDE the church through FALSE teachings. (2) We will always be attacked from OUTSIDE the church through PERSECUTION. Dr. Sean Cole explains these events that led up to the fall of Jerusalem and how we can be prepared today. www.seancole.net

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