This podcast by Pastor Sean Cole of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, seeks to encourage Christians in understanding our core beliefs as well as to engage skeptics with the claims of Christianity. For more information and resources visit
The Baptist Catechism and God's Sovereign DECREE
16/09/2022 Duración: 56minDr. Sean Cole has recently heard many non-Calvinists make these assertions: God ordains SOME things but not ALL things that come to pass. Just because God ordained the death of Christ, does not mean He ordains ALL things that come to pass. There is not one verse in the Bible that teaches God ordains all things that come to pass. God has omniscience and foreknowledge of all things, but that does not mean He ordained them to come to pass. God’s foreknowledge does not necessitate Him ordaining the event. Show me a Scripture where God made an immutable decree before the creation of the world. The assumption is that: 1) God does not have an eternal decree—the decree was not made by God before the foundation of the world 2) God does not have an immutable decree—the decree can change or be altered This podcast was originally released in July 2021, but it does address these issues. Dr. Cole interacts with three questions related to God's eternal decree and providence and shows the Reformed view in contras
The Sovereign Potter and the Covenant of Works GENESIS 2:5-17
15/09/2022Dr. Sean Cole continues this series in systematic theology as examines Genesis 2:5-17. We see that the Sovereign Potter enters into a Covenant of Works with His special creation. What is the significance of man being a living soul? How is the Garden of Eden a prototype for the temple? Did God ordain work before the Fall? What is the meaning of the two Trees in the Garden? What exactly is the Covenant of Works? Listen and find out!!!
SInful Hypocrisy or Sacrificial Generosity? LUKE 20:45-21:4
11/09/2022In these passages, we see two stark contrasts between the scribes and a poverty-stricken widow. Jesus condemns sinful hypocrisy, but He commends sacrificial generosity. How does the gospel empower our giving? How does Jesus save us from religious pride and materialism? Listen and find out.
Let US Make Man in our Image GENESIS 1:26-31
09/09/2022Dr. Sean Cole continues teaching the fundamentals of the faith. He focuses on three questions from Genesis 1:26-31. (1) What does it mean when it says let US make man in our image? (2) What exactly is the image and likeness of God? (3) Why is there a biological distinction between male and female? He addresses the transgender confusion that is running rampant in our culture today.
The Greatest Question LUKE 20:39-44
06/09/2022Jesus asks the greatest question about His identity from Psalm 110:1 which is the most quoted Old Testament text in the New Testament. He reveals three truths about Himself. (1) He is fully and absolutely a Man, (2) He is fully and absolutely God, and (3) He is fully and absolutely Lord over all. What are the implications of these three truths? How do we respond? Listen and find out!
In the Beginning... GOD Genesis 1:1-26
02/09/2022Dr. Sean Cole begins a new study in systematic theology. Emmanuel Baptist Church started Adventure Club for children on Wednesday nights. This program comes from John MacArthur's church and focuses on the foundations of the faith. Over the next 9 months, we will explore the following three doctrines: (1) MAN, (2) SIN, and (3) SALVATION. In this introductory session, Dr. Cole shows us what we can learn about God from Genesis 1.
The Christian's Responsibility to the GOVERNMENT LUKE 20:19-26
24/08/2022In this passage, we find the famous words of Jesus: “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” In this sermon, Dr. Sean Cole asks two important questions: (1) What is our obligation to the governing authorities? and (2) What is our obligation to the living God? He shows four ways Christians should relate to the government and gives this from both a biblical and Reformed Baptist understanding. This message is timely in light of current events in our nation.
The Horns of a Dilemma and the Authority of Christ LUKE 20:1-8
11/08/2022Do you joyfully submit to the authority of Christ. In this encounter, Jesus traps the religious leaders on the horns of a dilemma and exposes their hypocrisy. Dr. Sean Cole explores three themes in this passage: (1) Jesus placed a high priority on preaching the hope of the gospel to sinners. (2) Sadly, many hate to submit to the authority of Jesus. (3) As followers of Christ, we should expect the same treatment. How do we respond to hostility that comes against us? Where is the authority of Christ most clearly seen? Listen and find out!
What Are You Passionate About? LUKE 19:45-48
31/07/2022Jesus cleanses the Temple of the money changers. He quotes from Isaiah 56 and Jeremiah 7. Pastor Sean takes us on a journey back into those two Old Testametn passages to show the priority of missions, the passion for prayer, and the importance of purity in our worship.
"Once Saved, Always Saved" vs. Perseverance of the Saints
29/07/2022The Baptistic doctrine of "Once Saved, Always Saved" is a shallow understanding of eternal security that originates out of revivalism. Dr. Sean Cole explains how the Reformed understanding of Perseverance of the Saints provides a more robust understanding of how God sustains His people to the end. In this podcast, he explains Chapter 17 of the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession on Perseverance of the Saints.
The Only Way to True Peace LUKE 19:28-44
24/07/2022Jesus finally enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in His triumphal entry. King Jesus is the only way to experience true peace with God. He has supernatural knowledge of all things. He is worth of our joyous worship. He has compassion on helpless sinners. Yet, there is a warning in this passage to be ready for His Second Coming.
Are You a Good and Faithful Servant? LUKE 19:11-127
22/07/2022In this passage, Jesus addresses a misconception about the immediacy of the coming of His Kingdom by telling the parable of the ten minas. We do not know exactly when Jesus will return, but He will come on the clouds in power and glory one day. We must be faithful servants until He comes back by wisely using our time, talents, and treasures for His glory and the spread of the Gospel. The Second Coming will bring final judgment on those who do not submit to Jesus as Lord.
The Mission of Christ and a Wee LIttle Man LUKE 19:1-10
12/07/2022in the narrative with Zacchaeus, we see the sovereignty of God in salvation as Jesus came to seek and save the lost.. God often prepares hearts by creating a spiritual curiosity. Also, Jesus sovereignly and effectually calls sinners to Himself. In addition, we see that repentance is a fruit of sovereign grace. What does it mean for Jesus to seek and save the lost? Listen and find out.
I Once Was Blind, but Now I See! LUKE 18:35-43
03/07/2022Jesus heals the blind man on the way to Jericho. From this narrative, we see a picture of how Jesus loves to save sinners. We must recognize our wrtechedness before a holy God and cry out for mercy. We must have saving faith in Christ alone. Listen as Pastor Sean shows how this passage reveals that we are spiritually blind and bankrupt and need Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Is it Worth It??? LUKE 18:28-34
26/06/2022Is it worth it to repent and believe in Jesus? We often couch the gospel in terms of what I must give up instead of what I gain. From this passage, Dr. Sean Cole explores three truths about our salvation. Is it worth it to follow Jesus? Absolutely!! Listen and find out why.
The Impossibility of Salvation? The Rich Young Ruler
24/06/2022In Luke 18:18-30, Jesus encounters the rich young ruler. His trust in his riches made him anxious and lacking assurance. Suprisingly, Jesus crushes him with the Law to expose his idolatry. In this passage, we see the clear teaching of the distinction between Law and Gospel. We also see the necessity for our sovereign God to do a supernatural, impossible work of grace to bring a dead sinner alive in Christ.
Reflections on SBC 2022 in Anaheim
21/06/2022Dr. Sean Cole attended the SBC annual meeting in Anaheim last week as a messenger from Emmanuel Baptist Church. He gives his reflections on the meeting. There are major concerns about pragmatism infecting the denomination and confusion over what is a pastor. He interacts with Rick Warren's statement on not fighting about secondary issues. He addresses the Sex Abuse Task Force report and other issues that transpired.
What Does the Bible Say about ABORTION and the Sanctity of Human Life?
14/06/2022Roe vs. Wade could be overturned any day now. In this timely sermon, Dr. Sean Cole preaches a powerful message about the sanctity of human life. He provides two foundational pillars that frame the discussion and then gives three key biblical truths about life. Then he provides practical ways you can be involved in the abolitionist movement. After the sermon, many in the congregation commented that this was the best pro-life sermon that they had ever heard. Share this message with someone who needs to know what the Bible says about the life, conception, abortion, God's law, and the power of the gospel of grace for all of us who need Jesus.
Plain Talk about PROVISIONISM: Is it Semi-PELAGIAN?
09/06/2022Dr. Sean Cole interacts with a recent YouTube video from Leighton Flowers called "Provisionism Rightly Represented" where Flowers lays out a positive case. He interacts with friend Tyler Vela and leading Arminian scholar Roger Olsen. Sean addresses the difference between the Reformed view of effectual calling and regeneration with the Provisionist view that the gospel appeal is the sufficient grace needed to enable a response in faith. Sean also does a deep dive into some primary source material from the Semi-Pelagians such as Prosper's argument against John Cassian, Faustus of Riez, and the Second Council of Orange. There is a lot of historical material in this that will show the major differences between Reformed theology and Provisionism. Basically, Provisionism is very similar to historic Semi-Pelagianism.
Is General Revelation Sufficient for Salvation/Inclusivism? Leighton Flowers and Bible Brodown Guys
01/06/2022Dr. Sean Cole interacts with the Provisionist or non-Calvinistic understanding of the role of general revelation (creation and conscious) from Romans 1 and 2 in leading a person to saving faith in Christ. Is general revelation sufficient to lead a person to trust in Jesus alone for salvation? The Bible and the Reformed confessions say "No!" He plays a clip from a recent Soteriology 101 episode where Leighton Flowers interviews the Bible Brodown guys. Pastor Sean takes an historical journey through church history to show the majority consensus view on this topic. Why is this important? How does this effect the way we do missions to unreached peoples? What are the stark differences between Provisionism and Reformed theology on the destiny of those who have never heard the gospel? Listen as Dr. Cole unpacks these issues in depth.