Central Community Church sermons
Family Dynamics: Broken Relationships - Promontory
22/05/2022Broken relationships are a sad reality of the world we live in. Few are those who have not experienced the hurt of family relationships, friendships and even close relationships in the church. When we're hurt we can easily be tempted to discard those relationships and guard our hearts. God longs for us to respond in love to those who have hurt us so as to bring about reconciliation. This is only possible as we understand and experience Christ's love for us.
Family Dynamics: Marriage - Agassiz
15/05/2022The marriage relationship is so central that a church will only flourish if marriages in it are flourishing. Our text tells us that the call on husbands is to love & sacrifice while the call for wives is to submit & respect. Does that give you more or a recipe for flourishing marriage vibe or Handmaid’s Tale vibe? Ephesians 5 goes on to show how husbands and wives, serving each other in their own unique ways, becomes a provocative, prophetic witness to the world of redemption in Christ.
Family Dynamics: Marriage - Promontory
15/05/2022God gave marriage to be a living, breathing picture of his relationship with his church. The love, submission and respect that exists between a husband and wife is intended to mirror God’s heart and actions for the people he came to redeem in Christ. While no marriage does this perfectly, the church is called to uphold the high view of marriage and support and encourage one another to showcase the glory of God in the world and in the church.
Family Dynamics: Women in the Church - Promontory
08/05/2022This Mother’s Day we want to take some time to consider how we are called as the Family of God to treat women in our church? We are called to treat older women as mothers and younger women as sisters in all purity, as we pursue the gospel together and glorify God.
Family Dynamics: Women in the Church - Agassiz & Lake Errock
08/05/2022The church is the household of faith – a family – and the Bible describes how we are to treat one other in this family. This Mother’s Day we will focus on the instruction to treat older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity, and widows with honour.
Family Dynamics: Broken Relationships - Agassiz & Lake Errock
01/05/2022Broken relationships are a sad reality of the world we live in. Few are those who have not experienced the hurt of family relationships, friendships and even close relationships in the church. When we're hurt we can easily be tempted to discard those relationships and guard our hearts. God longs for us to respond in love to those who have hurt us so as to bring about reconciliation. This is only possible as we understand and experience Christ's love for us.
Family Dynamics: Sister Church Relationships - Promontory
01/05/2022In a time when the church seems to be fracturing and is at the same time in decline in Canada, we are called to live in unity with other disciples of Christ. Our unity with other disciples evidences the very nature of God and authenticates God’s mission in Christ. Grounded in Gospel truths we are called to manifest our unity in practical ways. Three NT examples of Sister Church engagements include sacrificial giving, doctrinal integrity, and intentional missions and evangelism.
Family Dynamics: Those Who Doubt
24/04/2022We are used to people outside of the church doubting the Bible, but how do we respond when those doubts come from inside the church? What do we do when we are wrestling with doubt? The Bible invites us to investigate its claims and calls us to treat...
The Road to the Cross: Among the Living - Promontory
17/04/2022The tomb is empty and Jesus is alive! The risen Jesus invites us to test the miracle of his resurrection and place our trust in what the Bible teaches. With this in mind, he sends us out in the joy of Lord to share the good news of eternal life!
The Road to the Cross: The Resurrection - Agassiz & Lake Errock
17/04/2022Easter Sunday is the pinnacle of the Christian faith. There is so much joy in knowing that Jesus died to save and liberate us – and that He is victorious over the bondage, curse and consequences of sin, Satan, and death through His resurrection. The...
The Road to the Cross: Jesus Speaks - Agassiz & Lake Errock
15/04/2022In Luke’s account, Jesus speaks four times during his crucifixion. And each one reveals and points not only to what Jesus is doing, but to the extent and fullness of the grace that is being offered at the cross. This is what makes Friday Good.
The Road to the Cross: Palm Sunday - Promontory
10/04/2022Jesus was not the type of Messiah people were expecting, yet he was the type of Messiah that the prophets foretold. How will we respond to our humble King?
The Road to the Cross: An Uphill Road - Agassiz & Lake Errock
03/04/2022The “home stretch” of Jesus’ “Road to the Cross” was uphill. It was not an easy road, but it was a road that God the Father had traced for Him from the very beginning, and one that He led His disciples on with hope, determination, and deliverance as...
The Road to the Cross: The Whole Story - Promontory
03/04/2022Whenever you hear the whole story from someone it can change your perspective on what took place. This is exactly what Jesus is trying to help his disciples understand, that the whole Bible is leading up to the cross. When we understand that full...
The Road to the Cross: A Grateful Road - Agassiz & Lake Errock
27/03/2022On His road to the cross Jesus encountered 10 lepers whom He healed. But only one came back to thank and praise his Master and Savior in humble submission. The road to the cross should be marked by immense gratitude. The fact that Jesus saved us and...
The Road to the Cross: A Narrow Door & Open Arms - Promontory
20/03/2022As Jesus journeys to Jerusalem and the cross, he tells his disciples that entrance into the kingdom is a narrow door and encourages them to strive to enter through it. However despite the difficult entrance he encourages them that the kingdom is open...
Th Road to the Cross: What Path Will You Choose? - Agassiz & Lake Errock
20/03/2022What Path Will You Choose?
The Road to the Cross: Sign of the Times - Promontory
13/03/2022Jesus has some difficult things to say. No one likes to hear about judgment, and yet Jesus talked about it more than anyone because that is exactly what he came to save us from. Jesus calls us to wrestle with the reality of justice and salvation and...
The Road to the Cross: A Twisty Road - Agassiz & Lake Errock
13/03/2022The road to the cross is not as straightforward as it sounds. It is full of twists. How can what ultimately brings peace and reconciliation be riddled with persecution, conflict, and division? How can a road marked with such suffering be so...