Central Community Church sermons
The Road to the Cross: Following Jesus to the Cross - Promontory
06/03/2022As we begin to trace the journey that Jesus takes to go to the cross, we are reminded of what true discipleship looks like and what it costs. To follow Jesus means that we are radically committed to sharing mercy, not condemnation, even when that will...
The Road to the Cross: No Turning Back - Agassiz & LE
06/03/2022Jesus’ journey from heaven & back had one, critical, life-giving goal: the cross. His goal, motivated by His incredible and unconditional love for mankind, was firmly decided and pursued – and He now calls us to pursue Him with the same passion.
Family Dynamics: Friendship - Promontory
27/02/2022No one ever taught us how to be a husband or a wife, how to be a parent or a son; in the same way we all have different takes on what a friend should be or not be. For some, friendship is synonym of support and companionship, while for others it’s a...
Family Dynamics: Friendship - Agassiz & Lake Errock
27/02/2022More than ever, our world is starving for relationship. Scripture presents friendships as a unique opportunity for loving relationships with others as we love our friends sacrificially. Friendships of this sort can be meaningful and incredibly...
Family Dynamics: Mentorship & Discipleship - Agassiz
20/02/2022Mentorship and discipleship are essential parts of how the church continues from one generation to another. We all need help to learn how to practically work out the things God has called us to do and we all can help others do the same. The entire...
Family Dynamics: Parenting - Promontory
20/02/2022Christian parenting is about making Jesus known to the next generation as an expression of one’s love for God and their kids. Christian parenting involves modeling affectionate authority and teaching and nurturing their kids in the Gospel with...
Family Dynamics: Parenting - Agassiz & Lake Errock
13/02/2022In secular or Christian worldviews there are many things that are believed to be crucial to great parenting: honesty, consistency, patience, openness, love, security, using discipline wisely, etc. But what if the most important thing about parenting...
The Trinity: In the Christian Life - Agassiz
06/02/2022Before creation God existed in perfect, relational, loving communion – One God in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the overflow of that relationship and the deep love that the Father has for the Son, God created the heavens and the...
The Trinity: In the Christian Life - Chilliwack
06/02/2022The beauty of the Christian life is faded and muddled when we lose sight of the true nature of God as three persons. Instead of a life of deeply knowing and loving a beautiful God we reduce life to good or bad works. Our task is to reorient our...
The Trinity: In Salvation - Agassiz
30/01/2022Too often we simplify God's work of salvation and settle for a concept of salvation that while not false, is incomplete. Titus 3:4-7 presents us with a rich Trinitarian presentation of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all work together to...
The Trinity in Salvation - Promontory
30/01/2022It is really hard to trust something you don’t know or understand, and therefore if we don’t understand our salvation we will keep on trying to do it ourselves. But when we come to understand the work of our Triune God in salvation we realize that we...
The Trinity: In Creation - Promontory
23/01/2022The question of how and why God created the world seems like a very esoteric question to answer, yet it is one that everyone needs to wrestle with. How we understand the beginning of the world gives us an understanding of who God is and our purpose...
Family Dynamics: Accountability Relationships - Agassiz
09/01/2022The path that Jesus has for His followers (disciples) is exciting, yet narrow and filled with challenges. To stay on this path (the “Christian walk”) demands support and accountability – because we cannot do it alone. It was never intended that we...
Family Dynamics: Church as a Family - Promontory
02/01/2022Family is the most common analogy that the Bible uses to speak about the church. But just like our physical families the church can sometimes be a confusing and difficult place and so what is needed is a clear understanding of what the church should...
God Was Born: Nazareth - Agassiz
26/12/2021Following God's leading can be uncomfortable at times, and at other times downright nerve-wracking! Matthew 2:19-23 and its context assures us that God cares for us deeply and desires to guide us carefully in His ways. Following God's way...
Jesus the Light of the World - Agassiz
24/12/2021John’s gospel (and the rest of the Bible!) repeatedly tells us that Jesus is “the light of the world” who brings life. This Christmas, as people all around the world hold “celebrations of light”, we have the greatest reason to celebrate: The life that...
Jesus is Better - Promontory
19/12/2021The whole Bible is either preparing us for the coming of Jesus or explaining to us what Jesus did. Even the greatest moments of God’s salvation throughout history were meant to point to a greater salvation that would be accomplished in Jesus. At...
Christmas Mourning - Agassiz
19/12/2021The Christmas story is so familiar that we can recite it from memory. One part of the story that Matthew records includes what appears to be obscure references to Old Testament prophets. Matthew’s account helps us to recognize that while Christmas...
Worship the King - Promontory
12/12/2021The wise men coming to Jesus is an often misunderstood story, at least in the details. Yet the main point remains clear, they come to worship and rejoice over Jesus as a King and Christmas is the invitation for us to do the same.
Simeon’s Song: Seeing Salvation - Promontory
05/12/2021After surveying Simeon’s encounter with Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the temple, we learn why Jesus’s birth under the law is crucial to our identity as adopted children of God. Second, we uncover applications for our growth in discipleship and church...