Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green



WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.


  • The Changing Landscape of Technology - AI Being Used to Shape DEI - With Justin Haskins and Don Kendall

    30/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare to navigate the intricate interplay of artificial intelligence and the quest for freedom in the burgeoning fourth industrial revolution. Our latest episode, featuring the keen insights of Justin Haskins and Don Kendall, ventures deep into the heart of AI's potential to reshape our world. We examine how big tech and influential organizations are poised to steer AI in line with their ideologies, and why it's crucial to anchor these advancements with conservative and liberty-oriented values. As we stand at the precipice of transformative change, akin to the internet's emergence, our dialogue uncovers the imperative for a balanced approach to innovation—a future where diversity in thought underpins the AI that could define our society.We consider AI's various forms, from the daily digital assistants that ease our lives to the yet unrealized Artificial General Intelligence and the ethically daunting prospects of Artificial Superintelligence. Hear how algorithmic discrimination protectio

  • Defying Mandates and Upholding Faith: The Intersection of Biblical Ethics and Modern Medicine- With Dr. Mary Talley Bowden

    29/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover how biblical values intersect with modern medicine as we welcome Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, the fearless physician who defied federal health authorities during the pandemic. Her tenacity in advocating for treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, despite pushback, echoes our broader discussion on the transformative power of faith and ethics in reshaping societal norms. We explore the potential for Christian principles to revolutionize the justice system, business ethics, and societal trust, and celebrate Dr. Bowden's legal victories that demand truth and transparency in healthcare. Together we weave through the complex tapestry of faith, culture, and medicine, examining the backbone of integrity that supports it all.In a world where silence often prevails in the medical community, we challenge the status quo, probing the psychological effects of one-sided narratives and the dire need for open debate and diverse perspectives. Sharing personal experiences of censorship and the resurgence of

  • Elections, Property and Youth on Good News Friday!

    26/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today is Good News Friday! We will take the time to work through David and Tim’s stack of good news articles- Around the nation, progress being made in election security. In Wisconsin, Zucker buck election funding has been banned. In California, the supreme court rules in favor of a land owner faced with unreasonable fees. In Georgia, a bill is approved to protect children from unsupervised use of social media. A food delivery service is connecting young people who need life advice with older people with advice to give. And anti-gun bills are vetoed in Virginia.Dive into the heart of republicanism with us as we examine the crucial victories for election integrity, starting with the Supreme Court's nod to Texas' absentee ballot laws. In this episode, we're not just discussing the intricacies of voting legislation—we're celebrating them. The ruling out of Georgia that upheld voter citizenship verification is another toast to the safeguards of our electoral system. And let's not forget W

  • Securing Our Democracy: Faith, Virtue, and the Battle for Election Integrity, on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    25/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we look at some listener questions- If financial transactions can be secure, why not elections? If Liberia has a similar constitution, why haven’t they experienced the same prosperity as the United States? What happens if a presidential candidate doesn’t receive enough electoral college votes? Louisiana passed a law saying that no foreign treaty will be able to influence the policy of the state. Is this constitutional?Discover the pivotal role faith plays in shaping our culture and the mechanisms our Constitution provides to protect the cherished values of our republic. We delve into the world of election integrity, drawing parallels between the security of our votes and that of our financial transactions. Grapple with the necessity of virtue within our electorate and consider how morality underpins the very fabric of our electoral system.Venture with us into the digital battlefield where the preservation of our republic hangs in the balance. We recount tales of encryp

  • Navigating the Maze of the Middle East Conflict: Historical Insights and Modern Implications With Omer Eschel

    24/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey through the intricate maze of the Middle East conflict with Omer Eschel, a seasoned biblical scholar and expert tour guide of Israel. This episode takes a deep dive into the roots and ramifications of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, unearthing the historical narrative that frames today's tensions. Amid a climate of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments on campuses like Columbia University, we dissect the influences shaping public perception and the critical role of historical accuracy in international politics.Revisit the past to understand the present; we trace the term 'Palestinian' back to its early applications and scrutinize the shifts in demographics that have shaped the region's identity. Our conversation with Omer Eschel breaks down the complexities surrounding the evolution of national identities and spotlights the dangers of manipulated historical narratives. From the parallels drawn between Middle Eastern propaganda and the controversial toppling of Americ

  • The Call to Safeguard Our Democratic Process with Million Voices- with John Graves

    23/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Unlock the truth behind election integrity as we dissect the lessons from past elections with clarity and determination. John Graves joins us to shed light on the state of our elections and the pitfalls of the Dominion voting machines. Our discourse is a journey through the intricate maze of election security efforts, learning from past failures to fortify the backbone of our republic.Hear the alarming realities of electronic voting machines as we reveal the potential for vote manipulation through exposed encryption keys. This episode is a call to arms for bipartisan advocacy, recognizing the shared trepidations that cross party lines. Discover how your voice, amplified with action, can address these critical vulnerabilities. We equip you with the tools to engage local officials and safeguard the sanctity of every vote cast. Together, we can chart a path toward elections that truly reflect the will of the people.Embrace the power of collective action as Million Voices guides us to rise against complacency and

  • Safeguarding State Sovereignty: Faith, Governance, and the Fight Against Overreach- with Audrea Decker

    22/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare to navigate the delicate interplay of spirituality and governance as we're joined by Audrea  Decker of the Pro Family Legislative Network. In an era where the lines between the constitutional and the biblical seem increasingly blurred, we dissect the symbiotic relationship between faith-based perspectives and legislative processes. Our robust discussion reveals the often-unseen influence of state legislators and the innovative solutions they come up with. But it's not all smooth sailing; we cast a discerning eye on the Uniform Law Commission's leanings, an area of government not expected to have an agenda.The episode takes a sharp turn into the realm of public health emergencies, where the definition and scope feel alarmingly broad, potentially encroaching on state sovereignty and personal freedoms. We unearth the risks of unchecked executive powers and the looming shadow of international regulatory bodies over state governance. Applauding the preemptive measures of legislators in Louis

  • Eclipses, Promises, Policy and Everything In Between, on Good News Friday!

    19/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever found yourself awestruck by the wonders above us? Prepare to be uplifted, as we recount the serene beauty of the recent eclipse, where pandemonium predictions were eclipsed by tranquility. We then journey to Rochester, New York, to witness a promise forty-six years in the making, where the bond between a science teacher and his students defies time, drawn together by the celestial ballet of the sun and moon.As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of COVID rights violations, we explore the ramifications of the vaccine mandates being rolled back at two California universities. This move has sparked conversations on the shifting health landscape, the interplay of risk and freedom, and the intricate dance between policy and science. Your perspective on health autonomy and the role of educational institutions in public health might find new roots as we thread through this complex tapestry of change.Finally, we look at the contrasting legal landscapes across the U.S. when it comes to comb

  • When the Government Tells You How to Use Your Property - On Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    18/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Is it fair for a single landowner's decision to potentially reshape the agricultural landscape of an entire community? We grapple with the urgent conversation about property rights versus the communal interest in preserving farmland, as prime agricultural spaces face the threat of becoming solar farms. We dissect this complex issue through a biblical lens, while also considering the constitutional rights enshrined in the Fifth Amendment. Our vibrant dialogue uncovers the challenges a young county commissioner might encounter as they strive to make choices that honor both individual freedoms and the broader good.Venturing further into the intricacies of land use, we shine a spotlight on the Beef Initiative in Texas and the unintended consequences of government incentives on the free market. Our discussion reveals the delicate balance between liberty and the necessity for regulations that reflect the collective vision of land stewardship.In a candid response to a listener's concern, we also pay tribut

  • What to do When the First Amendment Free Speech is on the Line? - with Rebecca Lavrenz

    17/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    When the gavel fell on Rebecca Lavrenz's trial, the echo rang through the hearts of many who hold the Constitution dear. We peel back the layers of a courtroom that felt more like a political stage than a beacon of justice, as we recount the gripping trial of a praying grandmother and Constitution coach. Rebecca's conviction has sparked a national conversation, now fueled by figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk, about the bedrock principles of our republic and the First Amendment. We take you inside the trial to dissect the troubling nuances and share the palpable frustration over a verdict that seems to stand at odds with the ideals we cherish.With Rebecca's faith and fighting spirit as the undercurrent, this episode explores the potential for her conviction to reach the highest court in the land. We're not just commenting from the sidelines; we're in the thick of it, discussing how political leanings of judges may weigh upon the scales of justice and the constitutional arguments

  • Chaplains Shining a Light of Hope in Our Public Schools - with Rocky Malloy

    16/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the crossroads where belief, society, and governance converge as we bring to light the significant influence Chaplains can have in public schools. Joined by dedicated advocate Rocky Malloy, we delve deep into the constitutional debates and historical practices that are shaping the conversation around religious roles in educational settings. We provide evidence showing the profound benefits of chaplains in schools, from fostering moral support to actively reducing crime and preventing suicide.Take a step back in time with us to explore Thomas Jefferson's actions following his famous correspondence with the Danbury Baptists, and unravel the true intentions behind the often-misinterpreted concept of the separation of church and state. We paint a picture of the historical norms of religious figures in government roles, challenging modern-day assumptions and inviting a reconsideration of how we integrate faith into our public institutions. Our guest shares compelling international cases that exemplif

  • Are Accusations of Christian Nationalism Warranted?

    15/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    As we weave through the complicated narrative of Christian nationalism, Mark David Hall, a distinguished scholar, joins us to dissect the layered meanings and indiscriminate accusations that have come to surround this term. Our conversation is a journey to clarify the murky waters where religion intersects with politics, and where labels can sometimes obscure more than they reveal. We'll tackle the implications of such branding, especially against those with deeply held constitutional values, and why cries of theocracy are alarmingly on the rise. Join us for a profound exploration of patriotism, faith, and the very fabric of American identity.Support the show

  • Influence of the Bible on America, part 4

    12/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a captivating finale to our series exploring the Bible's immeasurable impact on American ethos, as we examine Noah Webster's monumental contribution to our language. Witness how Webster's unshakeable faith and his revolutionary dictionary not only codified American English but also infused it with Biblical wisdom. His story, a testament to the transformative power of personal belief, reveals the interwoven threads of spirituality and linguistics that continue to define our nation's voice and values.As we recount the historical bond between education and the church, we're reminded of the Bible's critical role in sculpting American educational philosophy. Concluding with inspiring reflections from the founding fathers, this episode illuminates the Bible's everlasting beacon in shaping the principles of American life and policy.Support the show

  • Influence of the Bible on America, part 3

    11/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the historical roots of America's greatness as we trace the Bible's influence on our nation's founding principles. We uncover the spiritual blueprint that has forged our governance and societal values, revealing the profound relationship between America's founders and the sacred text that guided their insights. We revisit the crucial moment when Benjamin Franklin called for divine intervention, a tradition of seeking guidance that still echoes in the halls of Congress today. Learn how the Bible's principles, including the separation of powers and the requirement for a natural-born citizen president, have left an indelible mark on the Constitution.Join us on a captivating journey through America's spiritual heritage, where we honor the legacy of the Bible's role in education as championed by leaders like Fisher Ames and Dr. Benjamin Rush. We celebrate the American Bible Society's founding fathers, including Elias Boudinot and John Jay, who fervently believed tha

  • Influence of the Bible on America, part 2

    10/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Unlock the secrets of America's foundation as we reveal the profound influence the Bible has exerted on the birth and growth of the United States. Embark on a historical odyssey that traces the biblical roots from the Geneva Bible to the King James Bible to the first Bible endorsed by Congress. We will shed a light on the pivotal role that scripture played in shaping our nation's ideals and governance. From the Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647 to the pioneering New England Primer, we delve into how literacy in biblical teachings provided a bulwark against tyranny and laid the foundations for the American republic.Join us as we dissect the true meaning behind the concept of separation of church and state, revisiting Jefferson's original intentions. We'll explore the impact of the Bible on American governance, education, and history, including the significant yet often overlooked event when Congress endorsed the printing of America's first English-language Bible. Discover how figures like

  • Influence of the Bible on America, part 1

    09/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey through America's historical landscape as we uncover the indelible mark of the Bible on our nation's heritage, with insights from America's premier historian David Barton. Discover how the sacred pages sculpted our republic, threading through our founding tenets, from the free market to property and the nuances of our voting system. As we traverse our country's timeline, we reveal the essential nature of biblical teachings in not only shaping our government and society but also fortifying the moral framework essential for prosperity, a sentiment echoed by leaders like George Washington and recently reaffirmed by Donald Trump.Feel the reverence for Scripture that permeated the lives of the Pilgrims and Puritans, who seamlessly wove the Bible into governance, lawmaking, and education, setting the stage for an America where divine guidance was considered a cornerstone. With gripping tales of personalities like Patrick Henry and Noah Webster, we illustrate the Bible's

  • Renewing the Covenant of Liberty with Timeless Principles and Pastoral Leadership

    08/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a transformative journey with us as we confront the burning issues at the crossroads of faith and contemporary culture. Prepare to unravel the moral complexities of taxation, life, and more, through the steadfast lens of biblical accuracy, historical wisdom, and constitutional savvy. We will illuminate the path back to the foundational visions that the forefathers etched for America. Feel the anticipation build as Pastor Paul Blair informs us about an upcoming pastor's conference in Wisconsin – a rallying point for community torchbearers passionate about reigniting the fervor of biblical tenets and constitutional mores in their flocks.This episode is not just a conversation; it's a clarion call to action. We champion the cause of 'biblical citizenship,' urging you to embrace your pivotal role in the historical and constitutional re-education of our society. The time is ripe to invest your energies and influence into this noble quest, to become mentors, to host enlightening sessio

  • Christian Stewards in the Era of Digital Surveillance and Shifting Morals

    05/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Could the confluence of faith and culture be at a critical tipping point? We delve into this pressing question as we scrutinize the Biden administration's recent decision to set a Day of Visibility for the transgender community on Easter Sunday. In a world where cultural norms are rapidly evolving, we highlight the tension between progressive policies and traditional Christian values. We dissect the secularization of the Easter holiday at the White House. Our conversation is a clarion call for truth and liberty in the face of America's shifting cultural landscape.The ghost of Big Brother looms large with the advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies, and none other than Robert F Kennedy Jr. brings this to light. His recent interview casts a chilling prospect of a future where our financial freedom will be shackled by a Chinese-style social credit system. Senator Ted Cruz echoes the sentiment of many with his proposed ban on CBDCs, aiming to shield American liberties. And as we peek into the upcoming

  • The Role of Scriptural Wisdom in Shaping Educational Policies

    04/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday we focus on some listener questions- Can the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion be reconciled with a Christian worldview? We analyze this  intriguing inquiry, scrutinizing the complexities of DEI through a biblical perspective. We're unraveling the tapestry of diversity quotas, equity's quest for identical outcomes, and the nuanced concept of inclusion—each thread examined against the backdrop of scripture. Our discourse reveals the occasional discord between DEI's group-centric approach and the Bible's individual focus, emphasizing the importance of character and intentions over mere external attributes.The American trinity of unity, trust in God, and liberty stands at the forefront as we contrast these values with the historical consequences of prioritizing equality, drawing lessons from the French Revolution. Not all inclusions are created equal, especially when they sideline Christian tenets; hence, we delve into the critical role of

  • Reclaiming Education: Pastors as Guardians of Morality and Constitutional Rights in Schools- with Pastor Richard Vega

    03/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the significant impact spiritual leaders can have in shaping our education system as Pastor Richard Vega uncovers the challenges and triumphs of confronting cultural norms with biblical and constitutional values. This episode delves into the importance of pastors returning to their historical role as beacons of righteousness, armed with courage and conviction to speak out at school board meetings. Our engaging conversation sheds light on the explicit and gender-related content within public schools and how church leaders can be the preserving force our society desperately needs.This episode recounts the incredible story of hundreds of controversial and explicit books being removed from public schools as pastors stood up and said no. You'll also hear the transformative journey of a hesitant pastor who, after a personal confrontation with these materials, finds the conviction to step into the fray. This narrative serves as a clarion call to others who may be struggling to find their voice amidst t

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