Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green



WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.


  • Revival and Reform: The Million-Woman Movement in Action - with Lou Engle

    18/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    What if spiritual revival could transform the political landscape? On this episode of WallBuilders, we delve into how the integration of faith, culture, and politics can bring about national renewal. Inspired by biblical figures such as Nehemiah and Ezra, we discuss how history can come to life to inform current events, and why it is crucial to blend spiritual activities with political activism. You'll also hear about upcoming events like the Million Woman Movement and the influential role of leaders like Lou Engel in fostering a prayer-driven political revival.Picture a massive service of prayer and fasting on October 12th, aimed at saving our nation, with women rising up to reform against the powers of darkness—sound intriguing? Lou Engel shares his transformative experience and his divine call to mobilize a righteous women's movement akin to the biblical Esther. We explore the "Don't Mess With Our Kids" initiative, urging mothers to protect their children from government overreach,

  • Moral Courage in the Face of Global Pressures- with Justin Haskins

    17/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    What happens when global regulations threaten national sovereignty? Discover why the European Union's regulatory reach could be the biggest threat to global business as we know it. We break down the ongoing efforts to counteract the World Health Organization's overreach and explore the tension between secular progressives and those who hold a biblical worldview. Uncover how these conflicting perspectives are reshaping the landscape of global governance and national sovereignty.Why are drag queens and transgender individuals becoming prominent voices at Democratic conventions? This isn't about political correctness; it's about the broader implications for public education and societal values. We'll discuss the continued secular shift within the Democratic Party and its potential impact on national and state control. Our discussion will be enriched by insights from Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute, providing a critical examination of these progressive trends and their cultural

  • Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom, part 5

    14/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Ever wondered what it truly means to protect your liberty? Join us for an in-depth exploration at Patriot Academy, where intellectual and physical training converge to arm you with the knowledge and skills to defend your constitutional rights. We dive deep into the LIFT principles—limited government, individual liberty, free enterprise, and timeless truths—providing a robust framework for evaluating policy and restoring our constitutional republic. Through riveting personal stories, we make a powerful case for the younger generation to abandon apathy and embrace their role in safeguarding freedom.Inspired by Ronald Reagan's timeless assertion that freedom must be actively protected and passed on, Austin Griesinger shares his journey from ignorance to vigilance, becoming a "sheepdog" for liberty. Rick Green calls us all to action, urging us to stand as modern-day Paul Reveres, spreading the truth and inspiring others to follow suit. We traverse through history, examining events like Paul Revere&

  • Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom, part 4

    13/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Unlock the secrets to true personal freedom by mastering the intersection of constitutional rights and self-defense. This episode promises to equip you with both the intellectual insights and physical skills necessary to defend your liberty and your family. Drawing inspiration from historical heavyweights like Joseph Story, we delve into the timeless importance of the natural right to self-defense, giving you the tools to be proactively prepared in today’s world.Imagine James Wilson, one of the original Supreme Court justices, giving you a masterclass on the Castle Doctrine and the Second Amendment. This episode critiques modern judicial missteps and explores how far we've drifted from the framers' original intent. Discover why intellectual understanding and physical readiness are not just complementary but essential for safeguarding the Constitution and restoring the balance of governance in America.Ever wondered how young leaders can be trained to tackle real-world issues while upholding constitut

  • Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom, part 3

    12/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Firearm ownership is a constitutional right that empowers citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones. On today's episode of the WallBuilders Show, we tackle the significance of the Second Amendment as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. We emphasize the importance of this right, particularly for women, and discuss pragmatic approaches to living out and safeguarding this amendment through education, civic engagement, and active participation in elections. Special guest Cameron Green passionately highlights the critical need for women to be knowledgeable in self-defense and prepared to exercise their Second Amendment rights.We then delve into the ongoing debate about gun ownership and the individual right to bear arms. Our discussion challenges the notion that reducing the availability of firearms will decrease crime, referencing studies by Professor John Lott, which suggest that guns are more often used to prevent crimes than to commit them. Through personal anecdotes and logical arguments, we str

  • Constitutional Defense Of Your Family And Freedom, Part Two

    11/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    How do we honor the incredible sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedoms? Join us in this heartfelt episode of The WallBuilders Show as we recount a touching moment with Ronald Reagan and World War II Army Rangers.  We reflect on Captain Miller's poignant words to Private Ryan in "Saving Private Ryan." These stories serve as a powerful reminder of the profound responsibility we all share to live lives worthy of such immense selflessness.We talk about American exceptionalism and the importance of informed patriotism. We explore the foundational ideas laid out in the Declaration of Independence, emphasizing the need for government by consent and the pursuit of happiness through a free enterprise system. Drawing on the wisdom of historical figures like St. George Tucker and George Wythe, we highlight the timeless relevance of the Founding Fathers' vision. This episode is a profound journey into the core values that sustain our liberty and the need to continually revisit and uphold

  • Constitutional Defense Of Your Family And Freedom, Part One

    10/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Are you ready to become a true patriot and defender of liberty? Join us for an eye-opening journey through our special five-part series, "Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom." We promise to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to safeguard your freedoms. We emphasize the critical role that informed, active citizenship, and the Second Amendment play in protecting our cherished liberties. In this powerful episode, we introduce our Constitutional Defense Course and share invaluable lessons on self-defense and preserving constitutional values. We stress the essence of individual responsibility and the importance of fostering a generation of vigilant citizens. With a blend of historical reverence and proactive defense, we aim to inspire you to become a guardian of the Constitution and a protector of your family’s freedom. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of America's founding principles and strengthen your resolve in defending our nation's

  • Unpacking Legal Battles Over Faith, Freedom, and Schools - on Good News Friday

    07/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today, being Good News Friday, we look at the top articles on David and Tim’s stack of good new articles- In New York, the NRA wins a major legal battle. In California, a trans pronoun policy is struck down. The University of North Carolina voted to defund all DEI policies in the school. The Kansas Legislature passes a bill to ban Chinese land purchases near military sites and they also override the governor’s veto of conservative policies on guns and life.How can you defend your rights in today's polarized legal landscape? Discover the groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling that united liberal and conservative justices to protect the NRA from ideological discrimination. We also unpack a significant California case where a Christian teacher won a substantial settlement after being fired for opposing a transgender pronoun policy, highlighting the ongoing clash between religious freedom and educational mandates.We address the monopolization of thought in schools and champion educational competition and parent

  • Balancing Compassion and Law on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    06/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    First up on Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we answer a listener question about the proper Biblical response to the illegal immigration issue. We tackle this question from multiple angles—biblical, historical, and constitutional. This heartfelt inquiry sets the stage for a discussion on the federal government's failure to enforce immigration laws and our Christian duty to show compassion, drawing lessons from Matthew 25. Learn how participating in elections can ensure that laws are properly enforced, and discover ways to balance compassion with legal responsibility.Feeling overwhelmed by today’s political climate? Our next listener question is about civics. We offer vital insights into understanding civics and the political process. We discuss many must-read resources along the way. We argue for principles over partisanship. Let’s journey together through history to restore our national values of justice, due process, and freedom of speech. Don't miss our recommendations for deeper understanding an

  • Instilling Courage and Character: Raising Godly Young Men with Trail Life USA- with Mark Hancock

    05/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Get ready to uncover the secrets to raising godly, courageous young men with Mark Hancock from Trail Life USA! We promise you'll learn how to combat the erosion of traditional gender roles and foster manliness in the next generation. From historical insights drawn from figures like John Jay to biblical teachings, you'll walk away with a toolkit for instilling consequential thinking and character development in your boys. Hear personal stories about the transformative impact of Trail Life USA and how it is uniquely positioned to nurture these essential traits.Meet Mark Hancock, from the rapidly growing Trail Life USA, as he shares the compelling journey of the organization since its inception in 2014. Emphasizing the importance of outdoor activities in teaching discipline and character, Hancock dives deep into the organization's Christian foundation and its unwavering commitment to restoring traditional values. Learn how Trail Life USA draws inspiration from historical figures like George Washin

  • Championing the Second Amendment: The Battle for Constitutional Freedoms- with Hannah Hill

    04/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    What does the future hold for your Second Amendment rights? This episode promises critical insights and actionable knowledge as we dissect the current attitudes towards gun rights, specifically referencing Supreme Court’s Bruen decision. We tackle the importance of responsible firearm ownership and the necessity of continuous legal vigilance to ensure our rights are upheld. Learn why simply owning a gun isn't enough; dedicated training is crucial for effective self-defense and responsible use. We'll also touch on how these rights intertwine with broader constitutional freedoms, including religious liberty.Meet Hannah Hill, whose unyielding passion for the Second Amendment advances our freedoms. Hannah’s journey from a policy analyst to a leading advocate at the National Association for Gun Rights is nothing short of inspiring. She shares her experiences at Patriot Academy and how her dedication to limited government and individual liberties crystallized during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hear firsthand h

  • Restoring Rationality in the Face of Rising Classroom Lunacy - "Furries" in Schools with Rep. Justin Humphrey

    03/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the surprising disparity of faith and education as we navigate the alarming trends sweeping across our public schools. Brace yourself for a candid look at the rise of 'furry' identities among students and the perplexing educational responses that encourage such behaviors. Students are coming to school dressed as cats and dogs, even scratching and biting other students. Rather than condemning such behavior, teachers are going along with these ridiculous antics, even by providing them litter boxes!We shed light on the critical role of parents in monitoring the content their children consume, whether it be within school walls or the ever-present lure of social media platforms.As our conversation unfolds, we're joined by Oklahoma Representative Justin Humphrey to dissect the cultural ramifications and legislative responses to the furry phenomenon in classrooms. Our mix of humor and disbelief underscores the surreal nature of these cultural skirmishes. Meanwhile, we acknowledge the unshakea

  • Inspiring Stories of Justice and Constitutional Triumphs on Good News Friday

    31/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Can landmark lawsuits reshape our understanding of the Fourth Amendment and private property rights? Join us on this episode of the WallBuilders Show as we bring you an exciting update on a monumental legal battle aiming to overturn a nearly century-old Supreme Court decision. We delve into the historical context and current ramifications of the 1924 ruling that allowed government agents to enter private lands without warrants, a policy that impacts the vast majority of American land. Hear personal stories of how bureaucratic overreach has affected landowners and the optimism surrounding this new lawsuit that seeks to restore Fourth Amendment protections and safeguard individual property rights against unwarranted government intrusion.But that's not all. We celebrate the slow, yet steady progress in achieving legal justice through the influence of constitutional principles and original intent in recent judicial decisions. We discuss a recent legal victory where the Eighth Circuit Court revived a lawsuit

  • Gold and Taxes on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    30/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Ever wondered why property taxes exist or what the Founding Fathers intended for our tax system? Prepare to uncover the historical roots and evolution of American taxation. From the feudal tax practices of Europe to the extreme shifts brought on by the 16th Amendment, we explore how our current tax structure came to be.Join us for an insightful discussion on the potential implications of a major financial reset, exploring the feasibility of bartering or using gold and silver for transactions. We tackle the challenges and practicality of a barter system and emphasize the necessity of preparedness rooted in faith and biblical principles. This episode promises a rich tapestry of perspectives on taxation and governance, blending historical insights with contemporary concerns, helping you understand how past decisions impact our present and future.Support the Show.

  • Surviving the USS Indianapolis: A Tribute to Valor and Leadership- with Ed Harrell

    29/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    What kind of resilience does it take to survive one of the most tragic events in U.S. naval history? Join us as WWII veteran Edgar Harrell paints a vivid picture of the harrowing night the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed, sinking within minutes and leaving countless sailors to fend for their lives in shark-infested waters. Edgar’s gripping narrative not only honors the fallen but also serves as a profound reminder of the sacrifices made by our military personnel.Beyond recounting this astonishing tale of survival, we explore the essence of leadership and valor in America. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the unsung heroes who have indelibly shaped our nation's history. Tune in for these compelling stories and more, as we remember and honor those who served.Support the Show.

  • Cherishing the Legacy of Our Nation's Defenders

    28/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today's heartfelt episode unfolds with the story of the four chaplains from the USS Dorchester, whose acts of heroism during World War II exemplify the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. As we traverse the emotional landscape of America's military past, we pay tribute to these selfless servicemen and delve into the history of Memorial Day. We reflect on its transformation from Decoration Day and emphasize the profound importance of remembering our fallen heroes. We explore these narratives, reinforcing our collective duty to honor the bravery of those who have worn our nation's uniform.The episode takes a somber turn as we discuss the lasting scars of battle, sharing the heart-wrenching tale of Ira Hayes and his struggle with post-traumatic stress upon returning from World War II. The conversation sheds light on the significant role of faith and prayer in bolstering the spirits of these warriors amidst the horrors of combat, particularly in the challenging Pacific theater. We contrast the historic

  • Honoring the Fallen and Reclaiming Our Historical Narrative with Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell

    27/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    We’ve always held a deep reverence for the sacrifices made by our military heroes. This Memorial Day, we’re inviting you to join us in a special tribute, where we offer a solemn remembrance of fallen servicemen and women. With Texas State Senator and retired Lieutenant Colonel Brian Birdwell's gripping recount of surviving the 9-11 Pentagon attack, we're not just recounting history; we're connecting with the hearts behind the uniforms and we're recognizing the personal cost of our cherished freedoms.As we reflect on Birdwell's brush with death on that fateful September day, his journey through recovery, and the comfort of President Bush's hospital visit, we underscore the indomitable spirit that has defined America since its inception. Our conversation spans from personal testament to historical legacies, as we remember the fallen.Support the Show.

  • Exploring America's Spiritual Core on Good News Friday

    24/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Good News Friday  we look at some stories on David and Tim’s stack of good news articles- Billy Graham is honored with a statue in the US Capitol. Ohio purges its voter roll of ineligible and fraudulent voters. Companies who practice wokeness are continuing to suffer. San Francisco is requiring welfare recipients to undergo drug testing before receiving government assistance. And military aid is once again being sent to Israel.Discover the profound influence of faith on America's foundations for an enlightening journey through the hallowed halls of the U.S. Capitol. We're examining the spiritual messages embedded in the architecture, underscored by the recent unveiling of the Billy Graham statue. Pastors, you're especially invited to our exclusive DC briefing where we'll delve into the historical threads that weave religion and governance together. Plus, we'll tackle how Ohio's new law is setting a precedent for election integrity, ensuring that only U.S. citizens can ca

  • Navigating the Nexus of Faith and Civics on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    23/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we address some listener questions- What does the term "civics" mean and what do good civics look like? What policies can be crafted for the school board that will have lasting impact on the rising generation? How are public schools funded? And what happens financially when a state switches to school-choice?Explore the intricate tapestry where faith weaves into the governance and engage in a reflection on how our deepest beliefs shape societal norms. Together we unravel the transformation of civics education, emphasizing the instrumental role it plays in cultivating informed leaders who can navigate the complexities of government and political engagement. This episode promises to offer educators and school board leaders alike, insightful narratives and hands-on historical perspectives that serve as a beacon for upholding the tenets of American freedom amidst educational decline.Delving into the realm of civic principles, we discuss the profound impact of his

  • Defending Constitutional Freedoms: Battling the Administrative State's Overreach- with Philip Hamburger

    22/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Uncover the shadowy expansion of a 'fourth branch' of government as we probe the murky waters where bureaucracy meets accountability—or rather, where it doesn't. We're joined by Philip Hamburger, who shines a light on the administrative state's unchecked influence, especially through the lens of Obamacare. His fight through legal channels against the overreach of unelected officials is more than a crusade; it's an essential defense of the Constitution and our freedoms. With revealing insights into the organizations like the New Civil Liberties Alliance that share this battlefield, this episode is a rallying cry for every listener who values constitutional integrity.As we navigate the complexities of Chevron deference and its profound implications on civil liberties and our justice system, we stand at the frontlines of key legal battles. By dissecting landmark cases such as Relentless and Murthy v. Missouri, we expose the creeping influence of government overreach on private platf

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