First Assembly Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Calgary, Alberta.
Wonderful Counselor – Ben Johnson
07/12/2022 Duración: 35minKicking off the King of Kings series, this message explores how Jesus, our wonderful counselor is always near and guides us into good things. Pastor Ben leads us through communion, reminding us that the Lord is near in this Christmas season and is the source of all wisdom & truth. From the series King of KingsSupport the show
V100 Miracle Offering Sunday – Ben Johnson
30/11/2022 Duración: 36minPastor Ben talks about Kingdom Vision and generosity. A look into the future of First Assembly and how you can partner with us. From the series Kingdom GenerositySupport the show
Joyful Generosity – Ben Johnson
23/11/2022 Duración: 38minSpiritual revival leads to joyful generosity. In this message, Pastor Ben breaks down 3 ways to have joyful generosity. From the series Kingdom GenerositySupport the show
Principles of Kingdom Abundance (Tithes & Offerings) — Ben Johnson
16/11/2022 Duración: 43minThe principle of tithing is giving our first and best to God! God doesn’t want generosity FROM you, He was generosity FOR you. So that He can bless what you have. In this message, Pastor Ben breaks down 3 scriptural principles of tithing and offering. From the series Kingdom GenerositySupport the show
Developing A Generous Heart – Ben Johnson
09/11/2022 Duración: 38minFrom the series Kingdom GenerositySupport the show
Be Seated – Ben Johnson & Cliff Newbury
02/11/2022 Duración: 30minPastor Ben celebrates the release of Pastor Cliff Newbury’s new book ‘Be Seated’. BE SEATED is a picture window view from two seats described in the book of Ephesians: the throne of God and the prisoner's chair of the Apostle Paul. These are not two perspectives of the heavenly and the earthly, but one vantage point: an all-encompassing comprehension of God’s purpose for humanity and creation. Support the show
In The Name of Jesus – Trevor Meier (Empower Weekend Part 1)
26/10/2022 Duración: 49minThis message was recorded during the October 23rd 9:30am Empower Weekend Sunday morning service.Trevor and his wife Melanie have a deep love for people and God’s presence. They have ministered together in a wide variety of church leadership roles for the past 27 years. A unique experience with God in 1996 forever changed the way they looked at ministry when, having tasted and walked in the supernatural presence of God, the ordinary was wrecked forever. Trevor and Melanie have three children, Janelle, Sarah, and Carter. They are based in Edmonton, and they lead ‘Edge of Time Ministries’, planting churches and spreading revival fire throughout Canada and around the world.Support the show
Bigger Boats, Stronger Nets – Trevor Meier (Empower Weekend Part 2)
26/10/2022 Duración: 01h20sThis message was recorded during the October 23rd 11:30am Empower Weekend Sunday morning service.Trevor and his wife Melanie have a deep love for people and God’s presence. They have ministered together in a wide variety of church leadership roles for the past 27 years. A unique experience with God in 1996 forever changed the way they looked at ministry when, having tasted and walked in the supernatural presence of God, the ordinary was wrecked forever. Trevor and Melanie have three children, Janelle, Sarah, and Carter. They are based in Edmonton, and they lead ‘Edge of Time Ministries’, planting churches and spreading revival fire throughout Canada and around the world.Support the show
Revival – Trevor Meier (Empower Weekend Part 3)
26/10/2022 Duración: 01h24minThis message was recorded during the October 23rd 6:00pm Empower Weekend Sunday evening service.Trevor and his wife Melanie have a deep love for people and God’s presence. They have ministered together in a wide variety of church leadership roles for the past 27 years. A unique experience with God in 1996 forever changed the way they looked at ministry when, having tasted and walked in the supernatural presence of God, the ordinary was wrecked forever. Trevor and Melanie have three children, Janelle, Sarah, and Carter. They are based in Edmonton, and they lead ‘Edge of Time Ministries’, planting churches and spreading revival fire throughout Canada and around the world.Support the show
Making Relationships Work – Ben Johnson
19/10/2022 Duración: 42minWe are designed to be in relationship, with God and with each other. Making relationships work is essential to our happiness and our connection with each other. In this message Pastor, Ben elaborates on 3 principles that can help us make our relationship work and thrive; so that we can fulfil our calling to love one another, as our father first loved us. Support the show
Growing In Authentic Biblical Community: Let's Come Together – Ben Johnson
05/10/2022 Duración: 41minSupport the show
Vision Sunday: Come Alive And Dream Again – Ben Johnson
21/09/2022 Duración: 49minThis Vision Sunday ✨ Pastor Ben calls us to a new awakening to have renewed Vision for Calgary and Beyond! In this message, we celebrate all that God has done this past year, and prophecy over what He is calling us to for years to come!Support the show
The Joy Of Repentance – Ben Johnson
07/09/2022 Duración: 33minJoy is the repercussion of repentance! Our father longs to have all his children come home. He longs for us to leave our past behind, repent, turns from our old ways and embrace new life in Christ Jesus. Joy is the overflow os this process. Joy follows repentance. Support the show
Trust The Process – Ben Johnson
31/08/2022 Duración: 46minFrom the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show
The Goodness of God – Cliff Newbury
24/08/2022 Duración: 56minCreation is the visible display of the love of God because it demonstrates his willingness to share His life with His creation. Paster Cody teaches on the permanent enduring love of God from Psalm 136. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show
His Loyal-Love Endures Permanently - Cody Matchett
17/08/2022 Duración: 50minCreation is the visible display of the love of God because it demonstrates his willingness to share His life with His creation. Paster Cody teaches on the permanent enduring love of God from Psalm 136. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show
The God of Repentance - Hunter Gillis
10/08/2022 Duración: 45minPastor Hunter teaches from Pslams 51. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show