Fa Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 274:24:41
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First Assembly Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Calgary, Alberta.


  • Blessed Is The One - Merrie Eizenga

    03/08/2022 Duración: 41min

    Merrie Eizenga continues our Summer In The Psalms series with a message on Psalm 1. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • Miracles – Travis Holownia

    27/07/2022 Duración: 49min

    Travis Holownia teaches from Psalms 77. Travis is the visionary leader of Resurgence Initiatives, a movement started in 2008 seeking to inspire people to arise together. Resurgence gathers and releases people who expect the impossible, experience God’s love, empower those around them, and engage in expanding God’s Kingdom.Support the show

  • Clinging Through Darkness: Lament As Protest (Psalm 88) - Cody Matchett

    20/07/2022 Duración: 42min

    We can find all of ourselves in the book of Psalms. Over 1/3 of the Psalms are categorized as lament. The Psalms are offering us a window into how humans have expressed praise through every season. Seasons of rejoicing and seasons of mourning. Pastor Cody teaches from Psalms 88: A Psalm Of Protest. He encourages us that protest and lament are the deepest form of praise.  For the only criteria for praise, is that we come to God honestly.From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • The Lord That Waits Upon His People - James Clarence

    13/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    Sometimes in waiting seasons, we feel stuck. Pastor James invites us into the idea of thinking that instead of waiting it out and feeling stuck, what if God is waiting on us to move and bringing us into the decision making process. God wants us to take ownership of what we know is true about our abilities and gifts and in His silence listen closely to our hearts and say yes to Him. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • A Waiting Season Is Not A Wasted Season! - Marshall Eizenga

    06/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    This week, Marshall shares a message to encourage us through the in-between seasons. In the midst of a waiting season me must dig deeper into our faith and continue to stand confident with the Lord. We must not be frantic, frazzled or fearful but instead live in inward and outward conviction that God will carry us through. Remember, a waiting season isn’t a wasted season!From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • Summer In The Psalms - Next Gen Takeover

    29/06/2022 Duración: 44min

    We believe our next generation are the leaders of the future. Our youth and young adults, host us in an energetic service filled with passion for what God is doing in their lives! In this service, you will hear new unreleased music by Tehillah Youth, and a message from on the book of Psalms from 5 of our young adult speakers. From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • Hope, A History of Our Future - Paul Fraser

    22/06/2022 Duración: 42min

    From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • Regaining Your Foothold - Bob Osborne

    15/06/2022 Duración: 34min

    From the series Summer In The PsalmsSupport the show

  • It's Pentecost Sunday! - Marshall Eizenga

    08/06/2022 Duración: 46min

    Marshall Eizenga shares a powerful message on the extraordinary significance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are endless and are incredibly personal to each and every one of us. Marshall invites us to call upon Jesus and invite his presence into our lives and believe that He want to baptize you in His spirit. Let down our barriers and become vulnerable to His heart and spirit. Support the show

  • Partnering In The Mission Of God - Mark Hazzard

    01/06/2022 Duración: 42min

    Pastor Mark shares a message on the meaning behind Kingdom obedience. God is wanting to stretch the reach of our lives as He increases the capacity of the church. Stretched spiritually through our hearts, generosity and capacity, each of us has a purpose in His plans. All we need is an open heart and a willingness to obey.From the series Kingdom BuildersSupport the show

  • Living On Mission - Greg Swinamer

    25/05/2022 Duración: 35min

    In this message, Greg Swinamer speaks about living on mission and thinking about our missions purpose in light of eternity. Because of our relationship with the Father, we have the privilege of introducing God to other people and fulfilling His mission. “Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” - John 17:3 The decisions we make & how we use this life affects our eternity which poses the question—how are you living on mission?Greg & Lynne SwinamerGreg and Lynne Swinamer are based in the UK and serve with NLI Eurasia – a member of the NLI Network (Next Level International).  They have worked in Europe for the past 15 years and Greg specifically oversees NLI’s church-planting work in the Russian-speaking regions of Eurasia.  They are passionate about training and supporting courageous men and women to impact their cities through the establishment of dynamic new community-engaging churches.Support the show

  • City On A Hill - Ben Johnson

    18/05/2022 Duración: 35min

    As followers of Christ, we are called to be the SALT of the world and to audaciously expellee darkness wherever we go through Jesus, the light of the world. We are the church in Calgary and by vocation, we are to be a city on a hill shining brightly for all the world to see the Goodness of our God.  From the series Kingdom BuildersSupport the show

  • Great Commission Lifestyle (Heaven On Earth) - Ben Johnson

    11/05/2022 Duración: 35min

    In partnership with Christ, we are challenged in faith, to look inwards and seek Him out. Through this process we are called to live out the Great Commission Lifestyle that Jesus modelled for us - embodying his character and spreading His love and compassion to everyone we encounter.From the series Kingdom BuildersSupport the show

  • The Best News Ever - Ben Johnson

    04/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    From the series Kingdom Builders: Reach, Revitalize, ReproduceSupport the show

  • Recognition and Reversal - Cody Matchett

    27/04/2022 Duración: 41min

    Our participation in mission is not dependent on us, it is dependent on God. In this message, Pastor Cody breaks down 4 points that can help us move from doubt to participation in the mission of God. Support the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • What Easter Means - Ben Johnson

    20/04/2022 Duración: 34min

    Easter is the most impactful event in all of history: Jesus ACTUALLY rose from the grave. He is not dead - He has risen! This is not a fable or fairy tale, but a piece of history that has altered the future of humanity forever. Easter is an invitation every year to “come and see” the saving grace and miracle of the resurrected King, and to “go and tell” the beauty of salvation to all who are weary. Today, Jesus is inviting YOU to know Him and His glorious grace, and experience everlasting life.Support the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • When Love Dies. What Then? - Cliff Newbury

    18/04/2022 Duración: 38min

    Good Friday ServiceSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Joy In The City - Ben Johnson

    13/04/2022 Duración: 34min

    From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Let It Happen! - Ben Johnson

    06/04/2022 Duración: 33min

    This week, Pastor Ben gives an encouraging and uplifting word as he continues our series in Colossians. Paul encouraged the church of Colosse to stay strong in their faith by following a few simple practices; letting the peace of Christ rule in their hearts, letting the message of Christ dwell among them and letting Christ be their identity and authority. We can apply these same practices to our life today, as we too stay the course of our faith journey. Most importantly, as we apply these practices and we ‘let it happen’, we will see the Holy Spirit do the work in our lives to bring fullness!From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • We All Wrestle - James Clarence

    30/03/2022 Duración: 42min

    At any age and stage of life - child, youth, student, adult, husband, wife, employee, friend, boss - we all experience the tension of the wrestle with temptations & following Jesus. This week, Pastor James encourages us to be transparent about our struggles for we, because of our human nature, are prone to wrestle with temptation and sin. Thankfully we have a Saviour who is the ‘real deal;’ he’s perfect, sinless, graceful and compassionate. We can look to Jesus for refinement and He will clothe us with humility, kindness, gentleness and love for Him and others. When we discover the forgiveness that Jesus has so gracefully given us, the power of temptation fades and the grace for others elevates.From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

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