Fa Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 274:24:41
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First Assembly Church is a Pentecostal Church located in Calgary, Alberta.


  • Rooted, Built-Up, Established - Cody Matchett

    23/03/2022 Duración: 38min

    Today we heard a powerful message from Cody Matchett about how the Apostle Paul, in scripture, writes to the Colossians correcting any corruption and distortions they have taken on as truth. They have been enslaved by empty philosophies and human-funded traditions driven by dark spiritual forces. They were under immense pressure to disassociate with their faith and accommodate to the cultural norms. They were surrounded by false prophets, heretics, and idols, all seeking worship. Unfortunately, the times in Colosse are not so different than this cultural moment in Calgary of 2022. We can so often be taken captive by politics, fame, social media, justice-seeking, economic status, etc. So, how do we combat this? Paul & Cody encourage us to remain rooted with deep biblical practices, be built up by making careful choices, and become publicly established in Jesus Christ so the world can see and know the life-transforming message of the gospel! And, above all this - live a life of gratitude and abound in thank

  • Reconciled To God - Ben Johnson

    16/03/2022 Duración: 36min

    These past two years have been a very divisive time for our world, our nation, and the greater Church. Politics, pandemics and opinions are often causes for such division, but ultimately the greatest cause of division is the sin of humanity. Thankfully, we no longer have to live and die in our sin. In this week’s message Pastor Ben talks about how we have been reconciled with God through the good news of the Gospel. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and atonement for our sins. We can now live holy, blameless and above reproach because of Jesus!From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Getting Clear on the Gospel - Ben Johnson

    09/03/2022 Duración: 48min

    Today Pastor Ben talked about the good news of Jesus, also known as the gospel! As Jesus-followers we have the greatest, most powerful gift right at our fingertips and living in our hearts. We have heard the good news and know the truth of salvation, peace, faith, hope and love. Now that we know this truth and we can have faith in this truth - we must proclaim it! God has called and gifted YOU to be his hands and feet; to bring healing and restoration to His Kingdom.From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Hard Places - Brent Cantelon

    02/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    Today we had the pleasure of hearing from Brent Cantelon.Support the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Getting Clear on Jesus - Ben Johnson

    23/02/2022 Duración: 44min

    This week, Pastor Ben started off our new series in Colossians speaking on Colossians 1: 15-20, where Paul reminds us that God is the creator of ALL things, and ALL things were created for Him! This is an encouraging word for us in this cultural moment where we are experiencing division and turmoil in our Nation. As Jesus-followers we can rest assured that HE - JESUS - IS SUPREME over all things; His creation, His church and His people! We can rejoice in His Victory!From the series Colossians: Rooted, Built-Up, EstablishedSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Ultimate Altar - Cliff Newbury

    16/02/2022 Duración: 38min

    From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • An Altar of Peace In A Time of Disruption - Ben Johnson

    15/02/2022 Duración: 51min

    In this week’s message, Pastor Ben talks about intentionally focusing our hearts on God and making peace an altar in times of disruption and turbulence. When we surrender our lives and encounter the presence of God, a natural byproduct is ‘Shalom;’ an overwhelming sense of peace in your life. When we eliminate the other, ungodly altars in our lives & repent of our past sins, it gives God room to make mighty moves in us! Nothing - no plan of the enemy - can prevail or stand against the power and peace of God’s presence. The victory is His!From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Altar of Time - Bob Osborne

    15/02/2022 Duración: 38min

    We had the pleasure of hearing from Bob Osborne this morning, where he gave an inspiring word about the importance of time spent with God and trusting Him with our time. From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Altar of Provision - Ben Johnson

    15/02/2022 Duración: 45min

    This week, Pastor Ben spoke on the altar of provision. Much like Abraham in the Bible, God will often call us to great things that stretch and challenge us, but He still gives us the freedom to choose if we will obey or disobey what He’s calling us too. The beautiful thing about our gracious Father is that He never leaves us to conquer the challenge on our own. When we step into what God is calling us to, we can ALWAYS know that He will walk with us and provide all we need for the journey. His provision may not be obvious to us in the moment, but it is always on the way. He will never leave or forsake us - and that is a promise!From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Altars: The Threat of Amnesia - Cody Matchett

    15/02/2022 Duración: 43min

    This week, Pastor Cody spoke a challenging and encouraging message about the Israelites state of amnesia (forgetting the goodness of God) and how it altered who they were and how they acted. Unfortunately, we too are human, and much like the Israelites of days past we often forget the amazing, life-transforming goodness of God and saving grace of Jesus. Pastor Cody teaches us today the importance of “Saturation Education;” Reciting, Binding, Fixing and Writing scripture and stories that remind us every single day of who we are as children of our Heavenly Father! When we take time to do this daily, all the other altars and false god’s we fixate on start to fade away and the clearer we can see and hear the Holy Spirit speaking.From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Preparing An Altar For The Lord - Ben Johnson

    12/01/2022 Duración: 51min

    From the series AltarsSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Gifts For A King - Ben Johnson

    11/01/2022 Duración: 37min

    Pastor Ben closes off our Christmas in the Country series with a message on 'Gifts For A King'. From the series Christmas In The CountrySupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The God of the Future Tense - Cody Matchett


    Support the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Field - Cody Matchett

    22/12/2021 Duración: 40min

    Pastor Cody reminded us of the beauty of the Christmas story. “He became what we are so we can become what He is.”He encouraged us to keep a posture of lowliness and humility. Like Christ did in his coming into the world. From the series Christmas In The CountrySupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Journey - Merrie Eizenga

    14/12/2021 Duración: 42min

    From the series Christmas In The CountrySupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Mary's Song - Ben Jonson

    08/12/2021 Duración: 46min

    Pastor Ben starts our series 'Christmas In The Country'. In the midst of our citified Christmas celebrations, it can be easy to forget our humble origins. The story of God begins in the forgotten isolation of the countryside, long before it moves to the transformation of cities. This Christmas we’ll be looking back to our humble origins. Away in a manger, dusty roads fields, flocks, mangers, and shepherds, while having a little country fun in the city.⁠From the series Christmas In The CountrySupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Here Comes The Redeemer – Ben Johnson

    01/12/2021 Duración: 39min

    Pastor Ben closes our series in the book of Ruth with a message based on Ruth chapter 4. The redemption of Ruth and Boaz lead to the family lineage that ultimately birthed Jesus Christ! From the series Ruth: From Emptiness to FullnessSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • The Dynamics of Formation: Active and Passive - Cody Matchett

    24/11/2021 Duración: 33min

    Despite our intention and action we are completely dependant on the spirit of God. We do not form ourselves, but God forms and shapes us through our suffering and limitations. In this message, Pastor Cody teaches from chapter 3 of the book of Ruth on the dynamics of spiritual formation, both active and passive.From the series Ruth: From Emptiness to FullnessSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Making God Known - Cody Matchett

    17/11/2021 Duración: 48min

    How does the invisible God become visible? He becomes visible when we live as a community that is shaped by His ways because to know God is to be challenged to make God known! From the series Ruth: From Emptiness to FullnessSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

  • Unrecognized Grace - Ben Johnson

    10/11/2021 Duración: 38min

    Unrecognized Grace - Ben JohnsonThe book of Ruth invites us to reflect on the question of how God is involved in the day-to-day joys and hardships of our lives. In this message Pastor Ben, teaches from Chapter 1, and helps us discover grace in the life of Naomi and Ruth. From the series Ruth: From Emptiness to FullnessSupport the show (https://www.fa.church/give)

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