Climb aboard the starship Retrospecticus with your hosts Bianca and Brian through the turbulent cyberseas of Yesterwhen! We're so enthusiastic about old computer technology and classic video games that you'd better buckle your bulkhead to the poop deck!
Episode 55 – A computer in a computer in a computer
06/03/2016 Duración: 01h43minComputers, but not really! We put on our propeller beanies and really nerd it up this week to discuss virtualization. We talk about the philosophy of virtualization (while dancing a bit around the definition), the parts of a virtual machine, and how to configure a VM from an OS installer. This one’s for you, Akago! […]
Episode 54 – Podcasto Mo Ichi Do Onegaishimasu
28/02/2016 Duración: 01h26minMo ichi do onegaishimasu! (one more time, please) Here’s another episode about Japanese games. They’re just soy great! The song at the end of this week’s show is Lament of the Highborne by Russell Brower from the game World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Show notes: Paprika Wokkels What’s in the Safe Talkie Demodulated Mixtapes […]
Episode 53 – 溝渠
21/02/2016 Duración: 01h35minHajimemashite! We bow at a polite but not overly submissive 45 degree angle as we discuss some of our favourite Japanese games! We love you, Troels! The song at the end of this week’s podcast is Scorching Savanna arranged by Yoshihito Yano and Yu Miyake from the game We Love Katamari. Show notes: Spacemonger 1.4 LCISO Creator Hiragana […]
Episode 52 – The Aww of Yay
14/02/2016 Duración: 01h52minGaming is hard work! Like a walnut, sometimes you have to get through some tough bits to get to the nutty goodness within. This week we talk about games we like that have sequences we could do without. The song at the end of this week’s show is North Wall by Yuzo Koshiro from the […]
Episode 51 – Beep
07/02/2016 Duración: 01h29minThis week we think fondly of our birds and we try to stump each other with a few rounds of Name The Game. The sound at the beginning of the show is baby budgie Maxi chirping heartily from under her mom Phoenix’s bum. The song at the end of this week’s podcast is Rain In […]
Episode 50 – Num Num Salt Lick
31/01/2016 Duración: 01h59minEpisode 50!! We can hardly believe it. Thanks a million to our listeners for encouraging us for a whole year! This week we welcome a very special guest, the multitalented author, game designer, and filmmaker extraordinaire, Max Barry. Our topic is useless and crappy computer peripherals, but we had such a fun and easygoing conversation […]
Episode 49 – Licking Canadian Poles
24/01/2016 Duración: 01h47minBrian and Bianca cover a bunch of current events before dialing it back to the halcyon days of our youths. We celebrated too soon our freedom to stick to the script and only got a few points into our prewritten lists thanks to some fun tangents. The song at the end of this week’s podcast […]
Episode 48 – She-Ra and the Phallus Palace
17/01/2016 Duración: 01h59minLet’s give the ol’ Square Waves FM BEEP salute to our awesome guests Robert Menes and Edgar Valasco who join us this week to talk about nostalgic stuff from our childhoods. The song at the end of this week’s podcast, despite a certain co-host’s protestations, is Twelve by Venetian Snares. Show notes: Nostalgia Roadtrip podcast […]
Episode 47 – Fear and Loathing and Tripping Out
11/01/2016 Duración: 01h31minMee-YOW! This week it’s just the usual gruesome twosome due to a scheduling whoopsie by Brian (thanks Robert and Edgar for being flexible!). We discuss a very special Kickstarter and we design games based on some of our favourite novels. The song at the end of this week’s show is Battle! D – ~None Shall […]
Episode 46 – Some Shrinkage
03/01/2016 Duración: 01h27minIt’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it! Amirite fellas? We’ll keep telling ourselves this, at any rate. We hope you enjoy our new, easy to digest, shorter episodes. Happy new year to you all, and much love to our listeners! Let’s press on and keep this cookie crumbling. The song at […]
Episode 45 – Giant Nobots
14/12/2015 Duración: 03h21minThe beeps are quelled until next year! Our last episode is an extra special one thanks to the return of the hardest working podcaster in the biz, Joe Mastroianni! (seriously, the dude’s doing 3 podcasts in 3 days!) Our intent was to talk about mechs and gundams and other sorts of big stompy robot duders […]
Episode 44 – Nomosaic
06/12/2015 Duración: 03h08minThese shows ain’t getting any shorter, eh? This week we get around to discussing modding, total conversions, and game hacking. Lots of letters and a voicemail this week – thanks a million, listeners! The song at the end of this week’s show is Skywall by Derek Duke from World of Warcraft. Show notes: Francisco Twitches […]
Episode 43 – Doucheboard and the Doodlakine Dork Vortex
29/11/2015 Duración: 03h08minCrikey, Graham! It’s a poooisonous snake. Luckily we have the inimitable Jess Haskins and Francisco Gonzalez to tame it with witty and insightful observations about storytelling and narrative in games. We also had some great discussions about journals, audiologs, environmental storytelling, story pacing in open worlds, and of course Francisco makes with the ha ha […]
Episode 42 – Of Paperdolls and Man Purses
22/11/2015 Duración: 02h55minInterface with this, bub! We’re talking about UIs and the ways games communicate information to players this week. Thanks to all our listeners who contributed comments via Twitter – we loves ya! Apologies from Brian for being so scatterbrained this show. He’s still collecting his marbles after a week of being icky sicky. The song […]
Episode 41 – Jane Jensen’s Morpheus
15/11/2015 Duración: 03h17minThere’s no better follow-up to a Friday the 13th than to scareify ourselves talking about the games we hate. We welcome Darth Helmet and the Space Quest Historian himself Troels Pleimert for a foul-mouthed miasma of head shaking and regret. Also, we apologize for spending so much time discussing wonderful games that we adore. We’ll […]
Episode 40 – Happy Little Barfarama
08/11/2015 Duración: 02h43minSatya Nadella seriously poops in Brian’s cornflakes this week – he vents with great vengeance and fuuuurious anger at Microsoft for giving OneDrive the shaft. We also talk about emergent gameplay and doing stuff we oughtn’t! The song at the end of this week’s episode is Phart Noquer by Quasimojo of Chill Productions. P.s., please […]
Episode 39 – Alas Poor Stallman, I GNU Him
02/11/2015 Duración: 03h10minIt’s a huge pleasure to have Robert Menes join us this week to talk about Linux and Linux accessories. We discuss the philosophy of free open source software, alternatives to commercial software, gaming in Linux, and veer off on a wild meandering tangent for a good hour or so to talk about the finer things. […]
Episode 38 – I Just Peed A Little
25/10/2015 Duración: 03h09minAaaaahhhhhhhhkago is back to spookify us with frightening game recommendations! Boo and eek and other scary noises and shit! Also Octobery things like candy and pumpkins and having to wear a jacket for the first time in a while. Autumn is great but I kinda miss summer. Short pants, amirite? It’s kickass getting to show […]
Episode 37 – We Coulda Gone Gold By Now
18/10/2015 Duración: 03h29minPhew!! At 3.5 hours this was our longest show ever, but time absolutely flies when we’re talking with our dear friend Troels Pleimert. Troels, Bianca, and Brian are all hobbyist game developers with more ideas than finished products, so this week we talk about games we’ve conceptualized or started but never finished. The song at […]
Episode 36 – Corpse Party
11/10/2015 Duración: 03h10minDum dee doodily dooAAH! Don’t sneak up on me like that! I was just skipping down the street singing a happy song and you jumped out at me from behind a corner! Aww man, you made me drop my sandwich. Look at the mayonnaise smeared on the sidewalk. Why did you have to startle me […]