Missio Dei Fellowship



The latest feed from Missio Dei Fellowship on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus: Part 1

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    In Acts 9 we see the power of God to take a heart bent on murder, hatred and anger and convert it to one who loves Jesus Christ and changes a man's whole direction in life and purpose. We see Saul, breathing threats against believers be confronted by the risen Lord and the end result is a man named Paul. We explore who Paul was to appreciate how even in his unbelief God was directing his life in such a way that he would be a key part of the early Church and the spread of the gospel.

  • Judgment and Salvation

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    While imprecatory psalms are a topic of much debate in the broader church, in the Scriptures, they are not. The judgment of God against sin is something we cannot avoid, and it is brought to us in no uncertain terms. There is an occasion for judgment, there are very real consequences to this judgment, yet there is also a joy to be found in judgment, for we see that God upholds the foundations of justice and will not let evil go unpunished. Yet the point of imprecatory psalms, ultimately, drives us to ask the question- are we the target of God's judgment, or the one pardoned from judgment in Jesus Christ--

  • Why Are Verses Missing?

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    This sermon is designed to give a broad introduction to the issue of textual criticism in light of how the KJV has passages in it that do not appear in other translations. This is an attempt to bring light to the issue and encourage the members of the church to go deeper into this fascinating and encouraging subject.

  • What to Do in Times of Trouble

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    One thing is common among all men who live in a broken and fallen world- times of trouble come upon us all. The question then is not if we will have troubles in this life, but where will we turn on the day our troubles come. In this psalm, David gives ten ways we can respond when evil days are upon us. If we learn this vital teaching, we will not only find much joy and hope in God in the midst of evil days, we will bring Him the glory He is due.

  • Saving Sovereignty on Display

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    In one of the many unique stories found in Acts, we watch God take a man from a vibrant mission field where many are coming to a saving faith and He moves him into the wilderness for one man. Why-- What does this show us about God and His saving work--

  • This I Know, That God is For Me

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    In this psalm, David is faced with enemies on every side and his heart is moved to great fear. In spite of his fears, he looks to God and His Word and resolves to trust in Him. The reasons for this are simple- God is the Sovereign One, yet this Sovereign One cares for David intimately, and therefore, he need not be afraid. As we look to this psalm today, the same truth rings through for Christians, where we see His tender mercies on display in every step. Thus, we can conclude with David that God is for us, and if He is for us, no mere man can stand against us.

  • An Almost Christian Exposed

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    Acts 8 describes the fleeing Church out of Jerusalem. And as the people fled they kept the gospel upon their lips. Luke now focuses on two recipients of the gospel, Simon the Magician and the Ethiopian Eunuch. And it doing so he shows the two way the gospel impacts individual lives. One is only almost a Christian and the other is a genuine Christian. Today we look at the almost one.

  • Gospels that Damn–Mormonism

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h00s

    At the age of 14, Joseph Smith claimed to be visited by God and Jesus Christ, who urged him not to join any of the existing sects of Christianity. The reason-- From the time of the death of the apostles, all forms of the Christian faith were apostate. From this point forward, he claimed to have received several visions, where the true form of the Christian faith was revealed to him, and from this, he founded the Mormon Church. The natural question then is if Mormonism is the true Christian religion recaptured, or if it is merely one of many gospels that damn. In the end, this sermon is designed to show the -good news- of Mormonism is nothing more than a soul-crushing gospel that damns.

  • Gospels that Damn–Jehovah Witnesses

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Since the late 1800's the Jehovah Witnesses, originally known as the-Russellites, have sought to preach and spread their version of a gospel. Their claim is that they alone are the people through which God works. Many people have experienced having them arrive on their doorstep seeking to share their message and many have walked away from those conversations confused. What is their message-- Or to put it a different way, what gospel do they preach-- Does it conform to the gospel the Scriptures set forth as the gospel that saves or is it one of many false gospels that damn a soul to eternity-- This message is designed to show how the Jehovah Witnesses go wrong, badly wrong, with the gospel.

  • Gospels that Damn: Islam

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h00s

    In this brief series we consider key religions that claim to give a true way of salvation and forgiveness of sin, but actually are false gospels and false hopes. When considering a false gospel, one must consider Islam, as it is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today. From the problem, to the solution, the commands, and even the blessings, it is built off of a false understanding of the nature of god -Allah-. What stands as his preeminent attribute is his transcendence, thus everything is seen through the lens of submission. Yet even in this, Allah can overrule everything at his own whims. He is not a personal god who has revealed himself to mankind that they might know him, but a capricious deity who stands supreme above it all to do as he pleases. Thus we see how utterly hopeless Islam is in the end to give an answer.

  • Gospels that Damn–Roman Catholicism, Pt 3

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    In this brief series we consider key religions that claim to give a true way of salvation and forgiveness of sin, but actually are false gospels and false hopes. When considering a false gospel one must put at the very top of the list the Roman Catholic Church. A massive religion, it is built upon a false understanding of sin which leads to a false understanding of the solution to that sin and a false command in response to their solution. In this first of two sermons we focus on the problem of mankind, which is sin. And we see how the Roman Catholic Church gives an utterly hopeless, Christ-less answer to that problem.

  • Gospels that Damn–Roman Catholicism (Part 2)

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    In this brief series we consider key religions that claim to give a true way of salvation and forgiveness of sin, but actually are false gospels and false hopes. When considering a false gospel one must put at the very top of the list the Roman Catholic Church. A massive religion, it is built upon a false understanding of sin which leads to a false understanding of the solution to that sin and a false command in response to their solution. In this first of two sermons we focus on the problem of mankind, which is sin. And we see how the Roman Catholic Church gives an utterly hopeless, Christ-less answer to that problem.

  • Gospels that Damn–Roman Catholicism (Part 1)

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    In this brief series we consider key religions that claim to give a true way of salvation and forgiveness of sin, but actually are false gospels and false hopes. When considering a false gospel one must put at the very top of the list the Roman Catholic Church. A massive religion, it is built upon a false understanding of sin which leads to a false understanding of the solution to that sin and a false command in response to their solution. In this first of two sermons we focus on the problem of mankind, which is sin. And we see how the Roman Catholic Church gives an utterly hopeless, Christ-less answer to that problem.

  • Why We Need to be Saved—The Blessings

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    To be a person who is in a right relationship toward his or her Creator is the most critical issue anyone faces. The common way this is described is whether a person is -saved- or not. Unfortunately this concept, though a central theme of the bible, is misunderstood by many, even within the church. What does it mean-- What does it entail-- Why is it so important-- And how does one know if they are saved-- These are the sort of questions this small series will seek to explain. This is a basic explanation of why we need salvation and what that means. In the fourth sermon we will see the blessings that God grants to us through faith in the gospel.

  • Why We Need to Be Saved–The Commands

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    To be a person who is in a right relationship toward his or her Creator is the most critical issue anyone faces. The common way this is described is whether a person is -saved- or not. Unfortunately this concept, though a central theme of the bible, is misunderstood by many, even within the church. What does it mean-- What does it entail-- Why is it so important-- And how does one know if they are saved-- These are the sort of questions this small series will seek to explain. We have seen that the problem is sin and that the solution is in and through Jesus Christ. Now, in this third sermon we will see the commands- repent and believe the gospel.

  • Why We Need to be Saved—The Solution

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    To be a person who is in a right relationship toward his or her Creator is the most critical issue anyone faces. The common way this is described is whether a person is -saved- or not. Unfortunately this concept, though a central theme of the bible, is misunderstood by many, even within the church. What does it mean-- What does it entail-- Why is it so important-- And how does one know if they are saved-- These are the sort of questions this small series will seek to explain. This is a basic explanation of why we need salvation and what that means. In the second sermon we will see the solution that God provides for the problem of sin- the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Why We Need to Be Saved–The Problem

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    To be a person who is in a right relationship toward his or her Creator is the most critical issue anyone faces. The common way this is described is whether a person is -saved- or not. Unfortunately this concept, though a central theme of the bible, is misunderstood by many, even within the church. What does it mean-- What does it entail-- Why is it so important-- And how does one know if they are saved-- These are the sort of questions this small series will seek to explain. This is a basic explanation of why we need salvation and what that means. In the first sermon we will see the problem we all face, sin.

  • The Lord, Our Refuge From the Storm

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    In this psalm, David faces betrayal from a man he counted as his dearest friend. Through the depths of agony and the threat of death, you see a man who pours out his heart to God. In the midst of his affliction, David learns five key lessons, but most of all, he learns that God is a refuge and strength to him even in the midst of betrayal of the worst sort.

  • The Gospel Advances (Part 3)

    08/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    Philip goes out with the fleeing church and finds himself in Samaria. It is there that he begins to preach the gospel and in doing so we see the power of the gospel in bringing life, joy and deliverance to a people who lived in great darkness. But what we really see is how the gospel is for the world, every tongue, tribe and people.

  • I Will Trust in the Name of the Lord

    08/05/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    In this psalm, David's own life is being threatened as Saul pursues him, and his own countrymen betray him. Yet rather than wallow in despair, David recollects who God has revealed Himself to be in His Word, and forms his prayer in light of this. What this psalm portrays for us is a rich portrait of who God is in His attributes. God is our Advocate who saves us- God is our Helper, who sustains us- and God is the righteous Judge, who delivers us. It is in light of who God is then that we are called to trust in the name of the Lord all the days of our life.

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