Missio Dei Fellowship



The latest feed from Missio Dei Fellowship on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Gospel Advances, Pt 2

    27/03/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Persecution at times is isolated but often it begins with a flashpoint and-then spreads through mob rule. This is what our passage before us describes. The death of-Stephen is the beginning of intense persecution for the Church in Jerusalem. But that is not the-real story. The real story is that as the people fled this persecution, they fled with the gospel on-their lips. This passage shows us that the way the gospel truly advances is not through gimmicks-or power-events but through faithful men and women who believe that the gospel is the only-means of salvation and life and they therefore say that to those they evangelize.

  • The Way of The Fool

    27/03/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    In a man's own eyes, he may be considered a fairly decent person. He can look among his peers, and comparatively, even be considered -good.- However, this is not how God sees humanity in their natural condition. At best, they are wayward fools, bound under the power and dominion of sin, haters of God and His people, and mockers of God's promises. Yet despite how bleak the human condition naturally is, God has made a way of salvation - even for fools.

  • The Glory of Weakness

    02/01/2023 Duración: 58min
  • Let Us Live as Strangers to This Age

    02/01/2023 Duración: 58min

    In this sermon we are exhorted as we enter into the unknown of the new-year to be found faithful as believers. The world is actively at war against the Church after many-years of relative peace in America. But that has changed and with it comes many temptations on-how to respond. This is a pastoral plea to the people of Missio Dei to be found faithful in both-the big and little things, especially the Gospel.

  • The Absolute Folly of Atheism

    12/12/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    In Psalm 53, David begins with a proclamation- the fool in his heart says, -There is no God.- His point is a relatively simple one- one's rejection of God is the wellspring from which all else flows. But this rejection of God is not merely an intellectual rejection of God's existence- it involves the practical atheist, who lives without reference to their Creator. No matter what -flavor- of unbelief someone subscribes to, the reality is the same- biblically, they are a fool. As we explore the Scriptures in search of why, the answer becomes abundantly clear. God has revealed Himself plainly to all, so that all are without excuse on the coming Day of Judgment.

  • The Gospel Advances

    06/12/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    Persecution at times is isolated but often it begins with a flashpoint and then spreads through mob rule. This is what our passage before us describes. The death of Stephen is the beginning of intense persecution for the Church in Jerusalem. But that is not the real story. The real story is that as the people fled this persecution, they fled with the gospel on their lips. This passage shows us that the way the gospel truly advances is not through gimmicks or power-events but through faithful men and women who believe that the gospel is the only means of salvation and life and they therefore say that to those they evangelize.

  • Two Men, Two Destinies

    06/12/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    In Psalm 52, David draws a sharp contrast between the righteous and the wicked. Not only do these two different types of people have vastly different outcomes, their lives in the -here and now- are vastly different. Yet the basis of it all rests upon the unfailing, covenant love of God. As we look to this same reality today, the message remains much the same- are we the man who trusts in the Lord and have made Him our refuge, or do we, as Doeg, love evil more than good, lies more than truth, and this age more than God-

  • A Theology of Martyrdom: Part 4

    06/12/2022 Duración: 01h03min

    Persecution and martyrdom are frightening for many as they see the many changes occurring in America today. What once seemed so far away is now quite near and some are even now experiencing a level of persecution they never imagined. But this is not something new. The bible is clear about it and its certainty. So how ought the Christian view this- That is the goal of this message. In this second message we will consider what the Christian is to do in light of the certainty of persecution.

  • The Battle Over the Bible

    06/12/2022 Duración: 01h00s

    In recent years, there has been a push from many within the Evangelical Church to read the Scriptures through the lens of oppression and victimization. In particular, the story of David and Bathsheba has come up time and again, enabling some to make the accusation that David raped Bathsheba. However, when the implications of this viewpoint are teased out to their logical ends, they bring serious, theological consequences. Like various movements before it and many that will come after, the heart of the debate lay within the age old question- has God truly said-

  • The Anatomy of a Repentant Heart

    06/12/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    In this much beloved psalm, David unfolds the reality of what genuine confession of sin and repentance looks like. He portrays just how deeply the corrupting power of sin has ruined every man, woman, and child. Left to our own devices, we would have no hope at all. Yet the psalm bleeds through with the character of God at every turn, leading us to see that God is indeed a merciful and gracious God to us poor, wretched sinners. If we turn to the Lord with a broken and contrite heart, these He will not despise.

  • A Theology of Martyrdom: Part 3

    07/11/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    Persecution and martyrdom are frightening for many as they see the many changes occurring in America today. What once seemed so far away is now quite near and some are even now experiencing a level of persecution they never imagined. But this is not something new. The bible is clear about it and its certainty. So how ought the Christian view this- That is the goal of this message. In this third message we will consider how Satan uses persecution to silence the Church and how persecution itself reveals the genuineness of a person's faith.

  • A Theology of Martyrdom: Part 2

    17/10/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Persecution and martyrdom are frightening for many as they see the many changes occurring in America today. What once seemed so far away is now quite near and some are even now experiencing a level of persecution they never imagined. But this is not something new. The bible is clear about it and its certainty. So how ought the Christian view this- That is the goal of this message. In this second message we will consider what the Christian is to do in light of the certainty of persecution.

  • How Must We Worship God?

    17/10/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    The Scriptures are quite clear in teaching that God desires worshippers, but not just any worship will do. Yet we are creatures prone to worshipping falsely, and our hearts quickly grow cold. The tendency we have is to offer worship on our own terms, believing that God is required to accept whatever worship we come to Him with. In this psalm, Asaph sets the record straight. Ultimately, he reveals that we must come to worship God in light of who He is as the righteous Judge of all the earth, and that requires we continually come before Him with a pure and contrite heart.

  • A Theology of Martyrdom: Part 1

    17/10/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Persecution and martyrdom are frightening for many as they see the many changes occurring in America today. What once seemed so far away is now quite near and some are even now experiencing a level of persecution they never imagined. But this is not something new. The bible is clear about it and its certainty. So how ought the Christian view this- That is the goal of this message.

  • The Insanity of Trusting in Wealth

    27/09/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    How we view wealth and power will ultimately reveal much about the state of our hearts. In this psalm, the Sons of Korah speak to the reality that it is the height of folly to trust in riches. The reason is quite simple- death is the great equalizer of all mankind. In death, no amount of money, power, or prestige you had in this life will make any difference in the world before God. The only meaningful difference will be if you've trusted and hoped in God, for He alone has the ability to redeem you from the power of death.

  • God's Wrath And God's Salvation, Part 4

    29/08/2022 Duración: 01h06min

    Ephesians 1 says that the believer has been blessed with every spiritual blessing because they are in Christ. When discussing the wrath of God it behooves us to grasp how broad and deep the salvation from that wrath is. God did not merely release us from that wrath- rather, He lifts up poor sinners and places them into His beloved Son. And with that comes incredible blessings. These-blessings are what we explore here.

  • God's Wrath and God's Salvation (Part 2)

    15/08/2022 Duración: 01h12min

    In this second part of a series on God's wrath and salvation we explore the reality of His wrath toward all who reject Him. We see its beginnings and follow this wrath throughout the bible to the end when it roars forth in fulness. And we are then reminded of the-way of escape.

  • God's Wrath & God's Salvation: Part 1

    08/08/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    This is the introductory sermon on a small series regarding salvation. The-wrath of God is a prominent subject and focus of the Bible. Yet it is often misunderstood and-diminished in modern pulpits of America. This series is designed to develop the reality of God's-wrath, its justness, and the way of escape God provides through His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • The City of God

    25/07/2022 Duración: 01h05min

    This psalm focuses on extolling the virtues of what it calls -The City of God,- which is Jerusalem. The city is seen higher above all the rest of the cities on earth and it is celebrated for its virtues and goodness. While the reasons they celebrate are many, they all focus on the fact that God cares for them and has given them this special significance. As the psalmist portrays this reality in song, he illustrates God's care for His people and this city by highlighting that God dwells in their midst, preserves them from their enemies, and sustains them in His lovingkindness in all of life and death.

  • Worship the King

    18/07/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    The psalmist brings to a burning focus a singular truth- all of mankind is obliged to come worship the King over all creation. The reason- He is King. He is King over the earth, He is King over the nations, He is King over Israel, and He reigns as King from His holy throne above it all. The proper response, therefore, of all men, women, and children in light of the fact that God is the Sovereign One over all, is to worship.

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