District Sentinel Radio



District Sentinel Radio is the latest project from Sam Sacks and Sam Knight--the two journalists behind The District Sentinel News Co-op. Devoted to watchdog journalism, District Sentinel Radio is the podcast arm of the co-op.


  • Episode 8/27/18: McCain Mast Watch

    27/08/2018 Duración: 24min

    -War fever driving narrative on late senator, Washington melts down over White House flag -New NAFTA framework revealed: US could be stumbling into better trade policy -Trump attack on public sector workers tossed out by federal judge -Mick Mulvaney accused of suppressing report on big banks charging “dubious account fees” on student loans -GAO: Products branded for women cost more Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/23/18: SUMMER BREAK--OK, IT’S ALMOST OVER

    23/08/2018 Duración: 40min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. For today, we revisit an interview from April, just after the anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombings. We talked to the ACLU’s Kade Crockford about lingering doubts around the official story about the bombings, and what role the FBI may have played behind the scenes. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/22/18: SUMMER BREAK NEARING AN END

    22/08/2018 Duración: 19min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. We take you back to May, for today’s interview. Sam and I chatted with Indiana University’s Nathaniel Grow about the history of Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption, and moves that can be made in the future to possibly break it. Enjoy: Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/21/18: STILL ON SUMMER BREAK

    21/08/2018 Duración: 20min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. This one takes a look at the strides made by the movement to Abolish ICE. Sean McElwee has been a big advocate; particularly on Twitter. He joined us in June. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/20/18: SUMMER BREAK ONGOING

    20/08/2018 Duración: 20min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. Today, we take you back to an interview from earlier this month, with Public Citizen’s Lori Wallach. She’s the global trade watch director at the organization, and she had some interesting insights about Trump’s trade wars. Take a listen: Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/16/18: SUMMER BREAK PERSISTS

    16/08/2018 Duración: 29min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. This one, from July, takes a look at the Supreme Court’s union-busting decision in Janus v. AFSCME. To chat about the decision and it aftermath, we brought on Christine Geovanis from the Chicago Teachers Union. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/15/18: SUMMER BREAK CONTINUES

    15/08/2018 Duración: 26min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. For today’s episode, we revisit an interview from July, when Donald Trump made his official trip to the United Kingdom. We discussed the indecency with Laura from the UK, co-host of the Reel Politik podcast. Follow Laura on Twitter @lowenergylaura Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/14/18: SUMMER BREAK STILL

    14/08/2018 Duración: 38min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. From earlier this month: We brought on Adam Johnson, from FAIR, and host of the Citations Needed podcast, to discuss how MSNBC is mostly ignoring one of the biggest ongoing stories: Saudi Arabia’s atrocity-filled invasion of Yemen. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/13/18: SUMMER BREAK

    13/08/2018 Duración: 22min

    Sentinel Radio summer vacation has begun. We’ll be back on Aug. 27. Until then, enjoy some old interviews. From May 8: We talked with community organizer Kate D’Adamo about how anti-sex trafficking legislation hurts some of the most vulnerable workers. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/9/18: US Hard at Work Terrorizing Yemen

    09/08/2018 Duración: 20min

    -More Saudi-led atrocities: attack on bus kills more than two dozen kids -Best possible ending: Tribune-Sinclair merger deal official falls through and ends with a lawsuit -Interior wants to open California to fracking for the first time in half a decade -Where is a UFO invasion when you need one? Pence says US outer space “supremacy” should be defended by Space Force Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/8/18: Love Ruining My Family to Save Money

    08/08/2018 Duración: 21min

    -Republican Congressman, family members, indicted on insider trading charges -First Muslim woman elected to Congress, self-described “anti-war” candidate Rashida Tlaib wins Conyers seat -Case against San Diego border wall construction reaches appellate circuit -China running out of room to retaliate on tariffs, could soon turn to Apple and other US brands Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/7/18: Stephen Miller is a Beige Silly Putty Egg

    07/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    -White House adviser pushing to keep more immigrants out of US, also stirring up hatred of poor -Ajit Pai shoves staffer under the bus, when asked about phony FCC cyber attack claims -Judge that approved of AT&T-Time Warner decision improperly disallowed evidence, DOJ lawyers claim -Planet still set to become “hothouse” even if Paris climate goals met, according to new report Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/6/18: World Sneers at Iran Sanctions

    06/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    -Trump admin reimposes penalties on Tehran, as EU promises to shield companies -With about two weeks to appeal DACA restoration order, Sessions hits out at judiciary -Facebook reportedly asking Wall Street to help squeeze cash from chat, despite awful record on privacy -Kris “The Music Man” Kobach gets Trump endorsement ahead of tomorrow’s primary Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/2/18: The Harm of “Russiagate”

    02/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    No newscast today--instead we sit down with Slate writer Osita Nwanevu to talk about the pressure on leftists to take Russiagate more seriously and why they should resist. This is just a portion of our interview. To listen to the full segment, become a subscriber at: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 8/1/18: Stench of Pruitt Remains

    01/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    -New EPA head faces questions about predecessor’s legacy -Forty Senate Democrats back $716 billion defense policy bill -Treasury Department sets sight on state usury laws, with liberal allies in Congress -Immigration detention center in Arizona comes under scrutiny for abuse Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/31/18: Summer from Hell

    31/07/2018 Duración: 23min

    -Trump official: family separation and child refugee prisons like “summer camp” -News from the perpetual war: Afghanistan refusing to prosecute over 100 outstanding corruption charges -Dem Sens press GAO to investigate facial recognition software -What could possibly go wrong? Trump admin unveils new biometric immigration database--to be used, in part, for refugee resettlement & law enforcement -SCOTUS: Kids can sue the US government over climate change Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/30/18: Rand Paul SCOTUS Coward

    30/07/2018 Duración: 25min

    -Kentucky Senator announces support for Brett Kavanaugh, despite pretending to be a civil liberties guy -Trump does major about-face, casually says he’ll talk to Iran with any preconditions -TSA air marshals engaging in warrantless surveillance, as if flying wasn’t terrible enough -OSHA plans to scrap electronic workplace injury reporting requirements for America’s largest companies -Even the Koch Brothers concede that single payer would cover more people while saving money Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/25/18: Surfboard Willy’s v. Trump

    25/07/2018 Duración: 20min

    -Emoluments ruling in Maryland case could open President up to new lawsuits -2020 Dem Hopefuls propose debt relief for distressed territories, with aim of helping Puerto Rico -Thousands of tech recommendations by GAO going unaddressed across federal agencies -Top financial regulator once again pleads for more resources to keep tabs on speculators -War on the Islamic State is quieting down, but US-led coalition forces are reportedly still killing scores of Syrian civilians every month Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/24/18: Corporate Vultures Circling

    24/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    -Supreme Court decision in Wayfair brings slimy anti-tax lobbyists to Capitol Hill -Grover Norquist fills his diaper, shouts “free country” at lawmaker owning him -Trump planning to offer aid to farmers victimized by trade war he started -Judge lashes out at ICE in deportation case involving pizza delivery driver and snitch troop -One in two Americans say Russia has *extremely cable news voice* kompromat on Trump Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/23/18: Threaten War, Send Tweet

    23/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    -Trump raises prospects of war with Iran after latest Twitter meltdown -Barbara Lee formally challenges for House Dem leadership -Washington Post exposes Interior Department obsession with promoting heavy industry -White House v. Ex-Intelligence officials in shithead showdown Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

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