District Sentinel Radio



District Sentinel Radio is the latest project from Sam Sacks and Sam Knight--the two journalists behind The District Sentinel News Co-op. Devoted to watchdog journalism, District Sentinel Radio is the podcast arm of the co-op.


  • Episode 7/19/18: Pai-Sinclair Quarrel Gets Nasty

    19/07/2018 Duración: 20min

    -FCC says Sinclair merger proposal fudged the truth to circumvent broadcast ownership limits -133 House Democrats cast cowardly “present” vote on GOP resolution praising ICE -Nominee to be the next CFPB director, a White House aide, shrugs at question about “intentionally traumatizing” refugee kids -White House now claims it isn’t reviewing Putin’s extradition request troll, in response to FSB agent indictments Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/18/18: Local Cops--Another Reason to Abolish ICE

    18/07/2018 Duración: 27min

    -Eoin Higgins discusses his recent reporting on the Bristol County jail, and Massachusetts’ answer to Sheriff Joe. Read the article at The Appeal: https://theappeal.org/immigrants-share-horror-stories-from-inside-massachusettss-worst-jail/ -Regular newscast is back tomorrow Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/17/18: FARA Squad Strikes Again

    17/07/2018 Duración: 19min

    -Russia NRA “infiltration” smells of standard influence peddling -Meanwhile, the Treasury Department is poised to make lobbying even more secretive -Fed Chair Powell questioned on stress test leniency for Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street -The ICC could be changing rules to prosecute wars of aggression, though good luck getting most countries to ratify Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/16/18: Geo-Helsinki

    16/07/2018 Duración: 24min

    -Trump-Putin press conference goes exactly as expected -Judge overseeing family separation suit orders stay on deportations after reunification -Was it something the IG said? Ajit Pai suddenly sees the light on Sinclar-Tribune merger deal. -Rich right wingers target Democratic Senators with ads calling for Kavanaugh endorsement. Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/12/18: Profits over President

    12/07/2018 Duración: 23min

    -GOP loyalty to Trump finally tested--over tariffs -Abolish ICE legislation is out, and it’s already forcing Republicans to self-own -Antitrust Division head praises Google-YouTube deal, in possible greenlight to techlords -Committee hearing or DSA meeting? Strzok testimony devolves into squabble over Roberts Rules Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/11/18: Prep School SCOTUS

    11/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    -Kavanaugh & Gorsuch both went to Georgetown Prep. We talk Montgomery County private schools with longtime MoCo resident @socretariat (Newscast returns tomorrow) Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 7/10/18: Country Club Chuckle Fuck

    10/07/2018 Duración: 21min

    -Brett Kavanaugh picked for SCOTUS from the Old Boy Network -Trump pardons the arsonists that inspired the second Bundy Occupation -Administration to miss first deadline, in court-ordered immigrant family reunification plan -Zinke could get a slap on wrist for tweeting MAGA socks from official account Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/28/18: Real Kick to the Jay-Nus

    28/06/2018 Duración: 20min

    -Dems respond to latest SCOTUS attack on unions with unconvincing performance by Schumer -From the Abolish ICE files: ex-agency lawyer sentenced for defrauding undocumented immigrants with official data -House GOP headed for yet another meltdown, as Senate rejects cruel food stamp work requirements in Farm Bill -Finally, a victory for crooked Wall Street Guys! SEC puts cap on whistleblower award payouts Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/27/18: Scalia’s Ghost Strikes Back

    27/06/2018 Duración: 21min

    -Supreme Court finally deals blow to labor movement in Janus, after Hillary squandered Scalia’s death -Speaking of the consequences of Hillary’s failure, Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement -House Republicans hold hearing on surveillance,” Department of Homeland Security refuses to send witness -Alleged Zinke threats to lawmaker can’t be probed because GAO is stonewalling the inquiry Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/26/18: SCOTUS: Nothing Trump Says Matters

    26/06/2018 Duración: 22min

    -Supreme Court upholds Muslim Ban, ignores President’s Islamophobic intent -Justices also shoot down laws on deceptive anti-abortion “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” -Boss v. Hogs -- Trump attacks Harley Davidson after company shifts production to Europe -Take that, fineprint: First Circuit shoots down Uber forced arbitration clauses for customers -Bloomberg thinking about 2020 run, will probably withdraw when he discovers, yet again, that everyone hates him Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/25/18: Communism Will Win

    25/06/2018 Duración: 42min

    In this special edition of District Sentinel Radio, we unlock some premium content. For last week’s SentinelCast, the two Sams sat down with Spenser Rapone, fresh out of the military following his apotheosis into a meme: The Commie Troop. To listen to the full SentinelCast, subscribe here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sentinelcast-71-19614992 Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/21/18: Pelosi: Listen (clap) To (clap) Reagan

    21/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    -Amid GOP-inflicted horrors on refugees, Pelosi praises Republican Prez who wrecked Central America -Trump’s executive order still enables DHS to tear families apart at the border -SCOTUS rules internet sales taxes are okay, but Amazon no longer cares because it’s everywhere -President now has more authority over agency regulators, after separate Supreme Court ruling -District Judge rules CFPB is unconstitutionally structured, despite higher court saying otherwise Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/20/18: We Will Fight Them in the Restaurants

    20/06/2018 Duración: 24min

    -Trump ends family separation policy, day after DHS Secretary is hounded at dinner -Commerce Secretary caught shorting stock he owns, days after being contacted by a reporter about his holdings -Scott Pruitt has won back the confidence of the guy who brought a snowball onto the Senate floor to question climate science -Worst Democrats set to become even worse--Michael Bloomberg to give party $80 million in midterm donations Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/19/18: U.S. Digging Own Empire Graveyard

    19/06/2018 Duración: 20min

    -Forever War Update: 17th Commander in 17 years set to lead NATO Forces Afghanistan -CFPB nominee held up, as senators question her child detention policy role at OMB -Bolton’s Midas Touch of Shit yanks US out of UN human rights committee -Administration relaxes “essential health benefit” requirements to ease way for garbage insurance plans -Kris Kobach is such a clownish goon, a judge ordered him to take remedial legal education classes Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/18/18: Space Nazis

    18/06/2018 Duración: 23min

    -Trump renews calls for “Space Force” amid outrage over family separation, child detention camps -SCOTUS sends Wisconsin gerrymandering case back to lower court; Kagan outlines better legal strategy for state Democrats -American Airlines settles price-fixing suit for $45 million, co-conspirator Southwest paid one-third of that in January -The Mulvaney scam rolls on; Trump lackey’s lackey named permanent CFPB head Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/14/18: Think of the Trump Presidential Library!

    14/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    -New York Attorney General investigates Trump for plundering his charities -No systemic fake accounts problem after Wells Fargo, OCC claims, despite warning 250 banks -Special Watchdog: Afghanistan opium production reaching all time high -Ajit Pai doing yet more favors of Sinclair Broadcasting ahead of case on ownership limits Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/13/18: Arpaio Prison Camp For Kids

    13/06/2018 Duración: 27min

    -Trump administration wants “tent city” detention for immigrant children -At some point, Chuck Schumer needs to Google “South Korea president” -DOJ alleges union-management bribery conspiracy involving Fiat Chrysler, UAW -The millennials who aren’t broke can stop saving for retirement: Antarctica is melting three times faster than it was 10 years ago. -House Committee approves $9.4 billion for 93 more F-35s after GAO begged Congress to pause spending on the troubled fighter jet Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/11/18: Schumer Right of Bolton on North Korea

    11/06/2018 Duración: 24min

    -SCOTUS rules that non-voters can be purged from registration, if they don’t fill out dumb postcards -EPA tries to sandbag FOIA requests. Is Pruitt hiding something about his soundproof booth and special lotion? -Jeff Sessions makes stuff up about false asylum claims then tightens rules -Bye-Bye, Net Neutrality! Another Obama initiative officially gone Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/6/18: Joe Manchud

    06/06/2018 Duración: 19min

    -West Virginia Senator muses about voting for Trump in 2020 -President commutes life sentence of 63-year-old who dealt drugs in 1996, after Kim Kardashian clemency plea -New Facebook privacy issues prompt questions about Zuckerberg Congressional testimony -Please don’t throw up, but today the House Small Business Committee heard that app workers are actually “solopreneurs” -Worm Deployed: Dennis Rodman to be in Singapore for NK-US Summit, whether ordered or not -Trump can’t stop taking L’s against the City of Philadelphia Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

  • Episode 6/5/18: Chicken Shit Pruitt

    05/06/2018 Duración: 25min

    -EPA administrator caught trying to get Chick-fil-A franchise for his wife -Ruthless Mitch cancels August recess, with Senate Dems defending more vulnerable seats -So long, asswipe: David Koch retires -GAO begs Congress to stop lighting money on fire by cutting off the F-35 -Betsy DeVos very, very reluctant to confirm schools can’t call ICE on students -Federal lands hosting more “orphaned” oil wells Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon, and you’ll get to see the show recorded live: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel

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