Eat This, Not That



Eat This, Not That! takes a fun and informative look at how Americans eat. Whether its what we eat for breakfast on the go, what we pack for lunch, or how we fill our shopping cart and stock our pantry, we make more than 300 food decisions every day. Together, well learn how to make better choices and eat all of our favorite foods, guilt-free!


  • The BEST foods for your BBQ

    30/05/2019 Duración: 35min

    We are guessing that you are just as excited as we are to fire up the grill for the season. If so, Jon and Megan are here to help as they make sure you are armed and ready with the BEST picks for your weekend BBQ. In this episode, they’ll help you cut through some of the confusion on what to grill so you can focus on cooking it up and serving the best foods (sausages, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc…) to your family and friends. So, let’s get to our Grill This, Not That! Picks which have been carefully selected by the trusted team at Eat This, Not That!

  • Fix These Common Burger Mistakes

    23/05/2019 Duración: 26min

    Fire up the grill! Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Family Reunions or just a weekend gathering of friends and family are all great occasions to fire up the grill and deliver a tray of hot, juicy, delicious burgers. However, in our rush to deliver a delicious meal, and entertain, and keep taps on everything else we end up making critical mistakes that end up delivering dry, charred, tasteless burgers instead.In this episode, Jon and Megan help you fix some of the most common burger mistakes to ensure that your burger is the one that your friends and family will be talking about all summer long. From patty prep to timing, technique and temperature, they have you covered and your burgers will never be the same (in a good way).

  • Shocking Fast Food Secrets

    16/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    Believe it or not there has been a dramatic shift in the way we eat in the past couple of years.  Just a couple of years ago - for the first time ever - Americans spent more money per year eating out than they did at the grocery store. We are eating out kore than ever before and for many of us that means Fast Food!In this episode, Jon and Megan round up some of the most surprising -- and even shocking -- facts about fast food that will hopefully stick with you the next time you find yourself pulling up to that lit up menu and “order hear” box.There is good news though: Protecting your waistline and wallet doesn’t require ditching the burgers, sandwiches, and fries you hate to love. Once you’ve learned some of these fast food industry trade secrets, it’ll be easy to place healthier orders, lose weight, and save your hard-earned dollars. 

  • Common Veggie Cooking Mistakes

    09/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    I think we all know by now that Mom was right. And while many of us are trying to get more veggies into our daily meals, many of us are making common cooking mistakes that are destroying the very nutrients we want to get from a healthy dose of produce. Don’t worry, the fix to all of them are super simple!In this episode, Jon and Megan uncover some of the most common cooking mistakes we make and provide easy solutions so you can keep packing in the veggies - and all of the valuable nutrition they deliver - while making Mom happy.

  • Eat More Fish

    02/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    Looking for a simple solution to many of the health issues plaguing is today? The solution might be a bit “fishy”Whether you love it or hate it (kind like it maybe?), there is no denying the myriad health benefits of adding more fish to your diet.In this episode, Jon and Megan take you through all of the reasons you should add more fish to your diet including a decreased risk of disease, better brain health, and a faster metabolism. 

  • The WORST Salads!

    25/04/2019 Duración: 23min

    Salads should be a refreshing, crisp, light, nutrient-packed meal that provides you what you need to cut calories and improve your health. Unfortunately, many of the most popular “salads” on menus today have more calories and fat that a Burger!One popular restaurant is now serving up a salad that has more than 2,000 calories and 100 grams of fat!!In this episode, Jon and Megan uncover some of these salad bombs and help you navigate the menu at your favorite restaurant by helping you know what to order instead - some swaps can even save you 1,300 calories!  

  • Fix Your Chicken!

    18/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    We’ve all been there, dry, tough, tasteless chicken dinners. In this episode, Jon and Megan help you fix your chicken dinner to go from ho-hum dinner standby to tender, juicy, tasty crowd pleaser by helping you fix some common mistakes that will double down on your kitchen skills — chicken will never be the same after this episode.

  • Is Your Bad Diet Killing You?

    11/04/2019 Duración: 20min

    An eye-popping recent study, looking at the eating habits of people from 195 countries, recently brought to light the dramatic impact that bad diets are having on our overall mortality rates. The shocking findings? 11 million people die each year around the world because of, at least in part, of certain foods or lack of nutritious foods.Bad diets are responsible for more deaths around the world than any other risk factor.In this episode, Jon and Megan explore some of the key findings of the study and discuss ways to assess your own diet with easy tips to fix your eating habits and make a bad diet much better.

  • The 8 Best Foods To Detox Your Body

    04/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    After the dark days of winter, or maybe just a rough weekend, many of us look for “Detox” solutions to set our bodies right so we can get back to seizing the day.However, you don’t need to turn to drastic, or sketchy, detox methods that border on extreme and probably are more likely to make a bad situation worse.Instead, Jon and Megan share the eight best foods to stock up on to truly cleanse your body the right way. So put down the vinegar and cayenne and give yourself a lift, torture free. 

  • Diet Decoded: Whole30

    28/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    Whole 30 has been around for about a decade now and its popularity parallels the growing interest in “clean eating.” It was started by Melissa Hartwig, a Certified Sports Nutritionist and co-creator of the original Whole30 program, which has now grown into a true franchise with four New York Times bestselling books. In this episode of Diet Decoded, Jon and Megan break down everything you need to know before considering if the restrictive 30-day “reset” plan is for you. You may have to give up a lot in 30 days (bye-bye grains, legumes, added sugars and alcohol), but are the short-term and long-term rewards worth it? Listen in to see for yourself.

  • Surprising Egg Tips

    21/03/2019 Duración: 25min

    Eggs - They seem simple enough, right? Scrambled, hard-boiled, omelette, they are an easy-to-prepare, solid source of protein almost anytime of day. But are they good for you? And if they are, are you paying more than you need to for eggs that are “cage-free”, “free-range”, or fortified with Omega-3s, or is it  all just health marketing hype? In this episode, Jon discusses the latest study that might have you reconsidering how many eggs you eat these days, and also uncovers some of the most surprising things you need to know about eggs before you stock them in your fridge. (Hint: Brown eggs, while more expensive, are no more nutritious than white eggs) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Instant Pot Tips to Get You Cooking

    14/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    The Instant Pot is an amazing tool. What other kitchen appliance lets you saute your veggies perfectly, make yogurt, and cook fluffy pasta in the comfort of your kitchen with hardly any effort? But with every fun new tool comes a bit of a learning curve, so in this episode Jon and Megan discuss easy Instant Pot tips that can help you avoid some of the most common mishaps. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Best Soda Alternatives

    07/03/2019 Duración: 21min

    Soda - For many of us it is a staple of our daily diet that rooted itself in childhood, but today, we are becoming more aware of the ways our daily soda habit might be negatively impacting our health, waistline and fitness goals.  If you have contemplated how to dial back - or completely kick - your soda habit then this episode is for you!Jon and Megan dive into some of the great alternatives hitting the shelves today that can provide a truly viable alternative to soda. From sweet and sparkling waters to carbonated cold-brews that provide a caffeinated kick, this list has something for everybody.

  • How to Eat Bread

    28/02/2019 Duración: 20min

    Bread - It’s one of the staples of the American diet, but lately it feels more like Public Enemy Number 1. Is it all just a bad rap though? Is bread really that bad for you, the thing that’s holding you back from your weight loss goals?Turns out, Bread is not really the food villain is has been made out to be — especially if you know how to eat it! In this episode, Jon and Megan get granular on all of the ways you can still enjoy bread - guilt free!!

  • Diet Decoded: The Paleo Diet

    21/02/2019 Duración: 37min

    Are you ready to go old school? In this episode, Jon and Megan o really old school as they continue their Diet Decoded series by throwing it way back to Paleolithic times and breaking down the Paleo Diet.They are joined by health writer Beth Lipton (@cookiepie0402), who wrote about her own shift to a paleo lifestyle on Jon and Megan break down what most of us think the Paleo diet is all about (meat, meat….more meat), and, with Beth’s help and insights, uncover that the Paleo diet is actually far more manageable, flexible, and balanced that we thought. Is it for you? Listen to Diet Decoded: The Paleo Diet and see for yourself.

  • Real Food Heals, Part 2

    14/02/2019 Duración: 32min

    In Part 2 of our inspiring discussion with celebrity chef Seamus Mullen about how he saved his life by dramatically changing his diet, we dive deeper into the lessons he details in his latest book, Real Food Heals, and how you can start on your own journey by making small, significant changes that will have a dramatic impact on your health and longevity.

  • Real Food Heals, Part 1

    07/02/2019 Duración: 35min

    Imagine that you spent your entire life dedicated to food, and that your love for food has led you to training with culinary experts in Spain, opening NYC restaurants, TV shows, and culinary awards. Now, imagine that the very thing you’ve dedicated your life to—and define yourself by—nearly killed you.Seamus Mullen doesn’t have to imagine this story, it’s his truth. His is an incredible story of how food can both fuel disease and illness and serve as the body’s salvation by feeding health and food can push you to the brink, then bring you back from the edge—for Seamus, back to life.This is more than about Seamus’ amazing journey, detailed in his new cook book Real Food Heals, and how it has changed his relationship with food. It is an important message for anyone who thinks they need to be healthier, happier, and better. This special two-part episode with Seamus will inspire you to change how you think about food and how that shift can have an extraordinary impact on how you look, feel, and liv

  • The Truth Behind Health Food Buzzwords

    31/01/2019 Duración: 18min

    They are plastered on products in almost every aisle of the supermarket: Organic, GMO-free, antioxidants, multigrain, gluten-free, no high fructose corn syrup, and more. Sure, they sound healthy, but what do they really mean? Are they an indication that you are holding a superfood that is key to improving your health and worth your hard-earned money? Or, are they just marketing efforts to impart a “health halo” around an otherwise normal product?In this episode, Jon and Megan help you to understand which terms will be the best guidelines for improving your health by uncovering the facts and definitions of some of today's most common food buzzwords.

  • Diet Decoded: The Keto Diet

    24/01/2019 Duración: 29min

    It happens every year, a rush of new diets, pr refreshes of older ones, flood book shelves, facebook feeds, and boring TV shows all claiming to be the your answer to nailing your weight loss goals or improving your health this year.How can you cut through all the hype and see which one is actually worth your time and money? IN this episode, Jon and Megan introduce a new series looking to provide deeper insights in some of today’s latest diet trends to cut through the hype so you can make an informed decision and get started on nailing that New Year’s resolution.There’s no denying that the ketogenic diet (keto for short) is the hottest new nutrition trend. And although it’s still controversial among dietitians, doctors, and other nutrition experts, there is some scientific research to back it up. In this first Diet Decoded, Jon and Magen break down the Pros and Cons of this hot diet trend and, if it’s for you, provide your quick start guide to “going Keto."

  • 8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

    17/01/2019 Duración: 26min

    Dieting is hard, but eating is easy. Right? That means the easiest way to drop pounds and slim down this year is to do exactly what you’re already doing: eat! Just make sure you’re getting in the right foods. In this episode, Jon and Megan uncover which nutrient-rich foods deserve a place in your diet daily and how to sneak them into your meals.What’s great about these foods is that they aren’t strange new foods you haven’t heard of before -- they are all common superfoods that you may have in your home already.

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