Hey, This podcast is going to be about Books I'm reading, travel and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing! I Hope you Enjoy it!
Udemy or Udacity for Website Traffic and Other Creative Ideas!
11/04/2018 Duración: 07minClick on the link below for education on the most important skill in Digital Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about Udemy and Udacity for website traffic. And also provide alternative ideas to get eyeballs on what you are doing instead of just handing money over to Faceobok ads or Google ads. Is it just me or do you see a lot of YouTube advertisements for Udemy when it comes to Google Adwords. I'm constantly seeing the guy with glasses talking about Udemy. Like you probably are I'm interested in earning some money online. As you probably already know if you have a store, like an online store or something you are selling then you need people to enter your store for you to make money. You need traffic. This is where Website traffic comes into play. A huge help in my website traffic has been from YouTube. It is more competitive then it was 3-4 years ago, but you can get a ton of traffic. Believe it or not you can actually get free traffic from Udemy.
10/04/2018 Duración: 11min
Click on the link below to learn the number #1 skill in Internet Marketing! Hey wutzup today I want to talk about Influencer marketing the definition and using them to your advantage. If a 14 year old girl gets enough followers on Instagram, Snap chat, YouTube companies will send her free stuff and pay her to put pictures of their products on her feed. Influencer marketing just might be a very big thing for next decade. An influencer really is anyone with a public social profile. If you have 10 people following you then you are influencing them with your content. Everyone is an influencer thanks to social media. I'm in the middle of reading “The Ask Gary Vee Book” and he has a very interesting story about solo ads. Do you know what solo ads are? I don't mess with too much paid advertising, I've experimenting with it in the past and some results, but you got to be careful because you can lose just a lot of money. This is why I'm a fan of doing the f
What Does Extrovert Mean and Do They Have an Advantage in Digital Marketing?
09/04/2018 Duración: 09minClick on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to talk about what does an extrovert mean and if they have an advantage over introverts when it comes to digital marketing. It seems the one skill that I would most want to improve on is getting along with people and communication. Everything depends on this from money, to relationships, romance and family. So who has it better the shy introvert or outgoing extrovert? It is a good question right? An extrovert is an outgoing social person. An introvert is more about doing his own thing. Both have an advantage in sales and using social media to market. I would arguer that at introvert has more of an advantage in digital marketing and here is why. The direct message, which I have experimented with is not really a good idea. I've tried it with Facebook, where I would go to Facebook Groups and find people in my niche and just DM them.
Jealous Vs. Envious And Turning Negative Into Positive!
08/04/2018 Duración: 06minClick on the link below for training on the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey Wutzup today I want to talk about being Jealous vs being envious and turning these negative emotions into positive ones. When you think of jealousy what do think about? The first thing that comes to my mind is relationships. If I am with a girl and I see her flirting with another guy then I get a little worried that I'm going to lose her. This is being jealous. We have all experienced it. Having Envy is when someone has something you want. Maybe it's a better looking body, maybe it's a beautiful wife or a cool lifestyle. The interesting thing about envy is that it might actually be a good thing, because it is telling you that maybe your north star needs to change. You should be changing what you are doing to get what the other person has. I remember a long time ago I was listening to this podcast about travel hacks. I was a little jealous because this guy was tra
How to Find Viral Content so You Can Get Lots of Traffic to a Website!
07/04/2018 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about how to find viral content, so you can get lots of traffic to a website. The Internet is such a powerful tool because it allows you to reach many people. You can reach lots of people for little cost than anytime in the past. When things go viral this means that other people distribute them. It is the thing that we all want if you sale something online. The key to things going viral is speed and quantity. Yea, but what about quality you may be asking. Well, quality is the third thing and it isn't as important as putting stuff out there. Quality it is more attached to your ego, it's like walking around in nice clothes. You don't even need to stress too much on what you are going to say in a video or how the lighting works. In fact, some of the most viral pics or videos are of woman without their makeup just being themselves.
Cambodia Expat Tips and Pitfalls to Avoid!
06/04/2018 Duración: 09minClick on the link below for the most important skill to learn in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to give you some Cambodia expat tips to living in the country and some pitfalls, traps you can avoid. To give you some history about myself I first traveled to Cambodia 4-5 years ago and had a wonderful time. I really loved the country. Then I came back and lived there for maybe 2 and a half years. Some things are less expensive in Cambodia compared to say the U.S. And some things are more expensive like cheese and chocolate. These 2 things I consume a lot of now. The first tip is to stay humble. Stay very humble and if anything bad happens pay money. Don't get too serious or angry. Don't argue over money. Realize if you fight one Cambodian there are more waiting and you will be the target. Yea, it's not like America which is land of the free and everyone is a foreigner. I ended up in a Cambodian jail cell due to it and was with 2 other fore
Business Principles Examples that Get Results!
05/04/2018 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to learn the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to share with you some business principles examples that are really good that I feel can help you. Let me give you a quick background about myself. I've done many different sales jobs and before I played with the Internet I was using the phone to sale. Then a long time ago I wrote ezine articles and would put an affiliate link in the bottom. That was a long time ago a few years ago I had a successful YouTube channel with over 2 million views, but there was a problem. I struggled to convert that attention into a sale. I didn't know much about what to do after the first sale. This is why learned these 2 skills converting and how to upsale is the most important skill to learn if you plan on marketing a product or service online. The first principle is learn how to sale from the right source. If you were going into phone sales then learn from Jordan Belf
Can Failure Make you Stronger?
04/04/2018 Duración: 06minClick on the link below to learn the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to talk about can failure make you stronger. One of the best things that can happen to someone is that they fail. In fact one of the biggest problems that face people is this entitlement culture and getting a 10th place trophy. We really are not entitled to anything. Sure some people get lucky and they are trust fund babies. The reality is that even if someone is given everything they still get depressed because they didn't work for it and their peers don't like them because of jealousy. When you do fail it might just open up another door. One example of this would be Warren Buffett he applied I believe it was Harvard and was not accepted. Then he learned about Ben Graham and how he was teaching at Cambridge. It was too late to apply, but he wrote a heartfelt letter and was accepted anyways. Imagine what would have happened if he did not fail to get
How to Get Patience and Using it to Win!
03/04/2018 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in this video I want to talk about how to get patience and using it to win. Patience is one of these things that I have been thinking about lately and 1 person who I admire greatly who is already big and getting bigger is Gary Vee. He hits the nail right on the head when he says it is micro speed and macro patience. It's equally pushing it and equally being patience. Most people are on one extreme or the other. We all struggle with patience myself included and one of the things that hurts us worrying about what are peers think. You know keeping up with the Jonses. If you start a business. No matter what it is your ego is tied to it, so you want it to be successful plus there is probably going to be some people who think it's a dumb idea. I'm thinking a big reason people give up is due to their ego.
02/04/2018 Duración: 07min
Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hello in this video I want to talk about what is meant by effective communication and using it to win.. Most people's problems in life are due to not being able to communicate. Just look at relationships right? Another classic example is sales or dating. Effective communication is if you convey a message and the other person gets the message what you want them to get. That is effective communication, but of course it gets way deeper. In fact if I want to convey a message to someone and they receive a different message then the one I want them to get who's fault is that? I would argue it's the fault of the person who does the communicating. The one skill I want to learn is how to be a better communicator. Not just with body language, telling if someone is lying.
01/04/2018 Duración: 10min
Click on the link below to learn the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey in the video I want to talk about how to trick a slot machine to tip the odds in your favor, so you can win. I'm not sure this is true, but I read a while ago that there are only 2 games you can win money at if you sit there and play all day long if you have the skill. That was blackjack and poker. The rest of the games you will go broke eventually because the odds are against you. With slot machines you know the odds are against you and I have a neighbor who keeps losing money at the machines. Since the machine is rigged against you have you ever had the fantasy to get back at that machine and rigging the system to win? I need to tell my neighbor these ideas. So he can get revenge. Now look, I'm joking obviously if you tamper with a slot machine it is a crime if caught.
31/03/2018 Duración: 14min
Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hello in this video I want to share with you some blue ocean strategy examples and talk about what the heck blue ocean means.. Blue ocean shift is a systematic process to move your organization from cutthroat markets with bloody competition—what we think of as red oceans full of sharks—to wide-open blue oceans, or new markets devoid of competition, in a way that brings your people along. I look at this as thinking outside the box. A big reason people don't want to think outside of the box is because they are scared of being judged by others. I'm a big beilever that the ego really is the enemy and people just don't want to fail. It's sort of like when I was out dating, I would force myself to get rejected as soon as possible then I realized it wasn't such a big deal and it helped. One example would be the book that made Tim Ferris Famous and that was the 4 hour work week.
Closing Sales Tips to Help Close the Deal in Love and Money!
29/03/2018 Duración: 11minClick on the link below to learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hello in this video I'm very excited to share with you some closing sales tips to close the deal in both love and money, but mostly about money. They work with both. One of the best tips I've ever heard for my dating life, but works with sales as well is that you can be as persistent as you want as long as you're not trying to convince. Once you try to convince then an argument happens then ego gets involved and that is not good. For example. Say you are at a club and you want to take a girl home, you could say “let's get out of here and we can always come back later.” She might come up with some excuse like “no I don't want to ditch my friends.” Then most times I would agree with her. The reason she says that is because she doesn't want to come off as a slut. Just to put it out there. Wait like 5 minutes and then ask again. The second time there is much higher chance she wil
28/03/2018 Duración: 09min
Click on the link below for training on the most Important Skill to learn in Internet Marketing! Hey, in this video I want to talk about instant messaging for business and what I've been experimenting with and what works and doesn't. I've been into Internet Marketing for a while and before the Internet I did phone sales. Of course now people rarely use the phone to talk right? So, it is almost like Instant Messaging is the phone. What is interesting and maybe you can agree or not agree is that I get some 1 to 1 messages and If I do it's not good. On Facebook it is usually some really super hot girl wanting to me to check out some friends page. Another interesting thing about Facebook Groups. The bad thing about groups is that a lot of them that I've seen you got to be careful about posting stuff. They don't want spam, whatever that word means. What I've been doing and it's been working very well. Is signing up to groups in my target market which is af
28/03/2018 Duración: 14min
Click on the link below to discover the most important skill to learn when it comes to digital marketing! Hey today I want to talk about the overall theme of communication the term and how it has changed our culture and marketing. My advertising budget is so cheap I rely on word of mouse. I thought that was a funny joke. If you look at the past 100 years the way we have communicated has changed so rapidly. A big trend nowadays for business owners is outsourcing social media to a young buck. The reality is that things are going to continue to change a lot in communication, so you, yes you really should be studying how the world is communicating and educating yourselves. And evolving where the youngsters are going. Today Most parents and grandparents probably are trying to teach their kids to put the devices down and communicate face to face because they have a romantic view of what communication should be. The way the world should be and the way it actuall
27/03/2018 Duración: 11min
Click on the link below for the most valuable skill to learn when selling a product or service online! Hey in this video I want to share a few investment banking stories that I thought were somewhat funny. The reality is we all mess up, we are all human. When I do mess up, which I do a lot I love it when people say What were you thinking. I wasn't thinking, that is why I messed up. Of course I would rather error on messing up in the short term to gain in the long term. The only person who was completely perfect was like Jesus are something. I heard about this first one, which is about Solomon Brothers from the Book “The Snowball” about Warren Buffet the all time most successful investor. Solomon Brothers was a huge investment firm that not surprisingly went out of business in 2003. It was like the animal house of investment banks. Picture the movie the Wolf of Wall Street, yea that was Solomon Brothers and I'm not sure if they did the midgets being throw