Hey, This podcast is going to be about Books I'm reading, travel and the ups and downs of affiliate marketing! I Hope you Enjoy it!
How can I be a Good Affiliate Marketer as a Student Without Destroying My Studies?
03/02/2020 Duración: 04minClick on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote affiliate offers. Hello, how can someone be a good affiliate marketer as a student without destroying their studies. The short answer is to be disciplined with your time. We all have 24 hours in the day. This whole idea of studying and working and not sleeping is complete bullshit. My sleep is my number 1 priority actually, more so than anything else. You could sit down and come up with a written plan. How much of my day to commit to your school and studies. Then how much of your day you will commit to affiliate marketing. Also, don't forget about yourself and fun time. All work and no play is not good. Maybe you only have 2 hour every day to commit to affiliate marketing. If so, that is ok. The cool thing about being busy is you actually get more done in the time you allow it. You want something done, ask a busy person right? Those 2 hours of time, will be very productive. As long as you focus on income producing activitie
Are Affiliate Marketers Entrepreneurs?
02/02/2020 Duración: 06minClick on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote affiliate offers. Hello, I want to answer the question are affiliate marketers entrepreneurs? Entrepreneur is a cool word now but first, what the heck is an entrepreneur? The dictionary defines at as someone who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Usually it has to do with risk. Risking money, reputation and time. Doing this is more entrepreneural. Of course it comes down to how you look at it. To me an entrepreneur is someone who takes advantage of an opportunity. If a guy decides to marry a girl that is an opportunity right? He is the head of the household, isn't he an entrepreneur? He is definitely risking his money, time and reputation. Someone who creates a TikTok channel to promote beauty products is risking their reputation. Wouldn't that be an entrepreneur? Some people think that if your an entrepreneur you don't work for anyone? I don't b
What Skills Should I Have Before I Start my Career in Affiliate Marketing?
30/01/2020 Duración: 05minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what skills should I have before I start my career in affiliate marketing. I've been doing affiliate marketing for many years and have made so many mistakes. If I had to pick my biggest mistake it would have to do with my ego. I thought it was mostly common sense and I could figure things out on my own. I was too big to ask for help. This led to me making not a lot of money for a very long time because I was doing so many things wrong. The number 1 skill is to humble yourself to realizing you don't know that much. This leads you to learning and finding people who are better than you. The second skill is I would say is to take action. On the flip side there are some people who are always learning and learning. If you don't use what you learned then it doesn't mean anything. If you take no action then you will take no results. If y
What Are the Cold Hard Truths About Affiliate Marketing?
29/01/2020 Duración: 05minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, what are the cold hard truths about affiliate marketing? I've been into affiliate marketing for around 10 years. I've made some good money and I've had lots of failures. I originally got into affiliate marketing as a way to make some side income. To me affiliate marketing is one of the best way to make extra cash around what your currently doing. Relying on a job to take care of you, I feel is very risky. I've been laid off, fired and have a company go bankrupt working for them. It's good to hedge your bets, so to speak. This is the same thing with Affiliate marketing. I was around when Google changed their algorithm and my business took a major dive. Google used to look at Backlinks to determine which site got ranked in the Search. So, I did what they wanted and then it changed. Now, backlinks hurt your rankings. The same thing happened with Instagram I
How Does One Earn a Lot of Money from Blogging in 2020?
28/01/2020 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, how does one earn a lot of money from Blogging in 2020. Blogging is a way to communicate with people. This of course gets you attention and how you monetize that attention affects how much you earn. One of the most popular ways to monetize a blog is with ads from Adsense. The problem with this approach is there is no money in ads. The amount of attention you need to make any decent amount of money, means this is super difficult. Of course the person who runs ads on your blog will make much more money than you would. Why would they pay you for an ad if they make less than you? All they are going to do is take that lead and promote products to your visitor. Why not do the same thing? What you want to do instead of get your visitor on a list. Then with that list you can promote a wide range of products. What I recommend is affiliate products. Some affiliate
What is the Best Way to Make Money Fast Online?
27/01/2020 Duración: 07minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, what is the best way to make money fast online? I'm more of a believer in long term thinking and how the turtle beats the hare in a race. However, if you do need to make money really fast just using the internet I have some ideas. The first idea is something called unclaimed property. Google unclaimed property followed by the state you live in. Then search your name and see if any money is owed to you. Then do the same for every state you lived in. A big part of a states revenue is unclaimed property. The state will step in and take anything that is owed to you and hold it. At least a company will not take it. I recently heard of a story of someone buying $7,000 worth of Amazon stock and he didn't look at it in 20 years. When he did look at it, it was gone. The state took it after 3 years and then sold the stock. He lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
What is the Best Way to Do Affiliate Marketing on Social Networks?
26/01/2020 Duración: 09minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, what is the best way to do affiliate marketing on social networks? I absolutely love social networks, they are great if you use them and not have them use you right? I have tons of social media accounts. If you name a social media account, I probably have it. I just started experimenting with Lasso the App that Facebook is trying to compete with TikTok. Social Network accounts and affiliate marketing go together like soap and a shower. It's a free place to do business and I love free, why not. I'm a big fan of thinking long term. What I recommend is building a list of people in a certain niche and then using that list to promote a wide range of products. Then everything you do online is to build that list. Very simple right? The more simple the better. With social networks the first step is to of course create an account, then build friends that are in y
How Hard is It to be Successful with Affiliate Marketing?
26/01/2020 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, how hard is it to be successful with affiliate marketing? The real question is what does success even look like in your eyes. I'm in the middle of reading the book “The Law of Success” by Nepoleon Hill and he says 95% of people don't reach their target because they have no target. The 5% that do know what they are want and have a plan to get it. Is success making more money to pay off student loans, credit card debt or your mortgage faster? Is it to go full time to quit a job you hate going to? Are you motivated to be a digital nomad and travel the world sightseeing, while making money from the computer? Affiliate marketing can do all these things and to me Affiliate marketing is like money. With money there are 2 parts there is the incoming part. This is how much money you make. The second part is the outgoing part and how much money you spend. Most peo
What is the Best Niche for Affiliate Marketing, and What Programs Would You Recommend?
24/01/2020 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, What is the best niche for Affiliate Marketing, and what programs would you recommend? The most important thing when choosing a niche is how interested you are in it. I recommend something you don't even know a lot about, but you are super curious on. This will naturally motivate you to learn about it and then you learn even more about it by sharing what you have learned with other people. Some people get intimidating because they feel like they need to know everything about something. No, even if you just learned a little bit about something and then you share it with others it could be very valuable to the people you shared it to. This all comes down to insecurity, which is the enemy of an affiliate marketer, or any marketer. Another thing is it's a good idea if you can make money from it. I used to be in supplements and I make around 50 cents a sale.
What Are the Biggest Pains for Affiliate Marketing?
23/01/2020 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, what are the biggest pains for affiliate marketing? What of the biggest pains I had when I first got started was no money. I was good at driving traffic, but I didn't know what to do with it and this lead to barely making any money. This whole notion of hustle and you got to work hard is true, but if you don't know what your doing it's very hard to make money. This was from my own personal experience. There is lots of value in the right education and training. There is very big value there. What I recommend you to do is find someone who is very good and just learn from them. Even better use their system and piggyback on their success. By using their system and products, this simplifies everything and it's a huge advantage when getting started. Speed does count a lot and by learning and using another system this helps you a lot with speed. This free
What is the Best System for Affiliate Marketing?
21/01/2020 Duración: 10minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm excited because I'm going to be talking about what is the best system for affiliate marketing. The short answer to this question is the one I'm using, but let's dive in deeper. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way for someone to make extra income on the side to start with. In fact, I honestly don't know of a better way to do this. Sure, there are many other ideas like going to garage sells and buying things and reselling them. There is social media marketing agency. The problem with that system is I don't want to put out fires, and deal with the headaches. It's very nice to detach for a few months, which I've done and still make great money. Affiliate marketing offers someone the most amount of freedom than any other system. You don't even have to deal with customer service or shipping like dropshipping. The biggest downfall to affiliate market
Is There a Better Way to Make Money Online Other Than Affiliate Marketing in 2020?
19/01/2020 Duración: 06minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, is there a better way to make money online other than affiliate marketing in 2020? I honestly, don't think so, even though I'm always looking and I'm openminded. I do like the idea of buying and then reselling internet domains. The problem with internet domains is they can take a long time to sale, you should learn how to negotiate and it's a gamble. You also have to pay the renewal costs for the domain. To make good money it helps to wait. I've done fairly well with affiliate marketing. The problem with affiliate marketing is many people have the wrong idea with it. Some people when they think of affiliate marketing they are thinking of Amazon's program. Maybe a niche site and you stick links all over the place and hope and pray someone clicks on it and buys something. Affiliate marketing is much more than that. It's really a way to do business and what
Is Being an Affiliate Marketer a Respected Job?
18/01/2020 Duración: 06minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, is being an affiliate marketer a respected job? The answer is NO and that is a good thing. One of the best tips I got from choosing a career was from Mike Rowe from the show “Dirty Jobs.” His advice was to look at where everyone else was going and then go the other direction. The reason this is such good advice is due to supply and demand. I just finished the book called “Economics in One Lesson” it's a fantastic book and I highly recommend it and everything comes down to supply and demand. When there is a demand for a job and nobody is doing it then you make more money. If everyone wants to do a job and it's respected more, than you have to work harder and make less money. The demand for the job goes down the supply goes up. Another thing Mike Rowe says is that following your passion is complete bullshit. My original passion was in supplements, and I ch
What is the Best Affiliate Marketing Advice You Have Ever Gotten?
17/01/2020 Duración: 07minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to talk about what is the best affiliate marketing advice I have ever gotten. One of the best pieces of advice that I have gotten is to stop judging other people, then I will not judge myself and by not judging myself I will be more happy. That is good right? Anytime you compare yourself to other people, this is not good. Some people blame social media and the internet for this. I would argue that the internet and social media just give you want you want. If you just broke up with your girlfriend and then you see your girlfriend with another guy on the internet of course you will be all sad and depressed. Social media really exposes us to who we really are. If you are looking for negativity on the internet, you will find it. If you are looking for positivity you will find it as well. A big part of depression I think comes down to the judgment
How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing in TikTok?
16/01/2020 Duración: 07minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm going to answer the question how can I start affiliate marketing on TikTok. TikTok really is an amazing platform that I have doubled down on. I should be doing a whole lot more on TikTok, but I like to diversify and touch many platforms, I also have more fun and I don't like relying on just 1 platform. Some people think you need the perfect lighting or perfect videos or perfect YouTube thumbnails to start. All this is insecurity. My TikTok videos suck, they suck bad. A sucky video is way, way better than no video. I highly encourage you to put it out there even if it sucks. In fact all you have to do is create 1 minute videos around your niche and keep changing the hashtags for traffic. You really don't even need to mess with other platforms. I've gotten good results from TikTok. How I use TikTok is I will create a video around a question someone
What do You Prefer, Affiliate Marketing or CPA?
16/01/2020 Duración: 07minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question what do you prefer, affiliate marketing or CPA and what the difference is. CPA stands for cost per action and when you are a CPA affiliate you work for a company or group. You get paid when someone does some type of action. Usually this is fill out some information about themselves and join a mailing list. It could be a survey. Some people compare cpa affiliate marketing to lead generation. What you would do is sign up with a CPA network. One of the best ones is MaxBounty. Maxbounty can also be very strict about approving you and they can be very strict on how you get leads for them. The pro to CPA affiliate marketing is you get paid by a company just to get a lead and you don't have to make a sale. Usually this is a small amount of money such as a dollar per lead. Maybe if you work with a company that sales airplanes th
What is Some Secret to Success You've had with Affiliate Marketing?
15/01/2020 Duración: 05minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to answer the question what is some secret to success you've had with affiliate marketing. Sure hard work, loving what you do and patience all help a lot with affiliate marketing. Honestly, my number 1 answer would be to get help from the right people. Hard work alone is just not the answer. I know because I worked really, really hard when I first got started and I made no money. If I didn't get the right help, I would still probably be making no money with this business. It's almost like the story of Roy Krock and Mcdonalds. Did you watch the movie? He was selling milk shake machines and barely making any money. Than he noticed a burger place in L.A. Ordering tons of milkshake machines. What did he do? Yea, he asked for help. He asked what the hell they were doing. Of course, the brothers were all proud, so they spilled the beans. Then R
What is the Affiliate Marketing Course that Changed Your Life?
14/01/2020 Duración: 05minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hey, today I'm going to share what is the affiliate marketing course that changed my life. The short answer is one that helped me with how to promote affiliate offers to my list, email marketing, copywriting, how to find the right offers and really most of the stuff that is not sexy. I've taken many different courses in this business. Traffic course, seo, paid traffic but the most important stuff is on the backend. It's what you don't see. There is also this theory that courses are bullshit, you don't need a course. You can just experiment yourself and figure it out. You can Google the topic and of course learn it yourself. They are both right to some extent. However, the reason courses cost money is your learning from someone's else's mistakes and frustrations. You could experiment yourself and make all the mistake and frustrations. The problem is it would tak
How Do I Build a Sales Funnel for Affiliate Marketing?
12/01/2020 Duración: 08minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question how do I build a sale funnel for affiliate marketing? This is a very good question. The sales funnel, is by far the most important part of this business. I know because I didn't get this part right and I barely made any money even though I was throwing an insane amount of traffic at it. There are a few foundations that you need with a sales funnel. One is you really should have some type of deep sales in your funnel. This is where you can make $1,000-$5,000 and even higher per sale and they should be deep in the funnel. This really should apply to any business. The reason this is such a good idea is because it's much easier to sale to someone who has already purchased from you. They already trust you and know you. This is how Joe Girard won the Guinness book of world records for selling the most cars from talking to pe
What Affiliate Marketing Methods Used in 2019 Won't Work in 2020?
11/01/2020 Duración: 06minClick on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to talk about what affiliate marketing methods used in 2019 won't work in 2020. The really is only 1 that I've noticed that stopped working. It has to do with Instagram where I was using a free service called Linktree that allowed people to click on a link in my Instagram profile and I could send someone to my optin page. Facebook is very strict and just recently has sometimes banned Linktree. What I've been doing lately is the same thing I've been doing on TikTok. At the end of my video I will just mention my domain name and someone can manually type the domain into the internet to get to my website. If you are brand new into affiliate marketing I don't recommend getting a website or an autoresponder. I recommend partnering with another marketer and use their list to make you money. The reason why is because it will get you paid the q