Victory Assembly



Pastor Musa is the Senior Pastor of RCCG Victory Assembly, Sheffield. He teaches with simplicity the truths of the Word of God. His mandate is to help people discover and walk in their purpose and destiny.


  • The Second Coming of JESUS

    27/12/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    Jesus is coming back again. This time he will not be coming as a baby. Rather, he will be coming as a conquering king! Are you ready? Are you prepared?

  • Keys of the Kingdom

    03/12/2019 Duración: 02h50min

    This is the second message in the sequel of the Kingdom Series by Pastor Musa Bako. To get access through any door, you need the key. To access the full status of the Kingdom of God, we need the keys. Get equipped! This message will shift your eyes to how to be empowered on God's terms.

  • The ways of our Kingdom

    28/11/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Colossians 1 12 I pray that you will be giving thanks to the Father. He has made it so you could share the good things given to those who belong to Christ who are in the light. 13 God took us out of a life of darkness. He has put us in the holy nation of His much-loved Son. When someone is sworn in as the number 1 citizen of a country, he is tutored in how to live as one. Now that we are in the kingdom of light, there are certain lifestyle that we must adopt. This classic message will shed the light of God's word in your heart and show you how to walk in the LIGHT.

  • Dealing with everyday Relationship Challenges

    23/11/2019 Duración: 59min

    There is no perfect love, just as there is no perfect human. Hence we need to intricately navigate our world in the web of relationship. Understanding the people in our lives and how to love them the way JESUS would is key to succeeding and fulfilling our destinies. This message will place in your hands tools to succeed in your relationship and overcome any challenges you presently have.

  • Zion Must Not Be Moved - Pastor Eunice Bako

    05/11/2019 Duración: 56min

    Psalms 125:1 Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever. In the midst of an unsettling world, we are ZION the city of the Living God. This sermon will help build your faith and keep you rooted in spite of what is happening in your life or around you.

  • Soaring Like An Eagle

    13/08/2019 Duración: 01min
  • The Glory of the Sacrifice

    15/07/2019 Duración: 51min

    The price Jesus paid for your ransom through His precious blood is to birth a transformed YOU. Are you transformed? What has become of you since you believe? You want to listen to this message and begin or pursue a lasting inward transformation.

  • Build Your Strength For The Day of Adversity

    30/04/2019 Duración: 51min

    Proverb 24.10: If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small. How do you test your strength? What measures your pressure capacity? How do you build yourself? These are life questions we need to constantly ask ourselves. We can only be ready to the extent to which we are prepared. This message will show you and teach you how to build your spiritual, mental, emotional capacity for the storms of life. Be Strong. Greater is on the inside of you!

  • WOMAN - Pastor Musa Bako

    01/04/2019 Duración: 50min

    This is a hard truth revelation that breaks the cultural myth about THE WOMAN in the light of the scriptures. This message was a special Mother's Day sermon by our Senior Pastor. This truth will set your mind free.

  • There is a Spirit in Man

    01/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    Are you conscious of your inner MAN? This is a revolutionary preaching to awaken you from the inner man. This sermon will challenge you to reach out and connect to the power that is at work IN YOU!

  • Thankful - Pastor Musa Bako

    10/01/2019 Duración: 40min

    This is the first sermon in the year 2019. It encourages a mindset of gratitude, a heart that sees, acknowledges and appreciates GOD in all things.

  • Divine Exchange - Pastor Musa Bako

    25/04/2017 Duración: 41min

    It's Easter Celebration. All over the developed world, there is a celebration of God's unmatchable love. The greatest gift, GOD gave himself to MAN. It is a divine exchange. HE became MAN, so we could become GOD. The very state we were before we fell. Now, you are about to be blown about the mystery of the Divine Exchange that took place on the Cross. Sit back and soak this message in your spirit man!