Archangel Metatron Forecast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 10:07:30
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Where is your energy best spent this week? Join Archangel Metatron Channeler Julie Geigle as she shares a weekly energy forecast from the Metatron through TRANCE CHANNELING.Julie shares a BEAUTIFUL ENERGY FORECAST that shines the light on where your attention is best spent for the week. This information is sure to help you navigate the ups and downs of being human here on planet earth.Just being in this beautiful Angelic energy will help you REMEMBER YOUR MAGNIFICENCE, stand in your truth and be the change you wish to see on this planet.


  • Ep. 132 "Suffering is an Art"

    22/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    This week your energy is best spent releasing unforgiveness that is no longer serving you. We often see you run from your pain and deny your suffering. You are an expert at ignoring and refusing to acknowledge the wounds stuffed deep in your heart. Or you hide behind your mantras and affirmations wanting so badly to "feel" better. We invite you this week to move deeply into your suffering naming the pain and emotions and then moving even deeper still into the black abyss of pain. Holding your inner child as they scream in agony from lifetimes of unexpressed suffering. When you allow yourself to fully experience this pain you will begin to enjoy these opportunities of growth instead of dreading them, because turning toward your pain opens a portal of God's love and grace. Turning toward your pain instead of away allows you to embrace all aspects of yourself, your successes along with your failures. The more you do this the brighter your light becomes until eventually, your vibration is so high you begin

  • Ep. 131 "Learn Something New"

    15/05/2018 Duración: 40min

    This week your energy is best spent learning something new. Whether you enroll in a new course, decide to go back to school or begin a long-term project the energy in the Universe is supporting your growth and expansion in wild and wonderful ways. Open your mind and your heart to stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk. Now is the time to make new friends and embark on new journeys. As you open yourself up to MORE in your life it will allow your soul to expand and grow. Growth is always good especially in the spring of the year when everything is fresh and new. Enjoy the beautiful NEW MOON this week to help steady your feet as you get ready to take flight again aligning with your dreams and fulfilling every desire.

  • Ep. 130 "Soaring to New Heights"

    08/05/2018 Duración: 38min

    This week your energy is best spent daring to be creative and curious. Recapture the enthusiasm of your youth... laugh, play & be mischievous. Your wild abandonment will lead you to a path of riches untold. As you reconnect and spend time with yourself you will find a newfound sense of excitement and confidence in all that you are and all that you do. Fall in love with your inner child again, nurture and grow that relationship that has long been ignored. This week soar to new heights with your optimistic attitude and zest for living.

  • Ep. 129 "Live Your Vision"

    02/05/2018 Duración: 17min

    This week your energy is best spent living your vision. One of the key components of manifesting is believing you can achieve it for without belief you have nothing but a wish. As you move through your week imagine your plans working out perfectly, imagine everything lining up just as you desire and unfolding without a hitch. And now allow yourself an infusion of creative visions, letting amazing ideas flow through your veins that lead to unending rewards and recognition for a job well done. Last but not least, picture yourself filled with gratitude for all the blessings that life has to offer, and the goodness that God has bestowed upon you. As you do this daily living your vision will become like a well-oiled machine, automatic and effortless. Remember your Spiritual Team is ever by your side so don't forget to call on them when you need a pick-me-up.

  • Ep. 128 "Creative Life Forces"

    24/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    This week your energy is best spent "doing." The dust has cleared, the sunshine is back, spring is in the air and it's time for action. Whether it's doing some much-needed Spring Cleaning, ending a worn-out relationship or moving on with your career plans the time has never been better to DO something different. Sometimes it doesn't need to be a drastic measure it could simply look like a shift in your perception engaging some creative action to get the ball rolling. As you step into the power of creativity it enables you to create the kind of success that allows for a life of luxury. It's your turn to shine. The universe has your back!

  • Archangel Metatron Forecast

    17/04/2018 Duración: 42min

    Mercury Retrograde has gone direct but we still have a shadow week of unrest and turmoil. The New Moon on Sunday brings with it a whisper of new beginnings but it may be difficult to feel that change as some of you may be caught in a web of sadness. Take the time you need to lick your wounds and heal, acknowledge the pain this experience is triggering. Not just pain in this lifetime, but pain of all lifetimes past. Reach out to your friends and family for comfort and strength. You will get through this. The sun will rise again and with the dawn comes a new day. And day-by-day you will begin to put the shattered pieces of your life back together and find meaning again. Turn to your Angels and Spiritual Team, we hold much love for you here.

  • Ep. 126 "Rise into Your Power"

    10/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    Are you tired of biting your tongue? This week your energy is best spent lovingly asserting yourself. As you stand in your power and come from a place of strength and confidence people stop and take notice. No more making peace at your own expense. The truth wants to be known, it begs to be told and the time is now! No one has your back like YOU. Trust yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

  • Ep. 125 "Breath of Fresh Air"

    04/04/2018 Duración: 21min

    Energy Forecast for April 2nd-8th. Are you ready for a breath of fresh air? This week your energy is best spent surrendering to what is and going with the flow. As you move through this week you will feel your energy getting lighter and lighter almost as if a weight is being lifted from your shoulders. That’s because the energy is becoming less and less dense. Resolutions will ease communication in many areas of your life. Focus on receiving this opportunity with love. Open up to this next transmission of light allowing the resurrection of Christ to be your saving grace.

  • Ep. 107 "Gratitude & Grace"

    28/11/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    "Angel Talk Tuesday" Ep#107 FULL SHOW: "Gratitude & Grace" ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 27th - Dec 3rd, 2017 Angel Talk Tuesday is a weekly show hosted TUESDAYS at 7am PST ~ 8am MT ~ 9am CST ~ 10am EST. Dial in and LISTEN live: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID#: 756 226 370 Or join us on Zoom live at 9:00am CST: This week your energy is best spent acknowledging and being grateful for your life. Let go of issues the holidays may be bringing up for you and make the choice to be happy now. As you move into the flow of gratitude a portal of grace and ease begins to open and all moves into alignment.

  • Ep 106 "Family Traditions"

    21/11/2017 Duración: 59min

    ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 20th - 26th, 2017. Angel Talk Tuesday is a weekly show TUESDAYS at 7am PST ~ 8am MT ~ 9am CST ~ 10am EST. Dial in and LISTEN live: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID#: 756 226 370 Or join us on Zoom live at 9:00am CST: This week your energy is best spent honoring family traditions. Make time for friends and family this week and be present with each other. Put down the cell phones and engage in real one-on-one conversation. The moments you spend in joy and laughter bring balance and harmony into your life. Stop by and say "HI" in our newsfeed and help us be the change you wish to see in the world.

  • Ep 105 "Financial Responsibility"

    14/11/2017 Duración: 57min

    ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 13-19th, 2017. This week your energy is best spent being financially responsible. As you think before you spend and simplify your life, sharing your abundance with others or being more present with your spending you will reap many rewards this week. A pleasant surprise awaits you as the good you do for others is now returned, unexpected cash arrives in your life, or an opportunity to borrow wisely or pay off a debt presents itself. Angel Talk Tuesday is a weekly show at 7am PST ~ 8am MT ~ 9am CST ~ 10am EST. Dial in and LISTEN live: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID#: 756 226 370 Where is your energy best spent this week? Should you focus on finances, relationships or career?

  • Ep 104 "Dreams Fulfilled"

    07/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    ENERGY REPORT for the week of Nov 6th-12th, 2017 This week your energy is best spent enjoying the fruits of your labor. There is a breeze of ease and grace that is flowing into your life as all of your hard work is finally bringing in results. Not that result are driving you but it is nice to see your perserverence and persistance pay off. We have a special guest Bonnie Perrenoud, a student of our Lightworker Mentorship Program, while Susan is traveling to India for 3 weeks!

  • Ep 103 Ghosts, Goblins & Witches... Boo!

    06/11/2017 Duración: 52min

    Energy Report for the week of Oct 30th -Nov 5th, 2017. We are excited to move our radio show to a new format... ZOOM/FB LIVE hosted in our Angel Talk Tuesday BREAKROOM. Are you a member of our ATT group? Join us here Angel Talk Tuesday Breakroom. REGISTER for our next show >> For Halloween.... It's all about "Ghosts, Goblins and Witches. BOO!

  • Ep 102 Laughter is Good for the Soul

    24/10/2017 Duración: 01h03s

    Energy Report for the week of Oct 23rd-29th, 2017 Do you find yourself busy day in and day out with no time to play? The angels remind us that play balances our life and helps raise our vibration. When we find time for JOY everything in our life begins to magically fall into place.