Getting a job in gym sales is easy -- keeping it and growing your career takes work. This podcast is all about getting you comfortable in the fitness sales environment and making you a better closer.
GST 006: Five Steps To Overcoming An Objection A Brief Overview
18/11/2018 Duración: 17minThe next five steps of the 8 steps to sales all pertain to overcoming objections, which is really an entire topic on its own. Here I want to do an overview that will get you started and we do our deep dive later. Although these are described as five steps, they are more like micro-steps leading to one big step, which is closing. So when you start presenting membership prices, it’s natural for you to eventually hear an objection. Objections aren’t bad–they are a buying signal! They haven’t walked out the door yet, they are still sitting (or standing) right in front of you. Pay attention to what they say and remember to ask follow up questions. Invite them to share more with you. You ask guiding questions, they answer, and you listen!
GST 005: Understanding Your Sales Numbers
21/08/2018 Duración: 11minIn this episode, I talk about the contest that started today to win a free copy of How To Win Friends and Influence People and we talk about the math of sales!
GST 003: Developing A Need | 8 Steps of Sales Series
17/04/2018 Duración: 10minIn episode 3 we move on to the 2nd step of the 8 steps of sales. This is where we do our "needs analysis" and discover what our guest is really there for.
GST 002: Building Rapport | 8 Steps of Sales Series
16/04/2018 Duración: 09minHere we dive deeper into our first step of the 8 steps of sales, building rapport. We will talk about getting our guests to become our friends and make it easier for them to want to buy from us.
GST 001: Introduction | 8 Steps of Sales
07/04/2018 Duración: 28minIn this first episode, I talk a little bit about my background and do an overview of the 8 Steps of Sales, which is a sales process that helped me understand gym sales. Future episodes will dive deeper into each one of the steps. You can access the show notes by going to