This podcast by Pastor Sean Cole of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling, CO, seeks to encourage Christians in understanding our core beliefs as well as to engage skeptics with the claims of Christianity. For more information and resources visit
I AM THE LORD! Exodus 6:1-9
12/11/2018 Duración: 44minIn Exodus 6:1-9, the LORD gives Moses five GOSPEL promises that should lead us to bow in amazement. Four times in this passage God says, "I am the LORD!" We should never get over the power of the gospel!
09/11/2018 Duración: 01h26minIn Revelation 9, the sovereign LORD continues to unleash the seven trumpet judgments. This chapter focuses on demonic oppression to non-believers. We discussed the issue of demon possession and the shocking lack of repentance of those blinded in their sin. This is a difficult, but sobering, chapter.
08/11/2018 Duración: 01h20minIn Revelation 10, John sees a mighty angel, possibly Gabriel. We briefly jump out of Revelation and discuss the Man of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2. This mighty angel commands John to "eat" God's Word which is both sweet and bitter. What is the application for us? When we preach the gospel to God’s elect who are not yet Christian, they receive it with joy and get saved. (the aroma of Christ) When we preach the gospel to the lost who won’t become Christians, they are offended and repulsed by it. (the fragrance of death) This makes us at times feel weak and inadequate in sharing the gospel (who is sufficient?) We should never water down the truth in order to pacify the hostile culture (peddle God’s Word) The Word of God cuts both ways: To the saved, the Word is glorious, beautiful and a treasure To the lost, the Word is foolish, offensive, and brings judgment.
A Deathly and Mysterious Meeting EXODUS 4:24-26
29/10/2018 Duración: 42minExodus 4:24-26 may be the most difficult and mysterious text in the entire Old Testament. It reveals in a microcosm the entire theme of the Bible: A holy God saves His people by grace through the shedding of blood. Pastor Sean unpacks this difficult passage and shows the importance of spiritual circumcision and implications for us to today in light of the gospel and spiritual leadership.
Exodus 4:1-17 Tremendous Weakness Overcome by Transforming Power
24/10/2018 Duración: 44minMoses protests God's call on his life to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. The sovereign LORD overcomes your tremendous weaknesses with His transforming power.
I AM WHO I AM! Exodus 3:9-22
14/10/2018 Duración: 45minFrom the burning bush, the LORD reveals Himself to Moses as "I AM who I AM." This wonderful phrase describes the inexhaustible God who is self-existent, sovereign, unchanging, and powerful. He has no needs and He defines ultimate reality as He sustains and governs all things for His glory.
A Life-Changing Encounter with a Holy God EXODUS 3:1-12
07/10/2018 Duración: 43minIn this exciting narrative passage of Moses' encounter with the LORD at the burning bush, we see five truths about the gospel of salvation. Here is the main point: You are saved from your sins through a life-changing encounter with a holy God.
Revelation 6 Part TWO Rapture?
05/10/2018 Duración: 01h29minIn this second part of Revelation 6, Pastor Sean goes more in-depth and shows how this passage relates to Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4. Does the Bible teach a "pre-tribulation secret rapture" of the church?
Revelation 6 Part ONE
05/10/2018 Duración: 01h01minPastor Sean gives an overview of Chapter 6 focusing on perseverance of the saints and the reality of living in times of tribulation.
EXODUS 2:11-25 The Crucible of Failure
30/09/2018 Duración: 47minFailure is the crucible of God’s grace for shaping our character. Moses fails miserably as a "deliverer" motivated by pride in killing the Egyptian and flees as a fugitive to Midian. God transforms him into a humble man who waits the next 40 years in preparation to be Israel's effective leader on God's timetable. Moses failed as a deliverer motivated by pride. Jesus succeeded as as deliver motivated by humility. Jesus is the greater deliverer and when we fail miserably, we can find Him as a perfect Savior who freely forgives us because of His death on the cross.
Are Our Choices Determined? PART TWO
27/09/2018 Duración: 01h12minIn the second part of this podcast on the difference between libertarian free will and compatibilism, Dr. Sean Cole explores various passages of Scripture that teach that God has an eternal decree whereby all things come to pass by His sovereignty, yet simultaneously, humans are responsible for their choices. Dive into the deep end of the water and enjoy!
Are Our Choices Determined? Libertarian Free Will vs. DIvine Determinism Part ONE
26/09/2018 Duración: 01h01minDo sinners have libertarian free will where God may influence our choices, but in the end, we have the power of choosing between two options? Or does God have a sovereign and eternal decree whereby all things come to pass including our choices? If so, can sinners be held accountable for their actions? This is Part ONE of a detailed discussion on the differences between the Reformed view of soft determinism (compatibilism) and the non-Reformed view of libertarian free will.
Exodus 1:8-2:11 The Providence of God
23/09/2018 Duración: 47minIsrael finds themselves in a "frowning providence" of ruthless oppression as slaves in Egypt. Yet, God works out all things for good through His sovereign providence. How does the opening of Exodus illustrate God's working out of His eternal decree? Pastor Sean explains the providence of God in our lives and shows how we can have hope that God works out all things for our good and His glory.
Revelation 5--The Lion/Lamb of God
20/09/2018 Duración: 01h19minWho is worthy to take the scroll of God's sovereign plan of redemption out of His mighty hand? The Lion/Lamb who was slaughtered and stands as the risen and victorious Christ. Revelation 5 displays the most comprehensive, exhaustive, and joyful scene of worship in the entire Bible! And this worship all centers on Jesus!
Does "Ought" Mean "Can?" Total Inability?
18/09/2018 Duración: 01h11minAugustine’s famous words in The Confessions hit a nerve with the Britsh monk Pelagius which ignited the first big controversy in church history concerning the fundamental nature of man. Augustine wrote, “Grant what you command and command what you will." What does this statement actually mean? Does the Bible teach that fallen humans are merely depraved or does it paint a more dire picture of human fallenness in that we are totally unable to repent and believe without sovereign and effectual regeneration? Dr. Sean Cole answers this heated question by showing the distinction between Law and Gospel and focusing on Romans 8:5-9.
Introduction to EXODUS
16/09/2018 Duración: 42minDr. Sean Cole begins a new series through the Book of Exodus. This message sets the theological foundation for the book as well as how Jesus is the main character.
Revelation 4 The Throne Room of Heaven!
14/09/2018 Duración: 01h23minThe word "Throne" shows up 40 times in the book of Revelation which shows us God's absolute sovereignty over all creation. John has a vision of the glorious throne room of heaven which should inspire our worship and awe of our holy God!