Coming Undone With The Tenacious Minx



LIVE WED 10 AM ET/9CT/8MT/7PT Are you functioning in your life as THE most present, potent, powerful and playful creator and generator that you truly are? Rhonda Burns  


  • Seducing the Sweet Spot of You ~ Rhonda Burns


    Have you ever been truly seduced? Have you ever been willing to seduce YOU to the degree that would turn you on, light you up and supercharge your body and your life? Do you know what your “sweet spot” is in this life? Do you know what you’re capable of? Well, whether your answers are yes, or no, or hell no, I invite you in to this delicious conversation as we awaken and enliven everything we possibly can in this hour. I wonder what your life will be like when you choose to seduce the sweet spot of you? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but

  • No One Is Coming to Save You: What Will You Do? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Unfiltered, uncensored, no-nonsense straight talk is on today’s agenda. So yes, more of the same on Potency Is My Game. However, Rhonda’s going to start a very frank and provocative conversation with you about where we’re cutting ourselves off at the knees and wounding our potential in ways you may not have been willing to acknowledge. The gloves are coming off, the tough-love club will be open for participants and it’s Rhonda’s desire to help you get TRULY free from the space where you might still be waiting for someone or something to save you. Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an

  • Ditching Depression – For GOOD ~ Rhonda Burns


    Formerly depressed, run-down, stressed out, tapped out for life and ready to throw in the towel, I’ve been there, done that. Realizing, somewhere in my heart of hearts that it wasn’t time for me to die, I clung to the hope that something could & would change. It was that one glimmer that allowed me to get off anti-depressants entirely, walk away from everything that wasn’t serving my greatest good and completely, transform and up-level my life, my mental state, my emotional state and every other aspect of my life. Now being immensely equipped to teach others how to alter and eliminate their depression with a tool ‘mecca’, Rhonda invites you into this conversation to radically and dynamically change your mental state – even when you’ve been clinically diagnosed. Would you be willing to share this show and conversation with anyone you might know who’s suffering from depression? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality

  • You’re Out of Hiding; Now What? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Another great suggested topic by a listener! So, perhaps you’ve identified that you’ve been hiding in your life in some way and you’re done with that. So what happens now? What do you do? How do you create? Which direction do you go? How do you utilize your new-found liberty and choice to show up in the world in the greatest and most dynamic way possible?  Come play as we explore this, and get equipped to rock this new space with fun and ease! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a resul

  • Can Being A Potty Mouth Change The World? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Do you cringe when you hear people use language that’s other than pristine? Do you find yourself judging them, or shutting down from listening to anything they have to say after you hear something offensive or foul coming out of their mouth? Have you ever been judged by the language you use? Would you be willing to come play with me this week as we explore this fascinating and fun topic? Let’s see what limitations and beliefs we can annihilate so that we all have way more freedom with the words we use! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but

  • My Antena Must Be Broken, I Can’t Get A Clear Signal! ~ Rhonda Burns


    (De-coding the Truth for YOU.) Thanks to more great feedback from listeners, I’ve been asked to help clarify how to determine what’s “light and right” or “heavy and not” for yourself. This can be a bit of a challenge for some folks at first, but with practical tips, tools and examples, as well as some fun home play, you’ll be able to receive your awareness and your knowing in no time with ease and clarity! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda. www.rhonda-b

  • Is It A Risk Being You? ~ Rhonda Burns


    “Risk” has been up a lot in my awareness lately, so I thought this would be a fun one to play with. How much can we uncover and see what’s really keeping us from choosing to BE here, BE us, and to create anything we like and desire? What are all the underlying, hidden beliefs keeping us from risking everything? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME! Sign up for FREE access to t

  • Choose A Cup of Tea Already! ~ Rhonda Burns


    Born of real life events, I’m going to play with choice and what choosing and what not choosing creates. This one goes out to my current coach, who catalyzed this pivotal moment. I wonder what this conversation might contribute to you today? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME! Sign up for FREE access to the newest collaboration with Keisha Clark – Sexually Speaking. Weekly v

  • What Are You Committed To? ~ Rhonda Burns


    What does the word “committed” bring up for you? Have you ever thought about, looked at, or considered what or whom you’re committed to? This will be another fun and expansive conversation for exploration! I wonder what it might contribute to you and your life? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME! Sign up for FREE access to the newest collaboration with Keisha Clark – Sexuall

  • How Do I Learn to Hear & Trust My Intuition? ~ Rhonda Burns


    A brilliant listener asked me how she could learn to hear and trust her gut more and as a result of that brave question, I’m going to share my process of how I got to where I am now. Win or lose, fall or rise, I trust my intuition 100% now and that wasn’t the case a few years ago. The process can be simple and fast if you’re willing to have it – so come play! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME!      www.facebo

  • Are You Secretly Addicted to Resistance? ~ Rhonda Burns


    What in the world are you talking about, Rhonda? Addicted to resistance? Psssshhhhtt! NO WAY! Well, hmmm, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say on the matter. Sure, I'll consider it, just for sh*#ts & giggles. Maybe I can share the information with someone who might really need it. See ya' on the 31st! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME! Sign up for FREE access to t

  • How Many “Yeah, But’s!” Are Kicking Your Arse? ~ Rhonda Burns


    If you've EVER thought, spoken or felt "YES!, I want to have/be/do/experience ____," and then you immediately talked yourself out of it, you've had a case of the "Yeah, But's!"!! It's a deadly disease and one that truly can kick your butt when you aren't even aware of it. Come join Rhonda this week as she plays with this and does what she can to kick it to the curb with laughter, fun, tools and maybe even some elegance. Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda

  • Help! Things Aren’t Changing! What Do I Do Now? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Ever felt like you're "stuck" and things just aren't changing - at all? No matter what you try or thought or do, it still feels stagnate, immobile; and the more you're there, the more frustrated you get? Well, having been in this space a time or two, I'd love to share some tools and questions with you so you don't have to stay in that space if you don't want to. What if changing it could be more fun and ease than you imagined was possible? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of

  • Are You Bullying Your Body? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Bully: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Oh my! Don't know about you, but this sounds a bit like me. Perhaps more than I care to admit; at least when it comes to my body. Are you more of a dictator, bully-type with your body, as opposed to a partner, playmate and friend? Did you know that there was something else available that could create greater with your body, your health and your well-being? Come play in the sandbox this week as Rhonda sheds light on a different possibility with you and you body. Who knows, you might change something that's been impossible to change! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of succe

  • Are You Resisting Being High Maintenance? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Do you think the likes of super successful business people, A-list actors, celebrities, personalities, royalty, etc got and stayed where they are without being at least a little demanding and "high maintenance"? Let's clear some serious beliefs around what it means, looks like, what it says about you, etc if you were to let your true diva out into the world! Heck, you just mind find that being high maintenance not only looks good on you, but works for you! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling bett

  • Lighten Up! Your Life Depends On It! ~ Rhonda Burns


    Not sure that we didn't get the memo, or perhaps we've just decided that it doesn't apply to us, but "LIGHTEN UP!" is the theme and the invitation. The majority of us are just WAY TOO SERIOUS in this life. The heavy, weighty, significance we're functioning from day-to-day is actually marching us to a grave much sooner than many of us might know. How about we lighten up a bit? Or a LOT? Join Rhonda in the sandbox this week as she plays with lots of fun tools and thoughts to show us all why lightening up is the way to go and the way to be. What if your life depended on it; would you listen up then? Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound d

  • What’s Your Comfort Zone Really Creating? ~ Rhonda Burns


    Join Rhonda this week - in & out of the comfort zone - as she dives into what comfort, comfort zones, comfortable and comfort food are actually creating. So many people put it on "cruise control" and don't realize how easily it is to get lost in the comfort zones. Let's poke some fun at these places & spaces and see what's possible beyond it all! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help but walk away activated, energized and feeling better as a result of playing with Rhonda.     POTENCY IS MY GAME!

  • What’s YOUR Game? Guest, Chef Lisa Krych


    We're asking you: "What's YOUR game?" Potency Is My Game radio show is going to add this segment to it's line up when we learn about people that match the energy of truly owning their potency, power and authority and have chosen to show up in the world in their own magical and beautiful way! This week, please help me welcome Chef Lisa Krych to the show! Chef Lisa of Chicago, has been working in the food industry for almost 20 years. While in school at the Art Institute for Culinary Arts she worked with caterers, restaurants and worked as a personal chef. "Earning your stripes in the food industry can be taxing, but there isn't a single thing you can't accomplish when you possess unlimited enthusiasm about the subject matter." Chef Lisa has achieved a tremendous amount of success working as a sous-chef, catering coordinator, personal chef and demonstration chef. In these positions she developed experience and passion, as well as notoriety, for food styling. Learn more about Chef Lisa by visiting her website: h

  • Whose Ideal Client Have You Made Your Focus? Guest, Alyssa Light


    Continuing the brilliance of Sales, Marketing & Branding savvy with The Profitable Innovator, Alyssa Light, this week we focus on identifying your Ideal Client. It's a broad and crowded marketplace and if you're not focused on YOUR ideal clients, speaking THEIR language, then you're just another clanging cymbal in the noisy mix. Come learn some effective, fast, easy methods for identifying and clarifying for your business. Alyssa Light is known as The Profitable Innovator – a business coach and consultant that produces quantifiable results.  Last year, she helped a client reach a 5 year target in just 8 months.  Her 6-step system takes businesses from where they are now to generating significant and sustainable results. Alyssa’s background as an entrepreneur started at just 11 years old. She began speaking and training teams four years ago.  Her 6-step system, The Shine System, has been used to support start-ups as well as a multi 7-figure company.  Systems and structures are the keys to business success, and

  • A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action ~ Rhonda Burns


    A little less conversation, a little more action please; All this aggravation ain't satisfactionin' me; A little more bite and a little less bark; A little less fight and a little more spark; Shut your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me.... Elvis was onto something when he wrote this! Come play today as we cut through the crap of all the places where we're talking too much and not taking enough inspired action - with ourselves, as well as with others - in and out of the bedroom. Come on, baby! Rhonda is a definitely different catalyst for an unconventional way to embrace ALL of Y-O-U. Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and genuine truth of themselves, but provides the infusion of energy to quicken the time frame, allowing them to achieve their greatest levels of success and happiness faster. She’s been deemed a hound dog and an atom bomb of consciousness, as well as an energetic powerhouse. People can’t help

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