George Digianni Health And Wellness



Former trainer to Dennis Rodman, Mark Cuban and Michael Dell, George DiGianni is no ordinary fitness professional. George founded 21 Day Body Makeover ( and Genetic Direction (, a leading provider of genetics-based personal health management programs. Both companies currently operate to help customers with unique goals.With over 25 years of experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry, George DiGianni is passionate about helping others transform their lives and achieve profound positive change through personal and professional development. Author, talk show host, and behavior modification and wellness coach, George is a widely sought after speaker who empowers international audiences to redefine who they are and what they can accomplish.


  • What you didn't know about high blood pressure & how to control it

    23/06/2018 Duración: 40min

    Nearly half of all adults (150 Million) in the United States have high blood pressure, according to the most recent statistics from the American Heart Association. Could you benefit by defying your doctors advice to use meds for decreasing high blood pressure and rely on other proven methods? Dr. Steven Helschien ( is the founder of Level 1 Diagnostics and Level 1 Therapeutics. He retired in 2000 to pursue his passion of creating new paradigms for preventative cardiology and integrative psychiatry. Dr. Helschien is considered a leading authority on heart rate variability, pulse wave velocity and carotid ultrasonography. He is also an expert on the use of neurofeedback and brain training. He has authored booklets on "Stress and Anxiety," "Blood Pressure," "Yoga," "Meditation," "Sleep", "Heart Health", and "Diabetes," and created a workbook,  "Staying on Track.” His monthly articles can be found in the Townsend Letter for Doctors. While adequate treatment is crucial and there are many approaches, f

  • 5 silent killers with no symptoms What are these killers? How can you Protect yourself?

    16/06/2018 Duración: 41min

    Do you have an invincible it-can't-happen-to-me-mindset? Money, age and gender don't preclude us from having any of the 5 silent killers that have no symptoms.  Christine Horner, M.D., FACS, is a nationally known surgeon, author and professional speaker and holds two board certifications: the National Board of Surgery and the National Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Horner was recognized as a leader in her field shortly after starting her plastic and reconstructive surgery practice because she successfully ran a national campaign to pass laws requiring insurance companies to pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Her five-year crusade with the Breast Reconstruction Advocacy Project (BRA Project) led to the passage of an unprecedented federal law that was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1998, requiring insurance companies to pay for this specific surgical procedure. Horner is the award-winning author of, “Waking The Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner's Program to Protect Against and F

  • MD Adopting Nutritionist Mentality For Pain?

    09/06/2018 Duración: 43min

    Pain is a massive problem that affects 125 million Americans who are spending close to $300 billion on pills, pot, procedures and natural remedies to find relief.  Did you know there are diet and lifestyle changes as well as natural remedies that can help pain sufferers get relief from some of the three most common pain complaints, reducing reliance on heavy sedative medication that has potential side effects? What's odd, yet positive about this show is how some Md's in the medical community are doing their research and stepping out from the narrow-minded ways they were taught in medical school. What's really interesting is the information about certain nutrients and supplements mentioned in this show is not new information. It's at least 30 yrs old.  So why bother with this show? The flexibility of some doctors who are open-minded to something other than writing a prescription. There are still too many doctors who dismiss the power of nutrients whether they come in food or supplement form.  Having MD's on th

  • Back pain and its affect on the pain/brain connection

    03/06/2018 Duración: 45min

    Please visit iTunes or iheart and rate and subscribe to the show   ​Dr. Webster and I discuss how chiropractic is going beyond improving the function of individual joints.   A growing body of evidence indicates that injury, pain, and inflammation from back pain not only affect the individual joints involved or a region of the spine but also has a significant impact on the function and structure of both the sensory and motor brain function.   How can the pain/brain connection affect​ ​ memory, language skills, cognitive function, decision-making, and appraisal, in chronic back pain patients?   Compelling new evidence demonstrates reduced gray matter ​(​fewer brain cells​) ​in numerous parts of the brain in people with chronic back pain.    How can chiropractic manipulation and motor-skill training affect someone long-term?   ​What happens when someone delays needed surgery or physical therapy and push​es​ through chronic pain?   ​Episodes of acute pain with injury may induce plastic changes in the sensorimotor

  • Dr. Visits, Calorie needs, Neurons

    19/05/2018 Duración: 41min

    Dr. Tim Church and I discuss a trend in modern medicine that may make doctor visits a thing of the past. 1. What do you get when you put a pharmacist in a barber shop? Better health. What??????? #pharmacist #medication #doctor Taking the medicine to the people.   2. We'll also discuss how we can voluntarily change our current memory, mood, problem-solving ability and overall health with certain lifestyle changes. Can we, as adults, grow new neurons? How? #brainhealth   What lifestyle decreases neurons, affects memory, problem-solving, mood and health? #memory #mood #depression   What lifestyle changes increase neuron production? New research shows we continue to grow neurons in adulthood and we are responsible for and have a choice in continuing to make them.   3. How could we benefit from changing calorie and supplement consumption as often as we change our underwear?   Important information for health as well as those seeking

  • Can We Have Our Gluten and Eat It Too?

    12/05/2018 Duración: 41min

    After a lifetime of consuming bread, cereals and baked goods, people become depleted in essential digestive enzymes, making food molecules enter the bloodstream without being digested triggering pain/inflammation and a variety of disease-like symptoms. You are NOT what you eat. You are what you absorb   According to a study by the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, about 20 million Americans presently suffer from gluten intolerance - an adverse reaction to the protein gluten found in wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. "Living a gluten-free lifestyle is really not the solution for optimal health," says health educator Dr. Julie Gatza. "Optimal health means that we should be able to eat whatever we want to eat, and this becomes possible only when we ensure our bodies have all of the proper enzymes required to break down the food molecules we ingest, including hard-to-digest gluten molecules." Dr. Julie says many people are unable to properly break down foods they consum

  • Herbs vs meds-anxiety, depression, heart health

    05/05/2018 Duración: 42min

    David Foreman, R.Ph., “The Herbal Pharmacist” Website:​m​ David Foreman RPh, is a pharmacist, author known nationwide as, “The Herbal Pharmacist.” Foreman’s career as a registered pharmacist gives him the foundation to now impart his expertise in physiology, pharmacology and integrative medicine to educate consumers on cutting edge approaches to natural health and healing. His shift from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist was based on his belief that education is the key to understanding that natural health plays a vital role in mainstream medicine and ​is the ​author of, “4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease A famous Harvard study finds our minds negatively wander about 50 percent of the time​, after ​analyzing the mind​ ​worry-based​ ​wandering affects on happiness​s​ of 2,250 adults​ the stress that results from this type of mind wandering can lead to digestive disorders, short-term memory loss, premature coronary heart disease, heart attacks and despair. Harvard Study: A W

  • Dr. Hensley, Botox, skin cancer, sunscreen

    28/04/2018 Duración: 43min

    All too often we take advantage of our health. From lack of self respect by allowing ourselves to gain much excess fat to preventable diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, to the belief we're an Avenger and invincible when it comes to our skin and the sun.    That's until we're unhappy with how we look, or the need for skin cancer to be removed or dealt with in a more invasive manner.   Dr David Hensley is a dermatologist shared information about how to protect, detect and correct sun damage and the proper use of fillers for reducing aging look we may not be happy with.    Other topics discussed: Sun damage: wrinkles, freckling, age spots, thinning/atrophy, bruising/susceptibility to injury/poor healing Protection: good and bad sunscreen ingredients Correction of sun damage:-mild/early: topical retinoids, “chemical” peels, laser-moderate/severe- laser/peels There is a grey market for injectables esp. Botox. These products are expensive which puts pressure on markets to find cheaper avenues. If there a concern,

  • Omega 3 & Vit D Facts

    22/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    In 2017 there were nearly 2,000 conflicting news stories on omega-3 & vitamin D. 2000!!    I now know why people want to give up believing sups work. Who benefits from sensational stories?    1.     An estimated 1 billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient (   2.     41.6% of adults in the US are vitamin D deficient (   3.     Only 1 in 10 Americans – whether children or adults – are getting sufficient vitamin D.   4.     Vitamin D interacts with over 30 different tissues in the body and affects 1,000-3,000 of your 30,000 genes.   5.     When selecting your vitamin D supplement, choose the D3 form – it’s 87% more effective than the D2 version.   6.     Omega-3 deficiency causes up to 96,000 preventable U.S. deaths per year, making it the 6th leading cause of death according to Harvard researchers.   7.     The ideal ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 is 1:1, but unfortunately, omega-6 fa

  • More Sugar Substitute Dangers

    14/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    In this episode, Dr Webster discusses the evidence  against sugar substitutes such as Splenda usage.   Using Splenda for 12-wk  has indicated many adverse effects 1. Reduced beneficial gut bacteria  2. Increase fecal pH (High pH attracts disease) 3. Limit bioavailability of orally drugs.  This means you won’t absorb your meds, in turn minimize their effectiveness and intended benefit.  This often leads to taking high doses of meds leading to more health issues. Preventing absorption also effects supplement use and lack of benefits. From link above: Splenda kills good gut bacteria A PubMed review of sucralose:   Although early studies asserted that sucralose passes through the GIT (gastrointestinal Tract unchanged, subsequent analysis suggested that some of the ingested sweetener is metabolized in the GIT. The identity and safety profile of these putative sucralose metabolites are not known at this time.    Sucralose and one of its hydrolysis product

  • Multivitamin Myths

    08/04/2018 Duración: 42min

    Dr. Tim Church has been a frequent guest on my show these past twenty years. He helps people understand the latest studies and suggests not making sudden changes to your life based on one study.  Many scientists, PhD’s are paid or influenced to create an angle for attention. Yes this means even some of the most notable publications you read are filled with misinformation. Dr Church’s credentials are sure to impress so I wanted to share them with you before sharing the topics of today’s show.  Dr. Church has Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Masters of Public Health (M.P.H.) degrees from Tulane University.Tim Church, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. – Medical Director As a distinguished researcher and specialist in public health and general preventive medicine, Dr. Timothy Church ranks among the country’s most accomplished medical professionals, earning numerous distinctions as a physician, scientist, professor, patent holder, author and civil servant. His passion for helping people achieve bette

  • Dispelling nutrition and exercise myths

    25/03/2018 Duración: 40min

    With the advent of the internet and continued mainstream media​ promoting wellness information, often incongruent with​ what practitioners with no agenda learn, is discouraging when it comes to identifying the truth of which food is healthy and which exercise and supplements are most beneficial. ​My guest, ​D​r. Tim Church is an (M.D.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Masters of Public Health (M.P.H.) He was the Vice President of Medical and Laboratory Research at Texas’ famed Cooper Institute and director of the Laboratory of Preventive Medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center (part of the Louisiana State University system). Dr. Church served as the Chairman of the Physical Activity Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism at the American Heart Association, was a consultant in the writing of the Federal Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Report 2008 and was invited to speak before the United States Congress’ Committee on Government Reform on the topic of diet,

  • Is Your Focus Preventing Success ​

    17/03/2018 Duración: 40min

    It's ​March and most people who adopted a new year resolution are beginning to ​fall off the wagon due to lack of results, the speed at which the results came and a mammalian brain that's ​constantly on the lookout for danger, ​drama, ​failure, and challenges. ​If you choose to disregard this show, then you're either wealthy, in perfect health and or have the perfect marriage, or you have embraced being Uncomfortably Comfortable ​ I will share 6 reasons why our brain is constantly looking for failure and danger, then give tangible ideas to begin implementing to change the way your brain thinks to minimized being faced with a challenge in which you may have drawn toward you with a negative mindset. Visit  begin with buying my book Potentially You.  Toward the end of the book, I mention a tool I have that only a few people in America have that will completely neutralize the emotions keeping you from being the parent, spouse, successful business person​ and the healthy ​person you wish to

  • TRF creates fat loss and staves off disease

    10/03/2018 Duración: 43min

    A high-carb diet and high blood sugar are associated with cognitive decline.   What are ketones?   What is ketosis and is it dangerous? (Compare to keto-acidosis) Can all cells, tissues, and organs in the body potentially use ketones and which benefit the most from ketones.   Dr. Satchin Panda microbiologist studies the circadian rhythms​ of the body. Every cell in the body follows this Circadian Rhythm which governs when a cell is most metabolically active, when hormones are produced and when repairs and processes are active.​​​ Our internal clock tells us when it’s time to wake, when to rest and when to begin eating​ and when to wind down.    To learn more about Dr. Panda’s studies:   A few years ago Dr. Panda​ began looking at how food affects our clocks in each organ. In our liver, there are 3000-5000 genes that turn on or off at different parts of the day.  ​One experiment his team gave food to mice during the day, (mice eat at night) to see if it would affect gene expr

  • Male/Female Sexual Dysfunction

    04/03/2018 Duración: 43min

    It's getting hot in here. Dr. Rudman discusses causes & new, safer treatments that actually work. Imagine not having to use medication to fix dysfunctional sexual issues for both men and women. Male sexual function/dysfunction Incidence of Erectile Dysfunction - 40% at age 40 70% at age 70 Incidence of Premature Ejaculation amongst men - 30% Average penile length: 3inches flaccid 5 erect 6inches is at 95 percentile 7 inches 98% Penis length is dramatically more important to men then women Causes of ED Traditional Treatments New Treatments: Wave (Shockwave) extracorporeal shock wave therapy the science behind the technology involves something called low-intensity shockwave therapy.  20-minute procedure could enhance one's sex life, build entirely new blood vessels to the genitals, fix libido and sexual issues, eliminate erectile dysfunction, and increase size and vascularity—all without the use of Cialis or Viagra. We also discuss the P-Shot and Stem Cell treatments Female

  • Seasonal Supplement Needs

    24/02/2018 Duración: 40min

    In the beginning of 2018 I had an idea for a show to discuss the importance of adding or removing certain supplements due to the demands, change of each season and desires we have within those seasons that focus on our health goals and concerns.   People who supplement, do so with the same routine day in & day out without regard to the effect each season has on our health.  Demands on our health change as seasons change.   Which sups do you need more or less of in each season?      Winter concerns and interests: Sugar cravings, Fat loss, Stress, fFu, Snergy, Painful Joints,  Asthma, Contracting a cold, Dry air asthma attacks, Heart Attacks Spring concerns and interests: Allergies- yard work, bicycle riding and all outdoor activity. Toxicity from winter food and in home chemicals not being released due to lack of open windows/freshair   Summer concerns and interests: Sunburn, Women yeast infections, Athletes foot, Acne, Food poison, Dehydration    Autumn concerns and interests:  

  • Stress Hormones & Their effect on your health and peak performance

    17/02/2018 Duración: 38min

    Jim LaValle, clinical pharmacist and board certified clinical nutritionist and metabolic expert, author, “Cracking the Metabolic Code” STRESS HORMONES AND THEIR EFFECT ON YOUR HEALTH AND PEAK PERFORMANCE What you need to know about cortisol and your health. Cortisol is a hormone released during stress. It is involved with many body functions such as controlling blood sugar levels, blood pressure, regulating metabolism and regulating energy by selecting the right amount of nutrients for our body. When it’s released it increases heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, respiration and muscle tension. It’s also the hormone responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response to stress. Too much or too little cortisol caused by excess stress can lead to several health issues. Research shows 90 percent of doctors visits are related to stress. While this hormone  gets negative attention, we discuss the role and benefits of cortisol in addition to chronic release of high cortisol on health and peak performance. 20% off

  • Once Dismissed Now Promoted

    11/02/2018 Duración: 38min

    A food once touted dangerous by MDs, always loved by nutritionists &-bodybuilders directly affects brain health.  What is the one well-balanced, protein absorbed faster & more efficiently than other protein?  Dr. Tia Rains is the Executive Director at the Egg Nutrition Center.   In this episode Dr Rains discussed the new research and importance of consuming eggs for babies and adults alike.  First we discuss the latest research on babies and brain health, then dismiss the negative news about cholesterol and eggs once thought to harm people with high cholesterol. January 2018 Dr. Marie Caudill and colleagues at Cornell University published yet more evidence that infants exposed to higher levels of maternal choline (930 mg/day) during the third trimester have improved information processing speed during the first year of life, an indicator of cognition and intelligence. The choline content, in particular, is proving to be much more important for brain function th

  • Must do/avoid exercises for 40+

    03/02/2018 Duración: 44min

    In this episode I will share the importance of certain exercises to incorporate and others to avoid due to loss of range of motion, pain, and loss of cartilage in our joints. I will share six daily exercises men and women over 40 must do & seven you must avoid. T​he exercises are intended to show the importance of certain safe bio mechanical movements, not a routine with any particular purpose. Dr. Webster will comment on the link between sugar and Alzheimer’s and how ketones play a positive role. Below is a look at some of the daily exercise must do's. For the explanation and my suggested exercises to avoid, listen to the podcast. Use Y​outube for proper instruction of these exercises: ​ 1. Planks- 2. Body squat​- 3. deadlift​- 4. Any balance exercise. Well it’s still that time of year where people are focused on fat loss and cleansing and just trying to feel better. For 12 yrs 21 day body makeover has been successfully helping thousands of people feel great while losing fat. Stay focused on what you kn

  • Dental Health and Heart Attacks

    27/01/2018 Duración: 43min

    Dr. Rudman, Dr. Harrison and I discuss common dental problems that lead to systemic medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia and diabetes.   Did you know 85% of people who suffer a heart attack have significant gingivitis/gum disease?   What happens when we eat sugar, don’t brush, or floss? What is dental calculus and why is it important Mercury in food and dental fillings and possible dangers   Can we bio hack our health by using mouth taping?  What is it?  And what potential benefits are there?

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