Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon



Welcome to Thrive Forever Fit with Jay Nixon. The mission of this podcast is to Disrupt, Inspire and Transform the way you think speak and act in the areas of nutrition, fitness, and mindset.


  • Episode 59: It's Not A F#@king Diet

    13/10/2019 Duración: 26min

    "It's not a fucking diet!" Sorry about using the "D" word so boldly. I know that word carries a lot of power and creates negative feelings for most of you. And rightly so! If you're anything like me and 100% of my clients, you've tried a diet or diets and FAILED every single time. Why, because that's precisely what diets are set-up for you to do, FAIL. The concept of the "diet" is flawed from the get-go. Here are the stages of the diet: *Bold declaration of new eating pattern with a set start and end date, inset Keto, Paleo, Low-Carb, No-Carb, Dr. ________, Book I read, Internet guy/gal I follow that is super fit, etc... *Clean out fridge and pantry of all the junk. *Go to store spend a boatload of money on a bunch of green stuff you'll never eat. *I Forget, elaborate Facebook/IG post about your new diet that is going to be the one that changes it all for you. Insert #thisismyyear *10 days later, the green stuff is gross and starting to smell up the fridge, so you throw it away and go to the store to repurcha

  • Episode 58: You Can Take My Sight But Not My Spirit

    10/10/2019 Duración: 11min

    You Can Take My Sight But Not My Spirit - My Buddy Wayne  This episode is about my oldest and most awesome client Wayne.  He recently lost his sight in his right eye and only has partial sight in the left, but it’s not stopping him from living.  I promise you will LOVE this story.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor and all the other happening spot for podcast entertainment. 

  • Episode 57: Mahalo From Maui On My 45th Birthday

    03/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    Mahalo From Maui On My 45th Birthday  I turn 45 today, and I’m excited about it!  Yep, I know most people get bummed the older they get, but not me.  I’m excited to be living this amazing life, and in this episode, I share a few things that I KNOW for sure about life.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor and all the other happening spot for podcast entertainment.  The Purpose of Pain 

  • Episode 56: I’m An Emotional Eater

    23/09/2019 Duración: 13min

    “I’m An Emotional Eater”  Do you eat your feelings?  When you get sad, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, do you eat?  If yes, then this episode is a must-listen for you.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor and all the other happening spot for podcast entertainment.  The Overweight Mind

  • Episode 55: We Have Lost Our Damn Minds

    12/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    We Have Lost Our Damn Minds Are You Addicted To Social Media?  Is Social Media Derailing Your Day?  Double Taps, Hearts, Comments, Likes, Follows and all the other things social media has us addicted to and how to change it.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show!

  • Episode 54: You Didn’t Come This Far Only To Come This Far

    09/09/2019 Duración: 20min

    You Didn’t Come This Far Only To Come This Far!  I know this is super cliche, but I also know far too many of us are stopping at the first sign of struggle.  Pausing, assessing, adjusting is perfectly fine and even necessary from time to time.  It’s time to get off the ‘Mary Go Round of Regret.’ Get a coach, mentor, or Circle of Success that motivates you to keep moving forward even in the face of adversity.  You deserve your dreams, but you’re going have to work for them! Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show!

  • Episode 53: How I Lost Over 100 Pounds And How You Can Too! Interview with Sylvia K.

    02/09/2019 Duración: 55min

    How I Lost Over 100 Pounds And How You Can Too! Interview with Sylvia K. In this interview with my client Sylvia, she talks about how, after 47 years of trying everything she finally found the weight loss system that worked for her. (If you'd like more information on the Thrive Forever Fit Program visit - ⁣The first day I meet Sylvia, she could barely tie her own shoes without it being a struggle. Her diabetes was completely out of control, and her health was at an all-time low. Fast forward to today, and she is THRIVING! Her diabetes is under control, and her health is amazing She is a certified yoga instructor She will soon be a certified personal trainer She's living and loving life I couldn't be more PROUD of another human. Sylvia is the perfect example of what someone can accomplish when they trade their can'ts for cans and start taking action on their dreams. PROUD of you, buddy! Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show!

  • Episode 52:

    20/08/2019 Duración: 17min
  • Episode 51: The Makeover Mindset Interview with Mike Young

    13/08/2019 Duración: 45min

    The Makeover Mindset Interview with Mike Young  Mike Young is the host of the top-rated iTunes “The Made Over Podcast,” author of "Made Over: How To Create A Powerful Brand That Will Transform Your Business & Save Your Life," and a seasoned entrepreneur. Mike created “The Makeover Method” and is known as “The Makeover Master.”  He works with dedicated entrepreneurs through mentorship, coaching, training, strategy, and design to completely transform their online presence and personal brand using his unique process, “The Complete Brand Makeover Experience.” Mike fixes a giant problem that most entrepreneurs face, one they ignore for as long as they can, a problem that is costing them money, influence, power, and respect in their niche. You can follow Mike at Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Get your tickets now for INSPIRED 2019 

  • Episode 50: From D1 to Detox to Destiny my interview with Donny Starkins

    03/08/2019 Duración: 51min

    From D1 to Detox to Destiny my interview with Donny Starkins  Donny’s yoga journey started in 2005 by searching for pain relief after seven operations on his left knee and an addiction to pain killers.  Fast forward to today,  Donny has many years of sobriety and has become one of the dynamic leaders in his industry.  He is a professional speaker, teacher, and coach leading classes, workshops, and seminars all across the world.  Donny is an ambassador for lululemon and works directly on their Mindfulosphy Team as both a yoga/meditation teacher and personal development coach.  In addition, he is the official yoga instructor for the Phoenix Suns and educates other professional athletes in the ways of yoga and mindfulness. With an emphasis on mindfulness, he challenges each student/client to explore the things getting in the way of their purpose. His calm, focused instruction and peaceful energy makes even the most difficult scenarios possible to work through.  Donny’s teaching

  • Episode 49:

    29/07/2019 Duración: 28min
  • Episode 48: How The Pain of Prison Created The Purpose For Life with Zachary Babcock

    22/07/2019 Duración: 53min

    How The Pain of Prison Created The Purpose For Life with Zachary Babcock Zachary J. Babcock, the host of Underdog Empowerment, came on the Thrive Forever Fit Show, and we chatted about:  *Pain and how to repurpose it into power *Vulnerability  *The importance of fitness *Simplifying your nutrition for success And tons more!  Plus find out who the ONLY two people on the planet are that Zach allows them to call him "sweetheart." Spoiler Alert: I'm one of them  From living with convicted felons in prison to rubbing elbows with multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, Zachary Babcock is a student of psychology, business, and marketing with a broad perspective from both extremes of life. His show is for underdog entrepreneurs who have a grandiose vision, all the odds stacked against them, and everyone counting them out, regardless of their current resources, but they are committed to leveling up, to WIN, and get the respect that they deserve. Listen to Zach's show at: https://underdogempowerment

  • Episode 47: The Cost of Broken Promises

    07/07/2019 Duración: 24min

    The Cost of Broken Promises   The cost of breaking promises to ourselves is unquantifiable.  You eventually get to a place where you no longer believe the words that come out of your mouth.  You eventually get to a place where you don't even trust yourself anymore.  And that is a dangerous place to be in life.  Broken promises lead to:  *Lack of self-worth *No self-belief *Low or non-existent self-esteem  *Zero trust in yourself  If you're in this place, it's not too late to make a shift.  It's not too late to rebuild your self-esteem.  All you have to do is follow the steps we chat about in this podcast episode.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! My NEW book:   The Purpose of Pain: How to Turn Tragedy into Triumph, Because Life’s Not Supposed to Suck! 

  • Episode 46: The EIGHT Person Cleanse

    22/06/2019 Duración: 23min

    The EIGHT Person Cleanse  Removing these eight people from your life NOW is essential to your health and happiness.  **Disclaimer: this will include some of your family and friends - sorry**    8 People That Gotta Go: 1. Those who spread negativity. Here’s the bottom line and something I remind myself all the time. If someone is spreading negativity about others, eventually they will spread it about me. Negative people are only loyal to negativity. Eventually, you will find yourself in their crosshairs.  2. Those you criticize you. Get rid of these jokers immediately. Only surround yourself with people that support and lift you higher.   3. Those who waste your time. TIME is your most valuable resource, and the one thing you can make more of in your life. Time vampires must be let go NOW.  4. Those who are jealous. Jealously is a poison that will kill any relationship. The most dangerous person you can be around is someone that views your success as their failure. &nb

  • Episode 45: Why I Wrote The Purpose of Pain

    06/06/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Why I Wrote The Purpose of Pain In this episode, you get all of the behind the scenes details about why I wrote The Purpose of Pain: How to Turn Tragedy into Triumph, Because Life’s Not Supposed to Suck! Official Book Release Date Coming SOON!!!!!  My client Amity takes the mic and interviews me about:  1. My "story" and how it negatively affected my life.  2. The events to help me create my old story.  3. The catalyst for my decision to change.  4. The process of writing my new story.  5. The steps I utilized today to keep my new story on of abundance.  6. Tons more... Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor and all the other happening spot for podcast entertainment.  Join my Thrive Forever Fit Transformation Program:  The Thrive Forever Fit Program Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook Instagram Grab a copy of my book my 1st book:  The Overweight Mind

  • Episode 44: You Can Have Perfect Sight And No Vision

    29/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    You Can Have Perfect Sight And No Vision - It Happened To Me Last week was challenging for me.  I've been seeking clarity on a couple of projects and business ideas, with little luck.  So like clockwork, the Universe stepped in and began to try to show me the way. I only say "try" because I can be a little, and sometimes she has to work overtime to get her message through my thick skull.  Her first three attempts were subtle and clear, but as I mentioned above, my thick skull sometimes prevents the delivery.  And because she knows I'm a visual learner, she did what only the Universe can do. She planted the message right in front of my face.  As you listen to the podcast, you hear about the following:  1. "Comparison Is the Thief of Joy" ~ Theodore Roosevelt 2. "Unhappiness Is Always Accompanied by Comparison." ~ Ed Mylett 3. How a young man with no sight gave me clarity on my vision - Thanks Jake @jakeolson61 I hope you gave some clarity and vision for yourself after liste

  • Episode 43: "Girl Eat A Cheeseburger" and Other Passive Aggressive Compliments

    22/05/2019 Duración: 12min

    "Girl Eat A Cheeseburger"  In this episode, we talk about:  1. Passive Aggressive Compliments 2. Why People Get Uncomfortable When You Change 3. How to Handle Negative Comments 4. And More... I opted for the title of "Girl Eat A Cheeseburger" because it's an actual statement that was made to one of my clients who is on her weight loss journey.  And it happens all the time.  This topic - Passive Aggressive Compliments - from family, friends, and co-workers gets brought up by 75% of my clientele.  And TRUTH be told it actually has nothing to do with my client and everything to do with the insecurity of the person say it.  I HOPE you're not one of these people, but if you are, this is your opportunity to change.  This is your opportunity to understand how what you're doing is hurtful and detrimental to your relationship.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show! Available on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor and all the other h

  • Episode 42:

    10/05/2019 Duración: 18min
  • Episode 41: You've Been Lied To Again!

    23/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    You've Been Lied To Again! Whoever said showing up is half the battle is full of shit.  The team that shows up but doesn’t perform still gets beat.  If you truly deserve all the things you’re daydreaming about you better stop wandering through life haphazardly.  You better get serious about your success and your efforts.  "You Can't Expect Extraordinary Results From Average Effort" Start living passionately and purposefully.  You deserve the best, but you’re gonna have to give your best to get it.  This will all lead me to discuss STANDARDS and how they dictate your success in life.  Your standards are your benchmarks for performance in all areas of your life. High standards equal high rates of return. Low standards equal a minimal existence and the acceptance of the average.  Today we will discuss and by discuss I mean I'm going to rant about WHY you should never lower your standards if you seak an amazing life.  Truth: Most people lower their standards

  • Episode 40: Are You Being Derailed By Your Default Settings?

    03/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    Are You Being Derailed By Your Default Settings?   In this episode, you'll learn how your default settings are getting in the way of you and your success.  What is a default setting?  Well in the world of technology (phones and computers) A default, in computer science, refers to the preexisting value of a user-configurable setting that is assigned to a software application, computer program or device. ... In many devices, the user has the option to restore these default settings for one or all options. In the human sense, it refers to your brain and your defaulted behaviors based on certain stimuli.  More simply stated you have been pre-programmed (your sub-conscience brian) with default reactions or behaviors. The majority of these defaults were programmed well before you become conscious of what was going on in the world.  Science states that few adults can remember anything that happened to them before the age of 3. Now, a new study has documented that it's about age 7 when

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