Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes



The Harvest Eating vegan podcast is dedicated to plant-based vegan cooking and lifestyle. Discover new whole foods plant-based vegan recipes ideas, new ingredients and cooking techniques focused on a healthy plant based vegan lifestyle.


  • L-Reuteri Yogurt, Fight SIBO, Secrets of The Microbiome,Epi-468

    18/04/2022 Duración: 46min

    Show notes https://keithsnow.com Visit Food Storage Feast-use: save25 to save $25 Lactobacillus Reuteri (L-Reuteri) is a lactic acid strain of bacteria in the Lactobacillaceae family of bacteria. It used to be common in humans and most animals but a steady diet of toxins and pharmaceuticals like Advil, glyphosate, pharma drugs of all kinds plus food additives like polysorbate 80 that is found in many processed foods including ice cream and can slowly kill off L-Reuteri and other beneficial gut bacteria that can allow can overgrowth of bad gut bacteria leading to a common condition called SIBO. Polysorbate 80 is a common food additive that acts as an emulsifier, a solubilizer, and a surfactant. It's generally—but not universally—considered to be a safe substance, although it may cause problems in special cases. One of these cases is in people with Crohn's disease. In this disease, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract is inflamed. Polysorbate 80 may worsen the inflammation. Research performed at Georgia St

  • Epi-467-Potato, Cheddar Onion Bread

    08/04/2022 Duración: 25min

    Visit Keith Snow.com for the show notes and recipe. In today’s episode, I share another recipe for bread that is very soft, slightly luscious, and amazing. This is a simple bread that I originally made using boiled potatoes but found that to take a long time and be a pain in the rump. Using potato flakes is much easier and the results are the same. This bread also freezes very well, so I made two loaves and froze one of them. I also used the bread both toasted and not toasted to make sandwiches, they are delicious. This makes perfect egg salad sandwiches and also a great Italian w ham, salami, mortadella, provolone, shredduce, and roasted peppers. I hope you give this a try. Be sure to tag @harvesteating on Instagram with the photo of your bread.

  • Gluten-Free Banana Pancakes

    30/03/2022 Duración: 16min

    Show notes here-www.keithsnow.com/episodes/gluten-free-banana-pancakes I’ve eaten a bunch of gluten-free pancakes, many that I created, some store-bought. When you decide to avoid or eliminate gluten you likely will long for the foods you once ate, including pancakes, bread, pasta, etc. Pancakes though have a special meaning for me, because I often make them for my children on the weekends, those big breakfasts and times spent together are memories I cherish. Lately, I watch my kids eat those gluten-filled pancakes with a jealous eye and often much frustration. I often think of making them better and imagine me actually enjoying them….without gluten. But until recently, those attempts were never truly satisfying. The trouble with most store-bought recipes is many have too much coconut flour and taste more like the tropics instead of the mountains of Vermont….where pancakes and syrup are very popular I imagine. So I went back to the drawing board and created a gluten-free mix that is pretty darn enjoyable. You

  • The Dumpster fire That Is Government, Big Tech, Banksters-Epi 465

    10/03/2022 Duración: 31min

    Show notes at https://keithsnow.com As I write this there are many signs that America and the constitution that is supposed to protect our freedoms are in serious jeopardy. No matter what institution you observe you’ll find behavior and policies that until a few years ago, did not seem feasible. In this episode, I intend to point out which of these institutions are crumbling and discuss how it affects us as citizens. I really feel for our veterans, who signed up to defend this country, and in many cases, are the most patriotic citizens we have. They must really be sad seeing what has happened to this country. I am patriotic too, but over the last few years, I have experienced a great awakening in my mind and have witnessed many others experience the same thing. Let me outline just a few of the reasons I am coming to this conclusion and why I think we need to talk about it if we are possibly going to survive what is coming. Corrupt Federal Reserve-Painted Itself Into A Corner The Federal Reserve is corrupt and

  • The George Constanza Strategy For Examining The Ukraine/Russia Conflict-Epi-464

    25/02/2022 Duración: 17min

    I tried to write a witty and humorous title but this situation is anything but, it’s a very serious issue that is life and death for the people involved, both in Ukraine and in Russia. It’s also difficult to understand what's really going on, especially with the complicated history of these two countries and that every media outlet, the talking heads at the Whitehouse and all the rhino republicans and crazy liberals that are waving their American flags and chanting Orange man bad, Putin bad, start a war…oh, and get vaxxed, wear a mask and trust the science-its all bs. What I want to illustrate is that taking George Constanza’s strategy here might be the best approach. You see the beloved character in Seinfeld George Constanza, had always failed in most aspects of life; with women, employment, his parents, and just about everything else. He then decided to do the opposite of the usual and things start turning around for him. Listen to this short video titled The Opposite to get a feel for my analogy. So in tr

  • Fake Meat-New Religion Of The Global Elite-Epi 463

    22/02/2022 Duración: 29min

    Show note at keith snow.com Unless you’re living under a rock you've been exposed to the non-stop drumbeat of the fake meat town criers. Fake meat is being touted in every single media outlet on earth; social media, online newspapers, magazines, podcasts like this one, websites, trade shows-heck I’m sure they are flying banners on the fourth of July somewhere pimping Impossible burgers, probably around LA or Long Island! Industry sales of fake meats have zoomed past 1 billion in 2020 and they are growing fast. They are expected to reach over $10 billion in annual sales in the not-to-distant future. Who is buying this stuff? It’s not all vegans, I’m sure some unsuspecting meat eaters have picked up some of the “trust-the-science” burgers in the meat section of the supermarket. In my opinion, the taste is rather insipid and I remember spitting out a sample of one while doing a tasting in a restaurant I was running recently. Yuk, they tasted disgusting. These fake meat pimps have sausage, chicken nuggets, chicke

  • Off The Cuff-Making Simple Gluten-Free Almond Cookies-Epi 462

    20/02/2022 Duración: 12min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com Recently I have been avoiding gluten-containing foods as it causes me difficulties such as skin lesions and even stiff joints. I have purchased some gluten-free cookies over the holidays to accommodate my English father-in-law who has cookies (biscuits) with his daily morning tea. He too is avoiding gluten so we both tried these cookies and found them edible but not really enjoyable. So my quest to make some gluten-free cookies that are chewy, tasty and satisfying began. After a few rounds of making cookies using different ingredients, I settle on using almonds. Almonds can be purchased ground or even ground using a food processor, but it can be tricky as they go from almond flour to almond butter quickly so, in my opinion, it’s easier to buy already ground. I've found Costco to be the most reasonably priced option for buying almond flour, 3 pounds is under $11. I paid $12 for 1 pound at a grocery store, and that store was the most reasonably priced store in town. The resulting c

  • The Big Green Monster-John Deere's Repair Monopoly

    16/02/2022 Duración: 19min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com Nothing runs Like A Deere…….Having been a John Deere tractor owner I understand that these machines can be immensely useful for all types of farmers; from small hobby farmers like I was, to large-scale growers who manage 10’s of thousands of acres of beans or corn or wheat, etc. Sadly as John Deere has grown, they have incorporated many new technologies that are not favorable to farmers such as the excessive use of sensors and software. Basically modern Deere tractors are nothing more than rolling data collectors that incorporate more technology than you could possibly imagine. All this technology renders these units almost unrepairable unless John Deere is part of the equation because as we know, technology can break often! Currently, John Deere employs more software engineers than mechanical engineers which says a lot. Gone are the days when farmers fix their own equipment as they have done forever.  Just like the practice of farmers saving seeds which has been erased by greedy

  • Oh, No Dog Food Shortages Too? How To Make Your Own Dog Food

    09/02/2022 Duración: 23min

    Show Notes at Keith Snow.com As with most things these days, pet food is in short supply and many retailers have large gaps in their offerings.  Pet food is yet one more way we have outsourced everything only to lose control and become vulnerable to these shortages. I found this in a simple search: Many supermarkets, unable to find substitutes, are leaving pet-food shelves empty. Pet-food manufacturers, struggling to secure ingredients and expand production, have signaled that shortages could persist. J.M. Smucker Co. notified retailers in November that it would limit shipments of some pet-food products through January 2023, citing transportation challenges with the supply of wet food — which typically uses imported ingredients. I know I can make food that my dog loves, but is it nutritious? I am not a pet nutrition expert but I feel pretty confident I can easily get my dog the nutrition he needs with some simple additives or supplements. This is not meant to be an exhaustive research exercise on feeding pe

  • Off The Cuff-My Thought On Canadian Truckers Convoy-Epi-459

    04/02/2022 Duración: 20min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com In this episode of Keith Snow, Off The Cuff, I just outline my thoughts on the Canadian truckers convoy and why I love what they are doing. I read this the other day on Children’s Health Defense and wanted to share a quote…. “Canadian and U.S. truck drivers who arrived in Ottawa Jan. 29 to protest COVID vaccine mandates showed no signs of leaving, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today said sending in the army to clear the protesters is “not in the cards right now.” The statement came after Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said Wednesday “there may not be a policing solution to this demonstration” and that he and other commanders were “looking at every single option, including military aid to civil power” to end it.” — https://childrenshealthdefense.org When petty dictators like Trudeau push too hard, eventually people stand up and say NO, I’m glad the truckers are doing this and I pray they stay long enough to make things change, hopefully long enough to rid us all of

  • Dairy Failures Are accelerating, Many Thousands of Farms Will Be Lost Each Year, But Some Operations Adapt And Thrive-Epi-458

    04/02/2022 Duración: 38min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com The United States of America used to be dotted with dairies farms, but the industry has seen a steady decline in the total number of dairy farms while the average size of herds has increased, super dairies are becoming the norm, not the exception.  My uncle, John Snow (one of my dad’s older brothers) had two beautiful dairies, one in Goshen NY, the other on a 174-acre farm in Carlisle, PA (car-lyle). Uncle John milked Holsteins and grew corn and other crops, the farms were so beautiful. Both farms had classic red barns with hay lofts and tractors, I was in love! I can vividly remember sitting in the farmhouse kitchen drinking milk fresh from the bulk tank that was so creamy and thick and raw! My Aunt Judy reminded me I had to finish all my beans and corn before leaving the table. No problem I thought! I also remember being with my cousin Greg in his third-story bedroom listening to a tiny transistor radio with an extra-large antenna pointed out the window that was broadcasting A

  • Our Wellness Regimen To Prevent Viruses-Epi-457

    01/02/2022 Duración: 13min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com Are you a germophobe? Do you have children? Have you heard the term “widespread flu”? If you answered yes to these questions your family might be a lot like my family. We had our first child in 2002, Olivia was such a gem, she’s 19 now and has turned into an amazing young lady. She has taught us so much over the last nearly 2 decades including much about germs and staying healthy. As she went from infant to toddler we eventually tried to introduce her to daycare and found a little place in South Carolina a few miles from our farm that has a spot for her where we could introduce her to other kids and let her socialize. I think I took her there a total of 5-6 times before witnessing the junk food they fed kids (frozen chicken nuggets etc.) and also how often the kids were sick. It was common to see the children with gnarly green mucus dripping down their faces and in their mouths (I know, a gross image I’m describing here) which I found disgusting. I never saw the caregivers ever wi

  • The Homesteading Revolution-Epi-456

    01/02/2022 Duración: 22min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com Unless you are living under a rock you’ve witnessed the utter explosion of homesteading that is happening in the united states. For a variety of reasons, people from all walks of life are ditching cities and suburbia with their traffic, consumerism, the explosion of Karens, plandemic mandates and nonsense, Hoa’s, and other factors to live in the country. Terms like regenerative ag, Permaculture, permaculture orchard, pasture-raised, rotational grazing, homes-steading, home butchering, family farming, free-range chickens, mini-farm, off-grid, decentralized food movement are terms that are becoming common in our cultural vernacular. ““We chose homesteading to have more control over what we eat (healthier, fresher) and to teach our children these skills. It’s important to us that they become good stewards of the land and it’s provisions, valuing what has been provided. It has also taught the basic principle ‘you have to work to eat’ in a very real way.”” — Stephanie, The Accidental

  • The Great Political Realignment of America-Epi-455

    01/02/2022 Duración: 24min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com America is on the move like never before. Some would say at a tectonic level and for many, the driver is as much political as it is economic or for safety. The top five blue states seeing a mass exodus are all Democrat-controlled. The U.S. Census Bureau says, California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Illinois lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019, so this phenomenon is ongoing, not new. U-Haul reported that the top five states to see the greatest influx of new residents include the Republican-led states of Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, and Arizona. The safer red states with a government that tends to be more freedom-oriented, have less taxes, and fewer mandates. People are not only moving between states but between counties in the same states. So out of blue cities to more rural or suburban outside cities. The financial effect of this is not good for cities making the problems that existed to cause departure, even worse. Crime, high taxes, mandates, c

  • What is Regenerative Agriculture and How can it Help Our Soil-Epi-454

    01/02/2022 Duración: 28min

    Show notes at Keith Snow.com There is a movement underfoot across the country, in fact, the world, and it’s called Regenerative Agriculture. It’s based on 5 principles: Limit or eliminate soil disturbance (do not till) Keep armor on the soil at all times (plant matter covering bare soil) Plant diversity, no mono-crops (multiple species planted at once in fields to build diversity) Keep living roots in the fields all year long if possible (do not leave fields fallow) Move ruminant animals over the land (cows, sheep, goats) Some amazing farmers are preaching the good word around the country to educate other farmers. I think these farmer-educators are national heroes. Photo Credit-Brown’s Ranch, ND Farmers who are tired of being tied to a failing system that is harming their land and their wallets are finding a new way, a regenerative way to heal their land and build the profit back into farming. If you look at the photo above you will see a large herd of cows being rotationally grazed or mob-graze

  • Is This The End Of Chemical Agriculture-? Epi- 453

    01/02/2022 Duración: 42min

    See full show notes at Keith Snow.com s This End Of Chemical Agriculture? Since the mid-19th-century usage of NPK fertilizer has increased by over 800% up to 2019. This has allowed modern AG to produce a massive amount of food that is used for all sorts of products from cereal, non-dairy milk to fuel additives and beyond. The USA exports billions of tons of commodity foods each year to countries all over the globe. “U.S. agricultural exports in fiscal year (FY) 2022 are projected at $175.5 billion, down $2.0 billion from the August forecast, but still a record if realized. This decrease is driven by reductions in oilseed and oilseed product exports that are partially offset by increases in livestock, poultry, dairy, cotton, and ethanol exports.” — USDA All this food production comes at a steep cost to farmers, the environment, and most importantly, this soil! Studies show that foods grown on American soil have steadily declined in nutritive value. Vitamins, Minerals, and other components of basic foods (fr

  • Episode 452-Chili Colorado-Beef Chunks In Red Sauce

    10/12/2021 Duración: 23min

    See today's show notes over at Harvest Eating Chili Colorado is a simple dish made with beef (or pork), usually beef that is stewed in a mixture of rehydrated chilis with some onion, garlic, and a few simple spices. I use several dried Mexican chilis….Ancho and Guajilo chilies are rehydrated in hot water after being “warmed” up in a dry skillet. I used 4.25 lbs of chuck, 1 large white onion, 5 garlic cloves, 4 Ancho, and 5 Guajilo chiles along with about 5 cups of stock, 3 cups beef, 2 cups chicken. Takes about 3 hours 30 minutes to stew the beef. Serve with rice or on corn tortillas with radish, sour cream, raw onion and cilantro. You will be amazed at how tender and succulent it is and also how little heat it has. These chiles are not very spicy but have TONS of complex flavor. I hope you give it shot! Resources for this episode: Buy Harvest Eating Merch Enroll Now-Food Storage Feast Shop-Harvest Eating Store Harvest Eating On Telegram Harvest Eating on Mewe Harvest Eating on Instagram Harvest Eating on Fa

  • Episode 451-Simple Holiday Appetizers

    08/12/2021 Duración: 32min

    In today’s show, I discuss some simple apps you can make for your holiday parties. The first is a simple chicken and mushroom mousse served with crostini and the second is whipped goat cheese with pepper jelly, also very easy to make. The chicken mushroom mousse is a recipe in the Harvest Eating Cookbook for those that have a copy. I hear there are still some used ones on Amazon if interested. Refer to the book to make the mousse, or listen to the audio above. To make the whipped goat cheese on crackers with pepper jelly you’ll need some basic ingredients: 3 bell peppers, a few colors like red green orange, or yellow, seeds ribs removed, cut into small cubes, no bigger than 1/4 1 spicy pepper, habanero or similar, or sub a jalapeno, leave seeds if you like it spicy 2 lbs Granny Smith apples 1-1/2 tsp salt 1-1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup cider vinegar The procedure is simple, roughly chop up the apples and throw them into a saucepot, skins, seeds, all of it. Bring to simmer and let cook like 45 minute

  • Episode 450-Snow Family Thanksgiving 2021

    19/11/2021 Duración: 26min

    On today’s show, I discuss our plans for Thanksgiving 2021. I’ll talk about our menu and some basic thoughts on my favorite food holiday. Here is a video on making cranberry sauce See this search for a bunch of recipes/videos etc. Resources for this episode: Buy Harvest Eating Merch Enroll Now-Food Storage Feast Shop-Harvest Eating Store Harvest Eating On Telegram Harvest Eating on Mewe Harvest Eating on Instagram Harvest Eating on Facebook Harvest Eating Cookbook Harvest Eating Podcast Support Harvest Eating

  • Episode 449-Egg Recipe Ideas, Tennessee Trip Update

    12/11/2021 Duración: 45min

    Today I want to speak about all the ways you can use eggs. In tough times eggs can save your life…I meant it! Eggs are an excellent protein and fat source that just about anyone can produce. Chickens and ducks do not need vast acreages, just a backyard and a few basic items like feeders, water source, coop, etc. nothing beyond the reach of most able-bodied, motivated people. Eggs are one of the most versatile protein sources and can be used any time of day for stand-alone dishes or as an addition to many other dishes like meatballs, meatloaf, stir fry, myriad baked goods, etc, etc. On a homestead, eggs are probably the first thing to focus on as birds can be used to help process many other “waste” items like kitchen scraps, weeds, and trimmings of bushes, grains, and of course insect reduction. Ducks and chickens are excellent at eating ticks, flies, worms, slugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and many other insect pests. Ducks and chickens also provide excellent fertilizer for free! Some permaculture practitio

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