Journal Theory



Write. Share. Evolve


  • All the things I WISH I had said!

    06/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    Have you ever looked back  on a situation and said, “Man.. What I wish I had said was this….” I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but there have been countless times where I have been in the shower, replaying a situation in my head over and over and over again (actually having the conversation out loud with myself) saying all the things I wish I had the balls to say in the moment. You’ve done that right!?! In this episode, I dive into : ⇢ how this can be adding to your stress levels ⇢ how you can use this as a means to highlight deeper rooted issues ⇢ how to use this to prepare for conversations in the future ⇢ how to live out some fantasies

  • Buh-Bye WORRY | The tools I use to Shift out of this Space!

    15/08/2019 Duración: 21min

    I used to call myself a worry wart, a stress ball, someone who constantly worried about the future. I literally wore it like a badge of honor. Why? I have no damn clue, because all it felt like a terrible place to be in. I simply just didn’t have the tools to shift out of that space. I experienced a moment of grace when a friend gifted me a book called “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. That book took me on a rabbit hole of personal and spiritual development that I am happy to say I am still spiraling out on. But that moment was a godsend for me. An eye opener. A gift from the Universe. I cannot imagine where I would be right now, or what I would NOT have if I hadn’t accepted that gift. Which is why I want to share some of this with you. I’ve learned so many crazy, VALUABLE tools that help me when I begin to go down the path of worry… because let’s be honest, we all do it. Join me in today’s episode to learn how to shift out of this space and avoid staying in the ultra negative space of

  • When Shit Hits the Fan…

    08/08/2019 Duración: 15min

    One lesson I learned in 2018 is that when shit starts to hit the fan and all kinds of things seem like they are falling apart or blowing up around you, it’s because future experiences are being rearranged and put into play for you. The things you’ve been asking for, the intentions you’ve set and the manifestations you visualized are making their way to you. And sometimes, when we truly get into a place of alignment, the pace in which the path begins to unfold becomes more rapid that we could ever expect. And it is disguised by a clusterfuck of things happening at once. ⠀⠀I like to think of it as being similar to the rearranging of furniture in a room. Before it becomes a beautiful, put together space, it feels cluttered and unappealing and always frustrating. ⠀⠀But it’s temporary!⠀⠀And so it’s the same for the rearranging process in life. So be thankful when shit hits the fan and allow it to do its dirty work because better things are right around the corner. ⠀

  • How I Anchored BIG Emotions into my Daughter… and Didn’t Even Know it

    22/07/2019 Duración: 19min

    I’ve sung to my daughter Avery ever since she I knew she was coming into our lives. When she was a newborn, there was one made-up song in particular I would sing to her when it was just the two of us and we were having a “moment.” If you’ve been through the process of becoming a new mom then you know how many highly emotional “moments” you have in those first few months. I felt elated, I felt exhausted, I was filled with love and yet somehow still felt a sense of sadness work its way through me. That’s the heaviness of new-mom life. As she got older I kept singing to her, but that intimate little song I sang to her as a newborn (let’s just call it Baby Girl) stopped being sung. I never forgot it though. How could I? A couple of weeks ago, my now 2 year old was sitting on my lap and we were singing songs from Frozen. And let me just tell you, I can ROCK Love is an Open Door like nobody’s business. Just ask Avery

  • How to Overcome Phone Anxiety!

    13/06/2019 Duración: 25min

    She asked me if I wanted to practice role playing sales on the phone…

  • How to Create more CONFIDENCE- Understand Fears & Accepting Compliments

    03/06/2019 Duración: 23min

    A lack of self-confidence is the product of many things: beliefs, conditioning, distrust, and fear. We so often fear situations and experiences without exploring the reasons why. When you can understanding WHAT & WHY you fear something, you gift yourself the power to change it! Why are we so terrible at accepting compliments? When we deflect compliments we are actually cutting ourselves off from the flow of good energy being intentionally served to us. We deflect because our current self-image isn’t aligned with the words being spoken to us. So, we sabotage… Listen to this Episode to learn how to Create More Confidence in these types of situations! Get your FREE Workbook on 13 Ways to Build More Self-Confidence!!! Join our Confidence Community over on Facebook!

  • A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness with Author Mark Van Buren

    27/05/2019 Duración: 48min

    I am happy to introduce our first male guest to the podcast! Woah… did you notice that? We have had all women as guests of Journal Theory in the first year of airing. Time to switch it up folks! Join us for this episode where Mark Van Buren and I chat about: The Purpose of Meditation, it’s Benefits & Misconceptions, letting go of what other’s think of us and we discuss why it’s challenging for many of us to get present & be in the now! To learn more from Mark, you can find him here: @authormarkvanburen Get his book: A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness Get your FREE Workbook to gain 13 Ways to Build More Self-Confidence right. Start taking action today! DOWNLOAD HERE Join the ultimate Confidence Community to continue taking steps towards your most Badass & Confident version of you- Join Shy Girl Bye  

  • “I Feel like Oprah!” How the Journey to Surgery turned to Body-Mind-Spirit Transformation with Pamela Emmert

    15/05/2019 Duración: 46min

    When Pamela got the news that she was going to need surgery, she quickly found out that she was going to have to lose a significant amount of weight before she could go under. Although the goal was to drop the pounds and get the surgery, she found an unexpected connection begin to form between her body, mind and spirit. Her recovery became more of a sabbatical, leaving her feeling alive, more capable than ever, and feeling like Oprah! YES PLEASE! You HAVE to listen to this full episode to feel the infectious energy that this beautiful soul exudes! Come soak up the wise & wildly inspirational words of Pamela Emmert on this episode of the Journal Theory Podcast!   Connect with Pamela- Click HERE   Do you want to Create more Confidence in your life? Come join the SHY GIRL BYE Community over on Facebook where we talk about all the different ways you can shift out of shyness and step into confidence!

  • Manifestation 101 + The Power of Vision Boards with Kim Khunaraksa

    08/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    When someone tells you that they Manifested half of their 2019 vision board in less than 30 days, you LISTEN! In this episode I sat down with Kim from Mind Your Vibe where we get down and woo-woo to talk about how you can you use vision boards amongst other tips & techniques to help you in the manifestation process. Listen to the full episode! Connect with Kim @mindyourvibe   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @jordanpthomson @journaltheory If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to join the Club! In this private Facebook group, I do live trainings to give you the tools and accountability to begin overcoming your shyness and stepping into confidence! Connect with myself and other women right now!!! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • Body. Mind. Spirituality. Balance. WE COVER IT ALL! with Kayla Michelle

    03/05/2019 Duración: 50min

    From fitness being a gateway drug, to upleveling and the spiritual side of transformation- Kayla and I chat about so many relevant topics on growth and the changes we go through when we transform our bodies & minds ! Listen to this Episode with Kayla Michelle of Fituition as we dive into some of my favorite topics! Connect with Kayla Website: Instagram @kaylamichelle_fituition     Enroll in the Confident Conversationalist Masterclass now! If you want to have the courage and confidence to be able to bring up hard issues, then this is for you! In this training, I am teaching you VALUABLE communication skills that will serve you in your personal & professional lives that you can use… for the rest of your life! Enroll HERE       Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @jordanpthomson @journaltheory If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to join the Club! In this private Facebook group, I do live trainings to give you the t

  • Breaking Up to Thriving with Brooke Walker

    18/04/2019 Duración: 37min

    I absolutely love a story when a woman wakes up from a break up or a relationship to see that she was meant for so much more. I love when a woman realizes her worth and steps into more of her potential. Today’s podcast guest is Brooke Walker who went from a girl going through the motions of a relationship to thriving on her own and being in a new relationship that supports her growth.   Listen to the full episode!   Connect with Brooke! @brkewlkr Enroll in the Confidence Catalyst Group Coaching Program now!!   Imagine for a moment you had all of these: Complete body. mind & spirit alignment  A new confident identity that looked nothing like the one that shapes you now.  The tools & the power to change your mood and emotions instantly  A wildly capable mindset.  Skills to openly converse and engage with anyone, in any setting.   Massive Self-Love. Ready to create a catalyst in your life? Enroll HERE and get bonus pricing for first rounders   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growt

  • The Challenges of being a Single Teen Mom with Cera

    11/04/2019 Duración: 42min

    One of the biggest transformations I have been through was stepping into the role of motherhood. As we all know, being a parent comes with its slough of hardships. Today’s guest talks about what her experience has been like as teen mom as well as a single parent, how it lead to her career as a Nurse and the life lessons she has learned in her journey so far.     Book Recommendation for Mom’s raising little boys: Preparing Him for the Other Woman   Enroll in the Confidence Catalyst Group Coaching Program now!!   Imagine for a moment you had all of these: Complete body. mind & spirit alignment  A new confident identity that looked nothing like the one that shapes you now.  The tools & the power to change your mood and emotions instantly  A wildly capable mindset.  Skills to openly converse and engage with anyone, in any setting.   Massive Self-Love. Ready to create a catalyst in your life? Enroll HERE   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @jordan

  • My Tony Robbins Experience!

    25/03/2019 Duración: 58min

    I just had my first Tony Robbins experience at Unleash the Power Within and needless to say it was UHHHHHMAZING!!! Listen to the full episode as I take you through how this manifested in my life, what those 4 days looked like and how its impacting me now!       Sign up for UPW!!   Enroll in the Confident Conversationalist Masterclass now! If you want to have the courage and confidence to be able to bring up hard issues, then this is for you! In this training, I am teaching you VALUABLE communication skills that will serve you in your personal & professional lives that you can use… for the rest of your life! Enroll HERE   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @jordanpthomson @journaltheory If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to join the Club! In this private Facebook group, I do live trainings to give you the tools and accountability to begin overcoming your shyness and stepping into confidence! Connect wit

  • You have to FEEL to HEAL with Riley Abang

    15/03/2019 Duración: 46min

    “When we are disconnected from our body, we are disconnecting ourselves from our intuition and our pain. Our pain is really valuable because when you go into your pain, you go into your life and who you really are. When we focus only on the mindset game, it stays above our shoulders all day long…” What a beautiful conversation Riley and I had on the podcast about the necessary connection we need to have with our bodies and our physical senses in order to fully heal areas of our life. Tune into the full episode to learn why its so important that we FEEL in order to HEAL.   Connect with Riley Website: Instagram: @wildaircoaching Enroll in the Confident Conversationalist Masterclass now! If you want to have the courage and confidence to be able to bring up hard issues, then this is for you! In this training, I am teaching you VALUABLE communication skills that will serve you in your personal & professional lives that you can use… for the rest of your life! Enroll HERE       Join me on Instagr

  • Saying YES to life with Reese Evans

    08/03/2019 Duración: 43min

    Have you ever thought about what would happen if you constantly said yes to life?  Or better yet… what if you knew the answer was always going to be yes when you asked for what you wanted? My guest on today’s episode is impacting tons of lives and teaching others how to create their own YES life! Reese Evans is the gorgeous soul who is running the show over at Yes Supply as CEO, creator, manifestor, teacher, NLP coach and boss babe. Not only has Reese impacted me personally, but she is empowering others like me (and you!) to take our lives into our own hands with the tools we have within us. Please join me for this incredible episode with Reese! Connect with Reese Website: Instagram: @yessupply Facebook Group: Yes Supply Society  FREE 5-Day Training with Reese MASTERCLASS for aspiring Coaches & Freedom Based Entrepreneurs enroll in the Confident conversationalist masterclass now! If you want to have the courage and confidence to be able to bring up hard issues, then this is for you! I

  • 44: Ending Anxiety Around Money with Mandyy Thomas

    22/02/2019 Duración: 42min

    Have you ever thought about getting a personal trainer? What about a personal trainer for your MONEY!? Bet ya never thought of that! My guest on the podcast today, Mandyy Thomas is an Online Financial Coach- she helps people who make good money but don’t know where it goes, create a plan to keep more of it. If you want to get clarity on your finances, make progress on achieving your goals and end anxiety around money, start by listening to this episode! Website: Everyday Money Facebook Group: Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guid

  • 43: Let’s talk about Shame

    16/02/2019 Duración: 16min

    For the longest time I felt like I had to have some seriously messed up things happen in my life in order to justify having feelings like unworthiness, being shy, or feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. So I hung on to being a child of divorce and losing a parent as almost badges of justification to feel ashamed… pretty messed up right? I went live the other day in my FB group to talk about these things and felt called to share with everyone. Please listen to the full episode. Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills

  • 42: Dating Mindset & Relationship Probs with Kenna Renee

    08/02/2019 Duración: 38min

    Hey all you Single Moms out there, this one is for you! Actually, anyone who is dating or currently in a relationship could actually benefit from today’s talk. On this episode of the Journal Theory Podcast, my guest Kenna & I dive into dating mindset and many of the pitfalls we experience in relationships. I don’t think many of us ever think about having someone to guide us through something like dating, but think about it… it is a space in our lives where we often don’t have any idea what we are doing! Listen for all the tips & goodies in this episode!   Connect with Kenna! >>> Kenna Renee is a dating coach for Bad Ass single moms who are ready for the exceptional love they deserve.  Growing up with a single mom for part of her life, she takes an at heart approach to build new skills, and draw out the confident, magnetic woman within!     Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morni

  • 41: Morning Routine Series- Move & Vibe Up!

    06/02/2019 Duración: 17min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Moving & Vibing up. Changing your physiology changes your emotion and the overall way you feel. When we can intentionally move our bodies in a way that produces a good feeling, we raise our vibration, emit positively charged energy and release stress, Plus, who doesn’t love a good dance party? Listen to the full episode to get the full scoop on vibing up and the different ways to move intentionally! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! If

  • 40: Morning Routine Series: Visualization

    30/01/2019 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Visualization. Imagine you are walking through a gorgeous home- it has beautiful hard wood, tons of natural lighting, bright marble kitchen, decked out in all of your favorite accents. You’re surrounded by your loved ones, you’re spending the perfect day in this house and nothing could feel more right… until you realize its yours. Could you imagine the incredible feelings that would come along with that experience? This is just one small example of Visualization. Its a powerful tool in the manifestation process and is a great way to give life to your affirmations. Listen to the full episode to hear my take on Visualization! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective story

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