Journal Theory



Write. Share. Evolve


  • 39: Morning Routine Series: Affirmations

    28/01/2019 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Affirmations. An affirmation is a statement that is powerful, positive and empowering. We use affirmations to celebrate our current reality as well as create our future reality. By speaking affirmations aloud each day, you can incrementally change your beliefs about your self. Listen to this episode to get the full discussion on Affirmations! S Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to

  • 38: Morning Routine Series: Mindfood

    21/01/2019 Duración: 18min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Reading. For years I felt like reading business & personal development books felt like work. I much preferred listening to audiobooks or podcasts… okay, I still do! However, I see so much value in reading in the morning. It helps you sharpen your mind, open your energy to learning in your day and you are way more likely to absorb the information first thing in the morning rather than when you are half-asleep at night! Tune in for my reasons why you should read, why you shouldn’t stress about reading a lot, and how I stay consistent with it. Some of my FAVE personal development books:The Big Leap by Gay HendricksYou are a Badass by Jen SinceroGirl Wash Your Face by Rachel HollisThe Law of Attraction by Jerry & Esther HicksThe One Thing by Gary KellerBig Magic by Elizabeth GilbertThe Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown Get the Blinkist App! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eB

  • 37: Morning Routine Series: Meditation

    16/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Meditation. I’ve had an off-and-on relationship with Meditation over the past couple of years, but 2018 was the year I really committed. You guys, its not a bunch of woo-woo crap- it is by far the most calming thing you can do for yourself! Stress is one of the biggest causes of health & relationship issues and this tool is yet another free, foolproof way of de-stressing. Listen to the full episode hear why you should meditate, get some of my suggestions and my favorite guided meditations! My Faves on YouTube!Rising Higher MeditationThe Honest GuysYellow Brick Cinema Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @j

  • 36: Morning Routine Series: Journaling

    14/01/2019 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Journaling. My lifelong pal, the journal, is one of the BEST tools to use for idea creation, negative release and overall self-care. Listen to the full episode to get tips and tools on what to write about, why you should be journaling and some of my fave places to get journals! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to the Club! In this private Facebook group, I do live trainings to giv

  • 35: Morning Routine: What is it & Why do I need it?

    09/01/2019 Duración: 21min

      I’ve talked time and time again about Morning Routine, and now I want to get into the nitty-gritty and tell you ALL about what it is, why you need it and how you can craft your own routine. Enjoy this mini-series of Morning Routine episodes on: Meditation, Journaling, Reading, Affirming, Visualization, Moving & Vibing Up! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! If you’re a Shy Girl, or Recovering Shy girl, you NEED to our Club! Connect with myself and other women right now!!! Join Shy Girl Bye Clu

  • 34: Stepping into Confidence with I AM statements

    21/12/2018 Duración: 20min

    Your belief about yourself is the driving force that creates your reality. So how do we change it? It starts with changing our language. Listen to this episode where I dive into I AM statements and how they shape our identity! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • 33: Sobriety, Shedding Labels & Energetic Boundaries with Ariana Fotinakis

    14/12/2018 Duración: 37min

    Ariana Fotinakis is an intuitive coach, writer, and avid lover of fitness. After struggling with addiction for over 10 years, she turned her life around by first focusing on her health, and then by focusing on serving others. She now coaches women in a variety of capacities from fitness to business, helping them strengthen their connections to their inner guidance systems so they can confidently take action towards big scary goals. Join our chat today as we dive into the transformational story of getting sober, reconnecting with true identity, establishing energetic boundaries and so much more! Soak up some of Ariana’s recommendations! Books: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks (this one has been changing my life lately!!!) Daring Greatly &  Braving the Wilderness both by Brene Brown Mind Your Business Podcast with James Wedmore The Honest Guys YouTube Channel- these are excellent meditations!! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with

  • 32: Is the Universe Testing Your Desire for More?

    08/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    Do you ever have those moments where you feel like the Universe is testing your desire for more? Do you feel like you go back and forth with feeling like you should be content with what you have now, and dreaming about this life you know you are capable of living? Listen to this!         Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.  

  • 31: This Book is Changing my Life | Identifying my Upper Limit Problem

    01/12/2018 Duración: 14min

    I’m only half way through this book and it is changing my life and answering so many unknown questions of why I have not been able to make massive breakthroughs happen. Read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks to experience some serious mindset magic! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • 30: Your Story is Not my Story | Weight Loss & Transformation with Davina Faust

    23/11/2018 Duración: 35min

    Tony Robbins says crisis creates breakthrough. You either let it take you down, or catapult you into growth. What happens when a bullied, overweight girl grows up to realize her self-worth? A fierce woman and advocate for change! In this episode I sit down with Davina Faust, a transformation expert and weight loss success story. Davina talks about her past of being bullied, her relationship with her body and how they led her to completely transforming her body and her mind. Connect with Davina! Instagram: @davinafaust Turning Pain into Power Podcast Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • 29: I Stole for the Boy Who Didn’t Even Care About Me | Acting of Alignment & the Repercussions

    18/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    Sometimes sharing our story means sharing the things that we aren’t proud of, the things we’ve been embarrassed about, the things that taught us a lesson or two. In this episode I tell a funny story (not-so-funny-back-then) about how my first heartbreak lead me to almost getting arrested and grounded for an entire summer. Join me for some insight and some storytelling and hopefully a lesson or two learned =)   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • 28: You are not Damaged | Healing the Past with Natalie Turner

    10/11/2018 Duración: 49min

    “You are not damaged. Because you are still this worthy, valuable incredible woman, you owe it to yourself to do the work to truly heal. And to really look at yourself and acknowledge your agency in the situation, and the choices you made and know with confidence on how you want to be moving forward.” – Natalie Turner 30 never felt so good. Natalie is sharing her story about how she landed herself in 2 marriages during her 20s and what the growth has been like, healing from each one. As always, we save the good bits for last so stick around the whole episode to get some #truth from Natalie.   Connect with Natalie! Instagram: @nataliecturner Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.

  • 27: Taking Action When we Don’t Want to with Hannah from Abundantly Rooted

    03/11/2018 Duración: 31min

    Listen to this episode where Hannah from Abundantly Rooted & I went live on Instagram! We talked all about taking action when we don’t want to. Reasons Why We don’t want to Act: We’re scared We don’t know where to start We don’t feel motivated   Pinnable Quotes: “Asking & taking action is like flexing a muscle.” “Motivation is a Choice” “Nobody made the full that you can only make goals in January.   Actionable Step: Get an accountability partner or join a Mastermind!     Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory   Join the Journal Theory Crew Facebook Group! All my Shy Girls, this one is for you! Join Shy Girl Bye Club.  

  • 26: When the Mind becomes harder to Conquer than the Body | Postpartum Depression vs. Spina Bifida with Lauren Dyer

    31/10/2018 Duración: 48min

    Lauren is a health & wellness coaching specializing in women and mothers who are living life with a disability. Growing up with Spina Bifida, Lauren had spent a significant amount of time in and out of the operating room. At nearly 20 years old a surgery on her spine left her partially paralyzed. After coursing through this new challenge, she met her husband and began to create a family. Two children later, Lauren is helping others overcome their own debilitations. Surgeries, wheelchairs and the pain were undoubtedly a challenge, but nothing was harder and more challenging than dealing with Postpartum Depression after her second child. It was the lowest point in her life which ultimately lead to self-harm. When medication was not enough, a stroll through Barnes & Noble gave her the first tool she needed to begin to heal herself. Read the book that changed her life: “Hot Mess to Mindful Mom” Listen to Lauren’s story on the Full Episode!   Connect with Lauren!   Instagram: @spiritualmeditationmama   Join me on

  • 25: How to Tap into your Intuition

    29/10/2018 Duración: 13min

    What does it mean to actually listen or hear your intuition for the first time? You’ve probably heard it a lot in your lifetime: trust your gut, follow your instincts, listen to your intuition. You may be really in tune with that already and you may not. You may already notice what its like when your intuition is speaking up, but you don’t follow it. Your gut, your instinct, your intuition it’s all the same thing. Its your Internal Guidance System, your internal GPS. It’s this guidance system within you that is connected to your source, provider, source, God whatever you believe in. Its this unseen, not tangible connection to the universal energy that is. Although it may not be physical, its metaphysical as its part of your energetic source. Whatever you want to call it, trust in your Gut! What does that mean? This can show up in a couple of ways: Your internal Guidance is in place to guide you in the best direction at all times. I believe that its there to always steer you in the best direction, not necessar

  • 24: Abandoning Expectations & Stepping into the Life you ALREADY Know you Want to Live with Kelsey Hezam

    26/10/2018 Duración: 48min

    You know those people who just seem like a ball of light? They resonate with you and you feel drawn to their energy. Well, Kelsey is totes one of those people for me! I immediately felt at ease when we sat down and recorded the show together. I think what especially drew me to Kelsey is her fresh & positive perspective on life. From having gone through the trauma of losing a parent as a teenager, the financial struggles of declaring bankruptcy, and making a major life change of converting to Islam,  she’s the good in all of it. She sees the lessons and knows that every hardship up until this point has lead her down the path she already knew she wanted to go. Those are my kind of people =) Listen to Kelsey’s story as we talk about how being an outsider can be freeing and abandoning expectations so you can step into the live that you were meant to live.   Connect with Kelsey! Instagram: @kelsey.hezam You can Have it All Podcast! You Can Have it All Facebook Group Join me on Instagram for more connective storyte

  • 23: Choosing a Career out of Scarcity vs. Trusting your Path in Abundance with Jackie Wist

    24/10/2018 Duración: 44min

    In this episode of Journal Theory, I talk with Jackie Wist- a Mama, Wife & Life/Biz Coach for Mom’s who want to build their online brand without sacrificing precious time with their families. We talk about what happens when we take career paths that are not aligned with who we are, why sustainable actions are necessary in business and family life, and a FAVE topic of mine- Scarcity vs. Abundant Mindset. Listen the Full Episode for Jackie’s Story! Actionable Items: How to Have more energy & get HIGH VIBE today! Wake up earlier than you would normally get up, perhaps 15-30 minutes even if that means before the kiddos get up! Stand up straight, reach up to the sky, smile a big ridiculous grin and say thank you! Start the day with 3 things you’re grateful for… journal it out or speak it out loud! Have a dance party. You can’t be grumpy when you’re dancing! Recommendations from Jackie: Book- Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins Podcast- The Life Coach School by Brooke Castillo Podcast- Badass Business Babe Podc

  • 22: Self Care. Defining and getting clear on what matters

    12/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    After interviewing podcast guests for about a month now, there is an overwhelming theme I keep coming across… self-care. During the month of August I found myself in a complete funk. Downright depressed one of the days and it was completely out of the blue, so unlike me, but I could not get myself out of it. What’s the first thing to go when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Time for ourselves. This is the last thing that should fall to the wayside, yet we let ourselves become a lower priority. We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” and the message is true. But not only that, you cannot pour at all when there is no cup. When we don’t create a solid foundation of who we are, we are I began to see and hear the message of having NON-negotiables everywhere! From my podcast guests, to the podcasts I was listening to, to my own friends and family. Every sign was leading me to see that I needed to implement this back into my life… now. And hello! I have been preaching morning routine

  • 21: The Events that Caused One Year of Massive Growth with Haley Cole

    10/10/2018 Duración: 40min

    When you were 23 years old, were you thinking about how to improve yourself, grow, work on your mindset, spread love & vulnerability? Not me! I wish I had the mindset that Haley Cole has at such a young age. Haley is the creator of The Bold & Bright where she is inspiring others on their health and wellness journeys. In this episode, we discuss all the events that lead up to a BIG year of massive growth and change: from toxic relationships and dysmorphic body image to masking emotions and how to grow through them. Listen to the full episode to hear Haley’s Story!   Haley’s 3 things we can do NOW to start loving who we are: Look in the mirror and say 3 things you like about you Journaling- write about good things in the day, do a pulse check asking why you are feeling the way you’re feeling. Meditation!! Don’t just accept a mediocre life. Connect with Haley! Blog: The Bold & Bright Instagram: @theboldandbright__ Facebook: @TheBoldandBright Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth

  • 20: The Mindset of a Triplet Mama with Marta Spirk

    07/10/2018 Duración: 43min

    Mindset, Motherhood, and making shit happen! This mom of triplets truly does do it all and she is doing in unapologetically. I am grateful to have had Marta Spirk join me for this episode where we talk about making your own way, following those passionate pulls outside of the roll of motherhood, and the mindset work that is foundation to it all. Marta dropped some seriously Pinterest-worthy mind food during our chat and I simply could not resist sharing a few here. When we are not present with what we are doing, we aren’t enjoying any of it to its fullest.   You are not a victim of circumstances. This is a mother of triplets UNDER 3 years old you guys…. if she can do it, so can the rest of us.     Marta’s Book Suggestions: A Tribe Called Bliss by Lori Harder High Performance Habits by Brendan Burchard     A last message for Moms: You’re already doing the hardest, so challenge yourself to do the things you really want to do.   Connect with Marta Instagram: @fittripletmom @momdoesitallpodcast Facebook: Marta Sp

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