Journal Theory



Write. Share. Evolve


  • 19: I was the girl that NEVER got hit on…

    29/09/2018 Duración: 07min

    It’s likely the title of this post made you roll your eyes. Okay, so you didn’t get “hit on” when you were younger… big deal! Believe it or not its not an important part of the story. In fact, its just a story. But there was a big lesson I learned from it. Read on… Back in my single days, my friends and I would go out to the bars and I remember I rarely got approached by guys. I was never the girl who got free drinks, and I certainly never walked away from a night of bar hopping with a crush, a phone number, or a date. I’m not trying to toot my own horn here but I felt like I was attractive. I certainly was not the “duff.” I had a good head on my shoulders. People, I had things to offer!! So why was it that I was not receiving the kind of attention that my friends were? I honestly starting asking myself, “How come nobody ever comes and hits on me, or no guys ever come and talk to me?” If they did, it was somebody who was so completely far off from anybody that I would ever be interested. Sorry to say it but i

  • 18: Getting Unstressed: Real Talk about Overwhelm, Stealing Moments for Yourself & Taking Care of who we are at our CORE with Liz Carlile

    26/09/2018 Duración: 37min

    Like many first time moms, Liz Carlile found herself beyond stressed, resentful and tired of not having any time for herself. After having her first son she quickly realized that her lack of self-care was not serving her whatsoever. Slowly but surely, she began to steal moments for herself throughout her week and through that, she began to create a new mother, unstressed. I got the opportunity to chat with Liz and my goodness she is #goals! This gorgeous mama has truly taken her story of being an overwhelmed new mother and turned it into a full-fledged business. This budding entrepreneur is impacting the world through coaching, podcasting, and many other endeavors. Listen to the full episode where Liz and I talk about de-stressing, dealing with overwhelm, stealing moments for yourself, spirituality, and the ONE thing anybody can do today to begin to “unstress.”   Connect with Liz Podcast: Motherhood Unstressed Instagram: @motherhoodunstressed Read What Liz is reading! “Captivate” by Vanessa Van Edwards Join m

  • 17: Microscope Theory | When we take ACTION based off what we think OTHERS want from us.

    21/09/2018 Duración: 12min

    I’ve lived the better part of my life feeling like someone is always watching my every move. No, not in a psycho-thriller kind of way. In a someone-is-waiting-for-me-to-mess-up kind of way. Pretty lame right? I don’t know where it came from- the ego, my shyness, my aim to please and get praise? It was probably all of those things rolled into one. I call this the Microscope Theory. Its the idea that if other people have eyes on me, then I better make sure I act in accordance of what they expect of me. I better look put together because my friends might judge me. I better make it obvious that I’m picking up my dog’s poop right now so any passerby can clearly see I’m doing my part. I better be overly prepared for this meeting so my boss can see I’m an exemplary employee. Even as I write those words, I’m thinking “Man, that is a messed up mentality.” Its the truth though. I’ve battled those thoughts for as long as I remember. Part of this mentality has created a well-developed sense of integrity in me, as I alway

  • 16: The Heaviness of Love | Motherhood, & the Stuff they DON’T tell you about #momlife with Kaitlin Booker

    14/09/2018 Duración: 48min

    In this episode, I sat down with one of my very best friends, Kaitlin Booker, and we talked about #momlife. Although this subject is a never-ending story and the conversation could literally go on forever, we dove into an important topic and one that propelled Kaitlin into a massive growth period. No, not just motherhood; although that alone is an entirely different life. It was the heaviness of love and how that plays a substantial part in your relationships with your children, your significant other, and yourself. Love, this unexpected depth on a spectrum that there is virtually no way to prepare yourself for. Two BIG things resonated with me during this episode that I feel are a MUST for you to hear. But just in case you don’t make it through the entire episode (how dare you), here it is. Holding your newborn child is like holding a piece of you on the outside of your body…. holy hell. Could that be any more perfectly true? Its no wonder we get crazy emotional, clingy, and downright terrified during this t

  • 15: Raising Your Vibration | From Depression to Joy in 22 steps

    20/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    Hi Journies! When I first began on my journey to upgrade my mindset and take some spiritual leaps, I learned a lot about vibration and frequency. I highly suggest diving into any of the books from Jerry & Esther Hicks, but the Law of Attraction is a great start for those of you who are new to it! One area I found very interesting and useful when managing my (mainly negative) emotions was the knowledge of the Emotional Guidance Scale from Abraham Hicks. I go into detail about each emotion on the podcast episode, but you can see the scale below: The Emotional Guidance Scale 1. Joy / Appreciation / Empowered / Freedom / Love 2. Passion 3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness 4. Positive Expectation/Belief 5. Optimism 6. Hopefulness 7. Contentment 8. Boredom 9. Pessimism 10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience 11. Overwhelment 12. Disappointment 13. Doubt 14. Worry 15. Blame 16. Discouragement 17. Anger 18. Revenge 19. Hatred/Rage 20. Jealousy 21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness 22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessn

  • 14: Living an Aligned Life… and Pizza

    15/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    Listen to Podcast Episode #14 on living an Aligned life!! Use the Journal Prompt below to guide your mindset today =)   I Challenge you to take some extra time today and pay attention to your mindset. Are the majority or your thoughts positive or negative? How are you reacting to the things that are not going your way? How would your higher-self react and feel about the situation?Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. Your emotions are your guide.   Emotional Guidance Scale (Abraham Hicks) The Emotional Guidance Scale 1. Joy / Appreciation / Empowered / Freedom / Love 2. Passion 3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness 4. Positive Expectation/Belief 5. Optimism 6. Hopefulness 7. Contentment 8. Boredom 9. Pessimism 10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience 11. Overwhelment 12. Disappointment 13. Doubt 14. Worry 15. Blame 16. Discouragement 17. Anger 18. Revenge 19. Hatred/Rage 20. Jealousy 21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness 22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness From the book “Ask and It is Given”, pg. 114

  • 13: Behind the lines of a military marriage | with Hannah from Abundantly Rooted

    01/08/2018 Duración: 49min

    Like all my new friends these days, I met Hannah from good ol Instagram. We began to click over positive messages, spiritual talk and affirmations for an abundant future. I noticed her from a far and I really wanted to get to know her better. After chatting back and forth, I realized she had many stories to tell. The one that stuck out to me was her life as a military wife. Its a world I knew very little about, yet I know thousands of women are living in it. I believe it takes an incredibly strong woman to be able to take on the role of a wife to someone serving our country. The lows of being alone, the fear of the unknown while your husband is on deployment, the joy of seeing him after months, and the ebb and flow of all of these emotions in between are enough to spike my cortisol levels just writing about it. As a life coach as well as a support system for military spouses, Hannah is dishing out some seriously powerful life lessons. In our chat, she tells the story of how she went from being someone who wou

  • 12: What to expect when you weren’t expecting yet… | Getting Pregnant before Marriage, Releasing Control and Limiting Beliefs

    28/07/2018 Duración: 27min

    I used to think things needed to go a certain way. High school, then college, then career, then marriage, then baby. That was the right way… until it wasn’t. It had always been a dream of mine to get married and have babies, but I was already married. Married to the idea that these series of events needed to happen in a specific order if I wanted them to last. It was ridiculous but nonetheless it was my belief. Now I truly cannot complain. I was in a committed relationship (with my now husband), living a good life and working a wonderful job, enjoying a new city. Life was good. But I wasn’t ready to have babies. I mean we weren’t even married for crying out loud!! – eyes roll- This was important to me, and to some in my family. It was important to me only because I thought thats the way it was supposed to go. If I was married, then that means I would get the commitment. If I was married, then it would be socially acceptable to have a baby. If I was married it means I would have been fulfilling my life plan… I

  • 11: Overcoming Anxiety, Depression & Massive Stress- Don’t Unpack & Stay there | with Amber Duffle

    15/07/2018 Duración: 44min

    “I just don’t unpack and stay there.”- Amber Duffle When I heard Amber say this in regards to her anxiety, I knew I wanted to quote the sh*t out of it. Its genius. We all have experienced stress, anxiety or maybe even depression at some point in our lives and on some days you just allow it to camp out. The game changer is not allowing yourself to completely unpack and stay in that place. I met Amber through Instagram and we instantly connected over entrepreneurship, body image, mindfulness and all kinds of other woo-woo stuff. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Amber a couple of times now and she is just the sweetest and a truly gifted photographer. One thing I love is that she is passionate about connecting other people. I to have that passion and its through story. I felt like it was time to share hers. To hear Amber’s full story head on over to the podcast, or scroll to the bottom of this post! Making life easier for ya

  • 10: How I Manifested my Husband |The Surprising Lessons I learned from Rebounds & Relationships

    06/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    In January 2013, Eddie walked into my life and I believe it was all a manifestation…. I think we can all say we’ve been in a place where we were caught up in a search for our soul mate, husband, wife, significant other, whatever… and in that search we often find ourselves in this place of NOT finding anyone at all, or dating the same people over and over again.   I know I’ve been there and I want to tell this story in hopes that you can take away some of these lessons I’ve learned to help your mindset around attracting someone else in your life… anyone or anything.     If you’ve been with me from the beginning of Journal Theory, you know  I had just gone through a really rough breakup and that was a major transformation for me. At the time, I was getting to that point of being pretty much emotionally healed, and I wasn’t going to keep trying to get that person back, or continue to hope that we would get back together. I was beyond that point.     I had been allowing a lot of things to happen and unfold, and I

  • 09- Infertility, Rough Roads, and Life’s Little Miracles | with Brittany Meckstroth

    23/06/2018 Duración: 40min

      When I said my own social circle was filled with women who had been through just about everything, I was not kidding. My very own best friend, Brittany Meckstroth has been through more of an emotional rollercoaster in the 7 years of her marriage than most of us have been through in our lives. I wanted so badly to share her story because its chock full of trial, tribulation, heartache and incredible joy. There are countless women in this country and across the world dealing with the same obstacles Brittany has faced, and we want to show you that you can come out a strong, and happy version of yourself despite the hardships. Her strength is inspiring, and so is her story. I simply cannot do her story justice in this post, so for the entire story please listen to the full episode on the podcast. About a year into married life, Brittany and her husband Ben decided it was time to start trying to have a baby. After casual effort and little to no pressure on the outcome, they realized that a lot of time had passed

  • 08- What if CELEBRATION was the key to stop SABOTAGING your goals?

    16/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    How important is to celebrate all the little wins in your life? It can be the difference between achieving all of your goals… or not. If you’re like me, you have have these lofty goals for yourself and your life.. which is great! These goals help create a clear picture of what we want 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years from now. But what often happens is we look at the end goal and the end goal only, and we only see how far away we are from that dream reality. It can be discouraging. So, what do we do? Its important to keep that BIG goal in mind- write about it, daydream about it, visualize it, breed that feeling into existence. But it’s also important to keep in mind that all of your dreams are not going to manifest overnight. You’re not going to wake up in your own mansion, marry the love of your life, drive your dream car and making millions of dollars from passive income at the snap of your fingers- that just doesn’t happen that quickly. It can and will happen if you allow it, but just know that a lot of little

  • 07: How to EMBRACE FEAR | Letting go of being “Fearless”

    08/06/2018 Duración: 11min

    Today I want to talk about Fear and the idea of being fearless. Its been thrown around quite a bit in years prior and I think its messed us up a bit. I have to say, I don’t think being fearless actually exists Think about it, Fearless means- without any fear. If you are a human, with human emotions (which I’m assuming you are if you are taking the time to read this) I don’t think you are capable of have NO fear There is fear in everything, there’s always going to be fear. Its a basic survival instinct. It triggers our intuition to tell us when a situation is good for us or not, it triggers the fight or flight response. Its virtually impossible to not be affected by that emotion. I share my story with how fear paralyzed me from taking action on THIS BLOG for 3 years on the Podcast. So, what do you do with it? Well, I believe there are 2 types of people when it comes to handling fear: We either let fear paralyze us from doing the things we want to do, and should do. We allow ourselves to feel fear, go through t

  • 06: What it’s Really Like to be a Stepmom- with Sara Miller

    01/06/2018 Duración: 24min

        “I was scared shitless”   I sat down with my good friend, Sara Miller and we discussed what its really like becoming a Step-Mom… to twin girls. It just so happened to be the 6th Anniversary of the day she met her now husband, Josh. My Husband is one of Josh’s best friends and also godfather to his twin girls, Maika & Makena. I met this little family 5 years ago and have been lucky to be a part of their lives ever since. Sara has been through quite a bit, especially in the past few years that I have known her. One thing I have always admired about her is how she has stepped into the role of being a step-mom to Josh’s twin daughters and has been all-in since day one. She’s always made it look so easy and natural which is why I was so surprised to hear that before she met Josh, kids were always a dealbreaker for her. But this family changed her… She says, “You never know if the kids are going to like you, and if you are going to like them.” Sara made a really interesting point that unlike Mom’s who carry the

  • 05: Journaling 101- Redefining the Practice

    25/05/2018 Duración: 21min

    Do you feel like you understand the purpose of a journal? Maybe you don’t know how to journal, why you should do it, or really don’t have an affinity for writing. Well…. it may not be what you think. I hit up the Google and looked for a general definition of “journaling.” Here is what I found: Journal: noun jour·nal \ ˈjər-nᵊl \ : a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use Notice anything in there that says this needs to be some deep, dark, written documentation of your inner most secrets? Nope. Guess what? Journaling can be whatever you want it to be. It’s a common conception that it needs to be this diary of thoughts you don’t want anyone to know about. It is meant to be for you and and can be intimate, but it doesn’t need to be just that. The biggest reason WHY you should journal is to relieve your mind of all the thoughts floating around. This makes room in your head for ideas to generate, flow and conceptualize. Writing these thoughts down also puts them into motion. I

  • 04: I’ve been influenced. The TOP people who have helped my Growth Journey

    17/05/2018 Duración: 24min

    I can pinpoint some of the exact moments that changed the trajectory of my personal growth journey. It began with a breakup, followed by a career shift and then a book. Yes, a book. It all started with a meltdown about money, which lead to a friend gifting me this book. That book changed everything for me. I took a look back and identified some major players that have influenced me and my mindset … in a positive way… over the past few years. Here they are:   Dale Carnegie: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (aka THE book) This was the book that lead me down a path of a complete mindset shift.  The message is incredibly simple and some of it reads as common sense, but for someone like me who use to stress over everything – this is a must read. I won’t ruin it for you in case you do read it, but the biggest piece I took away from this book was this: Most of the things we stress over and worry about, never come to fruition. Think about it!? How much of the stuff that is consuming you and filling you with drea

  • 03: Toxic Relationships, Breakups & 20-Something GROWTH | with Shelby Bisaccio

    02/05/2018 Duración: 49min

    If being in your 20s is not a clusterf*ck. You’re doing it wrong. Okay, I’m totally kidding!! But I do think that many of us can look back on a point in our 20s and say, man… that was messy. The beautiful thing about these times in our lives is that they can produce some really incredible transformations. I sat down with one of my good friends Shelby over a glass of wine on my living room floor and we talked about it all: break-ups, our careers, our 20s, having kids, growing up through chaos and… plucking our eyebrows. The story I want to share with you today is that of toxic relationships. There are two types of people who come from a result of toxicity: those who get poisoned and their outlook on the world becomes tainted, and those who see the situation as a learning experience and choose to grow. Shelby is one of the latter… Shelby and I just so happened to go through really tough breakups at the same time. This was where our friendship truly began to bud…   Immediately after the breakups we both felt the

  • 02: Heartbreak gave me EVERYTHING

    01/05/2018 Duración: 23min

    Getting cheated on and having my heart broken was one of the best things to ever happen to me. When I was just a few weeks shy of turning 25, I came home to find that my boyfriend of 3 years was no longer in love with me. He had cheated on me and was ending our relationship. We had been built a home together, with our 2 dogs, our car, and joint bank account. We were on the path to marriage… at least that’s what I thought. I look back now and see very clearly that we had been headed down two completely different paths, but at the time I was completely blindsided. I felt as if my whole world shifted its orbit… and it did. The thing is, I had wrapped up my entire identity and self-worth into this relationship. We lived together, we worked in the same industry just a block away from each other, we had the same friends, we did everything together. I no longer did the things that I used to do for me: write, draw, read, create. I say this not to point any fingers or place blame, but because I made the relationship m

  • 01: There’s a theory…. My theory.

    23/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    Hola. I’m Jordan Thomson, the creator of this wonderful little world I’d like to introduce you to… Journal Theory. I believe that some of the most impactful stories, inspiration & lessons to be learned come from everyday women. I myself, am somebody who enjoys being an open book. I like to put my emotions out there and where my heart on my sleeve. Its who I am. At times, I can even be a bit of an emotional exhibitionist! Now, I realize that not everybody is like that. I recently had taken a look at my own social circle and my closest friends and realized that each one of them had a very unique story. Each woman had gone through a major life event that was a really big part of their life; miscarriage, divorce, infertility, career change, marriage, death of a parent, the list goes on. What I found interesting was that these were incredible stories… and they were virtually untold. Now, I realize it may not become natural for everyone to put their story out there for the world to hear. So, it lead me to wanting t

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