Dreamcatchers District Podcast



Have you ever thought, What am I doing? Turns out, youre not alone. And even the best of the best have been right where you are. Karen Christensen hosts The Dreamcatchers District Podcast, with its companion live and web experiences, to help fellow Creative Entrepreneurs Face Fear, Get Noticed, and Feel Free. Time to remember who you are, what you want, and why you started. For confessions, conversations, and creative direction Mondays never felt so good. Grab the Shownotes, Free Bonuses, and work with Karen at www.DreamcatchersDistrict.com


  • Ep 017: How Successful Creative Entrepreneurs Plan for Failure with Karen Christensen

    04/12/2017 Duración: 16min

    Today on the Podcast, Celebrating Failure: Sounds crazy, right? Who could possibly see failure as something to toast? Let alone something to plan for? Well, saavvy and successful creative entrepreneurs — that's who. Those folks who, believe it or not, experience more satisfaction and more support when they fail than when they don't. Not because they love being embarrassed or because they're beseeching sympathy, but because they know the only feeling worse than failing ... is regret. Everything is Temporary: Actually, that's not true. There's one thing that's pretty dang permanent. And that is your legacy. The life you leave behind. The experiences, the memories, the relationships. The risks you were willing to take; the lessons you were ready to learn. But, for many, the fear of failure casts an amnesia over all of that sobering reality. We get so fixated in the moment on what could go wrong, or how bad we'll look, that we (paradoxically) begin to delude ourselves into thinking we're invincible. That we've go

  • Ep 016: Find Your Purpose and Build Momentum with Karen Christensen

    27/11/2017 Duración: 18min

    Today on the Podcast, Momentum over Modules: Let's talk momentum. How do we build it and how do we keep it when the going gets tough? Last week, here in the U.S., many of us celebrated with families and friends; kicking off the holiday season. The hubs and I hosted our annual Friendsgiving in Venice Beach, we volunteered in our local community, caught up with loved ones, and headed to the mountains for an adorably kitchy Apple Butter Festival. Experiences Matter: And we did my favorite thing, which is the same reflection and visioning exercise I teach coaching clients over planning retreats. We popped champagne, got massages, gave thanks and celebrated next goals; it was a memorable and meaningful shared experience. And it's left us feeling restored and ready to dive back into our creative projects. But, for many, the week after a holiday can feel much more complex. So if you find yourself, this week, feeling "behind" with your marketing efforts or overwhelmed by how to achieve your 2018 goals — know you're n

  • Ep 015: How to Deal with Awkward Career Advice this Holiday with Karen Christensen

    20/11/2017 Duración: 19min

    Today on the Podcast: 5 Tips to Avoid the Awkward! I wanted to talk about something that comes up a lot around this time of year, which is holiday stress. As we're heading into Thanksgiving this week, Fall is here, we're cozying up, and things are winding down. All should feel calm on the home front, right? And, yet, as we gear up for more holiday parties — where you'll see family, you might even run into old colleagues, or face friends you haven't seen in a long time — you may be feeling a lot of anticipation. It's something I've been hearing, again and again, these past few weeks from coaching clients. And, we've all been there! Don't Lose Your Momentum: If you're already catching yourself worrying about things like, "How do I talk about my business? How do I explain what I do?"  or "How can I not get into it? How can I not show up at all?" — than chances are? You're already at the risk of self-sabotage. Why? Because you're heavily induced into stress. Celebrate What's Working: Before you take an even bigge

  • Ep 014: Styling Life and Business with Marie Forleo's Stylist Elsa Isaac

    13/11/2017 Duración: 59min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Elsa Isaac: If you've ever achieved the very thing you said you "wanted" — only to feel like you didn't belong —  than this is the episode for you. Before you abandon ship or change industries all together ... listen to this episode. The Power's in the Pivot: So often, when we feel disconnected or drained, we think we need to completely change careers. Run away. Close up shop. I remember a coaching client saying recently, "I have this habit of wanting to blow my life up every time I feel this restless feeling. I love what I do. AND I hate what I do." In truth, through working together, she realized she didn't crave a new career. She simply no longer wanted to do what she was doing with whom she'd been doing it. Once she shifted her focus, to be more aligned with her values and her vision, the work became fresh again. She found herself in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. No more swimming upstream. Our Passion's in our People: Life is not just about creating

  • Ep 013: Digital Detoxing + 5 Best Practices with Karen Christensen

    06/11/2017 Duración: 19min

    Today on the Podcast: A Peek into How I Got My Time Back in 2017 If you’ve ever struggled with feeling drained, or maybe even defeated, by all the digital rabbit holes (Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest and List Building and Sales Funnels and the million other Digital Marketing Strategies that you and I “should” be doing), then this is the episode for us both. Let's talk about something that’s been coming up within the Dreamcatchers District community over coaching, I’ve even seen it online over Instagram and definitely with my own colleagues, clients, and friends. And that is this feeling of bombardment; this craving for less. Less consumption, less distraction, less competition.   The Question We Gotta Ask Ourselves ... A few weeks ago, over Instagram, I posted some questions. I asked, "What's the #1 thing on your 'Stop Doing' list?" And, wouldn’t you know, nearly across the board, folks said some version of these two sentiments. They either said: 1) “I need to stop comparing myself” or 2) "I

  • Ep 012: Discovering Who You Are with Creative Biz Rebellion Caroline Hull

    30/10/2017 Duración: 01h28s

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Caroline Hull: If you've ever been guilty of doing #AllTheThings than you know what it's like to be running on empty. Maybe you find yourself taking on too many projects, doing tasks you have zero skill or interest in, and chasing goals that aren't actually aligned with your values or longterm vision. But, like too many, you pound more coffee and pull more late nights. Why? Because you're a hard worker; maybe even a "helper."  You want the best for everyone and you have a hard time saying, "No." Still, deep down, something's screaming at you: "STOP this train! I want to get off."  The workload isn't sustainable; the lifestyle isn't satisfying; the support isn't there. You think, "What am I doing wrong?" Beat Burnout Before Burnout Beats YOU: You, me, WE can all get overloaded at times. Especially in those first 1-3 years of creative entrepreneurship where there's not, yet, enough cashflow or hands on deck to do all the jobs. Once the excitement and novelty of "launching" wears off,

  • Ep 011: Choose the Right Projects & Know You're Enough with Alison Haislip

    23/10/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Alison Haislip: If you're anything like most high achieving, ambitious, creative folk — than, no matter how much external "success" you acquire, you may be carrying around an invisible backpack of self-doubt. Your mind, at times, may be plagued with questions like, "Am I on the right path?" or "What will people think?" or "Can I even do it?" The fears can be so convincing that our bodies, our spirits, take a serious hit. You feel exhausted, worried about the future or ruminating over the past, and (unintentionally) you miss the only thing that was ever real: today. So you hustle, you push, you DO DO DO and you GO GO GO to escape that feeling. And, in many ways, that strategy has worked. You've gotten the competitive edge. But here's what I want you to know: "success" is not the end game; satisfaction is. How you play — matters. Consider this a Sign: Are you debating what projects or joint creative ventures to say "yes" or "no" to? Is your self-worth hanging onto every "like" on soc

  • Ep 010: How to Get Out of Your Head, Fail Fast & Find Your Voice with Vanessa Bryan

    16/10/2017 Duración: 55min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Vanessa Bryan: Got an unreasonable dream that feels impossible? Trying to put yourself "out there" but you're too in your head? Feeling drained by naysayers? Than this is the episode for you. Turns out, in the end, everything comes down to how quickly you can regroup. How diligently you can hold the vision, share your gifts, and trust yourself even amidst continuous fear and failure. Because truth? It's Time to Take Your Power Back: Sometimes there is "beauty in the struggle." Sometimes, you've got to be "stubborn for what you want." Sometimes, a line of demarcation must be drawn. And the people who truly love you? They'll come to understand, "Oh, she's got to fight for this." These gems, and so many more, come from a woman who has been there and done that. A talent so fierce you couldn't imagine her doing anything other than singing to thousands, on two world tours, with Tony winner Idina Menzel and Disney Star Olivia Holt. And yet, 10 years ago, she gave it all up. Hear the behin

  • Ep 009: From Online Product to Retail Storefront with mamapreneur Ana Maria Munoz

    09/10/2017 Duración: 48min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Ana Maria Munoz: For anyone who may be feeling like they've started the wrong creative business, or like they just can't imagine their current endeavor being their "forever thing," this is the episode for you. Given our culture's obsession with "being the best," it can feel counterintuitive to not  keep going, keep pushing, keep hustling. This is especially true for high performers, high achievers, who identify themselves as "do-ers" and who thrive on "making it happen." Yet, sometimes, the smartest and savviest thing we can do is to let something go. Sometimes the quickest route to more satisfaction, more support, more sustainable success and sweet synchronicity is to start again. To open ourselves up to something better. Give Yourself Permission: Just because we're good at something, just because others want something, doesn't always mean we're a fit for something. Usually, there's something more congruent just around the bend. And if we're patient, if we're trusting, if we're wi

  • Ep 008: How To Take Nothing Personally & Live For Today with Alex Albrecht

    02/10/2017 Duración: 01h10min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Alex Albrecht: If you're anything like most creative entrepreneurs (or living and breathing humans) than you may have, at one time or another, held yourself back; too scared to "put yourself out there." Despite all of your talents and gifts, needs and desires, capabilities and smarts — you may have been playing it "safe" for fear of what others might think or say. And in this internet age, honestly, it's understandable. But, as coaching clients will tell you and what we say here all the time, "just because it's understandable doesn't mean it's useful." Stop Being a Thief: See, the challenge with indulging these types of universal and understandable fears? It robs you of all the joy you were born to experience; it robs us of all the creations you were born to express. But worse? It robs everyone of all the connection we were each born to share. And it's that loneliness behind the screen, that disconnection, that causes so much compare-despair and "scroll suffering" like we talked on

  • Ep 007: When Mindset, Rituals & Design Really Count with Emmanuel Belliveau

    25/09/2017 Duración: 56min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Emmanuel Belliveau: If you've ever had a dark night of the soul, where you lost sight of who you were or what you wanted or why you started, and you emerged stronger  — than you know how important mindset, rituals and lifestyle design become. This is inner Creative Direction at its core. But if you're still going through it and you're looking for that light at the end of the tunnel, enter creative designer Emmanuel Belliveau whose multiple successes in entertainment and design speak volumes about the attitude of gratitude. How Empathy & Enjoyment Attract Ease: You may recognize Emmanuel as a TV host on HGTV, Discovery Channel and the CW. But what you may not know is what a thoughtful, kind, multi-passionate creative entrepreneur and creative activist he really is; working also as the design partner of Marko Taylor (a start up handbag company in LA helping to support women in Kenya) and the creative director of Price Wellness House (a center for women in Uganda). When he's not d

  • Ep 006: Start Where You Are, Stand Where You're Going with Karen Christensen

    18/09/2017 Duración: 14min

    Today on the Podcast: A peek into podcasting, my biz, willingness & capacity. Since the launch of this here poddy-pod, my team and I have received dozens upon dozens of emails and DMs and calls, as well as coaching clients, asking: • How do I start a podcast? • How do host my first event? • How do I write and perform my signature talk? • How do I sell out my first workshop? • How do I partner with panelists? • How do I get sponsors? • How do I get booked solid? • How do I get paid to speak? • How do I launch my creative business? • What do I do if I started the wrong business?   If You've Worked With Me: You know this is what Dreamcatchers District is all about. Teaching step-by-step skills, systems, strategies so that you can plan and produce these kind of results to feel that kind of Creative Direction. AND most importantly — teaching, mentoring, and coaching you on how to empower yourself with better stories, higher energetic states and social circles; removing all those inner blocks and outer influenc

  • Ep 005: Chance Conversations & Creative Chops with HBO’s GIRLS Writer Producer Sarah Heyward

    11/09/2017 Duración: 59min

    Today on the Podcast: Sarah Heyward. If you've ever had an unexpected chance conversation, which truly changed the trajectory of your life and career (maybe you fell upon a creative project or a new community or a business mentor, agent, or coach), then you know it wasn't simply about being in the right place at the right time. Yes, there may have been some initial serendipity that fell in your favor. But for you to have experienced sustained success and satisfaction? A true transformation? Where your present and future look and feel nothing like your past? That was ... Luck Meets Preparation: And this, my friends, is what inner and outer Creative Direction is all about — both for your beliefs and your creative business or brand. Because here's the truth: Every one of us has experienced some stroke of luck (or grace) at one time or another. However big or small, there's not a person on the planet who hasn't had some moment of blessed happenstance. The question is not, "Why doesn't that kind of synchronicity

  • Ep 004: Money, Marriage and Business Models with mamapreneur Bari Tessler

    04/09/2017 Duración: 58min

    Today on the Podcast, guest Bari Tessler. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "The teacher is the student." And the best coaches, mentors, therapists are those who continually do their own work to heal and grow, understanding we're all in this dance together. So it's with great appreciation I introduce you to my dear colleague and personal mentor, Bari Tessler. As a Financial Therapist, Mentor Coach and Mamapreneur: Bari's work has been seen on Oprah.com, Inc.com, the Huffington Post, Us News & World Report, Reuters Money, The Fiscal Times,  The Yogi Times, Best Self Magazine, Emerging Women, and you may have even seen her grace the cover of Experience Life Magazine.  And while she's achieved undeniable "success," it's the way she's redefined and reclaimed what that meant for herself (at every phase of business and season of life) which gives so much hope to anyone wondering how to do this whole creative entrepreneurial life as a mom. (Hi, that's ME!) The Power of Immersive Learning: While Bari and

  • Ep 003: Why Integrity, Identity & Instagram Matter with Tyler J. McCall

    28/08/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Tyler J. McCall! People! I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to, my very new friend, Tyler. J. McCall. Tyler helps Creatives Use Instagram with Intention. To grow their lists, grow their communities, and grow their businesses. Teaching his clients how to use Instagram to tell stories, build relationships, and convert followers to fans — Tyler draws from his 10 years of experience in non-profit marketing, management and community organizing. He lives in Chicago but He's Coming to LA: You know he recently moved to the windy city with his partner Eric and their dog Douglas, but we're already in talks to get him out here to LA for a next live Dreamcatchers District event. When he's not coaching, teaching, or speaking  — he's "not trying to get Insta Famous, ya'll" but rather "I'm trying to live a life that I love." No wonder he fits in so well here in our Dreamcatchers District community. And you can bet I would LOVE to go on road trips, Target runs, and movie marathons with my miste

  • Ep 002: How to Love Yourself & Go Pro with Heather Stewart

    28/08/2017 Duración: 56min

    Today on the Podcast, Guest Heather Stewart! I'm so excited to introduce you to one of my absolute favorite people on the planet, longtime friend, Heather Stewart. Heather is a Singer, Songwriter, Actress and Comedian. She was most recently featured on ABC's American Housewife and one of her original songs was just featured on NCIS (the world's most watched drama). And her comedy trio The Boobe Sisters who, according to The LA Times, blend their 1960's doowop with hilarious song parodies, have been seen headlining all over the city as well as appearing on America's Got Talent and The Gong Show. But what I think's most impressive about miss Heather Stewart? The stand she takes for sisterhood. Funny, generous, thoughtful, and always up for a good time — these are the kind of women you thank your lucky stars for. A sister-friend. A kindred spirit. And the Dreamcatchers District community wouldn't be the same without her. I know I sure wouldn't. She's Ambitious, Creative, Entrepreneurial Folk: And that's why she'

  • Ep 001: Confessions, Conversations & Creative Direction with Karen Christensen

    24/08/2017 Duración: 18min

    Welcome to The Dreamcatchers District Podcast! Have you ever thought, “What am I doing?” Well, my friend, you are not alone. And even the best of the best have been right where you are. I’m Karen Christensen and this is your weekly Dreamcatchers District. The place to be to face fear, get noticed and feel free. For confessions, conversations and creative direction — Mondays never felt so good. Why this Podcast, Why now ... I wanted a place where we could come together, every single week, and co-create a shared virtual experience. To start our days off with a bit more intention, what I call inner and outer Creative Direction. Both for our beliefs and our creative careers or business endeavors. Before the week's To Dos, Fear Freak-outs, and Shame Spirals take us off course. Given the state of the world, I believe we all could use a little more of that 7 days a week; twice on Sunday. Because the goal with everything I create, whether you've known me for filmmaking or photography, coaching or hosting live events,

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